Redstone API

Redstone.getAnalogueOutput Redstone.getBundledInput Redstone.getBundledOutput

When given a parameter with a valid side, this function will return a boolean value indicating whether the computer or turtle is receiving a redstone signal. Where true corresponds to a present signal and false corresponds to no present signal.
Syntax redstone.getInput(
  • side : string
Returns boolean state of the redstone signal
Part of CC:Tweaked (source)
API redstone
ExampleCheck for receiving sides
Prints any side that is receiving a redstone signal
for key, value in pairs(redstone.getSides()) do
    if (redstone.getInput(value)) then
        print("Side "..value.." is receiving a signal.")
Output Side [top, bottom, front, back, left, right] is receiving a signal.
When given a parameter with a valid side, this function will return a boolean value indicating whether the computer or turtle is outputting a redstone signal. Where true corresponds to a present signal and false corresponds to no present signal.
Syntax redstone.getOutput(
  • side : string
Returns boolean state of the redstone signal
Part of CC:Tweaked (source)
API redstone
ExampleCheck if outputting signal.
Prints any side that is outputting a signal.
for key, value in pairs(redstone.getSides()) do
    if (redstone.getOutput(value)) then
        print("Side "..value.." is outputting a signal.")
Output Side [top, bottom, front, back, left, right] is outputting a signal.
Searches every side available to the computer or turtle and returns a table of sides that are valid for redstone interaction.
Syntax redstone.getSides()
Returns table of valid sides
Part of CC:Tweaked (source)
API redstone
ExampleCheck for valid sides
Prints any side that is valid for redstone interaction
for key, value in pairs(redstone.getSides()) do
    print("Side "..value.." is valid.")
Output Side [top, bottom, front, back, left, right] is valid.
When passed a valid side, this function will return a number value indicating the strength of the redstone signal received on that side. If there is no redstone signal it returns 0. Similar to redstone.getInput except it returns the strength instead of boolean on/off status.
Syntax redstone.getAnalogueInput(
  • side : string
Returns number strength of the redstone signal
Part of CC:Tweaked (source)
API redstone
ExamplePrint input on each side
Prints the redstone signal strength on each side of the computer.
for _, side in pairs(redstone.getSides()) do
    print(("redstone signal on %s is %d"):format(side, redstone.getAnalogueInput(side)))
Output redstone signal on [top, bottom, left, right, front, back] is [0-15]


When passed a valid side, this function will return a number value indicating the strength of the redstone signal received on that side. If there is no redstone signal it returns 0. Similar to redstone.getInput except it returns the strength instead of boolean on/off status.
Syntax redstone.getAnalogueInput(
  • side : string
Returns number strength of the redstone signal
Part of CC:Tweaked (source)
API redstone
ExamplePrint input on each side
Prints the redstone signal strength on each side of the computer.
for _, side in pairs(redstone.getSides()) do
    print(("redstone signal on %s is %d"):format(side, redstone.getAnalogueInput(side)))
Output redstone signal on [top, bottom, left, right, front, back] is [0-15]

Redstone.setAnalogOutput Redstone.setAnalogueOutput Redstone.setBundledOutput

When given a parameter with a valid side, this function will return a boolean value indicating whether the computer or turtle is receiving a redstone signal. Where true corresponds to a present signal and false corresponds to no present signal.
Syntax redstone.setOutput(
  • side : string
  • output : boolean
Returns nil
Part of CC:Tweaked (source)
API redstone
ExampleCheck for receiving sides
redstone.setOutput sets the redstone output as a boolean, defining whether to send output on the specified side or not.
redstone.setOutput("top", true)
redstone.setOutput("top", false)
Output Redstone will be on on the top for 5 seconds, and then will be turned off.


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