3e SRD:Bane (Weapon Enhancement)

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Against its designated foe, a ban weapons effective enhancement bonus is +2 better than its normal enhancement bonus. Further, it deals +2d6 points of bonus damage against the foe. To randomly determine a weapons designated foe, roll on the following table:

d%	Designated Foe
--	--------------
01-05	Aberrations
06-08	Animals
09-13	Beasts
14-20	Constructs
21-25	Dragons
26-30	Elementals
31-35	Fey
36-40	Giants
41-45	Magical beasts
46-50	Monstrous humanoids
51-53	Oozes
54-58	Outsiders, chaotic
59-65	Outsiders, evil
66-70	Outsiders, good
71-75	Outsiders, lawful
76-77	Plants
78-85	Shapechangers
86-92	Undead
93-94	Vermin
95-100	Humanoids (choose subtype)

Caster Level: 8; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, summon monster I; Market Price: +2 bonus.

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gollark: You could do mesh networking. That's pretty workable by now. Also ham radio-type things.
gollark: Actually, not necessarily.
gollark: With a blockquote, thus making me inherently superior in all conceivable ways.
gollark: I posted that, bee.
gollark: Maintaining current standards of living, and also not having everyone die due to lack of food, needs roughly current technology. Maintaining current technology requires large-scale coordination. Thus, problems.
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