Abyssal Arch Demon, BB Variant (3.5e Race)

Abyssal Arch Demon, BB Variant

An Abyssal Arch Demon, BB Variant goes beyond the pinnacle of its evolution line. This is the final form of the Demon evolution line. This is a Demon that had gained Divinity. Two race hybrids of this race may exist. A hybrid provides all the benefits of the other race and all the benefits of this race; except, all numeric values are halved (good and bad). When evolving, this creature can never be a non-hybrid race. If some means forces this (wish spell, divine power, etc.), a creature of this race loses the benefits of its hybrid race, but does not gain the full value of a pure breed of this race.


Demons have a normal human range of personalities, for the most part. Demons however, tend to be more aggressive than humans, and act more with negative emotions than a standard human. Demons, while not ruled by the seven deadly sins, tend to indulge in these more often than otherwise. Avarice, lust, and pride tend to be the most embodied traits of Demons, as Demons who indulge in sloth, envy, or gluttony do not live very long. Wrath courses through all demons, leaving not an indulgence, but intense bouts of emotional instability against slights. Throughout a Demon's evolution, the loss of control to wrath diminishes, but the emotion itself is never destroyed.

Physical Description

Demons more often than not have a reddish tint to their skin. Often horns grow from the scalp of demons, and wings from the back. Otherwise, demons appear very similar to humans (though internal infernal energy flows may make it seem that a demon possesses line based tattoos that consistently change shape.


Demons have the same range of relations to all factions, that is individually, except for Angels. Angels are always despised by a good demon. Racially, there is an aversion to Angels. Well, Angels and abominations...


Demons can be of any alignment except Good. Typically, however, they favor Evil alignments.


It has been said that there is not a land without at least one Demon. Demons are perfidious, constantly looking for new regions to corrupt and thrive. Though, originally, Demons live in infernal planes.


None. Well, religion is a strong word for it, but lower Demons often respect/fear higher Demons, oft to the point of obsequious worship.


Demons are trained to know Infernal and Common. They can learn any languages, however, and regularly are known to be fluent in all known languages, even the most rare.

Racial Traits

  • +12 Str, +10 Dex, +8 Con, +6 Int, +4 Wis, +2 Cha: Minor Demons, when created, may choose to place which Stat negs/buffs in whichever categories they choose. This is limited to the -0/-2/-4 (one of each) being placed into Str/Dex/Con (one for each) and the -6/-8/-10 (one of each) being placed into Int/Wis/Cha (one for each). Upon evolution, all stats gain a +2 from an Arch Demon (the stat distribution cannot change), for a total of +12.
  • Outsider (Unholy): Abyssal Arch Demons are infernal outsiders.
  • Size: Medium.
  • An Abyssal Arch Demon's base land speed is 50 feet
  • Weapon Proficiency: Abyssal Arch Demons are proficient with all martial weapons.
  • Armor Proficiency: Abyssal Arch Demons are proficient will all light, medium, and heavy armor.
  • Low-Light Vision: An Abyssal Arch Demon can see 70 feet in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He or she retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
  • Darkvision: An Abyssal Arch Demon can see in complete darkness. Complete darkness is seen as if a perfectly lit environment. Contrary to expectations, he or she retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
  • Gate: arch Demons can open a gate to the underworld
  • Knowledge: Demons gain a +5 to all Knowledge Religion checks.
  • Sickened: Demons cannot be sickened.
  • Unholy: All Demons may choose to make any and all of their damage of the Unholy Subtype.
  • Automatic Languages: Infernal, Common. Bonus Languages: Any.
  • Favored Class: Any.
  • Level Adjustment: 0
  • ECL: 0

Tier Traits

An Abyssal Arch Demon is a Tier VII evolution race. As a Tier VII this race grants the following:

  • 1. A +10 to Jump. The Jump skill is a considered a class skill. If already a class skill add a +1 to Jump skills.
  • 2. A +10 to Intimidate. The Intimidate skill is a considered a class skill. If already a class skill add a +1 to Intimidate checks.
  • 3. The Intimidate skill can be used with the Strength Modifier rather than the Charisma Modifier.
  • 4. Demons have horns and possess a gore attack that deals 5d12 piercing damage at this tier.
  • 5. In the morning, a Demon may choose their "size." The Abyssal Arch Demon is still a medium creature, but may act as if they were a creature of a different sized (for AC/Grapple/etc. but not height/weight/carry load). This may only be done once per day in the morning. Sizes currently available: Fine, Diminutive, Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, Gargantuan, Colossal.
  • 6. Demons are immune to Unholy Damage, and take an additional 50% Holy Damage.
  • 7. Immunity to Energy/Ability Drain/Damage.
  • 8. Immunity to Transmutation (petrification/polymorph).
  • 9. Immunity to Non-magical disease and Resist 10 of either electicity/cold/acid.
  • 10. Immunity to All Mental Effects.
  • 11. DR 10/Epic.
  • 12. Immunity to the element the resistance was selected for.
  • 13. At this tier, Abyssal Arch Demons gain a Divine Rank of 0. Depending on the DM, they may gain Divine Rank 4 immediately or after certain conditions.

Vital Statistics

Starting Age: Demons are biologically immortal. At the age of about 1, a Demon is fully grown. Demons of any age can be at any tier, theoretically.

Table: Random Height and Weight
GenderBase HeightHeight ModifierBase WeightWeight Modifier
Male6' 4"+1d825 lb.× (4d3) lb.
Female5' 6"+1d1220 lb.× (4d3) lb.

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gollark: Don't basically all maps have O(not 1) indexing?
gollark: latin.
gollark: True.
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