5e Martial Classes

The martial core classes are: Barbarian, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, and Ranger.

The martial archetypal non-core classes are:

  • Beast Master - A class that focuses on working with animals, beasts or monsters.
  • Gunslinger - A combat class that uses guns.

Variant Classes

These are classes that can be thought of as variants of core classes, or other archetypal classes.


Classes which are variants of the Barbarian class.

{{#dpl: debug=1

category=5e category=User category=Class category=Barbarian Tag category=5e Class Variant notcategory=Supplement notcategory=Racial Class notcategory=Prestige Class notcategory=! notcategory=WIP notcategory=April Fools include={5e Class Features}:summary:spellcasting mode=userformat format=,¦- class="²{Odd-Even¦²{#var:odd}²}²"\n¦ [[%PAGE%¦²{#replace:%PAGE%¦(5e Class)¦}²]],\n, tablerow=¦¦ %%, %%, %%\n


Beast Masters

Classes which are variants of the Beast Master class.

{{#dpl: debug=1

category=5e category=User category=Class category=Beast Master Tag category=5e Class Variant notcategory=Supplement notcategory=Racial Class notcategory=Prestige Class notcategory=! notcategory=WIP notcategory=April Fools include={5e Class Features}:summary:spellcasting mode=userformat format=,¦- class="²{Odd-Even¦²{#var:odd}²}²"\n¦ [[%PAGE%¦²{#replace:%PAGE%¦(5e Class)¦}²]],\n, tablerow=¦¦ %%, %%, %%\n



Classes which are variants of the Fighter class.

{{#dpl: debug=1

category=5e category=User category=Class category=Fighter Tag category=5e Class Variant notcategory=Supplement notcategory=Racial Class notcategory=Prestige Class notcategory=! notcategory=WIP notcategory=April Fools include={5e Class Features}:summary:spellcasting mode=userformat format=,¦- class="²{Odd-Even¦²{#var:odd}²}²"\n¦ [[%PAGE%¦²{#replace:%PAGE%¦(5e Class)¦}²]],\n, tablerow=¦¦ %%, %%, %%\n



Classes which are variants of the Gunslinger class.

{{#dpl: debug=1

category=5e category=User category=Class category=Gunslinger Tag category=5e Class Variant notcategory=Supplement notcategory=Racial Class notcategory=Prestige Class notcategory=! notcategory=WIP notcategory=April Fools include={5e Class Features}:summary:spellcasting mode=userformat format=,¦- class="²{Odd-Even¦²{#var:odd}²}²"\n¦ [[%PAGE%¦²{#replace:%PAGE%¦(5e Class)¦}²]],\n, tablerow=¦¦ %%, %%, %%\n



Classes which are variants of the Monk class.

{{#dpl: debug=1

category=5e category=User category=Class category=Monk Tag category=5e Class Variant notcategory=Supplement notcategory=Racial Class notcategory=Prestige Class notcategory=! notcategory=WIP notcategory=April Fools include={5e Class Features}:summary:spellcasting mode=userformat format=,¦- class="²{Odd-Even¦²{#var:odd}²}²"\n¦ [[%PAGE%¦²{#replace:%PAGE%¦(5e Class)¦}²]],\n, tablerow=¦¦ %%, %%, %%\n



Classes which are variants of the Paladin class.

{{#dpl: debug=1

category=5e category=User category=Class category=Paladin Tag category=5e Class Variant notcategory=Supplement notcategory=Racial Class notcategory=Prestige Class notcategory=! notcategory=WIP notcategory=April Fools include={5e Class Features}:summary:spellcasting mode=userformat format=,¦- class="²{Odd-Even¦²{#var:odd}²}²"\n¦ [[%PAGE%¦²{#replace:%PAGE%¦(5e Class)¦}²]],\n, tablerow=¦¦ %%, %%, %%\n



Classes which are variants of the Ranger class.

{{#dpl: debug=1

category=5e category=User category=Class category=Ranger Tag category=5e Class Variant notcategory=Supplement notcategory=Racial Class notcategory=Prestige Class notcategory=! notcategory=WIP notcategory=April Fools include={5e Class Features}:summary:spellcasting mode=userformat format=,¦- class="²{Odd-Even¦²{#var:odd}²}²"\n¦ [[%PAGE%¦²{#replace:%PAGE%¦(5e Class)¦}²]],\n, tablerow=¦¦ %%, %%, %%\n


Mashup Classes

These are classes that can be thought of as mashup classes inspired by the core classes, or other archetypal classes.


