Tag: stateful

225 Code that will only execute once 2014-05-28T03:40:21.427

48 Shortest code in your language to persist a string across a reboot 2018-07-05T23:21:56.073

47 3... 2... 1... Crash off! 2016-12-16T02:16:44.860

23 Incremental Quine 2016-12-20T01:30:28.020

14 Permanently self-modifying code 2017-01-22T01:45:23.020

14 A greeting bot for a colleague from work 2018-08-28T13:58:04.307

14 Save my secrets! 2019-05-16T20:54:51.190

13 How many instances are running? 2017-12-10T15:59:03.460

12 Monkey Island: The Head of the Navigator 2014-09-22T18:00:12.080

12 Entropic Quine! 2017-02-06T06:38:02.973

4 Write a program to perform set operations. 2011-02-25T20:02:50.623