p50 traffic jam

P50 traffic jam is a period-50 oscillator discovered by Noam Elkies on October 16, 1994.[1] It works by hassling the 25-generation traffic jam reaction with two copies of fumarole and two copies of octagon 2. In terms of its 92 cells, it is the smallest known period 50 oscillator.[2] The version shown is the cis version, and by reflecting the right side it is possible to get a trans version with also 92 cells.

p50 traffic jam
<html><div class="rle"><div class="codebox"><div style="display:none;"><code></html>x = 48, y = 16, rule = B3/S23 2o44b2o$o2b3o36b3o2bo$b2o30b3o9b2o$6bo18bo15bo$6bo3bo12b2ob2o3bo5bo3bo $b2o5b2ob2o12bo5bo5bo7b2o$o2b3o4bo20bo5bo4b3o2bo$2o44b2o$33b3o2$6bo2bo 28bo2bo$5bob2obo26bob2obo$6bo2bo28bo2bo$6bo2bo28bo2bo$5bob2obo26bob2ob o$6bo2bo28bo2bo! #C [[ THUMBSIZE 2 THEME 6 GRID GRIDMAJOR 0 SUPPRESS THUMBLAUNCH ]] #C [[ AUTOSTART ]] <nowiki>#C [[ GPS 5 ZOOM 10 LOOP 50 ]]</nowiki> <html></code></div></div><canvas width="200" height="300" style="margin-left:1px;"><noscript></html> <html></noscript></canvas></div></html>
Pattern type Oscillator
Number of cells 92
Bounding box 48×18
Period 50
Mod 25
Heat 100.9
Volatility 0.91
Strict volatility 0.63
Discovered by Noam Elkies
Year of discovery 1994

See also


  1. Dean Hickerson's oscillator stamp collection. Retrieved on June 25, 2009.
  2. Jason Summers' all-osc pattern collection. Retrieved on June 25, 2009.
  • 92P50.1 at Heinrich Koenig's Game of Life Object Catalogs
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