One out of Infinity: Interpolating polynomials


For this challenge, when given a list of (x,y) points your submission needs to output a polynomial function that goes through all of them.

For example, if your points were [(0,0), (2,5)], you could return y = 2.5*x or y = x + 1/4x^2.

  • All points passed in will consist only of integers
  • Two points will never have the same y value
  • Your function be of the form y = a*x^n + ... b*x^m. Reducing of terms is allowed.
  • Constants (the exponent and coefficient) can either be in decimal or fractional form. Decimals should be accurate to at least 3 decimal places
  • You should be able to handle an arbitrary number of points
  • Output must be a string starting with "y=". Whitespace anywhere in the string is fine.

Test cases

Note, the given output is not the only valid output, just one of the possibilities.

(1,4)                                                    -> y=x+3
(0,0), (1,8)                                             -> y=8x
(0,6), (-1,90)                                           -> y=-84x+6
(6,4), (70,4), (-1,-6)                                   -> y=−10/497x^2+760/497x−316/71
(4,5), (5,6), (6,7)                                      -> y=x+1
(20,1), (-20,1), (0,5), (10, 4), (11,12), (17,4), (2,4)  -> y=488137/10424165400x^6−643187/473825700x^5−87561839/10424165400x^4+550999039/1042416540x^3−21590713027/5212082700x^2+300110420/52120827x+5

This is a , so make your answers as short as possible in your favorite language!

Nathan Merrill

Posted 2016-08-14T21:38:47.967

Reputation: 13 591

Question was closed 2016-08-14T22:46:03.757

1Your title says something about plotting but the challenge about outputting polynomials. Having the corresponding results for your test cases would probably help clear this up (and make the test cases a lot more useful). – Martin Ender – 2016-08-14T21:42:49.180

1Also how about built-ins? (Mathematica's is InterpolatingPolynomial so it's probably not at risk of winning.) – Martin Ender – 2016-08-14T21:47:34.297

Builtins are fine. – Nathan Merrill – 2016-08-14T21:49:19.487

The output needs to be a string. The input is flexible – Nathan Merrill – 2016-08-14T22:01:16.723

Can coefficients in the output be (string representations of) floats instead of fractions? Say with 4 decimals? – Luis Mendo – 2016-08-14T22:02:06.157

Does the output need y=? Do exponents have to be explicitly listed? – xnor – 2016-08-14T22:02:39.563

@LuisMendo yes. – Nathan Merrill – 2016-08-14T22:06:20.453

PS: I think you know about the existence of the sandbox by now :D – flawr – 2016-08-14T22:15:55.943

@flawr I know, I didn't expect so many problems when posting this challenge. – Nathan Merrill – 2016-08-14T22:16:39.567

I don't think so. I'm organizing input as a list of x,y pairs – Nathan Merrill – 2016-08-14T22:32:21.790

You are right. Sorry – Luis Mendo – 2016-08-14T22:39:10.177

Bah, it is a duplicate. I thought I did a pretty good search as well. – Nathan Merrill – 2016-08-14T22:51:35.857



MATL, 38 bytes

ynq3$ZQ'y=' '%+fx^%i'btn:qP&vYDh1J3-h)

Inputs are an array with the x values and an array with the y values.

Try it online!

y          % Inplicitly take the two inputs, and push another copy of the first
nq         % Get its length minus 1. This is the required polynomial degree.
3$ZQ       % Coefficients of polynomial fitted to those data (`polyfit`)
'y='       % Push this string
'%+fx^%i'  % Push format string for `sprintf`
b          % Bubble up the polynomial coefficients to the top of the stack
tn:qP      % Duplicate and produce [n n-1  ... 0] where n is the polynomial degree.
           % These are the exponents
&v         % Concatenate vertically. This gives a 2D array with the coefficients in
           % the first row and the exponents in the second
YD         % Apply `sprintf` to this array with previous format string. The array
           % is read in column-major order: down, then across
h          % Concatenate 'y=' and formatted string representing the polynomial
1J3-h)     % The string ends in '...x^0'. Remove last three chars to delete this.
           % Implicitly display

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-08-14T21:38:47.967

Reputation: 87 464


Python2 + sympy, 61 58 bytes

from sympy import*;print interpolate(input("y="),var("x"))


Posted 2016-08-14T21:38:47.967

Reputation: 37 067

You can use var instead of Symbol. Also, not that it matters, but input("y=") gets rid of that unbalanced spacing around =. – Dennis – 2016-08-14T22:56:27.517


Matlab (with Symbolic Toolbox), 52 bytes

Using builtins for calculating an interpolation polynomial, and then converting it to a symbolc expression for pretty printing and back to a string for the actual output. This function takes two lists of coordinates, e.g. [6,70,-1] and [4,4,-6] for the fourth test case.



Posted 2016-08-14T21:38:47.967

Reputation: 40 560

I think this should be titled "Matlab with Symbolic Toolbox". Good job! – Luis Mendo – 2016-08-14T22:29:13.860

Here it was kinda obvious, but many times I don't even know whether I'm using one of those toolboxes. =) – flawr – 2016-08-14T22:46:12.300