Compute the Fibonomial Coefficient




The Fibonacci sequence is defined as

f(1) = 1
f(2) = 1
f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2)

The Fibonorial, similar to the factorial, is the product of the first n Fibonacci numbers.

g(n) = f(1) * f(2) * ... * f(n-1) * f(n)

The Fibonomial coefficient, similar to the binomial coefficient is defined as

a(n, 0) = 1
a(n, k) = g(n) / ( g(n-k) * g(k) )
        = f(n) * f(n-1) * ... * f(n-k+1) / ( f(1) * f(2) * ... * f(k) )


Your goal is to create a function or program to compute the Fibonomial coefficient given two non-negative integers n and k with kn.

Test Cases

a(0, 0) = 1
a(1, 1) = 1
a(2, 0) = 1
a(3, 2) = 2
a(8, 3) = 1092
a(11, 5) = 1514513
a(22, 7) = 7158243695757340957617
a(25, 3) = 49845401197200
a(50, 2) = 97905340104793732225
a(100, 1) = 354224848179261915075


  • This is so the shortest code wins.
  • Builtins are allowed.



Posted 2016-08-05T22:12:53.787

Reputation: 15 654

If needed, here is a webpage that lists the first 1335 values in the Fibonomial Coefficient sequence.

– R. Kap – 2016-08-06T03:57:37.377

Is the a(50, 2) test case missing a leading 9? – Joe – 2016-08-06T06:09:38.607

@SirBidenXVII Oh yes, you're right I missed a digit. – miles – 2016-08-06T06:14:29.040



Jelly, 16 bytes


Try it online!

Credits to Dennis for the Fibonacci-orial helper link.

;_/Ç€:/     Main chain,  argument: [n,r]
 _/         Find n-r
;           Attach it to original: [n,r,n-r]
   ǀ       Apply helper link to each element, yielding [g(n),g(r),g(n-r)]
     :/     Reduce by integer division, yielding g(n)//g(r)//g(n-r)

0+⁸С1ḊP    Helper link, argument: n
0+⁸С1ḊP    Somehow return the n-th Fibonacci-orial.

Leaky Nun

Posted 2016-08-05T22:12:53.787

Reputation: 45 011


Python 67 bytes

f=lambda n,a=1,b=1:n<1or a*f(n-1,b,a+b)
lambda n,k:f(n)/f(k)/f(n-k)

Call using a(n,k). Uses @Dennis fibonorial answer (is that allowed?), and a straightforward implementation of the question otherwise.


Posted 2016-08-05T22:12:53.787

Reputation: 348

All user content is licensed under CC-BY-SA, so as long as you provide attribution, you can reuse code from other answers. You can shorten your second lambda to lambda n,k:f(n)/f(k)/f(n-k); naming it is not required. – Dennis – 2016-08-06T04:10:31.613


Haskell, 46 bytes


Outputs floats. Generates the infinite Fibonacci list. Then, does the binomial recusion, multiplying and dividing by elements from the Fibonacci list.


Posted 2016-08-05T22:12:53.787

Reputation: 115 687


Haskell, 77 57 55 52 50 bytes

The first line is originally coming from the Fibonacci function or sequence challenge and was written by @Anon.

The second line was added in the Fibonacci-orial challenge by @ChristianSievers.

Now I added the third line. How much further will those challenges go?=)

n#k=g n/g(n-k)/g k

Thanks for 5 bytes @xnor!


Posted 2016-08-05T22:12:53.787

Reputation: 40 560

Can you do / rather than div? – xnor – 2016-08-05T22:52:12.883

Hm yes, but that would end up in floating point numbers. – flawr – 2016-08-05T23:00:13.980

Oh, that is actually not disallowed, thanks=) – flawr – 2016-08-05T23:00:27.057

You can presumably divide twice to avoid parens. – xnor – 2016-08-05T23:01:55.323

Yes floats are allowed and there is no time limit so the recursive Fibonacci definition you used earlier was also valid. – miles – 2016-08-05T23:07:04.070

It looks tempting to extract out the scanl(?)1f pattern in the first two lines, but q o=scanl o 1f;f=1:q(+);g=(q(*)!!);n#k=g n/g(n-k)/g k is 3 chars longer. – xnor – 2016-08-05T23:24:46.437

1Now that we have this, the next thing could be the fibonomial transform ;-) – Christian Sievers – 2016-08-05T23:55:06.470

