Animal Leader (3.5e Class)

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Animal Leader

Making a Animal Leader

While humans are considered a social creature, animals have found the advantages of finding groups themselves. These groups are designed to overcome challenges that would wipe them out, and increasing the rewards. Thus, it is no wonder that some people have connected the life of an adventuring party with that of a pack of wolves, a flock of birds, or a school of fish. A few, however, feel that connection to the point that they choose to join the group, adding abilities that greatly enhance it. Eventually, these members may rise to the lead of the group. These are the animal leaders, those who form a bond with animals, beyond that of even a druid or ranger.

Adventure: Animal Leaders adventure for many reasons, often the same as the animal they connect with. Some may travel to aid, or sometimes form, a larger group of animals that they belong to. Others find themselves the link between the animal and humans, and will end up in an adventure to help out a town in the name of his animal friends.

Characteristics: Animal Leaders are a human who find the spirit of an animal. Their abilities allow them to form a group of animals and form a friendship with them. At higher levels, an Animal Leader will be able to support his companions with divine spells that draw on nature, and take the form of his inner animal.

Alignment: Animal Leaders are as varied as their animals, and further by their experiences in the cities. They can have any alignment within one step of their chosen animal.

Religion: Animal Leaders rarely worship deities, placing nature above them. If they worship a deity, it will be a deity of nature. Others tend to respect those, although those that hunt the Animal Leaders chosen animal will be regarded with suspicion at least.

Background: Animal Leaders were an offshoot of druids, who connected more with the animals around them than the plants. A few have a much higher respect for plants, and may join the ranks of the druidic community, but those that don't feel they are now a separate group and will help them if needed.

Races: Animal Leaders tend to be fairly rare among the more common races. Gnomes and Half-elves are most likely to take this class. Gnomes, because of their natural connection to animals, and Half-elves that don't feel that they fit in with Humans or Elves may find an animal more sociable. Half-orcs are slightly less common, but most lead larger animals, such as bears, who they feel provide a challenge strength-wise, or smaller animals that they can protect or bully. Halflings, Dwarves and Elves occasionally take this class, but it isn't anywhere near common and don't have a leaning towards specific animals. Some brutal humanoids also may join the Animal Leader class, although those who have a natural connection with animals have a much higher chance.

Other Classes: Animal Leaders recognize the differences that groups need and tend to accept just about anyone to adventure with. The feelings vary, mostly based on the animal that the Leader joins with, but Druids and Rangers are often liked for their connection with animals. Bards are also liked, as most Animal Leaders feel that Bards are the Arcane Human version of their Divine Animal. Their feelings on Clerics are about as varied as the gods opinion on animals. Fighters are liked by the more physical-based Animal Leaders, such as Wolf and Bear Leaders, but hunters vary by their prey. Monks are often respected by the non-chaotic Animal Leaders, for their willingness to fight without weapons, as the higher level Animal Leaders do. Paladins are considered good when they are in a group the paladin is okay with, but it varies. Those Animal Leaders who have joined with a more stealthy or smaller animal like Rogues, while others accept them as useful. The stronger animal Leaders find them weak. Sorcerers and Wizards are found to be useful, particularly at higher levels, and they like their connection with their familiar, but at lower levels find them to be the weak link.

Role: Animal Leaders can act as remarkable scouts, especially with more companions. Many have a natural ability to lead, and while not great front-line combatants, at higher-levels they can be very effective at striking down a larger number of opponents. Other roles vary by the animal chosen, as always, but they are often more effective in their animal's natural habitat than anywhere else.

Abilities: Dexterity is often important, although some of the larger animal based Leaders prefer Strength. Wisdom is important, as it is the base of their spellcasting abilities. Charisma is useful for taking charge of the group, and getting the group to do what he says.

Alignment: Any within one step of their chosen animal. (Almost always any neutral)

Table: The Animal Leader
Hit Die: d8
Level Base
Attack Bonus
Special Spells per Day
1st+0+2+0+0Chosen Animal, Physical Skill, Animal Companion, Animal skill31
2nd+1+3+0+0Nature Sense, Animal Companion II42
3rd+2+3+1+1Mental Skill, Wildshape, 1/day, Magical Animal Affinity421
4th+3+4+1+1Woodland Stride, Unnatural Sense I532
5th+3+4+1+1Social Skill, Wildshape (Chosen Animal) 2/day, Animal Companion III5321
6th+4+5+2+2Trackless Step5332
7th+5+5+2+2Wildshape (Chosen Animal) 3/day, Adapted Spellcasting, Animal Companion IV64321
8th+6+6+2+2Animal Speaking64332
9th+6+6+3+3Wildshape (Chosen Animal) 4/day64432
10th+7+7+3+3skill focus64433
11th+8+7+3+3Wildshape (Chosen Animal) 5/day65443
12th+9+8+4+4Pack Leader65443
14th+10+9+4+4Unnatural Sense II65544
18th+13+11+6+6skill focus66655
20th+15+12+6+6skill focus66666

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level; x4 at first level)
Bluff (Cha), climb (str), Concentration (Con), craft (int), Disguise (Cha), diplomacy (cha), Escape Artist (dex), Handle Animal (Cha), heal (wis), hide (dex), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (dex), profession (wis), ride (dex), Sense Motive (wis), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), swim (str)

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Animal Leader:

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An Animal Leader is proficient with all simple weapons and whips, as well as light armor. He is not proficient with any shields.

