Adventures and Tables (Orizon Supplement)

Adventure Prompts

  • A vampire clan has established themselves on an island positioned beneath another one, creating an environment that drastically extends the time they can spend outside. They're using this new stronghold to extend their reach further than ever before.
  • Kuo-toa eldrazi worshippers are scheming to amass magical items that may be consumed and used to create a crack large enough to allow a spawn into the borders of Orizon.
  • Another adventuring group successfully raids a ruin of the old world, bringing with them a collection of powerful magical items, some of which may be cursed.
  • A plague has resulted in a quarantine of a large skyland, investigation reveals that the plague was created by an aggressive warlock and is centered around a small number of dire rats, killing the dire rats will mitigate the aggressive spread of the disease.
  • A respected wizard seeks to become a lich so he doesn't have to give up tenure at his university, you must find a lich and discover their secrets to undeath.
  • A music festival has cropped up
  • A pod of sky whales comes crashing down, taking out swathes of territory in their fall, find out why they died and prevent this catastrophe from repeating.
  • A blonde girl is discovered trapped in a massive amber crystal. It turns out that she is the daughter of "The Other" a powerful psionic artificer, the other transferred her mind into her daughter's but the girl sealed herself away rather than let her mother enslave herself and the world.
  • A clan of Aarakocra have been slaughtered and devoured. Further investigation reveals that a swarm of Zephyr Sharks are attacking cities and towns. They are being controlled by a wizard who seeks to conquer the world.


Tables are mostly a scattered effort, and may not be completed, until they are, look at them as additions and things to build on for your own ideas. I may also just link to tables I've found that work.

Ground Cities


  • -1- A trading caravan roams past you on its route, pass a DC 12 charisma check to convince them to let you accompany them as guards
  • -2- A wandering caravan travels past you
  • -3- A bouquet of arrows is pointed at your face, the elves behind them informs you that you are traveling too close to their hidden city
  • -4- Owlbear!
  • -5- An abandoned campground is visible ahead, there seems to be no sign of any struggle or danger, but it seems that everyone has vanished in the middle of their activities.
  • -6- You are nearby an exit tunnel of the Drow, a DC 16 investigation check will reveal the tunnel, a DC 18 investigation check will reveal clues that the tunnel is drow and trapped. There is a 1/20 chance a small drow raiding party is inside of the tunnel


-1- You are nearby an exit tunnel of the Drow, a DC 16 investigation check will reveal the tunnel, a DC 18 investigation check will reveal clues that the tunnel is drow and trapped. There is a 1/20 chance a small drow raiding party is inside of the tunnel


-1- A trading caravan roams past you on its route, pass a DC 12 charisma check to convince them to let you accompany them as guards

-2- A wandering caravan travels past you

-3- A herd of buffalo rambles past you

-4- A small group of centaur inform you that you are approaching too closely to their territory, a successful perception check reveals that more are hidden nearby with bows.


-1- You are nearby an exit tunnel of the Drow, a DC 16 investigation check will reveal the tunnel, a DC 18 investigation check will reveal clues that the tunnel is drow and trapped. There is a 1/20 chance a small drow raiding party is inside of the tunnel


-1- You encounter 2d4 lizard folk escorting a lizard folk Cleric.



  • -1- A pirate ship sails past you and begins to attack.
  • -2- A high-level wizard is sitting on a nearby cloud and asks for a ride.
  • -3- A mercantile ship sails past you, they are damaged and ask for materials to conduct repairs.
  • -4- A pod of sky whales soars past you.
  • -5- A swarm of bubble jellies overtakes your ship for the span of a few seconds, stinging anyone who touches them
  • -6- A school of flying fish darts through your ship.
  • -7- You are attacked by a chromatic dragon, roll 1d6 to determine the dragon's color and 1d4 to determine the dragon's age.
  • -8- You are stopped by a metallic dragon, roll 1d6 to determine the dragon's color.
  • -9- Gremlins have infested your ship and begun to fill it with traps. You must succeed a DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check to discover the traps being built
  • -10 - A sky knight flies past you, then settles on the deck, asking either for a report or for your identification.
  • -11- A sky knight flies past you, then comes in to land on your deck, demanding your assistance on a nearby island.
  • -12- A trundling hobbit caravan drifts nearby, they offer to sell you some of their goods in exchange for food or protection.
  • -13- A ballista fires out from a nearby skyland at your ship.
  • -14- A hot air balloon filled with goblins rises up from the ground below you and launches grappling hooks.
  • -15- A Roc soars overhead
  • -16- A storm picks up
  • -17- A group of harpies flap up to attack your ship
  • -18- Boulders start to drop from a skyland high above you, angry cloud giants are defending their territory
  • -19- A boulder is launched up from the ground below you, an opportunistic giant hopes to knock you out of the sky for loot.
  • -20- You observe an event from another table beneath you (roll on the appropriate table for the terrain)

