print 1 to 100 without using recursion and conditions



can we print 1 to 100 without using any if conditions and loops in c&c++?

Conditon: main point is you must not use recursion...and doesnt hardcode code in it for e.g

print(1 2 3..etc);

BlueBerry - Vignesh4303

Posted 2012-12-27T07:14:42.267

Reputation: 353

Question was closed 2017-02-14T22:48:57.783

print "1 to 100" or print 1 2 3 4 5 6 (etc)? – beary605 – 2012-12-27T07:19:17.440

@beary605 print 1 2 3..100 – BlueBerry - Vignesh4303 – 2012-12-27T07:21:12.047

4Does goto count? – Ry- – 2012-12-31T00:50:11.423

Do preprocessor conditions count? – ApproachingDarknessFish – 2014-01-16T21:50:03.377



C (90) (79) (59) (47) (42) (40)

static int

x=1;a(){char b[8];printf("%d\n",x++);b[24]-=5*(1-x/101);}main(){a();return 0;}

The function a which prints the numbers does not call itself! I exploited a buffer overflow and changed the return address to make the program counter go over function a again as long as I need.

I don't know if this is considered to be a recursion, but I thought it would worth trying. This code works on my 64-bit machines with gcc 4.6, for other platforms the last statement of function a, could be a little different.

Exp1: I allocated a dummy buffer on stack b, and then addressed a passed-by-end location, which is the location of return address. I anticipated the distance between start of buffer and return address location from disassembly of function a.

Exp2: Expression 5*(1-x/101), is 5 for all x<=100 and 0 for x=101. By looking at disassembly of main (in my case), if you decrease the return address by 5, you will set the PC to calling point of a again. In the updated codes, the return value of printf is used for checking loop condition.

Update: After applying ugoren's suggestions and some other changes:

x;a(){int b[2];b[3*(printf("%d\n",++x)&2)]-=5;}main(){a();}

Update2: After Removing function a:

x;main(){int b[2];b[6^printf("%d ",++x)&4]-=7;}


x;main(b){(&b)[1|printf("%d ",++x)&2]-=7;}

Update4: Thanks to mbz :)

x;main(b){(&b)[3|printf("%d ",++x)]-=7;}


Posted 2012-12-27T07:14:42.267

Reputation: 1 241

Perhaps the most interesting answer here! Could you explain a bit about how it's supposed to work? How did you come with b[24] for the location of the PC and how can I determine what I should use instead (32-bit cygwin, gcc 4.7.3)? What is the rationale behind the magical expression 5*(1-x/101)?

Also, is the static part of x's declaration needed? I'm not fully clear on how this works but since we aren't explicitly returning from a() wouldn't even an auto variable x remain in memory? And in this case it's even a global already.

Thanks again for enlivening this dull repetitive thread. – sundar - Reinstate Monica – 2013-08-17T09:50:43.637

1@sundar Thank you for pointing out static. You're right, It was necessary for my previous code and I forgot to remove it. I added some small explanations, please check them out in answer :) – saeedn – 2013-08-19T03:36:31.460


  • int b[2] would be shorter. 2. return 0; isn't needed. 3. Changing the index on b instead of the subtracted value would be shorter. (of course, every such change could change machine code and break the solution, but I think it should be OK).
  • < – ugoren – 2013-08-19T05:01:14.277

    1Another idea - maybe exploit the fact that printf returns a higher value at 100? – ugoren – 2013-08-19T05:02:54.343

    @saeedn Thanks for the explanations, it's very clear now. I felt stupid after reading Exp2 though, I'd been trying to decode it as some overcomplicated int-to-float bit pattern thing like the famous "inverse square root" formula, missed this much simpler explanation. :) – sundar - Reinstate Monica – 2013-08-19T18:29:54.780

    @ugoren Thanks for suggestions. I tried them. The printf return value idea was nice :) – saeedn – 2013-08-19T21:08:44.480

    6^printf()&4 saves 2 chars. At 100, it changes b[2], which is a harmless overflow on my machine. P.S. Why don't you change the character count in the title? – ugoren – 2013-08-20T07:00:12.167

    The net step is to get rid of a. main can do the work alone. – ugoren – 2013-08-20T07:27:45.457

    @ugoren I worked on main and updated the answer ;) – saeedn – 2013-08-20T17:40:01.423

