Checkmate (aka the urinal problem)



My Precalc teacher has one of his favorite problems that he made up (or more likely stole inspired by xkcd) that involves a row of n urinals. "Checkmate" is a situation in which every urinal is already occupied OR has an occupied urinal next to them. For instance, if a person is an X, then


is considered checkmate. Note that a person cannot occupy a urinal next to an already occupied urinal.


Your program will take a number through stdin, command line args, or a function argument. Your program will then print out or return the number of ways that checkmate can occur in with the inputted number of urinals.


0 -> 1 (the null case counts as checkmate)
1 -> 1 (X)
2 -> 2 (X- or -X)
3 -> 2 (X-X or -X-)
4 -> 3 (X-X-, -X-X, or X--X)
5 -> 4 (X-X-X, X--X-, -X-X-, or -X--X)
6 -> 5 (X-X-X-, X--X-X, X-X--X, -X--X- or -X-X-X)
7 -> 7 (X-X-X-X, X--X-X-, -X-X--X, -X--X-X, X-X--X-, X--X--X or -X-X-X-)
8 -> 9 (-X--X--X, -X--X-X-, -X-X--X-, -X-X-X-X, X--X--X-, X--X-X-X, X-X--X-X, X-X-X--X, X-X-X-X-)


The smallest program in bytes wins.


Posted 2016-09-21T16:19:59.710

Reputation: 657

3Related. – betseg – 2016-09-21T16:43:50.447

3Related – mbomb007 – 2016-09-21T16:51:26.110

2The test cases keep getting updated. Can we have a program to verify them once and for all? And preferably get one higher, out of sequence?) – Geobits – 2016-09-21T17:08:01.200

Alright, the test cases are correct according to my results. Also, there's no need for any more test cases. – AMACB – 2016-09-21T17:15:00.940

12The n=0 case should be 1. There is exactly one setup which is checkmate, and that's ''. This is the same as with factorial and permutations, 0! = 1, because there is exactly 1 way to arrange 0 items. – orlp – 2016-09-21T17:24:29.367 – James – 2016-09-21T17:32:31.280

19No toilet at all is indeed a checkmate situation. :D – Titus – 2016-09-21T19:37:12.150

The urinal problem has been around much longer than XKCD. I first encountered it a decade before Randal's blog post; and have no reason to believe the flash game implementation that was shared around the dorm lan my freshman year was the origin of it. – Dan is Fiddling by Firelight – 2016-09-22T11:06:12.617

Does the cubicle count in this problem? – Ed Heal – 2016-09-22T19:22:35.967



Oasis, 5 bytes



Extended version



1 = a(0)
1 = a(1)
2 = a(2)

a(n) = cd+
       c      # Calculate a(n - 2)
        d     # Calculate a(n - 3)
         +    # Add them up

Try it online!


Posted 2016-09-21T16:19:59.710

Reputation: 41 965

7This is a strange answer, the language was created about a month ago with no proper documentation in the repo.... – None – 2016-09-21T17:29:23.843

2@tuskiomi It do have a doc, in info.txt – TuxCrafting – 2016-09-21T17:30:05.813

@TùxCräftîñg that's just a reference sheet... – None – 2016-09-21T17:32:59.963

@tuskiomi It count as a doc – TuxCrafting – 2016-09-21T17:33:21.253

6@TùxCräftîñg sure, if you want to be technical. I could draw a horse and call it documentation towards my programming project. that doesn't make it useful, or decisive. – None – 2016-09-21T17:35:10.677

1@tuskiomi info.txt is useful, it contains a documentation for every Oasis commands – TuxCrafting – 2016-09-21T17:38:03.677

8@tuskiomi That's the result of procrastination and lazyness. I'll try to add a concise documentation on how the actual language works today. – Adnan – 2016-09-21T17:38:35.957


Java 7, 65 42 bytes

int g(int u){return u>1?g(u-2)+g(u-3):1;}

The sequence just adds previous elements to get new ones. Hat tip to orlp and Rod for this shorter method ;)


int f(int u){return u<6?new int[]{1,1,2,2,3,4}[u]:f(u-1)+f(u-5);}

After the fifth element, the gap in the sequence rises by the element five previous.