Classes which are mashups partly inspired by the Barbarian class.

{{#dpl: debug=1

category=5e category=User category=Class category=Barbarian Tag category=5e Class Mashup notcategory=Supplement notcategory=Racial Class notcategory=Prestige Class notcategory=! notcategory=WIP notcategory=April Fools include={5e Class Features}:summary:spellcasting mode=userformat format=,¦- class="²{Odd-Even¦²{#var:odd}²}²"\n¦ [[%PAGE%¦²{#replace:%PAGE%¦(5e Class)¦}²]],\n, tablerow=¦¦ %%, %%, %%\n


Beast Masters

Classes which are mashups partly inspired by the Beast Master class.

{{#dpl: debug=1

category=5e category=User category=Class category=Beast Master Tag category=5e Class Mashup notcategory=Supplement notcategory=Racial Class notcategory=Prestige Class notcategory=! notcategory=WIP notcategory=April Fools include={5e Class Features}:summary:spellcasting mode=userformat format=,¦- class="²{Odd-Even¦²{#var:odd}²}²"\n¦ [[%PAGE%¦²{#replace:%PAGE%¦(5e Class)¦}²]],\n, tablerow=¦¦ %%, %%, %%\n



Classes which are mashups partly inspired by the Fighter class.

{{#dpl: debug=1

category=5e category=User category=Class category=Fighter Tag category=5e Class Mashup notcategory=Supplement notcategory=Racial Class notcategory=Prestige Class notcategory=! notcategory=WIP notcategory=April Fools include={5e Class Features}:summary:spellcasting mode=userformat format=,¦- class="²{Odd-Even¦²{#var:odd}²}²"\n¦ [[%PAGE%¦²{#replace:%PAGE%¦(5e Class)¦}²]],\n, tablerow=¦¦ %%, %%, %%\n



Classes which are mashups partly inspired by the Gunslinger class.

{{#dpl: debug=1

category=5e category=User category=Class category=Gunslinger Tag category=5e Class Mashup notcategory=Supplement notcategory=Racial Class notcategory=Prestige Class notcategory=! notcategory=WIP notcategory=April Fools include={5e Class Features}:summary:spellcasting mode=userformat format=,¦- class="²{Odd-Even¦²{#var:odd}²}²"\n¦ [[%PAGE%¦²{#replace:%PAGE%¦(5e Class)¦}²]],\n, tablerow=¦¦ %%, %%, %%\n



Classes which are mashups partly inspired by the Monk class.

{{#dpl: debug=1

category=5e category=User category=Class category=Monk Tag category=5e Class Mashup notcategory=Supplement notcategory=Racial Class notcategory=Prestige Class notcategory=! notcategory=WIP notcategory=April Fools include={5e Class Features}:summary:spellcasting mode=userformat format=,¦- class="²{Odd-Even¦²{#var:odd}²}²"\n¦ [[%PAGE%¦²{#replace:%PAGE%¦(5e Class)¦}²]],\n, tablerow=¦¦ %%, %%, %%\n



Classes which are mashups partly inspired by the Paladin class.

{{#dpl: debug=1

category=5e category=User category=Class category=Paladin Tag category=5e Class Mashup notcategory=Supplement notcategory=Racial Class notcategory=Prestige Class notcategory=! notcategory=WIP notcategory=April Fools include={5e Class Features}:summary:spellcasting mode=userformat format=,¦- class="²{Odd-Even¦²{#var:odd}²}²"\n¦ [[%PAGE%¦²{#replace:%PAGE%¦(5e Class)¦}²]],\n, tablerow=¦¦ %%, %%, %%\n



Classes which are mashups partly inspired by the Ranger class.

{{#dpl: debug=1

category=5e category=User category=Class category=Ranger Tag category=5e Class Mashup notcategory=Supplement notcategory=Racial Class notcategory=Prestige Class notcategory=! notcategory=WIP notcategory=April Fools include={5e Class Features}:summary:spellcasting mode=userformat format=,¦- class="²{Odd-Even¦²{#var:odd}²}²"\n¦ [[%PAGE%¦²{#replace:%PAGE%¦(5e Class)¦}²]],\n, tablerow=¦¦ %%, %%, %%\n


Incomplete Classes


Incomplete Classes which are variants of the Barbarian class or which are mashups inspired by the Barbarian class.

