3e SRD:Tojanida, Juvenile

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Juvenile Tojanida

Size/Type: Small Outsider (Water)
Hit Dice: 3d8+6 (19 hp)
Initiative: +1 (Dex)
Speed: 10 ft., swim 90 ft.
AC: 22 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +10 natural)
Attacks: Bite +6 melee, 2 claws +1 melee
Damage: Bite 2d6+2, claw 1d4+1
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab, ink cloud
Special Qualities: All-around vision, acid and cold immunity, fire and electricity resistance 20
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +4
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 9
Skills: Hide, +11, Intuit Direction +7, Listen +7, Search +6, Spot +9
Feats: Blind-Fight
Climate/Terrain: Any aquatic and underground
Organization: Solitary or clutch (2-4)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Small)

Tojanidas speak Aquan and can be loquacious, but usually only on the subject of food.


Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the tojanida must hit with a bite or claw attack. If it gets a hold, it automatically deals that weapon’s damage each round the hold is maintained. Underwater, a tojanida can tow a grabbed victim of its own size or smaller at top speed. A favorite tactic is to grab a single opponent, then withdraw, hauling the opponent away from its allies.

All-Around Vision (Ex): Tojanidas’ multiple apertures allow them to look in any direction, bestowing a +4 racial bonus to Spot and Search checks. Opponents gain no flanking bonuses when attacking a tojanida.

Ink Cloud (Ex): A tojanida can emit a spherical cloud of jet-black ink with a radius of 30 feet once per minute as a free action. The effect is otherwise similar to fog cloud cast by an individual of a level equal to the tojanida’s Hit Dice. Out of water, the ink emerges in a stream up to 30 feet long, which the tojanida can squirt into an opponent’s eyes. The affected creature must succeed at a Reflex save or be blinded for 1 round. The save DC is 13 against a juvenile, 15 against an adult, and 19 against an elder.

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