Chosen Animal: The Animal Leader must choose a small or medium-sized animal that he has formed an affinity with. Large animals must be approved by the DM, but are common as well.

Animal Skill: At 1st level the animal master gets skills added to his list that the chosen animal has a bonus on and he or she and its pack gain bonus skill points on those skills

Physical Skill: At 1st level, the Animal Leader has found himself acting more like his chosen animal, and chooses a physical-based skill to be considered a class skill. This skill must be approved by the DM, but should be based on strength, dexterity or constitution, although exceptions are possible.

Mental Skill: At 3rd level, the Animal Leader has found himself thinking more like his chosen animal, and chooses a mental-based skill to be considered a class skill. This skill must be approved by the DM, but should be based on intelligence or wisdom, although exceptions are possible.

Social Skill: At 5th level, the Animal Leader has found himself reacting more like his chosen animal, and chooses a social-based skill to be considered a class skill. This skill must be approved by the DM, but should be based on charisma, although exceptions are possible.

Nature Sense (Ex): At 2nd level, the Animal Leader gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (Nature) and Survival checks.

Magical Animal Affinity: At 3rd level, the Animal Leader becomes further able to cast spells in order to increase the size of his pack. Whenever he casts a summoning spell that calls only his chosen animal, the Animal Leader is able to spontaneously apply any one Metamagic feat without adjusting its level. If the level that would be adjusted is variable (for example, Heighten Spell), it may not be used with this ability. This does not increase the casting time of the spell, so it could be applied to Quicken Spell.

If other metamagic feats are applied to the spell, they function as normal.

Wildshape (Su): At 3rd level, the Animal Leader gains the ability to transform himself into his chosen animal and back again once per day. This effect lasts for 1 hour per Animal Leader level, or until he changes back. Changing form is a standard action, and does not provoke an attack of opportunity. His form's Hit Dice is equal to his Class level. If his class level is lower than the base stats of the animal, remove the Hit Dice from the animal until it reaches his class level.

An Animal Leader loses his ability to speak while in the animal form, and is limited to the sounds that a normal, untrained animal can make, but may communicate normally with animals of the same general grouping as his new form.

The Animal Leader can use this ability more times per day at every other level after 3rd, until he becomes able to shift at will at level 19.

Woodland Stride (Ex): At 4th level, the Animal Leader may move through any sort of natural undergrowth at his normal speed without taking damage or suffering any other impairment.

skill focus: you gain skill focus as a bonus feat for one of the skills that your base animal racial skill bonuses at level 10 2 at level 18 and 3 at level 20

Unnatural Sense I (Su): At 4th level, the Animal Leader's sense begin to attune to his animal's. He may make Search checks to detect the presence of magic, with Spellcraft giving a synergy bonus while in a 10' radius of the magic.

These are at a DC20 + spell level, and can only give away the presence of magic.

Unnatural Sense II (Su): At 14th level, the Animal Leader's attuned senses improve. He becomes able to detect the presence of undead creatures just as he can magic, again only revealing their presence.

The radius of his detections improve to 20'.

Trackless Step (Ex): At 6th level, an Animal Leader leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. He may choose to leave a trail if desired.

Animal Companion I: At 1st level, the Animal Leader gains an animal companion of the same type as his chosen animal.

If an Animal Leader's Druid level is reduced to be below 1 for this animal companion, the animal will not be able to join until his Druid level is at least 0. At Druid level 0, the animal companion is treated as a normal 1st level Druid's animal companion that cannot learn an extra trick or share spells.

A multiclassed Animal Leader with a familiar or mount that is the same type of animal as his chosen animal may use that animal for this ability. If he has an animal companion, he may add his Animal Leader's class level to his Druid level for that Animal companion. Each of an Animal Leader's animal companions abilities may not advance beyond his character level using this ability.

Animal Companion II: At 2nd level, the Animal Leader gains an additional animal companion of the same type as his chosen animal. This companion advances as a Druid's of the Animal Leader's class level.

If an Animal Leader's Druid level is reduced to be below 1 for this animal companion, the animal will not be able to join until his Druid level is at least 0. At Druid level 0, the animal companion is treated as a normal 1st level Druid's animal companion that cannot learn an extra trick or share spells.