Posted 2016-09-21T16:19:59.710

Reputation: 19 061

If u=3 then your function returns 1 but the examples show that it should be 2. – Poke – 2016-09-21T17:36:40.607

Oops! I was using my f function from the other snippet instead of recursing. Stupid me, fixing... – Geobits – 2016-09-21T17:40:30.703

1Can't that last part (u>0?u:1;) become 1;? – Conor O'Brien – 2016-09-21T17:45:34.330

@ConorO'Brien That misses u=2 – Geobits – 2016-09-21T17:46:11.640

@Geobits ah, okay – Conor O'Brien – 2016-09-21T17:46:24.387

Doesn't this return 1 for u=0 when it ought to return 0? – Jordan – 2016-09-21T17:48:18.190

2@Jordan If there are zero urinals, then "every urinal is already occupied" in the one configuration possible. I believe the test case shown in the question is wrong. – Geobits – 2016-09-21T17:50:28.040

1You can replace u>0?u:1;) by 1; if you change the first comparison to u>1, then on u=2 the output will be g(0)+g(-1), which will be 2 – Rod – 2016-09-21T19:54:54.517

Oh, that's clever... I didn't think of going negative with it :) – Geobits – 2016-09-21T19:56:17.387


Python 2, 42 40 39 35 bytes

f=lambda n:n>1and f(n-2)+f(n-3)or 1

Generating the actual sets:

lambda n:["{:0{}b}".format(i,n).replace("0","-").replace("1","X")for i in range(2**n)if"11"not in"{:0{}b}".format(i*2,2+n).replace("000","11")]


Posted 2016-09-21T16:19:59.710

Reputation: 37 067


Ruby, 58 34 bytes

Heavily inspired by Geobits' original Java answer.


See it on

First attempt


See it on


Posted 2016-09-21T16:19:59.710

Reputation: 5 001


Python, 33 bytes

f=lambda n:+(n<2)or f(n-2)+f(n-3)

Uses the shifted base cases f(-1) = f(0) = f(1) = 1. If True could be used for 1, we would not need 3 bytes for the +().


Posted 2016-09-21T16:19:59.710

Reputation: 115 687


J, 31 27 23 bytes

Saved 4 bytes thanks to miles!

0{]_&(]}.,+/@}:)1 1 2"_

An explanation is to come soon.

Old solution


This is an agenda. The LHS is a gerund composed of two verbs: >.1&^ and -&3+&$:-&2. The first one is used if the condition (2&<) fails. That means the fork >.1&^ is activated over the argument. Observe:

   1 ^ 0 1 2
1 1 1
   (1&^) 0 1 2
1 1 1
   0 1 2 >. (1&^) 0 1 2
1 1 2
   (>.1&^) 0 1 2
1 1 2

Here, >. takes the max of two values. Thus, it yields 1, 1, and 2 as the initial terms.

The second verb in the gerund is a fork:

-&3 +&$: -&2

The left and right tines are applied to the verb, subtracting 3 and 2 respectively; then the middle verb is called with left and right arguments equal to those. $: calls the verb on each argument, and + adds those two. It's basically equivalent to ($: arg - 3) + ($: arg - 2)

Test cases

   f =: (>.1&^)`(-&3+&$:-&2)@.(2&<)
   f 0
   f 2
   f 4
   f 6
   f 8
   F =: f"0         NB. for tables
   F i.13
1 1 2 2 3 4 5 7 9 12 16 21 28
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
   (,. F) i.13
 0  1
 1  1
 2  2
 3  2
 4  3
 5  4
 6  5
 7  7
 8  9
 9 12
10 16
11 21
12 28

Conor O'Brien

Posted 2016-09-21T16:19:59.710

Reputation: 36 228


PHP, 105 113 93 bytes

+3 for n=1; +9 for $argv, -1-3 golfed
-20: noticed that I don´t have to the combinations, but only their count


run with -r

loop from 2**n-1 to 0:

  • check binary n-digit representation for 11, 000, 00 at the beginning or the end, or a single 0
  • if no match, increase result

print result

same size, slightly simpler regex

  • loop from 2**n-1 to 1 (instead of 0)
  • check binary representation for 11, 00 at the beginning or the end, or 000
  • prints nothing for n=0

PHP, 82 bytes

Arnauld´s answer ported and golfed:


prints nothing for n=0


Posted 2016-09-21T16:19:59.710

Reputation: 13 814

add 3 bytes for the new n=0: insert ?:1 before the final ; – Titus – 2016-09-21T19:36:42.037


