3.5e Chosen Weapon Feats

Chosen Weapon Feats: Chosen Weapon feats are feats that can only be used with one type of weapon, chosen by the one who takes the feat, i.e. feats like Weapon Focus. See also Category:Chosen Weapon Feat.

Chosen Weapon Feats


category=3.5e category=Feat category=User category=Chosen Weapon Feat category=Fighter Bonus Feat notcategory=Supplement include={3.5e Feat}:prereqs:summary mode=userformat format=,¦- class="²{Odd-Even¦²{var:odd}²}²"\n¦ [[%PAGE%¦²{#replace:%PAGE%¦(3.5e Feat)¦}²]],\n, tablerow=¦¦ style="text-align: center;" ¦ %%, %%\n


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