{{#dpl: debug=1

category=5e category=User category=Class category=Barbarian Tag category=! notcategory=Supplement notcategory=Racial Class notcategory=Prestige Class notcategory=WIP notcategory=April Fools include={5e Class Features}:summary:spellcasting mode=userformat format=,¦- class="²{Odd-Even¦²{#var:odd}²}²"\n¦ [[%PAGE%¦²{#replace:%PAGE%¦(5e Class)¦}²]],\n, tablerow=¦¦ %%, %%, %%\n


Beast Masters

Incomplete Classes which are variants of the Beast Master class or which are mashups inspired by the Beast Master class.

{{#dpl: debug=1

category=5e category=User category=Class category=Beast Master Tag category=! notcategory=Supplement notcategory=Racial Class notcategory=Prestige Class notcategory=WIP notcategory=April Fools include={5e Class Features}:summary:spellcasting mode=userformat format=,¦- class="²{Odd-Even¦²{#var:odd}²}²"\n¦ [[%PAGE%¦²{#replace:%PAGE%¦(5e Class)¦}²]],\n, tablerow=¦¦ %%, %%, %%\n



Incomplete Classes which are variants of the Fighter class or which are mashups inspired by the Fighter class.

{{#dpl: debug=1

category=5e category=User category=Class category=Fighter Tag category=! notcategory=Supplement notcategory=Racial Class notcategory=Prestige Class notcategory=WIP notcategory=April Fools include={5e Class Features}:summary:spellcasting mode=userformat format=,¦- class="²{Odd-Even¦²{#var:odd}²}²"\n¦ [[%PAGE%¦²{#replace:%PAGE%¦(5e Class)¦}²]],\n, tablerow=¦¦ %%, %%, %%\n



Incomplete Classes which are variants of the Gunslinger class or which are mashups inspired by the Gunslinger class.

{{#dpl: debug=1

category=5e category=User category=Class category=Gunslinger Tag category=! notcategory=Supplement notcategory=Racial Class notcategory=Prestige Class notcategory=WIP notcategory=April Fools include={5e Class Features}:summary:spellcasting mode=userformat format=,¦- class="²{Odd-Even¦²{#var:odd}²}²"\n¦ [[%PAGE%¦²{#replace:%PAGE%¦(5e Class)¦}²]],\n, tablerow=¦¦ %%, %%, %%\n



Incomplete Classes which are variants of the Monk class or which are mashups inspired by the Monk class.

{{#dpl: debug=1

category=5e category=User category=Class category=Monk Tag category=! notcategory=Supplement notcategory=Racial Class notcategory=Prestige Class notcategory=WIP notcategory=April Fools include={5e Class Features}:summary:spellcasting mode=userformat format=,¦- class="²{Odd-Even¦²{#var:odd}²}²"\n¦ [[%PAGE%¦²{#replace:%PAGE%¦(5e Class)¦}²]],\n, tablerow=¦¦ %%, %%, %%\n



Incomplete Classes which are variants of the Paladin class or which are mashups inspired by the Paladin class.

{{#dpl: debug=1

category=5e category=User category=Class category=Paladin Tag category=! notcategory=Supplement notcategory=Racial Class notcategory=Prestige Class notcategory=WIP notcategory=April Fools include={5e Class Features}:summary:spellcasting mode=userformat format=,¦- class="²{Odd-Even¦²{#var:odd}²}²"\n¦ [[%PAGE%¦²{#replace:%PAGE%¦(5e Class)¦}²]],\n, tablerow=¦¦ %%, %%, %%\n



Incomplete Classes which are variants of the Ranger class or which are mashups inspired by the Ranger class.

{{#dpl: debug=1

category=5e category=User category=Class category=Ranger Tag category=! notcategory=Supplement notcategory=Racial Class notcategory=Prestige Class notcategory=WIP notcategory=April Fools include={5e Class Features}:summary:spellcasting mode=userformat format=,¦- class="²{Odd-Even¦²{#var:odd}²}²"\n¦ [[%PAGE%¦²{#replace:%PAGE%¦(5e Class)¦}²]],\n, tablerow=¦¦ %%, %%, %%\n


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gollark: Would this be the mystical ”function monad”?
gollark: They practically write themselves.
gollark: More hydraz quotes in <#477911902152949771>!
gollark: We could make this into a JS library.
gollark: Let's write AutoHydraz in C++!
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