I see the following possible solution approaches:
- Heavy theory. I know there is some literature on Life on a torus, but I haven't read much of it.
- Brute force forwards: for every possible board, check its score. This is basically what Matthew and Keith's approaches do, although Keith reduces the number of boards to check by a factor of 4.
- Optimisation: canonical representation. If we can check whether a board is in canonical representation much quicker than it takes to evaluate its score, we get a speed-up of a factor of about 8N^2. (There are also partial approaches with smaller equivalence classes).
- Optimisation: DP. Cache the score for each board, so that rather than walking them through until they converge or diverge we just walk until we find a board we've seen before. In principle this would give a speed-up by a factor of the average score / cycle length (maybe 20 or more), but in practice we're likely to be swapping heavily. E.g. for N=6 we'd need capacity for 2^36 scores, which at a byte per score is 16GB, and we need random access so we can't expect good cache locality.
- Combine the two. For N=6, the full canonical representation would allow us to reduce the DP cache to about 60 mega-scores. This is a promising approach.
- Brute force backwards. This seems odd at first, but if we assume that we can easily find still lifes and that we can easily invert the
function, we see that it has some benefits, although not as many as I originally hoped.
- We don't bother with diverging boards at all. Not much of a saving, because they are quite rare.
- We don't need to store scores for all of the boards, so there should be less memory pressure than the forward DP approach.
- Working backwards is actually quite easy by varying a technique I saw in the literature in the context of enumerating still lifes. It works by treating each column as a letter in an alphabet and then observing that a sequence of three letters determines the middle one in the next generation. The parallel with enumerating still lifes is so close that I've refactored them together into an only slightly awkward method,
- It might seem that we can just canonicalise the still lifes, and get something like the 8N^2 speed-up for very little cost. However, empirically we still get a big reduction in the number of boards considered if we canonicalise at each step.
- A surprisingly high proportion of boards have a score of 2 or 3, so there is still memory pressure. I found it necessary to canonicalise on the fly rather than building the previous generation and then canonicalising. It might be interesting to reduce memory usage by doing depth-first rather than breadth-first search, but doing so without overflowing the stack and without doing redundant calculations requires a co-routine / continuation approach to enumerating the previous boards.
I don't think that micro-optimisation will let me catch up with Keith's code, but for the sake of interest I'll post what I have. This solves N=5 in about a minute on a 2GHz machine using Mono 2.4 or .Net (without PLINQ) and in about 20 seconds using PLINQ; N=6 runs for many hours.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Sandbox {
class Codegolf9393 {
internal static void Main() {
new Codegolf9393(4).Solve();
private readonly int _Size;
private readonly uint _AlphabetSize;
private readonly uint[] _Transitions;
private readonly uint[][] _PrevData1;
private readonly uint[][] _PrevData2;
private readonly uint[,,] _CanonicalData;
private Codegolf9393(int size) {
