Advanced Warforged (3.5e Class)

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Advanced Warforged

This class is based around the concept of there being an advanced type of Warforged, be it from the future or advanced past.

Making an Advanced Warforged

The Advanced Warforged is, like many Warforged, based on what type of learning it received. As such, they can be great allies for the rest of the party.

Abilities: Based on what type of class the Advanced Warforged wants to be.

Races: Warforged only.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Gold: 100 gp.

Starting Age: Complex. Can be any age in theory.

Table: The Advanced Warforged

Hit Die: 1d10

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Power Per Day
FortRefWill CoreBattery
1st+0+2+0+0 Online, Steel Evolution, Standard Frame, Heavy Plates, Medium Plates, Light Plates 10
2nd+1+3+0+0 Translator 11
3rd+2+3+1+1 Powerful Punches, Rapid Slashes, Processor 12
4th+3+4+1+1 Self-Healing Nanobots, Advanced Sight Rank One 13
5th+3+4+1+1 Advanced Frame, Steady Steps, Spring-Loaded, Hover 23
6th+4+5+2+2 Kinetic Shielding Rank One 24
7th+5+5+2+2 Destruction Protocol, Hidden Blades, Piercing Protocol 25
8th+6/+1+6+2+2 Advanced Sight Rank Two, Stabilizer 26
9th+6/+1+6+3+3 Energy Cannons, Assassin's Discs, Elemental Rifle 27
10th+7/+2+7+3+3 Refined Frame, Laser-Cut Evolution, Kinetic Piercing 37
11th+8/+3+7+3+3 Flame Jets, Icarus, Hover Flight, Sneak Field, Accuracy Amplifier 38
12th+9/+4+8+4+4 Advanced Sight Rank Three, Kinetic Shielding Rank Two 39
13th+9/+4+8+4+4 Icarus Protocol, Flight Strike, Rocket Kick 310
14th+10/+5+9+4+4 Reality Distortion 311
15th+11/+6/+1+9+5+5 Elite Frame, Dragon Breath Adaptation, Dragon's Dogma, Dragon's Truth, Dragon Weapon Enhancements 411
16th+12/+7/+2+10+5+5 412
17th+12/+7/+2+10+5+5 Physical Protection, Counter-Strike, Water Dance 413
18th+13/+8/+3+11+6+6 414
19th+14/+9/+4+11+6+6 Angel's Justice, Angel Waltz, Angel Dash 415
20th+15/+10/+5+12+6+6 True Frame, Laser Weapon Evolution 515

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Spot, Listen, Concentration, Jump, Tumble, Balance, Climb, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Forgery, Escape Artist, Disable Device, Open Lock, Hide, Move Silently.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Advanced Warforged.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Warforged is proficient in any weapon types it uses from its evolution. This Warforged cannot wear any armor, and must rely on built in Evolution upgrades for AC, SR, and other damage resistance. Weapons also gained through Evolution, depending on the weapon, cannot be used with normal weapons. Hidden blades cannot be used together with a sword, nor can a bow be used with the Energy Rifle.

Online: The Advanced Warforged runs on a limited power source that recovers at the end of each day. Some abilities require access to this power core. The Core powers the main functions of the Warforged, including thought and movement. The Battery is power that can be used without any risk to the main core. While the energy in the Core can be used, doing so may cause the breakdown of the Warforged. The Core value determines how many passive systems can be run at a time. If energy from the core is used up, passives are shut down to conserve power. If all power is gone, the Warforged is considered dead unless the players can figure out a way to recharge Core. Do note that the Core is a mixture of fusion energy and magic, and as such normal electricity cannot be used to recharge.

Steel Evolution: The Warforged chooses unique upgrades upon every other level up, added through nano-technology. Only one of the three listed for that level can be chosen; once picked, the other two options for that level are no longer available. As such it is recommended to have a game plan for late-game, as certain evolution choices work better together.

