Tag: tips

13 Strategies for representing a given large integer using arithmetic expression 2016-01-25T21:54:20.750

13 Tips for golfing in Erlang 2016-05-15T15:15:46.580

13 Tips for golfing in TikZ 2017-02-07T19:30:29.610

13 Most common elements of a list in Python 2017-07-18T22:33:45.837

13 Advice for ruby 2017-10-23T17:31:48.037

13 Tips for golfing in QBasic 2017-11-09T22:31:22.047

13 How to solve the total task on "return true to win" in 21 chars 2018-01-17T19:59:22.170

13 Generate ladder of integers using the least number of unique characters (in C++) 2019-05-13T14:26:53.383

12 Tips for golfing in Befunge 2013-12-20T07:44:48.267

12 An improved version of GolfScript 2013-12-31T18:58:15.527

12 Am I code-golfing properly? 2015-02-26T03:06:59.483

12 Tips for King of the Hill bots 2016-04-04T21:33:25.893

12 Tips for golfing in Jolf 2016-04-25T14:28:00.790

12 Tips for golfing in Cheddar 2016-08-02T06:46:01.963

12 Tips for golfing in Haxe 2016-09-18T16:46:25.060

12 Tips for golfing in Röda 2017-03-28T11:45:30.867

12 Tips for golfing in /// 2017-05-12T22:45:36.527

12 How can I shorten this python code? 2017-10-15T18:44:11.337

12 What's the shortest way to define an anonymous recursive function in Octave? 2018-05-09T08:40:07.860

11 What is a good way to deal with tasks that require arrays using Haskell? 2011-03-24T20:19:51.473

11 X greater than 3 with at least 2 difference between X and Y 2014-05-03T18:02:34.340

11 Smallest python script to print even numbers 0 to 100 2014-08-11T14:31:19.917

11 Golfscript Diagonal Array 2014-09-18T22:24:00.197

11 Best place for learning GolfScript? 2015-06-22T21:12:55.863

11 Coercing a string to an integer in GolfScript 2016-07-16T18:57:31.717

11 Tips for golfing in Nim 2016-11-26T11:29:00.927

11 Tips for golfing in SmileBASIC 2017-02-07T16:23:18.257

11 Tips for golfing in Underload 2017-02-10T06:24:19.903

11 quine program in C using only macros 2018-05-17T13:38:56.160

11 Print 'A' 1000 times with BrainFuck 2019-06-16T20:53:56.333

11 Intersection of circles – How can I reduce this golf code to 127 bytes? 2020-02-05T17:26:46.657

10 Tips for golfing in INTERCAL 2015-08-10T04:27:45.327

10 Shortening a long number 2015-08-16T12:42:43.793

10 Tips for golfing in Forth 2016-01-02T21:06:51.050

10 Tips for golfing in Retina 2016-02-09T21:25:16.333

10 Tips for golfing in D2 2016-02-27T23:13:07.447

10 How to find the item in a list whose f(item) is the smallest? 2016-05-17T19:41:20.440

10 C# First 1 (right to left) in binary number 2017-04-12T19:23:49.120

10 Shortest python A + B program with input and output 2017-04-17T09:39:53.907

10 Tips for Golfing in SQLite? 2017-11-04T11:51:20.110

10 Tips for golfing with numpy, scipy, or pylab 2018-02-23T21:54:05.457

10 Tips for golfing in MarioLANG 2019-09-20T02:44:01.770

10 Decode ascii and reversed words sentence 2019-12-20T10:13:13.420

9 Tips for golfing in Io 2014-01-26T08:30:38.053

9 Tips for golfing in OCaml 2014-09-10T17:54:47.830

9 All primes from 0 to 1000 2015-01-09T19:58:35.403

9 Python 3 - Tried Golfing My Assignment 2015-02-24T04:04:24.433

9 GolfScript, CJam, or Pyth? 2015-08-08T13:14:14.707

9 Tips for golfing in Lisp 2016-05-10T22:50:31.750

9 Tips for golfing in Logo 2017-04-29T00:01:02.110