Wild Magic

There are numerous ways of determining when a wild magic storm occurs, but try to keep the frequency dependent on the location where players are traveling. On the ground a storm may occur once or twice a month. In the sky, once or twice a season. In the seas or the underground, they may happen once or twice every other month. Inside of a ruin of the old world, daily or weekly.

You can determine this by rolling a d100 at the beginning of each day. On the ground a roll of 12 or less will initiate a storm that day. In the sky a roll of 3 or less will initiate a storm. In a ruin a roll of 55 or less will initiate a storm.

Once it’s determined that a wild magic storm occurs, roll 1d8 to determine the storm’s power and the corresponding table. On a roll of 1-4 use the weak eruption table, on a roll of 5-7 use the strong eruption table, on a roll of 8 use the epic eruption table. Wild magic eruptions occur centered on a point of your choice, some effects only require the use of the central point, For more broad effects, roll 1d4, then multiply the result by 10 to determine the eruption’s radius in feet, the effects will happen within that radius.

gollark: ĸ
gollark: Having more than one space mod seems bad, though, because, well, you'll have five different "Moon"s.
gollark: I'll have to look that up.
gollark: Advanced Rocketry does have *warp drives*.
gollark: Madness.

Weak Eruption

D100 Effect
01-02A random plant or animal within the eruption becomes awakened
03-05All creatures within the circle are hit by a magic missile
06-07All creatures are forced out of the radius and must succeed a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.
08-09The area within the eruption becomes covered with grease
10-11A random creature within the eruption gains the ability to turn invisible when naked
12-13A stench of rot and sulfur fills the air
14-16A red bubble fills the center of the of the eruption, then bursts. Blood rains down upon everyone within the radius of the eruption.
17-18A random creature within the eruption becomes charmed by the first creature it sees
19-20An obelisk rises up from the center of the eruption
21-23One nonmagical object within the circle becomes solid gold
24-27An illusionary beast appears, it behaves like a normal creature, then disappears as soon as it crosses the borders of the eruption.
28-29A psychic blast shouts in everyone’s minds, all creatures within the eruption must succeed a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or become stunned.
30-32All clothing and fabric is shredded.
33-34The ground beneath you quakes, all standing creatures must succeed a DC 13 dexterity saving throw or become prone.
35-36A thunderous sound pierces out, all creatures must succeed a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become deafened.
37-38Vines or rope burst out from the surrounding area, all creatures must succeed a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or become restrained; restrained creatures must succeed a DC 13 Strength or Dexterity saving throw to escape that grapple.
39-40A bubble of gas bursts outwards, all creatures must succeed a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned.
41-42All flames within the circle double in strength and then are quickly extinguished.
43-44All water within the radius of the eruption becomes grain alcohol.
45-46A magical mouth appears within the center of the eruption, and begins insulting whoever is closest. When no one is within 30 ft. it disappears.
47-49A blue flame appears within the center of the eruption and will burn for 24 hours, the flame cannot be extinguished until that time passes.
50-51A rainbow appears surrounding the radius of the eruption, creatures within the rainbow are under the effects of faerie fire.
52Roll a D10. If the roll if even, a random creature shrinks that many inches. If the roll is odd, a random creature grows that many inches.
53-54Any dead bodies within the circle rise as undead zombies.
55-5710d10 gold coins shower from nowhere into the radius of the eruption.
58-59A swarm of insects erupt from a crack in the center of the eruption.
60-61A fireball erupts from the center of the eruption.
62-63A random creature's hair falls out.
64-65A random creature within the eruption grows hair 1d10 ft. long.
66-67A mundane object appears within the eruption.
68-69A miasma spreads outwards from the eruption, all creatures must make a DC 13 constitution saving throw; on a failure they must skip their next action to vomit.
70A random creature in the eruption grows a third eye on their forehead. Roll 1d4, on a 1 this eye grants advantage on Wisdom (perception) rolls that rely on sight, on a 2 this eye has darkvision (60 ft), on a 3 this eye is able to detect magic, on a 4 this eye has truesight (60 ft)
71-72A blast of light and heat erupts outwards, all creatures within the eruption must make a DC 13 dexterity saving throw; on a failure creatures take 3d10 radiant damage, on a success the damage is halved.
73-74one random creature's sex changes.
75-76Faint, ethereal, music fills the ears of everyone within the eruption’s radius for 10 minutes.
77-79All creatures within the eruption are hit by the effects of confusion.
80-82A random sentient creature is polymorphed into a beast.
83-84A random creature becomes bioluminescent, shedding dim light in a 10 ft. radius.
85-88A creature within the eruption becomes magically altered. (Ex. Becomes vibrant blue, grows a full beard, grows feathers in place of hair, grows quills in place of hair, grows fangs, grows tusks, eyes change color, grows 1d6 inches, skin becomes covered in light fleece, grows a tail, grows a prehensile tail, grows butterfly wings, grows antlers, grows horns, grows rabbit ears, skin becomes shriveled as if out of a bath, skin becomes clear, skin becomes paisley, skin resembles alligator skin, grows a chitinous exoskeleton skin becomes slimy, skin becomes covered in quills, teeth turn to diamonds, grows elephant ears, feet change to hooves, etc.)
89-90Roll 1d4 to select a random elemental that appears within the center of the eruption.
91-93There is an explosive growth of vegetation, all the plants within the radius of the eruption become larger and more lush.
94-95The fog cloud spell is cast, centered on the center of the eruption.
96Two effects occur simultaneously, roll twice and apply the effects of both results.
97-99A random effect of the DM’s choice occurs.
100Roll 1d8 again to select a different intensity of wild magic storm.