A multiclassed Animal Leader with a familiar or mount that is the same type of animal as his chosen animal may use that animal for this ability. If he has an animal companion, he may add his Animal Leader's class level minus 1 to his Druid level for that Animal companion. Each of an Animal Leader's animal companions abilities may not advance beyond his character level using this ability.

Animal Companion III: At 4th level, the Animal Leader gains an additional animal companion of the same type as his chosen animal. This companion advances as a Druid's of the Animal Leader's class level.

If an Animal Leader's Druid level is reduced to be below 1 for this animal companion, the animal will not be able to join until his Druid level is at least 0. At Druid level 0, the animal companion is treated as a normal 1st level Druid's animal companion that cannot learn an extra trick or share spells.

A multiclassed Animal Leader with a familiar or mount that is the same type of animal as his chosen animal may use that animal for this ability. If he has an animal companion, he may add his Animal Leader's class level minus 2 to his Druid level for that Animal companion. Each of an Animal Leader's animal companions abilities may not advance beyond his character level using this ability.

If an Animal Leader's Druid level is reduced to be below 1 for this animal companion, the animal will not be able to join until his Druid level is at least 0. At Druid level 0, the animal companion is treated as a normal 1st level Druid's animal companion that cannot learn an extra trick or share spells.

A multiclassed Animal Leader with a familiar or mount that is the same type of animal as his chosen animal may use that animal for this ability. If he has an animal companion, he may add his Animal Leader's class level minus 3 to his Druid level for that Animal companion. Each of an Animal Leader's animal companions abilities may not advance beyond his character level using this ability.

If an Animal Leader's Druid level is reduced to be below 1 for this animal companion, the animal will not be able to join until his Druid level is at least 0. At Druid level 0, the animal companion is treated as a normal 1st level Druid's animal companion that cannot learn an extra trick or share spells.

A multiclassed Animal Leader with a familiar or mount that is the same type of animal as his chosen animal may use that animal for this ability. If he has an animal companion, he may add his Animal Leader's class level minus 4 to his Druid level for that Animal companion. Each of an Animal Leader's animal companions abilities may not advance beyond his character level using this ability.

If an Animal Leader's Druid level is reduced to be below 1 for this animal companion, the animal will not be able to join until his Druid level is at least 0. At Druid level 0, the animal companion is treated as a normal 1st level Druid's animal companion that cannot learn an extra trick or share spells.

A multiclassed Animal Leader with a familiar or mount that is the same type of animal as his chosen animal may use that animal for this ability. If he has an animal companion, he may add his Animal Leader's class level minus 5 to his Druid level for that Animal companion. Each of an Animal Leader's animal companions abilities may not advance beyond his character level using this ability.

If an Animal Leader's Druid level is reduced to be below 1 for this animal companion, the animal will not be able to join until his Druid level is at least 0. At Druid level 0, the animal companion is treated as a normal 1st level Druid's animal companion that cannot learn an extra trick or share spells.

A multiclassed Animal Leader with a familiar or mount that is the same type of animal as his chosen animal may use that animal for this ability. If he has an animal companion, he may add his Animal Leader's class level minus 5 to his Druid level for that Animal companion. Each of an Animal Leader's animal companions abilities may not advance beyond his character level using this ability.

Pack Leader: At 12th level, the Animal Leader becomes more in touch with his chosen animal in any form, and all animals of his chosen animal's type are considered Friendly unless under magical compulsion.

Further, he becomes better able to fight in coordination with his chosen animal, allowing them to provide an additional +1 flanking modifier above the normal bonus while flanking with his animal companions or the Animal Leader himself. His animal companions provide an additional +2 flanking modifier above the normal bonus instead.

Animal Speaking: At 8th level, the Animal Leader gains the ability to speak with animals of his chosen animal's type even while in his natural form.

Ex-Animal Leader


Epic Animal Leader

Table: The Epic

Hit Die: d

+ Int modifier skill points per level.



Bonus Feats: The epic gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic bonus feats) every levels after 20th.

Epic Bonus Feat List: .

Animal LeaderStarting Package

Weapons: .

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.


Feat: .

Bonus Feats: .

Gear: .

Gold: .

Playing an Animal Leader

Religion: .

Other Classes: .

Combat: .

Advancement: .

Animal Leaders in the World


Daily Life: .

Notables: .

Organizations: .

NPC Reactions: .

Animal Leader Lore

Characters with ranks in can research to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.


Animal Leaders in the Game

Adaptation: .

Sample Encounter: .

EL : .

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gollark: Maybe your inferior LyricTech™ nanomachines don't have network connectivity.
gollark: It's a lower-level timesync protocol with better accuracy.
gollark: How else can they access Reddit?
gollark: Yes they do.
gollark: They may have to use PTP instead.
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