Standard Frame: The basic body of the Warforged. It is a thin body that is practically a bunch of exposed metal. It is only vaguely human in nature, as most of the body is exposed metal. The head is often merely a skull, unless stated otherwise by the DM. This frame can be built upon as the Warforged Evolves, and any updated frames replace this one. The Warforged weighs 75 lbs. with this frame. This frame allows the Warforged to hit for 1d4 damage per fists, wield basic and martial weapons, and also communicate telepathically with allies within 30 ft.

The Steel Evolutionary Tree
Steel Evolution ListHeavy EvolutionMedium EvolutionLight Evolution
Level OneHeavy Plates: Increases the Warforged's AC by +8 and increases its weight by 50 lbs. No bonuses to AC. The frame gains large plates on-top of it. These plates have a hardness of 20 and 53 hp.Medium Plates: Increases the Warforged's AC by +4 and increases its weight by 25 lbs. Allows Dex bonus to AC. The plates have a hardness of 20 and 26 hp.Light Plates: Increases the Warforged's AC by +1 and does not increase its weight. Allows Dex bonus to AC. The plates have a hardness of 10 and 10 hp.
Level ThreePowerful Punches: The Warforged gains extra weight to his fists. His punches now deal 1d8 damage each. He also gains 10 lbs. to his total weight.Rapid Slashes: After a successful attack, the Warforged gains the ability to strike at half of the target's AC, dealing half damage. This only works for one handed weapons such as long sword, short sword, daggers, and the evolution Hidden Blades.Processor: The Warforged becomes able to spend a full round steadying any ranged attack, granting him +5 to hit on his next turn. This only applies to the first strike that turn.
Level FiveSteady Steps: The Warforged is harder to move, granting him 50 lbs. and the ability to drill into the ground below him, granting him the chance to counter a charge.Spring-Loaded: The Warforged gains +5 to jump checks, and gains +5 movement speed.Hover: The Warforged can now hover for 5 rounds per power used. Can hover 10 feet above the ground and gain feather falling.
Level SevenDestruction Protocol: The Warforged edits one of its arm, granting it a single great-sword blade. The blade deals 2d6+1 damage and has a hardness of 20 and 20 hp. This adds 5 lbs. to the Warforged's weight. It can be upgraded by a blacksmith. It can be folded up upon the arm for travel convenience, but it is not considered a hidden weapon. The weapon has a critical strike chance of 19-20 and deals double damage upon a successful critical strike. To activate it takes a standard action.Hidden Blades: The Warforged gains access to two hidden blades. These masterwork keen blades deal 1d6+1 damage and can be retracted into the arms when not in combat. They have a hardness of 20 and 20 hp. Can be upgraded to deal more damage. Threatens critical 16-20 and deals double damage upon a successful critical strike. The critical strike chance cannot be improved upon.Piercing Protocol: The Warforged gains a piercing weapon similar to a rapier that comes out of its arm. This rapier deals 1d6+1 damage and has a hardness of 20 and 10 hp. It can bypass hardness of 20. This weapon has a critical strike chance of 18-20 and deals x2 damage upon a successful critical strike.
Level NineEnergy Cannons: The Warforged attaches twin cannons to its back, gaining 50 lbs. in weight. For a full round action the Warforged can fire two 1d10 shots at separate spots within 300 ft. These hit the main target for full damage and then everything within a 15 ft. radius for 1d8 damage, and deal friendly fire. This uses one energy and has a round cool-down. Additional energy used for the shot adds an additional damage die. Upon firing choose between fire, electricity, or force damage.Assassin's Discs: The Warforged gains the ability to throw metal from his body that regenerates over time. These metal discs deal 1d6+1 damage and can be thrown once as a free action every turn. Can be upgraded to deal additional damage. He carries six on him at a time, and regenerates one every hour.Energy Rifle: The Warforged turns one of its arms into a long range elemental rifle. It deals 1d12 damage up to 300 ft. away. It takes one energy to fire. Additional energy increases the damage of the shot by an additional damage dice and increases the max range by 100 ft. Upon firing choose between fire, electricity, force, or piercing damage.
