Turing Machine Simulator



Write a Turing machine simulator.

For simplicity we can assume statuses as integer, symbols as char, blank symbol equals whitespace

5-tuple in the form of current state, input symbol, next state, output symbol, direction (left or right) the order is not mandatory but specify if you swap it

The machine must stop when an unknown state is reached, no other halt condition allowed.

The tape is infinite in both directions and you can always read an empty character.

Input: the initial tape, an initial state and a program. you are free to read the data from anywhere in the format you like

Output: the tape after the execution of the program

Required: an example program that run on top of your simulator

This is a code-colf so the shortest code win.

I'll post an implementation and some example programs in the next few hours.

Marco Martinelli

Posted 2012-10-23T17:14:15.077

Reputation: 293

4On The Turing Completeness of PowerPoint (SIGBOVIK) – sergiol – 2017-06-27T16:26:07.897



GolfScript, 92 characters

~:m;n\+{:^.n?)>1<]m{2<1$=},.{~2>~^n/~1>[@\+]n*1$%n/~\1$1<+[\1>.!{;" "}*]n*\%@}{;;^0}if}do n-

The Turing machine in GolfScript became much longer than intended. Still playing around with different representations of the tape.

First line of the input is the original state, second line the initial tape, followed by an array of transitions (with order current state, input symbol, next state, direction, output symbol).

Example (also available online)

> 0
> '101'
> [[0 '0' 0 1 '0']
>  [0 '1' 0 1 '1']
>  [0 ' ' 1 -1 ' ']
>  [1 '0' 2 1 '1']
>  [1 '1' 3 -1 '0']
>  [3 '0' 2 1 '1']
>  [3 ' ' 2 1 '1']
>  [3 '1' 3 -1 '0']] 



Posted 2012-10-23T17:14:15.077

Reputation: 23 109

you beat my sed implementation by one char, time to see if I can do better – Geoff Reedy – 2012-10-30T18:30:26.013


So I'm a bit late, but just thought I would leave this here...

Turing Machine Simulating a Turing Machine: 370 bytes?

Here I'm using the structure Turing used in his 1936 paper. I'm using one symbol = one byte, including m-configs and operations.

