Tag: substitution

83 What my dog really hears 2017-05-09T08:07:29.990

29 Fridge magnet substitution 2018-05-15T07:15:33.260

27 Enumerate each series of identical numbers in-place 2019-01-08T09:27:59.477

25 Recursive string substitution 2017-02-16T14:41:37.417

22 Neutralize data 2017-01-16T09:44:45.540

22 Collapse consecutive integers 2017-07-25T19:34:12.813

20 Substitute Unprintable ASCII Characters 2019-11-18T00:15:53.863

11 Fill in the Blanks, Please! 2017-09-21T02:47:36.473

7 Trivial Brainf**k Substitution Interpreter 2017-06-07T19:28:17.300

6 Implement the named labels for assembly 2019-10-09T16:12:38.990

3 Create an auto-cucumber program 2017-09-10T04:24:56.257

-4 Substring Substitution 2016-11-20T02:51:21.607