JavaScript (ES6) / Recursive, 30 27 bytes

Edit: saved 3 bytes thanks to Shaun H



for(var n = 1; n < 16; n++) {
  console.log(n, f(n));

JavaScript (ES6) / Non-recursive 90 77 bytes

Edit: saved 13 bytes thanks to Conor O'Brien and Titus

let f =


for(var n = 1; n < 16; n++) {
  console.log(n, f(n));


Posted 2016-09-21T16:19:59.710

Reputation: 111 334

1I think ((i|r|l)&(k-1)) can become ((i|r|l)&k-1), or even ((i|r|l)&~-k) – Conor O'Brien – 2016-09-21T17:33:38.440

one byte: i<<1 -> i*2 or i+i – Titus – 2016-09-21T18:02:19.977

1You can use one variable for l and r, saving 6 bytes: !(i&(x=i>>1|i+i))&&((i|x)&(k-1))==k-1; and if you can insert ,k-- somewhere, you can replace k-1 with k to save parens. – Titus – 2016-09-21T18:18:50.663

&(k-1) needs no parens anyway; but you can use &~k instead. – Titus – 2016-09-21T18:58:35.410

1i'm just gonna leave this here: f=n=>n<3?n||1:f(n-2)+f(n-3) – Shaun H – 2016-09-22T15:03:54.737


MATL, 25 23 bytes


Try it online! Or check all test cases.


Two convolutions! Yay!

This builds an array, say A, where each possible configuration is a row. 1 in this array represents an occupied position. For example, for input 4 the array A is

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0
1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1

The code then convolves array A with [1 1 1]. This gives an array B. Occupied positions and neighbours of occupied positions in A give a nonzero result in array B:

0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 1 1
2 3 2 1
2 3 3 2

So the first condition for a configuration to be a checkmate is that B contains no zeros in that row. This means that in that row of A there no empty positions, or there were some but were neighbours of occupied positions.

We need a second condition. For example, the last row fulfills the above condition, but is not part of the solution because the configuration was not valid to begin with. A valid configurations cannot have two neighbouring occupied positions, i.e cannot have two contiguous 1's in A. Equivalently, it cannot have two contiguous values in B exceeding 1. So we can detect this by convolving B with [1 1] and checking that in the resulting array, C,

0 0 0 0
0 1 2 1
1 2 2 1
5 5 3 1
5 6 5 2

no value in that row exceeds 3. The final result is the number of configurations that fulfill the two conditions.

W:q    % Range [0 1 ... n-1], where n is implicit input
B      % Convert to binary. Each number produces a row. This is array A
7B     % Push array [1 1 1] 
Z+     % 2D convolution, keeping size. Entries that are 1 or are horizontal 
       % neighbours of 1 produce a positive value. This is array B
t!     % Duplicate and transpose (rows become columns)
XA     % True for columns that contain no zeros
w      % Swap. Brings array B to top
3B     % Push array [1 1]
Z+     % 2D convolution, keeping size. Two horizontally contiguous entries
       % that exceed 1 will give a result exeeding 3. This is array C
!      % Transpose
3>     % Detect entries that exceed 3
a      % True for columns that contain at least one value that exceeds 3
>      % Element-wise greater-than comparison (logical and of first
       % condition and negated second condition)
s      % Sum (number of true values)

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-09-21T16:19:59.710

Reputation: 87 464


Jelly, 11 bytes


Try it online! or verify all test cases.

How it works

,’fR_2߀So1  Main link. Argument: n

 ’           Decrement; yield n - 1.
,            Pair; yield [n, n - 1].
   R         Range; yield [1, ..., n].
  f          Filter; keep the elements that are common to both lists.
             This yields [n, n - 1] if n > 1, [1] if n = 1, and [] if n < 1.
    _2       Subtract 2 from both elements, yielding [n - 2, n - 3], [-1], or [].
      ߀     Recursively call the main link for each integer in the list.
        S    Take the sum of the resulting return values.
         o1  Logical OR with 1; correct the result if n < 1.


