List of Generations rules

The following is a list of Generations rules.

Rule (B/S/C) Rule (S/B/C equivalent) Name Character Author Date
B3457/S2367/C52367/3457/5BannersExplodingMirek Wójtowicz
A rule that often produces spaceships with growing fluttering banners.
A rule exhibiting Zhabotinsky reactions.
B23/S145678/C8145678/23/8BelZhab SedimentExplodingJason Rampe
The rule creates BelZhab-like patterns that have growing regions of "sedimentary deposits".
B34678/S234/C24234/34678/24BloomerangExpandingJohn ElliottJuly 2000
A wave rule that rebounds into a kinder, gentler form of kaleidoscopics rounded, soft, full, and slow.
B24/S345/C25345/24/25BombersChaoticMirek Wójtowicz
A close variant of the Star Wars rule with many more history steps, resulting in beautiful ships, puffers and oscillators.
B246/S6/C36/246/3Brain 6ChaoticMichael Sweney
An interesting variation of the immortal Brian's Brain, with many patterns constructed.
B2/S/C3/2/3Brian's BrainChaoticBrian Silverman
Also called BB, or simply Brain, this is unquestionably one of the best known and most beautiful CA rules. If we name the possible cell values based on a simplistic neural analogy, viz. 0 = "ready", 1 = "firing", 2 = "refractory", then this simple rule can be stated thusly: Only a cell in the ready state may fire and it will only do so if exactly 2 of its neighbors are firing. After firing for one step, a cell spends a step in the refractory state before regaining readiness.

Although the rule is relatively old, it has never been systematically explored. The rule is so lively that it's not easy to construct stable patterns in it. In December 1999, Michael Sweney discovered the first BB oscillators.

B3468/0235678/C90235678/3468/9BurstChaoticMichael Sweney
A rule related to Nova, Prairie Fire and others which features large areas of cells that slowly die out or decay into oscillators. Named after a characteristic exploding oscillator. Similar to Day & Night in that constructions can be built both with inside and outside oscillations and growth/decay. Has still lifes similar to Conway Life.
B3468/S235678/C9235678/3468/9Burst IIChaoticMichael Sweney
This rule is basically Burst without the single cell still life. It supports slow and fast spaceships, oscillators, and methuselahs as well as a very characteristic p500+ oscillator.
B378/S124567/C4124567/378/4CaterpillarsChaoticMirek Wójtowicz
Named after its very common caterpillar-like patterns.
B1234/S2345/C82345/1234/8Circuit GenesisExpandingCharles A. Rockafellor
Circuitry which evolves far beyond its programming and continues to do so long after the initial intput have taken the borders elsewhere.
B2/S23/C823/2/8CootiesExplodingRudy Rucker
A very vivacious rule, with cells crawling around like mad lice.
B36/S012478/C18012478/36/18Ebb and FlowExplodingMichael Sweney
A slow exploding rule with interesting internal dynamics within the growth boundaries. Different types of symmetries will often determine whether a pattern grows indefinitely or dies out. Presents challenging engineering problems. Best viewed in MCell with the standard color palette at speeds of 10 or slower.
B37/S012468/C18012468/37/18Ebb and Flow IIExplodingMichael Sweney
A close variant of Ebb and Flow that supports simple gliders.
B2/S2/C252/2/25FadersExplodingRudy Rucker and John Walker
A "genetic" cross of Life and Brian's Brain. A dead Faders cell requires exactly 2 firing neighbors to get turned on. A firing Faders cell keeps firing if it has exactly 2 firing neighbors. And when a Faders cell leaves the firing state it goes into a sequence of refractory states.
B13/S2/C212/13/21FireworksExplodingJohn Elliott
Nearly perfect fireworks simulation. It produces interesting results from both random and prepared initial states. Even several cells scattered over the lattice will produce long-running ravishing pictures.
B23/S347/C8347/23/8Flaming StarbowsExplodingCharles A. Rockafellor
In this world beautiful expanding diamonds and oddly off-parallelograms sweep across the screen leaving trails of fire and spirals of autogenesis. Reminiscent of a mutant spawn of Faders and mad Zhabotinsky spirals.
B34/S12/C312/34/3FrogsChaoticScott Robert Ladd
A rule named after its very common frog-like gliders.
B23/S356/C6356/23/6Frozen SpiralsCyclicMirek Wójtowicz
This rule features a popular Zhabotinsky reaction, but with one difference spirals have icicles in their vertices.
B245678/S035678/C7035678/245678/7GlisseratiExplodingJohn ElliottMay 2000
"From simple seeds this rule is often highly glideriferous, generating striking kaleidoscopic patterns. Sometimes, though, as in the Glidathon orbit, it is more sparse, in the vein of rules such as Transers, but with much longer transients, providing an uncanny sense of "perpetual motion".