Strong Eruption

D100 Effect
01-04A random illusion from the deck of illusions appears within the center of the eruption, then acts like the creature it depicts. The illusion is dispelled if interacted with.
05-06A random creature within the eruption's bones become adamantine.
07-09Any nearby material, but especially stone, rises up and forms a 3 ft. thick, 20 ft. high wall surrounding the radius of the eruption.
10-11Creatures within the circle lose 1 HP every hour until the curse is broken
12-13A random creature within the eruption is cursed with lycanthropy.
14-15A random creature within the eruption grows functional wings, they gain a flying speed equal to their walking speed-10
16-18A random creature within the eruption grows functional gills and webbed feet and hands. They become amphibious and gain a swimming speed equal to their walking speed.
19-21A house appears at a height of 100 ft. above the center of the eruption then crashes down.
22-24A random magical item within the radius of the eruption explodes. The explosion spreads out in a radius of 30 ft. Common magical items deal 6d8 force damage. Uncommon magical items deal 8d8 force damage. Rare magical items deal 10d8 force damage. Very rare magical items deal 14d8 force damage. Legendary magical items deal 18d8 force damage.
25-26A stone golem forms out of the surrounding earth and attacks the nearest creature.
27-28A random creature within the radius of the eruption is cursed with vampirism.
29-32Spellcasters begin to lose control of their energies. Each spellcaster within the eruption must make a DC 13 saving throw against their spellcasting ability modifier. On a failure they take 1d4*X damage for each unexpended spell slot where X is the slot level, and expend all their spell slots.
33-34One mundane object within the radius of the eruption becomes a magical item.
35-37A random creature within the radius of the eruption gains +1 to a random ability score.
38-40A random creature within the radius of the eruption takes -1 to a random ability score.
41-42All creatures within the eruption must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, on a failure their hit points become 1.
43-44All creatures within the eruption must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, on a success they gain 100 temporary hit points.
45-47A random creature’s best ability score is replaced with their worst.
48-49Roll 1d4 to determine a random Genie, that creature appears in the middle of the eruption.
50-51An avatar of death (from the deck of many things) appears and automatically attacks the nearest target. The avatar disappears if no other creatures are within 60 ft. of it.
52-54An earthquake begins, centered around the eruption.
55-56The ground within the eruption raises up and becomes a new skyland, if the ground is already a skyland it loses that enchantment.
57-58All creatures within the radius of the eruption ages 1d10 years.
59-60All creatures within the radius of the eruption loses 1d10 years of age.
61-62A random creature within the radius of the eruption gains 1 level in a class they currently have.
63-64A random creature within the radius of the eruption loses one level.
65-66All creatures within the eruption are teleported to different locations1d6 miles away in a random direction.
67-68Any creature within the radius of the eruption that dies within the next hour immediately comes back to life as if through the reincarnate spell.
69-71A random creature without a spellcasting ability immediately gains one level as a wild magic sorcerer.
72-73Thick dust swirls within the radius of the wild magic storm, all creatures within this range must make a DC 13 constitution saving throw, on a failure their skin begins to harden and crumble; on an additional failure, their bodies begin to stiffen and their entire body takes on the texture of stone; on a third failure they become petrified.
74-77A portal to a random connected plane (astral, ethereal, elemental, afterlife, feywild, shadowfell) opens, this portal closes after roughly one hour.
78-80A portal to a random unconnected plane (ex. Hyrule, Ravnica, Middle Earth, Kanto, etc.) opens. This portal closes after roughly 5 minutes.
81-82All plants within the radius of the eruption become awakened.
83-85All creatures within the radius of the eruption see a distinct hallucination of the breaking as it happened where they are standing, this overrides all other senses for five minutes.
86-89The weather in the area surrounding the wild magic eruption changes.
90-91A random creature within the eruption’s race changes to that of a different playable race.
92-93A random creature within the eruption gains the ability to magically change their appearance at will as if through the alter self spell.
94-95Two effects occur simultaneously, roll twice and apply the effects of both results.
96-99A random effect of the DM’s choice occurs.
100Roll 1d8 again to select a different intensity of wild magic storm.

