Mathematica 1024 chars
StringTake[ElementData[][[2]], 3] <>
StringTake[WordData["high", "Antonyms"][[2, 2, 1]], 2] <>
FromCharacterCode[Power[2, 5]] <>
StringTake[GraphData[][[Prime@705]], 2] <>
StringTake[AstronomicalData["Planet"][[1]], {3}] <> "ld"],
StringTake[ElementData[][[2]], 3] <>
StringTake[WordData["high", "Antonyms"][[2, 2, 1]], 2] <>
FromCharacterCode[Power[2, 5]] <>
StringTake[GraphData[][[Prime[705]]], 2] <>
StringTake[AstronomicalData["Planet"][[1]], {3}] <> "ld"]],
2] /. {a_, b_} :> DirectedEdge[a, b],
EdgeLabelStyle -> Power[2, 4],
EdgeLabels -> (Partition[
Riffle[l =
StringTake[ElementData[][[2]], 3] <>
StringTake[WordData["high", "Antonyms"][[2, 2, 1]],
1 + 1] <> FromCharacterCode[Sqrt[Sqrt[1048576]]] <>
StringTake[GraphData[][[Prime[705]]], 2] <>
StringTake[AstronomicalData["Planet"][[1]], {3}] <> "ld"],
Rest@l], 2] /. {a_, b_} :> DirectedEdge[a, b]) +
Power[{1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729, 1000},
1/3] /. {Plus[a_, b_] :> Rule[b, a]},
VertexLabelStyle -> Directive[RGBColor[0, 0, 1], Large],
VertexLabels -> "Name", ImagePadding -> Power[5, 2],
ImageSize -> 2^2*5^2*7]
De-bowled (partially)
For those who don't have access to Mathematica's curated data:
WordData["high", "Antonyms"][[2, 2, 1]]
"Hel" (from "Helium") + "lo" (from "low") + " " (FromCharacterCode[32]
) + "Wo" (from "WongGraph") + "r" (from "Mercury") + "ld"
yields the string "Hello World".
The string is split into characters, each of which becomes a vertex in the following graph:
Graph[{"H" \[DirectedEdge] "e", "e" \[DirectedEdge] "l",
"l" \[DirectedEdge] "l", "l" \[DirectedEdge] "o",
"o" \[DirectedEdge] " ", " " \[DirectedEdge] "W",
"W" \[DirectedEdge] "o", "o" \[DirectedEdge] "r",
"r" \[DirectedEdge] "l", "l" \[DirectedEdge] "d"},
EdgeLabelStyle -> 16,
EdgeLabels -> {"H" \[DirectedEdge] "e" -> 1, "e" \[DirectedEdge] "l" -> 2, "l" \ [DirectedEdge] "l" -> 3,
"l" \[DirectedEdge] "o" -> 4, "o" \[DirectedEdge] " " -> 5,
" " \[DirectedEdge] "W" -> 6, "W" \[DirectedEdge] "o" -> 7,
"o" \[DirectedEdge] "r" -> 8, "r" \[DirectedEdge] "l" -> 9,
"l" \[DirectedEdge] "d" -> 10},
VertexLabelStyle -> Directive[Blue, Large], VertexLabels -> "Name", ImagePadding -> 25]
What about unnecessary comments? – Strigoides – 2012-10-31T22:11:36.547
@Strigoides I say no unnecessary comments either. That's a pretty lame method for what I'm trying to inspire people to do. – jdstankosky – 2012-11-01T00:50:55.313
Welcome to CodeGolf.SE! Code-bowling is usually about getting the largest character count, but you've set a target of 1024, which more than one answer has already hit. Given that, what's the objective winning criterion?
– Gareth – 2012-11-01T09:08:48.893@Gareth Well, code-golf is about the shortest, so I wasn't sure what to tag this with. Have any suggestions? I figured that after a significant amount of time, the winner would either be the highest up-votes, or if no clear leader was to be found there, I'd pick the one I thought was most creative. – jdstankosky – 2012-11-01T10:18:09.127
The problem with 'highest upvotes' or 'most creative' as winning criteria is that no-one really knows what will garner up-votes or what you personally will find creative. Unfortunately, I can't think of an objective winning criteria other than 'first to post' which would discourage further answers. As to the tag - I suppose if we're aiming to get as close as possible to a fixed target we could have [code-boules] or [code-curling] :-) – Gareth – 2012-11-01T12:40:50.007
9As soon as I get another 20 Rep points here, I'll change it to code-curling. I like that! – jdstankosky – 2012-11-01T12:51:32.523
just like curling, i don't see the purpose of this. what is the winning criteria? – ardnew – 2012-11-01T21:02:07.930
@ardnew while I don't personally like curling, its just like any other sport. The purpose is to have fun, and for those competing to win. There are rules posted, so the winning criteria would be the person with the most upvotes that actually followed the rules. – Ryan – 2012-11-01T21:53:21.713
Quothe the FAQ: "All questions on this site, whether a programming puzzle or a code golf, should have [an] objective primary winning criterion, so that it is possible to indisputably decide which entry should win." Creativity and humor are not "objective". There seems to a lot of desire to have non-objective contests here, but this should be taken up on meta. Closing for now. – dmckee --- ex-moderator kitten – 2012-11-01T22:06:03.453
This type of question has come up before, and the moderators will close it if it breaks any rules no matter what, unfortunately. See
– beary605 – 2012-11-01T23:31:09.180While I will read comments here and flag messages, I was really hoping that someone would take this up on meta. One user (luser droog) has opened a (related, I guess) topic as "Isn't there some way to have "just-for-fun" questions?", and that is certainly a good place to bring idea. Meta would also be the place to argue for changing the FAQ.
– dmckee --- ex-moderator kitten – 2012-11-02T02:33:43.277I have also added Should we consider dropping or modifying the "objective winning criteria" requirement?. Go to town.
– dmckee --- ex-moderator kitten – 2012-11-02T03:00:56.4601The answers on this question have a ridiculous number of upvotes. I say we reopen. I suggested code-shuffleboard on meta quite a while ago, and this gives a good example of the creativity that can go into solutions for that type of challenge. – boothby – 2013-12-04T07:46:38.717