Posted 2016-09-21T16:19:59.710

Reputation: 196 637

2How does this work? Does it use the recursive formula, or something else? – Conor O'Brien – 2016-09-21T23:13:01.283

@ConorO'Brien Yes, it uses the recursive formula. I've added an explanation. – Dennis – 2016-09-22T00:09:10.293


Mathematica, 35 bytes


Defines a function a. Takes an integer as input and returns an integer as output. Simple recursive solution.


Posted 2016-09-21T16:19:59.710

Reputation: 15 731


AnyDice, 51 bytes


There should be more AnyDice answers around here.

My solution defines a recursive function that calculates a(n)=a(n-2)+a(n-3). It returns a(0)=a(1)=1 and a(2)=2 using some integer division magic.

Try it online

Note: the output may look weird, and that's because it's usually used to output dice probabilities. Just look at the number to the left of the bar chart.


Posted 2016-09-21T16:19:59.710

Reputation: 3 140


Perl, 35 34 bytes

Includes +1 for -p

Give input on STDIN <<< 8

#!/usr/bin/perl -p

A newly developed secret formula. Ripple update 3 state variables without the need for parallel assignments.

It is equally short (but a lot slower and taking a lot more memory) to just solve the original problem:

#!/usr/bin/perl -p

but that doesn't work for 0

Ton Hospel

Posted 2016-09-21T16:19:59.710

Reputation: 14 114


Jelly, 19 bytes

The recursive solution is probably shorter...


See it at TryItOnline
Or see the series for n = [0, 99], also at TryItOnline


Returns the n+3th Padovan's number by counting combinations

Ḥ⁹_c@⁸ - Link 1, binomial(k, n-2k): k, n
Ḥ      - double(2k)
 ⁹     - right argument (n)
  _    - subtract (n-2k)
     ⁸ - left argument (k)
   c@  - binomial with reversed operands (binomial(k, n-2k))

+3µ:2R0;瀵S - Main link: n
  µ       µ  - monadic chain separation
+3           - add 3 (n+3)
   :2        - integer divide by 2 ((n+3)//2)
     R       - range ([1,2,...,(n+3)//2]
      0;     - 0 concatenated with ([0,1,2,...,(n+3)//2]) - our ks
        ç€   - call previous link as a dyad for each
           S - sum

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2016-09-21T16:19:59.710

Reputation: 67 804


JavaScript (ES6), 62 bytes


This is the first time that I've needed two dummy variable names. A recursive version would probably be shorter, but I really like reduce... Edit: Found a solution, also 62 bytes, which only has one dummy variable:



Posted 2016-09-21T16:19:59.710

Reputation: 95 035


CJam, 20 bytes


Try it online!


This uses the recurrence relationship shown in the OEIS page.

1_2_                   e# Push 1, 1, 2, 2 as initial values of the sequence
           ri          e# Read input
    {     }  *         e# Repeat block that many times
     2$2$              e# Copy the second and third elements from the top
         +             e# Add them
              ;;;      e# Discard the last three elements
                 o     e# Output
                  ];   e# Discard the rest to avoid implicit display

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-09-21T16:19:59.710

Reputation: 87 464


><>, 25+2 = 27 bytes


Needs the input to be present on the stack at program start, so +2 bytes for the -v flag. Try it online!

The first line initialises the stack to 1 1 2 n, where n is the input number. The second line, running backwards, checks that n is greater than 1. If it is, n is decremented and the next element in the sequence is generated as follows:

r$:@+@r              a(n-3) a(n-2) a(n-1) n

r        Reverse   - n a(n-1) a(n-2) a(n-3)
 $       Swap      - n a(n-1) a(n-3) a(n-2)
  :      Duplicate - n a(n-1) a(n-3) a(n-2) a(n-2)
   @     Rotate 3  - n a(n-1) a(n-2) a(n-3) a(n-2)
    +    Add       - n a(n-1) a(n-2) a(n)
     @   Rotate 3  - n a(n) a(n-1) a(n-2)
      r  Reverse   - a(n-2) a(n-1) a(n) n

The final line outputs the number on the bottom of the stack, which is the required element in the sequence.


Posted 2016-09-21T16:19:59.710

Reputation: 5 592


05AB1E, 12 bytes



XXX            # initialize stack as 1, 1, 1
   IG          # input-1 times do:
     X@        # get the item 2nd from bottom of the stack
       DŠ      # duplicate and push one copy down as 2nd item from bottom of the stack
         0@    # get the bottom item from the stack
           +   # add the top 2 items of the stack (previously bottom and 2nd from bottom)
               # implicitly print the top element of the stack after the loop

Try it online!