Epic Eruption

D100 Effect
01-06A random creature within the range of the eruption ages more slowly, for every 10 years that passes, they age 1 year.
7A random creature within the range of the eruption must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, on a failed save they are immediately disintegrated.
8-10A random creature to gains a special ability. They can use a bonus action to attempt shapeshifting. If they do, roll a D4. On 1, they polymorph into a random creature equal or lower to there level or challenge rating of the DM's choice. On 2, they polymorph into a creature equal or lower to there level or challenge rating of their choice. On 3, they use reduce on themself. On 4, they use enlarge on themself. All of these effects last for D8 minutes, then the creature reverts to their original form.
11-161d10 eldrazi spawn appear within the radius of the eruption.
17-20An eldrazi drone appears within the center of the eruption.
21-25The ground within the eruption begins to seethe and quake before becoming the central point of a volcanic eruption.
26-29A shimmering golden crystal begins to form within the center of the eruption, whoever touches the crystal will discover that it will grant a single wish to the first person who has touched it.
30-34A meteor swarm begins to descend, centered around the eruption.
35-38All creatures within the radius of the eruption gain a single level as a wild magic sorcerer.
39-43A random creature within the wild magic storm learns a cantrip of their choice from the wizard spell list.
44-47A random creature within the wild magic storm learns a cantrip of their choice from the druid spell list.
48-51A random creature within the wild magic storm learns a cantrip of their choice from the cleric spell list.
52-56A portal to a random connected plane (astral, ethereal, elemental, afterlife, feywild, shadowfell) opens, this portal closes after roughly one month.
57-60A portal to a random unconnected plane (ex. Hyrule, Ravnica, Middle Earth, Kanto, etc.) opens. This portal closes after roughly one hour.
61-65A random creature within the wild magic storm transforms into a young chromatic dragon of a random color.
66-70A random creature within the wild magic storm transforms into a young metallic dragon of a random color.
71-74A random creature within the wild magic storm transforms into a deva angel.
75-78A random creature within the wild magic storm transforms into a glabrezu demon.
79-82A random creature within the wild magic storm transforms into a bone devil.
83-85Two effects occur simultaneously, roll twice and apply the effects of both results.
86-93A random effect of the DM’s choice occurs.
94-100Roll 1d8 again to select a different intensity of wild magic storm.