if (size > 8) throw new NotImplementedException("We need to fit the bits in a ulong");
_Size = size;
_AlphabetSize = 1u << _Size;
_Transitions = new uint[_AlphabetSize * _AlphabetSize * _AlphabetSize];
_PrevData1 = new uint[_AlphabetSize * _AlphabetSize][];
_PrevData2 = new uint[_AlphabetSize * _AlphabetSize * _AlphabetSize][];
_CanonicalData = new uint[_Size, 2, _AlphabetSize];
private void InitTransitions() {
HashSet<uint>[] tmpPrev1 = new HashSet<uint>[_AlphabetSize * _AlphabetSize];
HashSet<uint>[] tmpPrev2 = new HashSet<uint>[_AlphabetSize * _AlphabetSize * _AlphabetSize];
for (int i = 0; i < tmpPrev1.Length; i++) tmpPrev1[i] = new HashSet<uint>();
for (int i = 0; i < tmpPrev2.Length; i++) tmpPrev2[i] = new HashSet<uint>();
for (uint i = 0; i < _AlphabetSize; i++) {
for (uint j = 0; j < _AlphabetSize; j++) {
uint prefix = Pack(i, j);
for (uint k = 0; k < _AlphabetSize; k++) {
// Build table for forwards checking
uint jprime = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < _Size; l++) {
uint count = GetBit(i, l-1) + GetBit(i, l) + GetBit(i, l+1) + GetBit(j, l-1) + GetBit(j, l+1) + GetBit(k, l-1) + GetBit(k, l) + GetBit(k, l+1);
uint alive = GetBit(j, l);
jprime = SetBit(jprime, l, (count == 3 || (alive + count == 3)) ? 1u : 0u);
_Transitions[Pack(prefix, k)] = jprime;
// Build tables for backwards possibilities
tmpPrev1[Pack(jprime, j)].Add(k);
tmpPrev2[Pack(jprime, i, j)].Add(k);
for (int i = 0; i < tmpPrev1.Length; i++) _PrevData1[i] = tmpPrev1[i].ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < tmpPrev2.Length; i++) _PrevData2[i] = tmpPrev2[i].ToArray();
for (uint col = 0; col < _AlphabetSize; col++) {
_CanonicalData[0, 0, col] = col;
_CanonicalData[0, 1, col] = VFlip(col);
for (int rot = 1; rot < _Size; rot++) {
_CanonicalData[rot, 0, col] = VRotate(_CanonicalData[rot - 1, 0, col]);
_CanonicalData[rot, 1, col] = VRotate(_CanonicalData[rot - 1, 1, col]);
private ICollection<ulong> Prev2(bool stillLife, ulong next, ulong prev, int idx, ICollection<ulong> accum) {
if (stillLife) next = prev;
if (idx == 0) {
for (uint a = 0; a < _AlphabetSize; a++) Prev2(stillLife, next, SetColumn(0, idx, a), idx + 1, accum);
else if (idx < _Size) {
uint i = GetColumn(prev, idx - 2), j = GetColumn(prev, idx - 1);
uint jprime = GetColumn(next, idx - 1);
uint[] succ = idx == 1 ? _PrevData1[Pack(jprime, j)] : _PrevData2[Pack(jprime, i, j)];
foreach (uint b in succ) Prev2(stillLife, next, SetColumn(prev, idx, b), idx + 1, accum);
else {
// Final checks: does the loop round work?
uint a0 = GetColumn(prev, 0), a1 = GetColumn(prev, 1);
uint am = GetColumn(prev, _Size - 2), an = GetColumn(prev, _Size - 1);
if (_Transitions[Pack(am, an, a0)] == GetColumn(next, _Size - 1) &&
_Transitions[Pack(an, a0, a1)] == GetColumn(next, 0)) {
return accum;
internal void Solve() {
DateTime start = DateTime.UtcNow;
ICollection<ulong> gen = Prev2(true, 0, 0, 0, new HashSet<ulong>());
for (int depth = 1; gen.Count > 0; depth++) {
Console.WriteLine("Length {0}: {1}", depth, gen.Count);
ICollection<ulong> nextGen;
#if NET_40
nextGen = new HashSet<ulong>(gen.AsParallel().SelectMany(board => Prev2(false, board, 0, 0, new HashSet<ulong>())));
nextGen = new HashSet<ulong>();
foreach (ulong board in gen) Prev2(false, board, 0, 0, nextGen);
// We don't want the still lifes to persist or we'll loop for ever
if (depth == 1) {
foreach (ulong stilllife in gen) nextGen.Remove(stilllife);
gen = nextGen;
Console.WriteLine("Time taken: {0}", DateTime.UtcNow - start);
private ulong Canonicalise(ulong board)
// Find the minimum board under rotation and reflection using something akin to radix sort.