Since I found this rule I've become aware of other recently discovered kaleidoscopic glider rules, such as Snake and TransersII, which share many of the same objects, though I've yet to see a Glidathon style orbit in them (which doesn't mean they aren't there - no one's really looked, AFAIK). In the present version of Glisserati, orbits seeded randomly, as opposed to simply, collapse almost immediately, but that's not the case with the C=5 variation, which is very delicately poised between expansion and contraction. So I've spun that one off as 'Glissergy'." John Elliott

B245678/035678/C5035678/245678/5GlissergyExplodingJohn ElliottMay 2000
"This rule differs from Glisserati only in its cellsize (5 rather than 7). As would be expected, this change is an activity booster - so much so, that, unlike Glisserati, this rule has long transients from random as well as simple starts. Think of it as the pin-iferous answer to Brian's Brain." John Elliott
B45678/S12345/C812345/45678/8LavaExpandingMirek Wójtowicz
All patterns are getting very slowly filled with hot lava.
B458/S012345/C3012345/458/3LinesStableAnders StarmarkSeptember 2000
This rule quickly self-organizes into linear structures, with separate orthogonally hatched areas. To see the most interesting behaviour, seed the universe with a circle with r40 and a density of 20%.
B3/S345/C6345/3/6Living On The EdgeChaoticMirek WójtowiczFebruary 2000
Also known as LOTE. In this very chaotic rule, it is hard to tell if patterns will survive or die out.
B3/S01245678/C801245678/3/8Meteor GunsExpandingCharles A. Rockafellor
Almost any design above a certain level of complexity results in a slowly exploding ball of fire which then spits fairly large numbers of generational gliders, the titular "meteors". There are easily discovered stable oscillators and static patterns. A truly satisfying environment (if only finding a limited growth meteor gun were as easy...).
B2478/S45678/C2545678/2478/25NovaExpandingMirek Wójtowicz
Very lovely rule characterized by vibrant yet stately streaming growth from solid seeds. The growth patterns and active border have a fascinating geometry, the particulars of which are sensitive to the size and shape of the initial solid.
B2/S3/C43/2/4OrthoGoExplodingJohn ElliottDecember 1999
This simple rule supports spontaneous orthogonally productive "glider colliders". But otherwise it seems fairly quiescent.
B34/S345/C6345/34/6Prairie on fireExplodingMirek Wójtowicz
This rule covers the lattice with fire. For best results use yellow-red cells color settings.
B23/S2/C82/23/8RainZhaExplodingRudy Rucker and John Walker
The simplest "Zhabotinsky" style cellular automaton. It spontaneously generates spirals from an initial random pattern.
B2678/S3467/C63467/2678/6RakeExplodingBrian Prentice
This rule is a simple variation of the Worms rule and is characterized by the numerous rake puffers that it generates. Together with the puffers, it generates many ships and expanding wings. These elements can easily be arranged to collide and form ships and puffers of arbitrary complexity.
B25678/S45678/C445678/25678/4SediMentalExplodingJohn Elliott
From a random seed state of 30% ones, the rule tends to form stable "islands", with active coastlines and fascinating inter-island "commerce". But an orbit's fate is quite sensitive to the starting percentage. Below 25% or so the world remains sparsely Brain-like, whereas somewhere above 30% the islands begin to accrete into larger "landmasses", so that by 40% you nearly always end up with a single huge "continent". As for simple seeds, they often lead to surprising results. And the rule clearly has great potential from the "engineering" standpoint.
B25/S03467/C603467/25/6SnakeExplodingBrian Prentice
This rule is a simple variation of the Worms rule. It contains two interesting oscillators, a 3*3 square and a shuttle, among its basic elements. By combining copies of the square, many beautiful oscillators can be generated. The rule also generates many puffers one of which generates a sequence of shuttles. The tail generated by the shuttle puffer resembles a snake.
B38/S13458/C613458/38/6Soft FreezeChaoticJohn Elliott
"The rule is delicately poised between "solid" and "liquid" phases. From many simple seeds it forms "living crystals" - the crystals form, melt, and reform seemingly indefinitely, in balance with an active phase. The areas of melting can shrink to a point where you're sure everything will freeze over, and then they stage a comeback.