Or maybe some kind of Fibonomial integration >.> – Joe – 2016-08-06T06:38:40.803


C, 206 bytes:

#include <inttypes.h>
uint64_t F(x){return x<1 ? 0:x==1 ? 1:F(x-1)+F(x-2);}uint64_t G(H,B){uint64_t P=1;for(B=3;B<=H;B++)P*=F(B);return P;}main(U,Y){scanf("%d %d",&U,&Y);printf("%llu\n",G(U)/(G(U-Y)*G(Y)));}

Upon execution, asks for 2 space separated integers as input. The #include preprocessor is required, as without it, uint_64 is not a valid type, and the only other way to make this work for fairly big outputs is using unsigned long long return types for both the F (Fibonacci) and G (Fibonorial) functions, which is much longer than just including the <inttypes.h> and using 3 uint64_t type declarations. However, even with that, it stops working correctly at input values 14 1 (confirmed by using this, which lists the first 1325 values in the Fibonomial Coefficient sequence), most likely because the Fibonacci and/or Fibnorial representation of numbers 15 and above overflow the 64-bit integer type used.

C It Online! (Ideone)

R. Kap

Posted 2016-08-05T22:12:53.787

Reputation: 4 730

It's probably since the Fibonorial of 15 overflows uint_64 – miles – 2016-08-06T02:53:07.937


Cheddar, 75 64 bytes



cheddar> var f = a->b->(g->g((a-b+1)|>a)/g(1|>b))(n->*)))
cheddar> f(11)(5)

Leaky Nun

Posted 2016-08-05T22:12:53.787

Reputation: 45 011


MATL, 25 23 bytes


Try it online!


1t      % Push 1 twice
i2-:    % Take input n. Generate vector [1 2 ... n-2]
"       % Repeat n-2 times
  yy    %   Push the top two elements again
  +     %   Add them
]       % End
v       % Concatenate into column vector of first n Fibonacci numbers
tP      % Duplicate and reverse
i:      % Take input k. Generate vector [1 2 ... k]
)       % Apply index to get last k Fibonacci numbers
w       % Swap to move vector of first n Fibonacci numbers to top
5M      % Push [1 2 ... k] again
)       % Apply index to get first k Fibonacci numbers
/       % Divide element-wise
p       % Product of vector. Implicitly display

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-08-05T22:12:53.787

Reputation: 87 464


R, 120 bytes

Some more golfing is probably be possible, so comments are of course welcomed !
I used my answer of the Fibonacci-orial question in the begining of the code :

A=function(n,k){p=(1+sqrt(5))/2;f=function(N){x=1;for(n in 1:N){x=prod(x,(p^n-(-1/p)^n)/sqrt(5))};x};f(n)/(f(k)*f(n-k))}

Ungolfed :

        for(n in 1:N){



Posted 2016-08-05T22:12:53.787

Reputation: 2 059


Java: 304 260 257

I saved some bytes by compacting the memoization function a bit and removing f(n) entirely, replacing it with direct array access.

BigInteger[]c;BigInteger a(int n,int k){m(n);return g(n).divide(g(n-k)).divide(g(k));}BigInteger g(int n){return n<3?BigInteger.ONE:g(n-1).multiply(c[n-1]);}void m(int n){c=new BigInteger[n];for(int i=0;i<n;++i)c[i]=(i<2)?BigInteger.ONE:c[i-2].add(c[i-1]);}

Unfortunately, BigInteger is required due to overflows and I had to add memoization. Even on a generation 6 i7, it was taking way too long to run with large inputs.

Ungolfed, with boilerplate class and main code:

import java.math.BigInteger;

public class ComputeTheFibonomialCoefficient {

  public static void main(final String[] args) {
    // @formatter:off
    String[][] testData = new String[][] {
      { "0", "0", "1" },
      { "1", "1", "1" },
      { "2", "0", "1" },
      { "3", "2", "2" },
      { "8", "3", "1092" },
      { "11", "5", "1514513" },
      { "22", "7", "7158243695757340957617" },
      { "25", "3", "49845401197200" },
      { "50", "2", "97905340104793732225" },
      { "100", "1", "354224848179261915075" }
    // @formatter:on

    for (String[] data : testData) {
      System.out.println("a(" + data[0] + ", " + data[1] + ")");
      System.out.println("  Expected -> " + data[2]);
      System.out.print("    Actual -> ");
      System.out.println(new ComputeTheFibonomialCoefficient().a(
          Integer.parseInt(data[0]), Integer.parseInt(data[1])));

