Randomized Pumpkin Patch


I was walking through a pumpkin patch the other day for a birthday party, and noticed the pumpkin vines making a nifty pattern, with whirls, loops, and offshoots. We're going to simulate that here with some ASCII art.

   p--q      p-----q
  /    \    /       \
(())    b--d       (())

Vine Construction Rules

  • There is only one main vine, composed solely of \ / - p q b d characters.
  • The vine only travels from left to right across the screen. In other words, suppose you were an ant starting at the left-most vine character. As you progress to the next adjacent character on the main vine, you must move one column to the right - never to the left.
  • When the vine changes direction, one of the p q b d characters are required to simulate a loop. The p joins vines traveling northeast to east, the q for east to southeast, the b from southeast to east, and the d from east to northeast. Note that the "loop" of the letter connects to the horizontal vine, and the "stem" of the letter connects to the diagonal.
  • The beginning of the vine must be one of p or b (your choice, doesn't have to be random), and starts horizontally. The end of the vine must be one of q or d (your choice, doesn't have to be random), and must end horizontally.
  • Note that loops can be placed immediately adjacent to other loops (e.g., pd is a valid substring of the vine), but that may make it more difficult to place the pumpkins later. You may want to always have one of - / \ immediately after a loop (as I did in my examples), but it's not required.

Pumpkin Rules

  • The pumpkins are composed solely of (()) (this exact string).
  • From the main vine, the pumpkins are attached by offshoots. These offshoots can only be attached to the p q b d loops, are precisely one \ or / in length, and attach to the pumpkin so the "end" of the offshoot is in the middle.
  • They can connect above or below the main vine.
  • The offshoots can connect going to the "left."
  • Only one pumpkin can attach per offshoot, and only one offshoot per loop.


  • When traveling horizontally, the vine has a 50% chance of continuing horizontally, a 25% chance of turning northeast, and a 25% chance of turning southeast.
  • When traveling diagonally, the vine has a 90% chance of turning horizontal and a 10% chance of continuing diagonally.
  • There must be sufficient turns to support the input number of pumpkins, though more turns are allowed.
  • Once the vine is constructed, pumpkins can be randomly placed at any corner not already occupied by a pumpkin.
  • Pumpkins cannot overlap the vine or other pumpkins.

The Challenge

Given an input number, output a randomized pumpkin patch following the above rules. Executing the code multiple times with the same input should yield different results. All possible pumpkin patches for a given input number should have some (not necessarily equal) non-zero chance of occurring.


A single integer n representing the number of pumpkins in the patch, in any convenient format. For brevity of code, you can assume the input is 0 < n < 256.


The resulting pumpkin patch, either printed/displayed to the screen or returned as a string/string-array/etc.


  • This is so all the usual rules for golfing apply, and the shortest code (in bytes) wins.
  • Use our standard definition of "Random."
  • Either a full program or function are acceptable.
  • Standard loopholes are forbidden.
  • Leading and trailing whitespace / newlines are all completely optional.


For input n = 3, here are some VALID examples of a pumpkin patch following the above rules (separated by blank newlines).

   p--q      p-----q
  /    \    /       \
(())    b--d       (())

(()) (())
  \   /
   b-q (())
      \ /

p-----------------------q (())
                       / \ /
                     (()) b-q

Here are some INVALID examples for input n = 3, with explanations #.

    (()) (())
     /    /
# The vine continued horizontally after a loop was placed.

  \ /
# The pumpkins are both overlapping and sprouting from the same loop.

 \      \         \
(())   (())      (())
# The pumpkin is attached to the middle of the vine, not at a loop.


Posted 2016-10-12T18:31:09.367

Reputation: 41 581

7And now design a 2D language using this as the syntax. :) – Martin Ender – 2016-10-12T18:37:25.427



Python 2, 819 bytes

Takes n as input

Always places pumkpins on the 'outside' of corners (randomly left/right)

While the vine is constructed, pumpkins are added, and when enough pumpkins are there, the vine stops.

while len(U)+len(D)<i+2:s=[[0,1][r()<.9],[[0,2][r()<.5],1][r()<.5],[2,1][r()<.9]][s];exec['',[['','U+=[len(v)]'][U[-1]<len(v)-7],'',['','D+=[len(v)]'][D[-1]<len(v)-7]][v[-1]-s+1]][r()<.8];v+=[s]*[1,2][v[-1]!=s]
for i in v:s+=i-1;m=[m,s][m>s];M=[M,s][M<s]
R=[[' ']*(M-m+5)for x in v]
for x in range(3,len(v)-3):X=v[x-1];R[x][m]='/d p-b q\\'[v[x]*3+X];m+=v[x]-1
M=[len(a)-len(a.lstrip())for a in map(''.join,R)]
W="""exec("for p in "+a+"[1:]:x=M[p];b=r()<.5;exec('R[x"+B+"1][p'+['+1]=\\""+L+"\\"','-1]=\\""+K+"\\"'][b]);i=p-[0,3][b];l='(';exec('R[x"+B+"2][i]=l;i+=1;'*2+'l=\\")\\";')*2")"""
exec W+";B,a='+D';L,K=K,L;"+W
for x in R:print''.join(map(str,x))



 (())          /       
   \       p--d        
  p-q     /    \       
     \   /    (())     


                           /    \                                                                                            
                          /      b--q                                                                                        
           (())     p----d      /    \                                                                                       
  (())       \     /          (())    b-q (())                                                                               
    \         p---d                      \  \                                                                                
  p--q       /     \                      b--q                                                                               
      \     /     (())                   /    \                        (())                                           (())   
       b---d                           (())    b-q                       \                                             /     
        \                                         \          (())         p-q                                         p---q  
       (())                                        \           \         /   \                                       /       
                                                    b-----------q     p-d     b-q                            (())p--d        
                                                                 \   /       /   \                            / /    \       
                                                                  b-d      (())   b-q   (())  (())   p-q     p-d    (())     
                                                                   /                 \   /      \   /   \   /                
                                                                 (())                 b-q        p-d     b-d                 
                                                                                       \ \      /         \                  
                                                                                      (())b----d         (())                


Posted 2016-10-12T18:31:09.367

Reputation: 19 246

Congrats, you win by default! :D – AdmBorkBork – 2016-10-19T15:01:49.647