Other Possibilities

  • -- Creatures within the radius of the eruption cannot speak, instead whenever they try, bubbles float out of their mouth
  • -- A large egg appears within the circle, a successful DC 14 survival skill check reveals that the egg is a dragon's egg.
  • -- A fountain of molten gold springs up from the ground nearest to the center of the eruption
  • -- The next spell cast by anyone within the circle is immediately countered
  • -- One random magical item loses its magic and becomes mundane
  • -- A tree rapidly grows from the ground nearest the center of the eruption; fruits grow from the tree; 1d8 act as randomly determined magic potions, 1d4 act as a poison of the DMs choice
  • -- A treant rapidly grows from the ground nearest the center of the eruption; there is a 25% chance it is chaotic and attacks.
  • -- Toadstools spread across the ground within the circle; if a creature eats a mushroom, flip a coin, on tails the eater must succeed a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 5d6 poison damage and become poisoned for 1 hour; on heads the eater gains 5d6 temporary hit points
  • -- Blasts of psychic energy erupt outwards, all creatures must succeed a DC 13 wisdom saving throw or be knocked unconscious.
  • -- A magical mouth appears within the center of the eruption, it will answer honestly the first question put to it.
  • -- The next profanity spoken become a vile entity (statistics of a shadow demon) and attacks its speaker
  • -- An enchanted dagger appears above a random creature's head and begins to spiral like an ioun stone. This dagger can be mentally controlled and telepathically moved by its owner and sent out to a distance of 30 ft from the owner.
  • -- A random creature is ejected from random connected plane into the area of the eruption (Astral, Etherial, Elemental, Afterlife, Feywild, Shadowfell)
  • -- A random creature from within the eruption is ejected into random connected plane (Astral, Etherial, Elemental, Afterlife, Feywild, Shadowfell)
  • -- All creatures with spellcasting have all spell slots expended.
  • -- All creatures with spellcasting abilities have all their spell slots completely restored
  • -- Random creature falls unconscious and astrally projects, the effect must be ended as a curse or with a kiss.
  • -- Fountain of water springs up (d8, 1=spring water heals, 2=spring water harms)
  • -- one random creature doubles in size
  • -- The damage of all spells cast within the radius of the eruption is maximized
  • -- A random creature within the radius of the eruption becomes a random plant planted within a decorative pot.
  • -- All creatures within the eruption must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw; creatures that fail take 1d10 necrotic damage, any creature that succeeds regains 1d10 hit points.
  • -- Ground within the circle becomes molten
  • -- A random creature has the effects of levitate cast upon it
  • -- Arcs of electricity spread outwards in pulses, all creatures must succeed a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become paralyzed.
  • -- 1d4 elementals appear within the radius of the explosion
  • -- All plants and animals within the eruption become awakened.
  • -- A large onxy crystal with metallic protrusions appears within the center of the eruption, this object deals 1d10 damage to any creature within 30 feet of it every minute.
  • -- A house appears above the circle and begins to crash down onto the people below.
  • -- A random magical item within the sphere of the eruption explodes in a 30 ft radius. Common magical items deal 4d8 force damage; uncommon magical items deal 6d8 force damage; rare magical items deal 8d8 force damage; very rare magical items deal 10d8 magical items force damage; legendary magical items deal 14d8 force damage.
  • -- A stone golem forms from surrounding earth and attacks nearest creature
  • -- A random creature within the eruption is cursed with vampirism
  • -- Spellcaster's begin to lose control of their raw power; each spellcaster within the circle must make a DC 13 saving throw with their spellcasting ability modifier; on a success they regain control; On a failure they take 1d4 force damage for each unexpended spell slot and expend all slots in the process.
  • -- One mundane object becomes a magical item
  • -- All creatures within the eruption gain 100 temporary hit points
  • -- An Earthquake begins at the center of the eruption
  • -- A random creature's best attribute score is swapped with their worst.
  • -- Random creature grows a third eye on their forehead; this eye has truesight
  • -- Any creature within the eruption that dies within the next hour immediately comes back to life as if by the reincarnate spell
  • --begin to freeze
  • --begin to burn
  • --statue erupts from ground (mundane, arcane, divine, infernal, abberant, eldrazi)
  • --vomit ooze
  • --Random creature grows a full beard
  • --A random creature within the eruption turns a vibrant blue

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