Level ElevenFlame Jets: The Warforged is granted flight (poor) 100 ft. and can do so with any weight.Icarus: Nano-fiber wings grow out of the Warforged's back, granting flight (average) 100 ft., as long as the Warforged does not weigh more than three hundred pounds. These wings can be stored within the Warforged's body for convenience.Hover Flight-Mode: The Warforged can now, if he selected hover earlier, fly (good) up to one-hundred feet per round. Only works if the Warforged is less than one hundred-fifty pounds.
Level ThirteenIcarus Protocol: The Warforged falls from the sky, gaining momentum and heat. Minimum 100 ft. to gain enough momentum to deal damage at the cost of two energy. Upon hitting the ground he causes an explosion around him dealing 4d10 damage to his enemies within 30 ft. and 2d6 damage to himself. This damage scales up to 8d10 and 4d6 respectfully depending on the height from which the Warforged fell.Flight Strike: In a flurry the Warforged can make a strike by flying to the target for two energy. He can then strike the target with a piercing attack that ignores damage reduction and strikes against the target's touch AC. The attack gains 3d6 damage and, upon killing the target, can keep going through to hit another target as long as there is still momentum from the flying strike.Rocket Kick: By spending two energy the Warforged can make a kick propelled by flames or force, dealing 2d10 damage to the target and sending them 4d6 feet backwards. The DC to resist the kick's knock-back is 10 + Warforged's Strength + Warforged's Level.
Level FifteenDragon Breath Adaptation: The Warforged gains the ability to, once a day, breathe out a flame attack in a 30 ft. cone before him at the cost of three energy. This attack deals 10d8 fire damage. Adds an additional 25 lbs. to the Warforged's body. Upon slaying a different type of dragon, the Warforged may adapt this attack to deal similar damage from the slain dragon. Adapting a new dragon's breath attack replaces the old one, and the type of damage also matches the new one (I.E. Cold Damage, Force Damage, etc.).Dragon's Dogma: Once a day gain the ability to phase in and out of the material plane to dodge a single attack at 50% success rate up to three times(+Warforged's Dex Modifier / 2) during the encounter. The Warforged can can attempt to dodge anytime and may be used outside of his own turn. During this he may 'teleport' anywhere within his movement speed and line of sight, allowing him to avoid attacks of opportunity. Requires three energy to do so.Dragon's Truth: Once a day the Warforged can gain True Seeing, and also see through walls up to 100 ft. During this he also gains his Int Modifier to hit, on top of a bonus +5 to BAB. Requires three energy to activate, lasts for ten rounds.
Level SeventeenPhysical Protection: The Warforged can now, as a full round action, stand still and absorb up to 100 +(Con Modifier x10) damage for a turn. All attacks made to a nearby ally (within threat range) are instead directed at him. Requires three energy.Counter-Strike: The Warforged can now, as a full round action, prepare to counter a target's melee attack and deal the damage that would have been dealt to him instead at full damage of the initial strike, even if the attack was less than that. Requires three energy.Water Dance: The Warforged can use a foe's strike against them, directing the full blunt of the damage to a foe within 5 ft., or the range of the attack itself, be it magical or physical. The foe targeted is subjected then to a DC 15 (+Character Level) Reflex save to take half damage from this redirected strike.
Level NineteenAngel's Justice: The Warforged, at the cost of a full round and 5 energy, gains the ability to deal a singular heavy strike in a 60 ft.(x Str modifier) line. This strike deals 10d10 damage (x1.5 str modifier) and deals an additional 5d10 against evil foes. Afterwards, the Warforged is unable to use this ability for an entire day.Angel Waltz: The Warforged, at the cost of a full round and 5 energy, gains the ability to move and strike 1d4(x Dex modifier) foes at nearly the speed of sound. The strikes are based off of the Warforged's first BAB and weapon bonuses. These strikes also gain additional damage as the Warforged moves, with +5 damage per each successful hit which carries over per target. The last target hit takes an additional strike for a grand sum of two hits with the momentum bonus added on. Afterwards, the Warforged is unable to use this ability for an entire day.Angel Dash: The Warforged, at the cost of a full round and 5 energy, can now dash in a line to a destination within 300 ft. During this dash any foes he comes across must succeed a DC 15+Character level+Fortitude save or fall prone and take 3d10 damage. Afterwards, the Warforged is unable to use this ability for an entire day.