Posted 2016-09-21T16:19:59.710

Reputation: 50 798


Actually, 25 bytes

This seems a little long for a simple f(n) = f(n-2) + f(n-3) recurrence relation. Golfing suggestions welcome. Try it online!



         Implicit input n.
╗        Save n to register 0.
211      Stack: 1, 1, 2. Call them a, b, c.
╜¬       Push n-2.
`...`n   Run the following function n-2 times.
  );       Rotate b to TOS and duplicate.
  (+       Rotate a to TOS and add to b.
  )        Rotate a+b to BOS. Stack: b, c, a+b
         End function.
ak       Invert the resulting stack and wrap it in a list. Stack: [b, c, a+b]
╜        Push n.
2        Push 2.
╜2<      Push 2 < n.
I        If 2<n, then 2, else n.
@E       Grab the (2 or n)th index of the stack list.
         Implicit return.


Posted 2016-09-21T16:19:59.710

Reputation: 11 664


FRACTRAN, 104 93 bytes

Input is 11**n*29 and output is 29**checkmate(n).

This is mostly for fun, especially since I'm currently being outgolfed by Python, JS, and Java. Same number of bytes as PHP though :D Golfing suggestions welcome.

403/85 5/31 3/5 9061/87 3/41 37/3 667/74 37/23 7/37 38/91 7/19 5/77 1/7 1/17 1/2 340/121 1/11


               At the start we have 11**n * 29
1/11           If n < 2, we remove the 11s and print 29**1
340/121        If n >= 2, we subtract two 11s (n-2) and add one 17, two 2s and one 5.
                 We now have 17**1 * 29**1 * 2**2 * 5.
                 These are the register for a, b, c at registers 17, 29, and 2.
                 5 is an indicator to start the first loop.
                 This loop will move a to register 13.
403/85 5/31    Remove the 17s one at a time, adds them to the 13 register.
                 5 and 31 reset the loop.
3/5            Next loop: moves b to a and adds b to a in register 13.
9061/87 3/41   Remove the 29s one at a time, adds them to the 17 and 13 registers.
                 3 and 41 reset the loop.
37/3           Next loop: moves c to b in register 29.
667/74 37/23   Remove the 2s one at a time, adds them to the 29 register.
                 37 and 23 reset the loop.
7/37           Next loop: moves a+b to c in register 2.
38/91 7/19     Remove the 13s one at a time, adds them to the 2 register.
                 7 and 19 reset the loop.
5/77           Move to the first loop if and only if we have an 11 remaining.
1/7 1/17 1/2   Remove the 7 loop indicator, and all 17s and 2s.
               Return 29**checkmate(n).


Posted 2016-09-21T16:19:59.710

Reputation: 11 664


Actually, 18 bytes

This is an Actually port of Dennis' longer Jelly answer. Golfing suggestions welcome. Try it online!



         Implicit input n.
3+       Add 3. For readibility, m = n+3.
;╖       Duplicate and store one copy of m in register 0.
½Lu      floor(m/2) + 1.
r        Range from 0 to (floor(m/2)+1), inclusive.
⌠...⌡M   Map the following function over the range. Variable k.
  ;        Duplicate k.
  τ╜-      Push m-2k. Stack: [m-2k, k]
  @█       Swap k and m-2k and take binomial (k, m-2k).
            If m-2k > k, █ returns 0, which does not affect the sum() that follows.
         End function.
Σ        Sum the list that results from the map.
         Implicit return.


Posted 2016-09-21T16:19:59.710

Reputation: 11 664


Stax, 7 bytes


Run and debug it

Uses the recurrence relation. C(n) = C(n-2) + C(n-3)


Posted 2016-09-21T16:19:59.710

Reputation: 8 616


C (gcc), 33 bytes

f(n){return n<2?1:f(n-2)+f(n-3);}

Try it online!


Posted 2016-09-21T16:19:59.710

Reputation: 373


Haskell, 27 bytes

r=1:1:2:zipWith(+)r(tail r)

Try it online!


Posted 2016-09-21T16:19:59.710

Reputation: 11 099