Aeons (3.5e Race)

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Aeons are long living elf-like creatures that use to inhabit woodlands many of them have died out but, there still are a few to find for those who know were an how to look. They are fast, strong, and dominating. They enjoy company of elementals a magical woodland creatures to most others. They are very cautious and wearily with most mortal or unmagical races.

Physical Description

Men usually stand at 4'1-5'5 with silver hair and blue eyes only weighing 85lbs-105lbs There skins very from mixxed silvers and blues to very dark silvery blue. They tend to look very similar to elves in terms of physical appearance, though their stout bodies are more similar to humans in general rather than standard elves


Aeons are a very friendly but very elusive people. Even eleven houses believe them to be a mysterious elusive people. Aeons, mainly avoid setlements of other races, focused on surviving by themselves and dealing with other races only when necessary. They see elves and gnomes as kindered spirits due to their similar outlooks on nature and observe humans from a distance


Due to their survival of the fittest attitude usually falls in neutral good or chaotic good.


Any heavily wooded area. Usually far away from civilized areas, Aeon villages tend to be portable enough that a tribe, packing up and moving somewhere else is entirely doable within a few hours


They follow whatever religion they please as their social structure is nonexistent now.


Aeons can speak Common and celestial. They frequently quickly learn other languages to, to listen to what other creatures are saying, with elven being the most common among them

Racial Traits

  • +4 Dexterity +2 Constitution +2 Strength. They are fast and hard hitting.
  • Humanoid(Aeon)
  • Medium Aeons gain no special bonuses or penalties due to size.
  • Aeons Base Land Speed is 40ft
  • Telepathy (Su): Aeons can telepathically communicate with any ally within 50ft
  • Low-Light Vision(Sp): Aeons can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
  • elusive (Su): 50% chance to be unseen by targets. Roll each round a Aeons may be spotted
  • Forced implantation (Su):on a successful grapple pins target. Target receives-4 to all actions. Next round a successful dexterity check vs target maintains grapple and deals 1d8 dam. to target crit.17-20×4 -2 to Str.,-4 to Con. No save overcomes all Dam. Reduction cant be regenerated. Next round a successful Strength check vs target implants target. Target makes a Will check each round Dc.15(+1/Lev.) each round add +1 to Dc.check. On failed will check a Lev.1 Aeon burst out of target shortly after consuming all of the target taking any useful gear.
  • Aeons high maneuverability grant (+1x4+lev.) in Swim, Climb, hide, grapple, Tumble, Balance, Escape Artist, Jump, Move Silently, & Sleight of Hand.
  • Base Languages- Common, celestial, and Bonus Languages- Any
  • Ranger
  • Rogue
  • Fighter
  • Sorcerer

Vital Statistics

Table: Random Starting Ages
175 Years550 Years750 Years
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gollark: ?coliru```haskellimport Control.Applicativeimport Data.Listimport Data.Monoidimport Control.Monada=join.liftA2(<>)inits tailsmain = putStr$a"Haskell: putting the ridiculously convoluted stuff nobody wanted into your code"```
gollark: ?coliru```haskellimport Control.Applicativeimport Data.Listimport Data.Monoidimport Control.Monada=join.liftA2(<>)inits tailsmain = putStr$a"Haskell: Putting the profunctor optics into functional"```
gollark: ?coliru```haskellimport Control.Applicativeimport Data.Listimport Data.Monoidimport Control.Monada=join.liftA2(<>)inits tailsmain = putStr$a"HASKELL IS FUN & COOL™"```
gollark: ?coliru```haskellimport Control.Applicativeimport Data.Listimport Data.Monoidimport Control.Monada=join.liftA2(<>)inits tailsmain = putStr$a"<@341618941317349376> Python is fast enough "```
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