Animal Spirit Ring (3.5e Equipment)

Animal Spirit Ring:
The ring is self aware or intelligent. Once placed on a user, it will read their soul aura. The ring (or dm) will then pick (roll a dice) from the list of totem animals below.
Once the spirit animal is chosen, the ring will change the user into that type of animal. The ring choices when the user can change to and from the animal.
The ring is made from calomel metal. Once the ring has chosen an animal spirit, witch symbols of an ancient wizard language self-engrave the name of the animal spirit in the ring. The ring was created alongside the Polymorphic Ring.
If they lose the ring when not in their true form, they are stuck as that animal. If they are killed, they will reverts to their original form, though they remain dead.

Moderate Transmutation;CL 5th; Forge Ring, Polymorph; Cost 10,000 gp; Weight: 0.01 lbs. lb.; Market Price: 32,000 gp

Animal Spirit Totems

Dice RollTotemSymbol
1Bisonthe will to survive
2Bobcatperceives hidden messages
3Butterflyspeaks of transcendent destiny
4Catspeaks of tapping into magic
5Chinchillathe magic of perfect timing
6Cougarmaster of his domain
7Crocodilespeaks of primal instincts
8Crowmessenger of foretelling
9Dolphinambassador of peace
10Dragonflybreaking free of illusions
11Eaglefreedom and victory
12Elephantbrings forth jewels of contemplation
13Foxgood luck and good fortune
14Frogmagical blessings of prosperity
15Horsetakes you to mythical lands
16Hummingbirdinvite the magic of love
17Leopardcharismatic and mystical powers
18Lioncourage and power
19Lizard, Giantlessons of regeneration
20Pandapatience brings the answer
21Panthertruth is hidden in details - in plain sight
22Porcupinefierce self-protection
23Scarab Beetlesecrets of eternity
24Skunkprotect yourself without saying a word
25Snakemysteries of subtle energies
26Snow Leopardsupreme master of intuition
27Tigerthe need for secret sanctuary
28Turtletrust in divine guidance
29Wolfmaster of the mind
30Zebragroup consciousness

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