9 Creating a function over multiple lines 2018-03-02T23:30:20.057

9 Tips for golfing in The Powder Toy 2018-05-03T13:38:09.503

9 Python: shortest way to interleave items from two lists 2018-08-03T01:50:28.343

8 PHP golfing tips: Reading/writing files and the CLI 2012-05-03T09:41:54.450

8 Palindromic prime 2014-07-09T08:31:55.070

8 Looking for shorter alternatives to `range(...)` 2014-11-23T19:51:39.723

8 Generalized integer casting in Python 2015-05-27T02:50:08.973

8 Convert a string representation of a number to int[] in C# 2015-07-17T05:44:59.260

8 Golfing with User Agents 2015-08-07T08:38:30.030

8 Tips for golfing in CoffeeScript 2015-08-09T09:09:55.203

8 What is the shortest infinite loop statement in Java? 2015-09-02T18:04:15.340

8 Tips for golfing in Burlesque 2015-11-17T12:05:08.773

8 Tips for golfing in Elixir 2015-12-05T03:57:05.020

8 Tips for golfing in Emotinomicon 2016-09-25T15:31:22.970

8 Smallest possible runnable Mach-O executable 2016-12-07T23:49:42.153

8 Tip? Short way to generate up to 12 repeated characters in JavaScript 2017-05-28T11:26:39.103

8 Tips for golfing in Scratch 2018-11-09T05:55:13.290

8 What is a short code for generating this matrix in R? 2019-11-30T13:49:08.083

7 Reducing Leibniz perl code in characters 2013-02-05T07:14:35.653

7 Tips for golfing in AWK 2013-10-26T05:01:58.607

7 Tips for golfing in Element 2015-04-17T13:49:11.263

7 Leibniz golf in C# 2015-04-22T16:39:52.023

7 Tips for Golfing in Vitsy 2016-02-09T21:37:46.283

7 Tips for golfing in Factor 2016-03-16T01:42:50.387

7 How can I shorten this python code analyzing a 3d grid? 2016-04-14T19:12:05.573

7 How can I shorten this multiple assignment in Lua? 2016-08-26T23:24:10.163

7 PowerShell: test connection in as few characters as possible 2017-04-03T17:10:15.230

7 Tips for golfing in SOGL 2017-04-23T21:22:14.617

7 Tips for making a golfing language 2017-04-29T17:06:06.397

7 Further golfing this C# code from Scramble words while preserving their outlines 2017-05-15T11:09:27.673

7 Code Golfing Split String in Bash 2017-07-06T13:04:27.020

7 How to improve Ruby code under some restrictions 2017-12-02T19:42:01.077

7 Convert a string containing integers to list of integers 2019-06-19T16:32:18.583

6 Doing shorter comparisons in PowerShell 2013-11-26T18:12:21.337

6 Tips for golfing in Subleq 2016-02-03T08:03:23.457

6 Tips for golfing in PARI/GP 2016-04-21T19:00:51.057

6 Tips for golfing in Fishing 2016-07-31T19:57:11.383

6 Javascript tips: 2 to the power of x multiplied by n 2016-08-21T14:09:35.817

6 Tips for golfing in Wierd 2016-11-29T23:58:46.203

6 How can I golf this code to count all perfect squares below 100? 2017-04-07T03:20:33.900

6 lastIndexOf in CJam 2017-07-15T14:39:50.903

6 Tips for Golfing in Standard ML 2017-12-13T22:32:21.283

5 Shortest code to check if a number is in a range in JavaScript 2012-10-09T22:45:14.167

5 Tips for golfing in VBScript 2013-10-24T15:33:21.647

5 Javascript: Mini Space Invaders 2014-10-16T23:42:55.190

5 Shortest Code to Translate a PHP array 2014-11-25T19:26:10.337

5 Print all odd numbers from 0 to 100000 2014-12-25T12:08:00.353

5 C golfing tips - returning 0 without return statement 2015-02-01T08:55:33.617

5 How could I reduce the length of this code? 2015-05-07T18:59:45.373