║    m-config    ║ Symbol ║     Operations      ║ Final m-config ║
║ currentCommand ║ Any    ║ L                   ║ currentCommand ║
║                ║ *      ║ MR                  ║ readCommand    ║
║ nextCommand    ║ Any    ║ L                   ║ nextCommand    ║
║                ║ *      ║ E  R  R  R  P* R    ║ readCommand    ║
║ readCommand    ║ P      ║ R                   ║ readCommandP   ║
║                ║ M      ║ R                   ║ readCommandM   ║
║                ║ G      ║ R                   ║ readCommandG   ║
║                ║ E      ║ R                   ║ MHPNone        ║
║ readCommandP   ║ 0      ║                     ║ MHP0           ║
║                ║ 1      ║                     ║ MHP1           ║
║                ║ e      ║                     ║ MHPe           ║
║                ║ x      ║                     ║ MHPx           ║
║                ║ None   ║                     ║ MHPNone        ║
║ readCommandM   ║ R      ║                     ║ MHMR           ║
║                ║ L      ║                     ║ MHML           ║
║ readCommandG   ║ 1      ║                     ║ G2<1           ║
║                ║ 2      ║                     ║ G2<2           ║
║                ║ 3      ║                     ║ G2<3           ║
║                ║ 4      ║                     ║ G2<4           ║
║                ║ 5      ║                     ║ G2<5           ║
║ G2<1           ║ int(1) ║ L  P@ R  R  R  P* R ║ GTS            ║
║                ║ <      ║                     ║ G21            ║
║                ║ *      ║ E  L                ║ G2<1           ║
║                ║ @      ║ E  L                ║ G2<1           ║
║                ║ Any    ║ L                   ║ G2<1           ║
║ G2<2           ║ int(2) ║ L  P@ R  R  R  P* R ║ GTS            ║
║                ║ <      ║                     ║ G22            ║
║                ║ *      ║ E  L                ║ G2<2           ║
║                ║ @      ║ E  L                ║ G2<2           ║
║                ║ Any    ║ L                   ║ G2<2           ║
║ G2<3           ║ int(3) ║ L  P@ R  R  R  P* R ║ GTS            ║
║                ║ <      ║                     ║ G23            ║
║                ║ *      ║ E  L                ║ G2<3           ║
║                ║ @      ║ E  L                ║ G2<3           ║
║                ║ Any    ║ L                   ║ G2<3           ║
║ G2<4           ║ int(4) ║ L  P@ R  R  R  P* R ║ GTS            ║
║                ║ <      ║                     ║ G24            ║
║                ║ *      ║ E  L                ║ G2<4           ║
║                ║ @      ║ E  L                ║ G2<4           ║
║                ║ Any    ║ L                   ║ G2<4           ║
║ G2<5           ║ int(5) ║ L  P@ R  R  R  P* R ║ GTS            ║
║                ║ <      ║                     ║ G25            ║
║                ║ *      ║ E  L                ║ G2<5           ║
║                ║ @      ║ E  L                ║ G2<5           ║
║                ║ Any    ║ L                   ║ G2<5           ║
║ G21            ║ int(1) ║ L  P@ R             ║ GTS            ║
║                ║ Any    ║ R                   ║ G21            ║
║ G22            ║ int(2) ║ L  P@ R             ║ GTS            ║
║                ║ Any    ║ R                   ║ G22            ║
║ G23            ║ int(3) ║ L  P@ R             ║ GTS            ║
║                ║ Any    ║ R                   ║ G23            ║
║ G24            ║ int(4) ║ L  P@ R             ║ GTS            ║
║                ║ Any    ║ R                   ║ G24            ║
║ G25            ║ int(5) ║ L  P@ R             ║ GTS            ║
║                ║ Any    ║ R                   ║ G25            ║
║ GTS            ║ ^      ║ R                   ║ TS             ║
║                ║ Any    ║ R                   ║ GTS            ║
║ TS             ║ 0      ║                     ║ RL0            ║
║                ║ 1      ║                     ║ RL1            ║
║                ║ e      ║                     ║ RLe            ║
║                ║ x      ║                     ║ RLx            ║
║                ║ None   ║                     ║ RLNone         ║
║ RL0            ║ @      ║ R  R                ║ GTS0           ║
║                ║ Any    ║ L                   ║ RL0            ║
║ RL1            ║ @      ║ R  R                ║ GTS1           ║
║                ║ Any    ║ L                   ║ RL1            ║
║ RLe            ║ @      ║ R  R                ║ GTSe           ║
║                ║ Any    ║ L                   ║ RLe            ║
║ RLx            ║ @      ║ R  R                ║ GTSx           ║
║                ║ Any    ║ L                   ║ RLx            ║
║ RLNone         ║ @      ║ R  R                ║ GTSNone        ║
║                ║ Any    ║ L                   ║ RLNone         ║
║ GTS0           ║ 0      ║ R  P*  R            ║ readCommand    ║
║                ║ Any    ║ R                   ║ GTS0           ║
║ GTS1           ║ 1      ║ R  P*  R            ║ readCommand    ║
║                ║ Any    ║ R                   ║ GTS1           ║
║ GTSe           ║ e      ║ R  P*  R            ║ readCommand    ║
║                ║ Any    ║ R                   ║ GTSe           ║
║ GTSx           ║ x      ║ R  P*  R            ║ readCommand    ║
║                ║ Any    ║ R                   ║ GTSx           ║
║ GTSNone        ║ _      ║ R  P*  R            ║ readCommand    ║
║                ║ Any    ║ R                   ║ GTSNone        ║
║ MHP0           ║ ^      ║ R                   ║ Print0         ║
║                ║ Any    ║ R                   ║ MHP0           ║
║ MHP1           ║ ^      ║ R                   ║ Print1         ║
║                ║ Any    ║ R                   ║ MHP1           ║
║ MHPe           ║ ^      ║ R                   ║ Printe         ║
║                ║ Any    ║ R                   ║ MHPe           ║
║ MHPx           ║ ^      ║ R                   ║ Printx         ║
║                ║ Any    ║ R                   ║ MHPx           ║
║ MHPNone        ║ ^      ║ R                   ║ PrintNone      ║
║                ║ Any    ║ R                   ║ MHPNone        ║
║ MHMR           ║ ^      ║ R  R                ║ MHR            ║
║                ║ Any    ║ R                   ║ MHMR           ║
║ MHML           ║ ^      ║ L                   ║ MHL            ║
║                ║ Any    ║ R                   ║ MHML           ║
║ Print0         ║ ^      ║ R                   ║ Print0         ║
║                ║ None   ║ P0                  ║ nextCommand    ║
║                ║ Any    ║ E                   ║ Print0         ║
║ Print1         ║ ^      ║ R                   ║ Print1         ║
║                ║ None   ║ P1                  ║ nextCommand    ║
║                ║ Any    ║ E                   ║ Print1         ║
║ Printx         ║ ^      ║ R                   ║ Printx         ║
║                ║ None   ║ Px                  ║ nextCommand    ║
║                ║ Any    ║ E                   ║ Printx         ║
║ Printe         ║ ^      ║ R                   ║ Printe         ║
║                ║ None   ║ Pe                  ║ nextCommand    ║
║                ║ Any    ║ E                   ║ Printe         ║
║ PrintNone      ║ ^      ║ R                   ║ PrintNone      ║
║                ║ None   ║                     ║ nextCommand    ║
║                ║ Any    ║ E                   ║ PrintNone      ║
║ MHL            ║ ^      ║ R  R                ║ MHL            ║
║                ║ [      ║                     ║ SBL            ║
║                ║ Any    ║ L  P^ R  R  E       ║ nextCommand    ║
║ MHR            ║ ^      ║ R  R                ║ MHR            ║
║                ║ ]      ║                     ║ SBR            ║
║                ║ None   ║ P^ L  L  E          ║ nextCommand    ║
║ SBR            ║ ]      ║ E  R  R  P]         ║ currentCommand ║
║ SBL            ║ ]      ║ R                   ║ SBLE           ║
║                ║ Any    ║ R                   ║ SBL            ║
║ SBLE           ║ [      ║                     ║ currentCommand ║
║                ║ None   ║ L                   ║ SBLE           ║
║                ║ Any    ║ E  R  R  P] L       ║ SBLE           ║