  // Begin golf

  BigInteger[] c;

  BigInteger a(int n, int k) {
    return g(n).divide(g(n - k)).divide(g(k));

  BigInteger g(int n) {
    return n < 3 ? BigInteger.ONE : g(n - 1).multiply(c[n - 1]);

  void m(int n) {
    c = new BigInteger[n];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
      c[i] = (i < 2) ? BigInteger.ONE : c[i - 2].add(c[i - 1]);
  // End golf

Program output:

a(0, 0)
  Expected -> 1
    Actual -> 1

a(1, 1)
  Expected -> 1
    Actual -> 1

a(2, 0)
  Expected -> 1
    Actual -> 1

a(3, 2)
  Expected -> 2
    Actual -> 2

a(8, 3)
  Expected -> 1092
    Actual -> 1092

a(11, 5)
  Expected -> 1514513
    Actual -> 1514513

a(22, 7)
  Expected -> 7158243695757340957617
    Actual -> 7158243695757340957617

a(25, 3)
  Expected -> 49845401197200
    Actual -> 49845401197200

a(50, 2)
  Expected -> 97905340104793732225
    Actual -> 97905340104793732225

a(100, 1)
  Expected -> 354224848179261915075
    Actual -> 354224848179261915075


Posted 2016-08-05T22:12:53.787



Axiom 108 bytes

b(n,k)==(n<=k or k<1=>1;reduce(*,[fibonacci(i) for i in (n-k+1)..n])/reduce(*,[fibonacci(i) for i in 1..k]))

some test

(34) -> b(0,0),b(1,1),b(2,0),b(3,2),b(8,3),b(11,5),b(22,7)
   Compiling function b with type (NonNegativeInteger,
      NonNegativeInteger) -> Fraction Integer
   Compiling function b with type (PositiveInteger,PositiveInteger) ->
      Fraction Integer
   Compiling function b with type (PositiveInteger,NonNegativeInteger)
       -> Fraction Integer

   (34)  [1,1,1,2,1092,1514513,7158243695757340957617]
                                                 Type: Tuple Fraction Integer
(35) -> b(25,3),b(50,2),b(100,1)

   (35)  [49845401197200,97905340104793732225,354224848179261915075]

Type: Tuple Fraction Integer


Posted 2016-08-05T22:12:53.787

Reputation: 3 036


Mathematica, 30 bytes



Posted 2016-08-05T22:12:53.787

Reputation: 23 988


JavaScript (ES6), 70 bytes


Call using c(n)(k), pretty straightforward.


Posted 2016-08-05T22:12:53.787

Reputation: 4 687


Ruby, 72 bytes

Special thanks to @st0le for the really short Fibonacci generation code.


Value Ink

Posted 2016-08-05T22:12:53.787

Reputation: 10 608


dc, 67 bytes


Input is taken as space-delimited decimal constants on a single line.

This uses my answer to the /Fibon(acci-)?orial/ question, which multiplies all numbers on the stack in the last step, requiring the other numbers to be stored elsewhere while the other Fibonorials are calculated.

?       # Take input from stdin
skdsn   # Store second number in register `k'; store a copy of first number in register `n'
[si1d[sadlarla+zli>b*]sbzli>b*] # Compute Fibonorial of top-of-stack, multiplying
                                #   until stack depth is 1
dsgx    # Store a copy of this function as g and execute it: g(n)
sp      # Store g(n) in register `p'
lnlk-   # Compute n-k
lgx     # Compute g(n-k)
sq      # Store g(n-k) in register `q'
lk lgx  # Compute g(k)
        # Top ---Down--->
lp      #  g(n)    g(k)
r       #  g(k)    g(n)
lq      #  g(n-k)  g(k)    g(n)
r       #  g(k)    g(n-k)  g(n)
*       # (g(k)g(n-k))     g(n)
/       #  g(n)/(g(k)g(n-k))
f       # Dump stack to stdout


Posted 2016-08-05T22:12:53.787

Reputation: 895


Julia, 53 bytes

!x=[([1 1;1 0]^n)[2]for n=1:x]|>prod;n\k=!n/!(n-k)/!k

Credits to @Lynn for his Fibonorial answer.

Mama Fun Roll

Posted 2016-08-05T22:12:53.787

Reputation: 7 234