Isomorphism canonical = new Isomorphism(0, 1, 0, 1);
for (int xoff = 0; xoff < _Size; xoff++) {
for (int yoff = 0; yoff < _Size; yoff++) {
for (int xdir = -1; xdir <= 1; xdir += 2) {
for (int ydir = 0; ydir <= 1; ydir++) {
Isomorphism candidate = new Isomorphism(xoff, xdir, yoff, ydir);
for (int col = 0; col < _Size; col++) {
uint a = canonical.Column(this, board, col);
uint b = candidate.Column(this, board, col);
if (b < a) canonical = candidate;
if (a != b) break;
ulong canonicalValue = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _Size; i++) canonicalValue = SetColumn(canonicalValue, i, canonical.Column(this, board, i));
return canonicalValue;
struct Isomorphism {
int xoff, xdir, yoff, ydir;
internal Isomorphism(int xoff, int xdir, int yoff, int ydir) {
this.xoff = xoff;
this.xdir = xdir;
this.yoff = yoff;
this.ydir = ydir;
internal uint Column(Codegolf9393 _this, ulong board, int col) {
uint basic = _this.GetColumn(board, xoff + col * xdir);
return _this._CanonicalData[yoff, ydir, basic];
private uint VRotate(uint col) {
return ((col << 1) | (col >> (_Size - 1))) & (_AlphabetSize - 1);
private uint VFlip(uint col) {
uint replacement = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < _Size; row++)
replacement = SetBit(replacement, row, GetBit(col, _Size - row - 1));
return replacement;
private uint GetBit(uint n, int bit) {
bit %= _Size;
if (bit < 0) bit += _Size;
return (n >> bit) & 1;
private uint SetBit(uint n, int bit, uint value) {
bit %= _Size;
if (bit < 0) bit += _Size;
uint mask = 1u << bit;
return (n & ~mask) | (value == 0 ? 0 : mask);
private uint Pack(uint a, uint b) { return (a << _Size) | b; }
private uint Pack(uint a, uint b, uint c) {
return (((a << _Size) | b) << _Size) | c;
private uint GetColumn(ulong n, int col) {
col %= _Size;
if (col < 0) col += _Size;
return (_AlphabetSize - 1) & (uint)(n >> (col * _Size));
private ulong SetColumn(ulong n, int col, uint value) {
col %= _Size;
if (col < 0) col += _Size;
ulong mask = (_AlphabetSize - 1) << (col * _Size);
return (n & ~mask) | (((ulong)value) << (col * _Size));
1Has this sequence been added to OEIS? – mbomb007 – 2015-08-21T20:42:24.987
1Not that I am aware of, would be happy to see it there. – Per Alexandersson – 2015-08-21T21:12:36.987
For future reference, question should be tagged to specify the type of challenge. Other options include [king-of-the-hill] (where proposed programs play against each other) and [ai-player] where they compete against a common challange and kind of defaults to [code-challenge] for metrics of the code other then simple length. – dmckee --- ex-moderator kitten – 2013-01-06T21:08:14.577
It is also usual with [fastest-code] to say a few words about how you plan to evaluate that (asymptotic complexity, or run it on your machine or something else). – dmckee --- ex-moderator kitten – 2013-01-06T21:09:44.717
1Ah, allright. Best code is the one that manages to compute sequence length for largest N within, say 2 hours. The obvious complexity is 2^(N^2), so if it is possible to improve this, this would be nice. – Per Alexandersson – 2013-01-06T21:15:55.953
1At non-trivial sizes each pattern is part of an isomorphism class of 8N^2 patterns, so if there's a quick way of canonicalising then that gives a moderate boost. – Peter Taylor – 2013-01-06T22:41:41.883
@Paxinum 2 hours on what sort of hardware? – AJMansfield – 2013-07-12T13:05:37.153
Say 4-8 core ordinary desktop, CPU. – Per Alexandersson – 2013-07-13T15:08:18.110
I have submitted this sequence (2, 2, 3, 10, 52, 91) to the OEIS as A294241.
– Peter Kagey – 2017-10-25T23:35:18.797