Here is one of Turing's examples from the paper above for my machine:

['<', None, 1, '0', None, 'P', 'e', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'P', 'e', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'P', '0', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'P', '0', None, 'M', 'L', None, 'M', 'L', None, 'G', '2',
                      '1', None, 'P', 'e', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'P', 'e', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'P', '0', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'P', '0', None, 'M', 'L', None, 'M', 'L', None, 'G', '2',
                      'e', None, 'P', 'e', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'P', 'e', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'P', '0', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'P', '0', None, 'M', 'L', None, 'M', 'L', None, 'G', '2',
                      'x', None, 'P', 'e', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'P', 'e', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'P', '0', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'P', '0', None, 'M', 'L', None, 'M', 'L', None, 'G', '2',
                      '_', None, 'P', 'e', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'P', 'e', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'P', '0', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'P', '0', None, 'M', 'L', None, 'M', 'L', None, 'G', '2',

             None, 2, '1', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'P', 'x', None, 'M', 'L', None, 'M', 'L', None, 'M', 'L', None, 'G', '2',
                      '0', None, 'G', '3',

             None, 3, '0', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'G', '3',
                      '1', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'G', '3',
                      '_', None, 'P', '1', None, 'M', 'L', None, 'G', '4',

             None, 4, 'x', None, 'E', 'E', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'G', '3',
                      'e', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'G', '5',
                      '_', None, 'M', 'L', None, 'M', 'L', None, 'G', '4',

             None, 5, '0', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'G', '5',
                      '1', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'G', '5',
                      'e', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'G', '5',
                      'x', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'M', 'R', None, 'G', '5',
                      '_', None, 'P', '0', None, 'M', 'L', None, 'M', 'L', None, 'G', '2',
        None, '[', '^', None, ']', None]

Try it online! (Uses Python 3 as an interpreter) --Edit: I just checked the TIO, and it doesn't seem to actually work right... Try it on your local machine and it should (hopefully) work. It does on mine.


Posted 2012-10-23T17:14:15.077

Reputation: 233

No harm intended, just aligning the borders on the table. – Greg Bacon – 2017-10-30T15:44:46.673

@GregBacon No offence taken... perhaps there's some difference between how different computers render codeblocks, but your edit made the alignment much worse on my edit screen... I'm sure it looked fine when you suggested the edit; not sure what the problem is – bendl – 2017-10-30T15:47:58.650


GNU sed with -r - 133 117 111 93 chars

Yes, sed is turing complete. GNU sed and -r (extended regexps) is only to save a few characters, it is only a small change to work with POSIX sed.

s/>@/@> /
s/>#/> #/

Input format is

[initial state]@[non-empty tape with > marking head position]#[state]@[input symbol][next state]@[output symbol][direction l or r]#...

The delimiters @, # and head character > cannot be used as a symbol on the tape. State labels cannot contain @ > or #.

It will run all of the programs in the input, one per line


Marco's anbn program


0@>aaabbb#0@a1@ r#0@ 4@ r#1@a1@ar#1@b1@br#1@ 2@ l#2@b3@ l#2@a5@al#3@b3@bl#3@a3@al#3@ 0@ r#4@ 5@Tr


5@    T>  #0@a1@ r#0@ 4@ r#1@a1@ar#1@b1@br#1@ 2@ l#2@b3@ l#2@a5@al#3@b3@bl#3@a3@al#3@ 0@ r#4@ 5@Tr

