Tag: comment

66 Uncomment a COBOL program! 2017-08-24T01:58:00.250

42 Esolang-Comment-Template-Generator 2016-09-09T04:11:55.537

30 Parse the comments out of my esoteric code 2016-09-13T01:31:17.460

27 Vim - surround comment line with comment character 2015-02-23T12:00:00.077

20 Restricted Polyglot 2014-09-27T23:28:32.337

18 Remove single line and multiline comments from string 2015-04-01T10:51:10.063

14 Make a simple pretty-comment tool 2016-01-14T20:27:17.780

12 Generate /* line number comments */ 2016-11-20T22:20:32.647

8 Do the needful? 2014-05-26T23:33:47.093