    Nice. I used -=4, not -=7, but I guess both work. I was going to say it's done, but I saw your \n-> change, and decided not to give up. How about making b a parameter (and using &b[...])? – ugoren – 2013-08-20T18:10:25.343

    @ugoren Yeah, that was good point. Unfortunately the parentheses around &b were necessary. I think it can't be shorter than this, can it? – saeedn – 2013-08-20T18:33:12.920

    It can be shorter. Try %2d. I couldn't get rid of the parenthesis. I tried the x[y]->y[x] trick, but it stays the same length (but even weirder than now). – ugoren – 2013-08-21T07:08:14.213

    @ugoren is there documentation somewhere for why that x[y] -> y[x] trick works? I remember that it works, but I don't remember why, and I can't find what to search for. (I know that it's equivalent to something which is the same as something else, which is the same as y[x], but idr what those 2 middle ones are.) – mbomb007 – 2017-02-14T22:57:55.807

    @mbomb007, both are equivalent to x[y] = *(x+y) = *(y+x) = y[x]. – ugoren – 2017-02-15T09:57:38.240



    C (gcc)

    #define c printf("%d ",i++);
    #define b c c c c c
    #define a b b b b b
    main(i){a a a a}

    Assuming no command line arguments were passed.

    Rushil Paul

    Posted 2012-12-27T07:14:42.267

    Reputation: 251

    4Using the preprocessor is almost like hard coding it. – Martin Thoma – 2013-01-01T16:52:09.847

    agreed. This is hardwired. – Cong Hui – 2013-11-09T08:01:14.007


    C++ (159 136)

    With templates.

    #define Z(A,B,C,D)template<A>struct P B{P(){C;printf("%d ",D);}};
    Z(int N,,P<N-1>(),N)Z(,<1>,0,1)int main(){P<100>();}


    Posted 2012-12-27T07:14:42.267

    Reputation: 30 224

    2s/class/struct/;s/public://;s/static //;s/::/()./g saves 11 characters. – ceased to turn counterclockwis – 2012-12-30T19:49:36.417


    C 71 70

    Assuming the ? operator is allowed.

    #define f(a)a a a a a
    int main(i){f(f(f(printf(i<102?"%d ":0,i++);)))}

    Edit: ""->0

    If ? is too similar to an if statement, then use this instead (78)

    #define f(a)a a a a
    #define g(a)f(a)a
    int main(i){f(g(g(printf("%d ",i++);)))}


    Posted 2012-12-27T07:14:42.267

    Reputation: 5 150

    ? is a conditional is it not? – Claudiu – 2013-01-10T14:40:58.350

    vignesh4303 disallowed "if conditions", not all conditionals, which is why I included both answers. – cardboard_box – 2013-01-11T02:24:58.410


    PowerShell (6 characters)


    Mark Schill

    Posted 2012-12-27T07:14:42.267

    Reputation: 139

    Equally doable, though no shorter, with 1..1e2. – Iszi – 2013-11-16T16:21:38.300



    this is the best I can think of, assuming using the preprocessor is fine.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #define a(i)i,i+1,i+2,i+3
    #define b(i)a(i),a(i+4),a(i+8),a(i+12)
    #define c(i)b(i),b(i+16)
    #define e c(1),c(33)
    #define f %d %d %d %d
    #define g f f f f f f f f
    #define r(m) #m
    #define s(m) r(m)
    int main(){printf(s(g g g f),e,c(65),a(97));return 0;}


    Posted 2012-12-27T07:14:42.267

    Reputation: 31


    C++ (115)

    #include <cstdio>
    template<int i>void p(){printf("%d ",i);p<i+1>();}
    template<>void p<101>(){}
    int main(){p<1>();}


    Posted 2012-12-27T07:14:42.267

    Reputation: 240

    Isn't this recursion? – Bryan Chen – 2013-09-18T05:47:28.830


    MATLAB/Octave, (5 chars)



    Posted 2012-12-27T07:14:42.267

    Reputation: 4 349

    7Doesn't the question want a code in C? – saeedn – 2013-08-15T21:40:17.360


    Python 2 (12)

    >>> range(1,101)
    [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100]


    Posted 2012-12-27T07:14:42.267

    Reputation: 129


    Python 3 (25)


    Martin Thoma

    Posted 2012-12-27T07:14:42.267

    Reputation: 669

    it is a inbuilt function that uses recursion! – Pranit Bauva – 2013-01-05T14:21:16.677