Self-Healing Nanobots: With this body augmentation the Warforged gains an automated systems under his plating that automatically repairs his body. This grants him fast healing 1/ per 4 HD during combat and repairs damage to external armor by five points every eight hours and health by 5 per hour spent resting.

Advanced Frame: At level 5 the Warforged's frame becomes sturdier regardless of its build path. It remains the same weight, but grants the Warforged +2 natural AC. This replaces the bonuses from Standard Frame.

Refined Frame: At level 10 the Warforged's frame becomes even sturdier regardless of its build path. It remains the same weight, but grants the Warforged +4 natural AC and Damage Reduction 3/-. This replaces the bonuses from Advanced Frame.

Elite Frame: At level 15 the Warforged's frame becomes even more sturdy regardless of its build path. It remains the same weight, but grants the Warforged +5 natural AC, +5 SR, and Damage Reduction 3/-. This replaces the bonuses from Refined Frame.

True Frame: At level 20 the Warforged's frame becomes how it was in its prime. It remains the same weight, but grants the Warforged +5 natural AC, +10 SR, Damage Reduction 6/-, and immunity to electrical damage. This replaces the bonuses from Elite Frame.

Below are the Passive Systems for the Warforged. These run off of Core Energy only and can work together with other bonuses, both external and internal:

Translator (Passive System): The Warforged is able to understand any language as long as it has access to the written alphabet and has spent a month among those who speak it.

Advanced Sight (Passive System): The Warforged has the ability to improve his eyesight. At Rank One he gains Permanent Sight, which allows the Warforged to resist blinds from any source and gains +2 to will saves against charm-based spells. At Rank Two he gains Tactical Sight, which grants the Warforged Dark-vision 100 ft. and +1 to initiative. At Rank Three he gains Hunter's Sight and can track one target's movements with his visual sensors. Select one target during a fight and gain +2 to hit and +2 Dodge AC against that target. Also grants +5 to spot checks against the target if it hides. This is a passive ability and requires one core power to run. Can be turned on and off at will, but takes a swift action to do so.

Kinetic Shielding (Passive System): The Warforged's frame is covered in a force-field that absorbs up to ten damage. If the shielding is not broken in a single round, it regenerates back to full for the next round. Once the shielding is broken, it will naturally regenerate after two turns even if damage is taking place. This only stops new damage, and would not protect against corrosive damage affecting him. At Rank Two the shielding increases to absorb up to twenty damage. Requires one core power to run. Can be turned on and off at will, but takes a swift action to do so.

Kinetic Piercing (Passive System): The Warforged's bladed weapons deal an additional +2 damage on hit while activated. Requires one core power to run. Can be turned on and off at will, but takes a swift action to do so.

Stabilizer (Passive System): The Warforged gains +5 to Balance and Jump while activated. Requires one core power to run. Can be turned on and off at will, but takes a swift action to do so.

Sneak Field (Passive System): The Warforged gains +5 to Move Silently and Hide while activated. Requires one core power to run. Can be turned on and off at will, but takes a swift action to do so.

Accuracy Amplifier (Passive System): The Warforged gains +2 to hit while activated. Requires one core power to run. Can be turned on and off at will, but takes a swift action to do so.

Reality Distortion (Passive System): The Warforged gains a 10% chance to avoid any strikes coming his way, be they magical, supernatural, or physical. Requires two core power to run. Can be turned on and off at will, but takes a swift action to do so.