From random starts, this rule resembles a nice poised rule from Wójtowicz called "Living on the Edge", only this one is even more "on the edge". (BTW, though the rule definition looks as though I took LOTE as a starting point, I actually came at it from a different direction entirely, and only afterwards realized I had converged on the B3S345 core.)" John Elliott

The rule produces beautiful stable spirals that unroll forever.
B2/S345/C4345/2/4Star WarsExplodingMirek WójtowiczMarch 1999
Also known as MirekGro, this is a very interesting and beautiful rule producing deep space battle scenes; a paradise for patterns' creators in the tradition of Conway Life. It's a successful combination of famous Brian's Brain with a stabilizing factor.

"StarWars is also an interesting rule from the low-investment standpoint. In particular, it is notable for the abundance, intricacy, and variety of its naturally-occurring glider guns. In general when running "au naturel" StarWars is active to a degree almost reminiscent of Brain, with the distinction that it likes to build fixed lego-like skeletal structures. In some orbits this latter penchant reaches its zenith, and we get large universe-spanning "shells" possessing an intricate radiate geometry." John Elliott

B2/S3456/C63456/2/6SticksExplodingRudy Rucker
This interesting rule builds a variety of sticks, with ships floating among them.
B34/S23/C823/34/8SwirlChaoticScott Robert Ladd
While spirals are common in CAs (see for example RainZha or Cyclic CAs), Swirl's whirlers are of the rarer discrete variety - isolated "whirlpools" in an otherwise dead sea. There are two sizes of whirlpools that occur regularly. Ladd calls the smaller the "swirlpool" and the larger the "flamewhirl". Also there is a glider with a flickering double tail which Ladd aptly refers to as a fire or flame glider.
B34/S1234/C481234/34/48Thrill GrillExpandingJohn ElliottJuly 2000
Sparkling dynamics inhabit and rearrange a grill-like background of one-cells.
B26/S345/C5345/26/5TransersExplodingJohn Elliott
A beautiful and dynamic rule with many distinctive entities that occur "in the wild", with remarkable inter-entity transformations.
B26/S0345/C60345/26/6Transers IIExplodingMichael Sweney
B34678/S345/C5345/34678/5WanderersExplodingMirek Wójtowicz
A rule very similar to "Prairie on fire", but creates interesting dynamically moving patterns.
B25/S3467/C63467/25/6WormsExplodingMirek Wójtowicz
A very vigorous rule producing crowds of disgusting worms.
B2356/S1456/C161456/2356/16XtasyExplodingJohn ElliottJuly 2000
From simple seeds in a closed universe this is a lovely kaleidoscopic wave rule that tends to do extended meditations on the letter X.
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