    5I guess it depends on the interpreter if range uses recursion. I don't use recursion in my solution. I don't care if the inbuilt functions use recursion. If you want to take a look at every possible interpreter / compiler, you can't answer this question with anything else than assembly. – Martin Thoma – 2013-01-05T14:46:42.687

    9The garbage collector uses recursion! So does the kernel of your OS. So, computers are not allowed. – boothby – 2013-08-15T17:20:52.637


    Ruby (11) [non-competitive]

    p *(1..100)

    (Thanks to histocrat)

    Previous 14-character solution:

    p *1.upto(100)

    This is a non-competitive answer (not C/C++ as requested)


    Posted 2012-12-27T07:14:42.267

    Reputation: 269

    2p *(1..100) saves 3 characters. – histocrat – 2013-01-05T00:05:37.923

    @histocrat Thanks, I updated my answer. – knut – 2013-01-05T00:08:07.117

    Can't you remove the brackets too? – dingledooper – 2019-10-01T04:17:33.867


    Python 2 (39 chars)

    p=lambda d:print d+1,;map(p,range(100))

    Python 3 (53 chars)

    p=lambda d:print(d+1,end=' ');set(map(p,range(100)))

    or print numbers on separate lines (28 char)


    or (tested in Python 3.3.2, set items printing in ascending order - 24 chars)



    Posted 2012-12-27T07:14:42.267

    Reputation: 506


    Bash 13

    echo {1..100}

    Some more text so it posts.

    Martin York

    Posted 2012-12-27T07:14:42.267

    Reputation: 896


    JavaScript (ES6), 38 bytes


    Creates an array of length 101, uses the spread operator to put the array keys (0 to 100) into an array, removes the first element (0) then alerts the numbers within the array.


    Posted 2012-12-27T07:14:42.267

    Reputation: 10 181


    Scala (22)

    1 to 100 foreach print


    Posted 2012-12-27T07:14:42.267

    Reputation: 109

    @downvoter care to comment ? – lhk – 2015-12-22T10:51:20.233


    Perl 6 (10)

    print ^101

    If one wants to be able to read the numbers and therefore spaces between the numbers would be nice, the following will do the trick.

    say ~ ^101


    Posted 2012-12-27T07:14:42.267

    Reputation: 173


    Perl (65)

    Here's a non-trivial Perl approach (not like say for 1 .. 100). The program uses perl's regular expression engine to count its own characters (two times), and that's the reason why I couldn't golfify the content of $k. It tries to find a (minimal, non-greedy) group of arbitrary single characters until (*FAIL).

    $k='$k =~ /^(.+?)(?{print length($1) . "\n"})(*FAIL)/#'x2;eval$k;

    The output is a list of all integers from 0 to 100 with newlines.


    Posted 2012-12-27T07:14:42.267

    Reputation: 409

    Clever solution on many levels, nice. I don't understand the *FAIL though, is it some special string to the regex engine? If not, won't the * have its usual metacharacter meaning here and mess things up? – sundar - Reinstate Monica – 2013-08-20T18:49:37.783


    @sundar see the "Special Backtracking Control Verbs" section in perlre :)

    – memowe – 2013-08-22T00:39:03.207


    Pygmy, (18 characters)

    alert|[1 100].fill

    Peter Olson

    Posted 2012-12-27T07:14:42.267

    Reputation: 7 412


    JAVA, 52 chars



    Posted 2012-12-27T07:14:42.267

    Reputation: 99

    Welcome to the site. I am not familiar with java but forEach looks an awful lot like a loop which seems to be forbidden by the challenge. – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 2017-02-14T21:42:05.703

    It's a stream function. It performs an operation on each element of the stream. It's not a loop. – aglassman – 2017-02-15T21:22:01.317

    I would disagree that a stream function is distinct from a loop but I don't think this argument is worthwhile. This question has been closed as unclear for the very reason that "loop" is not very well defined. – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 2017-02-15T21:25:44.577

    This challenge restricts to C/C++, so Java is probably unacceptable here. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-05-15T16:59:57.030


    Python - 61

    Looping? No this is list comprehension.

    d=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];print[x*10+y+1 for x in d for y in d]


    Posted 2012-12-27T07:14:42.267


    That's stretching the "no hardcoding" pretty hard. – ugoren – 2013-08-16T07:02:30.827


    Hassium, 31 Bytes

    func main()print(range(1, 100))

    Run online and see expanded here

    Jacob Misirian

    Posted 2012-12-27T07:14:42.267

    Reputation: 737