Laser-Cut Evolution (Based on previous weapon evolution): At level 10, replace the Warforged's weapon with one of the following: Laser-Cut Great-sword, Laser-Cut Hidden Blades, or Laser-Cut Rapier depending on what weapon was unlocked earlier.
Great-sword => Laser-Cut Great-swordHidden Blades => Laser-Cut Hidden BladesRapier => Laser-Cut Rapier
The Great-sword turns into Laser Sharpened Great-sword, which now burns targets it hits for 1d6 additional damage and bypass hardness less than 20.The Hidden Blades turn into Laser Sharpened Blades that deal 1d8 base damage and bypass hardness less than 20.The Rapier now deals double the damage dealt, on a successful hit, to the target's armor.
Dragon Weapon Enhancements: At level 15, choose one upgrade below to add to the Warforged's natural weapon with one of the following.
Dragon's FlamesDragon's TeethDragon's Roar
The Warforged's weapon now deals an additional 1d6 flame damage. Can be turned on and off at will.The Warforged's weapon advances one damage dice (I.E. 1d6 => 1d8).The Warforged's weapon now emits a frightening roar that resembles a dragon, forcing all enemies of its wielder within 20 ft of its path to succeed a DC 15(+Wis Modifier) Will save or become shaken for 5 minutes. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. Can be turned on and off at will.
Laser Weapon Evolution (Based on previous weapon evolution): At level 20, choose the appropriate evolution below to add to the Warforged's natural weapon with one of the following.
Laser-Cut Great-sword => Laser Great-swordLaser-Cut Hidden Blades => Laser Hidden BladesLaser-Cut Rapier => Laser Rapier
The Warforged's weapon is now pure energy. It deals 2d8 base damage and ignores armor. Force and Fire damage. Can be turned on and off at will.The Warforged's is now pure energy. It deals 1d10 base damage and ignores armor. Deals Force and Fire damage. Can be turned on and off at will.The Warforged's weapon is now pure energy. It deals 1d8 base damage and ignores armor. Force and Fire damage. Can be turned on and off at will.

Ex-Advanced Warforged

Impossible. The Warforged simply exists.

Epic Advanced Warforged

Table: The Epic Advanced Warforged

Hit Die: 1d10


6 + Int modifier skill points per level.



Bonus Feats: The epic Advanced Warforged gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic Advanced Warforged bonus feats) every levels after 20th.

Epic Advanced Warforged Bonus Feat List: .

Warforged Advanced Warforged Starting Package

Weapons: One of the possible additions.

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 6 + Int modifier.


Feat: .

Bonus Feats: .

Gear: None.

Gold: 100 gp.

Playing an Advanced Warforged

Religion: Any that an artificial intelligence may follow. However, one may have questions about whenever or not it even has a soul, as it was made by man.

Other Classes: An Advanced Warforged gets along with all classes, although it may have moral issues with others based on what it believes in.

Combat: The Advanced Warforged is strange as, depending on its evolution, it can be either a versatile front-line tank or a long range support unit. It is up to the player to decide what role the unit will fulfill in combat.

Advancement: There is little chance of multi-classing as an Advanced Warforged, as it gains its powers through evolution and not through actual training.

Advanced Warforged in the World

Advanced Warforged? Aye, I've seen one. Or rather, I saw its destruction. From leagues off it barraged our vanguard with strange explosions that ripped through all our defenses. Our archers couldn't even make a dent in its armor.
—<Andrew Hull>, <Human> <Tactician>

Daily Life: These Warforged are often following their orders from a long time ago, be it guarding a region or gathering data. While they are set to follow their programming, they are sentient beings that can be convinced to leave these areas if logic is used.

Notables: A.I.D.A was one of these Advanced Warforged. She was designed to bombard anything that came in range of an ancient citadel. It took a specialized team to finally get within range and destroy the Warforged, although her core's self-destruction kept them from recovering much from her remains. Some of the metal was forged into blades or armor due to its high defensive properties.

Organizations: These Warforged tend not to be part of any organizations, although they may join a party that can convince them that their goals match its own.

NPC Reactions: The metal monstrosity brings glares and fear. Warforged tend to bring up memories of war; this one is no different. If anything, its strange weapons and frames may bring even more fear its way.

Advanced Warforged Lore

Characters with ranks in History (Arcana) can research Advanced Warforged to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

15It's a metal construct with a mind of its own that grants its allies a huge advantage in battle.
20It can repair itself and is capable of flight.
30It's body is made of metals no longer in circulation. It is capable of metallic evolution, as if the metal was alive.

Advanced Warforged in the Game

Adaptation: .

Sample Encounter: The players have come across an ancient city constructed out of white metal that seems to glow in the night. By the front entrance a strange metallic being seems to be standing guard, its body covered in heavy plates of similar make of the metal walls around it.

EL 12:

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