Marco's Hello! program


0@> #0@ 1@Hr#1@ 2@er#2@ 3@lr#3@ 4@lr#4@ 5@or#5@ 6@!r


6@Hello!> #0@ 1@Hr#1@ 2@er#2@ 3@lr#3@ 4@lr#4@ 5@or#5@ 6@!r

Geoff Reedy

Posted 2012-10-23T17:14:15.077

Reputation: 2 828


Python, 101 189 152 142

while 1:
 c=a.get(i,' ')
 if 0==m:exit([x[1]for x in sorted(a.items())])

b and p are the inputs, b is the initial tape, p encodes the rules as (string representation of) a dict from (in-state, in-tape) tuple to (out-state, head move, out-tape) tuple. If move is 0 the program finishes, 1 is move to the right and -1 is move to the left.


p="""{(0, 'a'): (1, 1, 'a'),
      (0, 'b'): (0, 1, 'b'),
      (1, 'a'): (1, 1, 'a'),
      (1, 'b'): (0, 1, 'b'),
      (1, ' '): (1, 0, 'Y'),
      (0, ' '): (0, 0, 'N')}"""

This sample program tests if the last letter of the string (before empty tape) is 'a', if so it writes 'Y' at the end of the string (first empty space).

Edit 1:

Changed the tape to be represented as a dict, as it seemed the shortest way to write an extensible data structure. The second to last line is mostly transforming it back into readable form for output.

Edit 2:

Thanks to Strigoides for a great deal of improvements.

Edit 3:

I had unnecessarily made it so 0 as output would leave the place as it is. I removed this as we can always write the output the same as the input.


Posted 2012-10-23T17:14:15.077

Reputation: 2 889

I don't think this is a valid solution because in your implementation the tape is limited. This way you need to know in advance the memory consumption of your program. And there are problems moving left. Hint: a tape can be made from two modified stack in wich you can always pop a blank symbol. – Marco Martinelli – 2012-10-23T19:00:32.523

Ah, true. Sorry, didn't think this too far. – shiona – 2012-10-23T19:08:44.123

Uhm.. afaik the tape is infinite in both direction and you can always read an empty character. I will specify that in the answer. – Marco Martinelli – 2012-10-23T19:10:11.213

You were correct (we had had more strict rules in our exercises). I fixed at least some of the flaws. – shiona – 2012-10-23T19:52:40.813

You can remove the space in the first line, r=0;s=0 can become r=s=0 (and the semicolon at the end of that line is unnecessary), you can remove the function w, as it is unused, the brackets can be removed in (s,m,t)=r[s,c], the try/except block can be shortened using dict.get; c=a.get(i,' '), since m is either 0 or 1, you can use if m-1:, and you can shorten your map() call by converting it to a list comprehension. – Strigoides – 2012-10-24T02:27:28.317

Thanks! That get was extremely useful knowledge. I have no idea how that w-function was still left in the code, I thought I had removed it long ago. I'm not really that versed with python so your help with the syntax is appreciated too. Only thing is that m can also be -1 if we're moving left, I guess I should give an example of that too. – shiona – 2012-10-24T06:39:09.273


APL (110)

(It's not even that short...)

0(''⍞){×⍴X←0~⍨⍺∘{x y S T s m t←⍺,⍵⋄S T≡x,⊃⊃⌽y:s,⊂(⊃y){m:(¯1↓⍺)(⍵,⍨¯1↑⍺)⋄(⍺,⊃⍵)(1↓⍵)}t,1↓⊃⌽y⋄0}¨⍵:⍵∇⍨⊃X⋄,/⊃⌽⍺}⎕

It reads two lines from the keyboard: the first is the program and the second is the initial tape.

The format is

(in-state in-tape out-state movement out-tape) 

and they should all be on the same line. 'Movement' is 0 to move right and 1 to move left.

Example program (line breaks inserted for clarity, they should be all on one line.)

(0 ' ' 1 0 '1')
(0 '1' 0 0 '1')
(1 '1' 1 0 '1')
(1 ' ' 2 1 ' ')
(2 '1' 3 1 ' ')

The program adds two unary numbers together, for example:

in:  1111 111
out: 1111111

Example 2 (adapted from the binary increment program from Marco Martinelli's entry):

(0 '0' 0 0 '0')
(0 '1' 0 0 '1')
(0 ' ' 1 1 ' ')
(1 '0' 2 0 '1')
(1 '1' 3 1 '0')
(3 '0' 2 0 '1')
(3 ' ' 2 0 '1')
(3 '1' 3 1 '0')


Posted 2012-10-23T17:14:15.077

Reputation: 30 224

How can i try it? I'm using linux and tried with aplus but it doesn't work (undefined token :( ). Which interpreter / compiler should I try? – Marco Martinelli – 2012-10-25T09:32:59.320

I'm using Dyalog APL. I'm not aware of using any Dyalog-specific functions but A+ is not completely the same thing. There's a free version of Dyalog but it's only for Windows. (It might run under Wine but it does use its own input method so you can type APL.) If you get Dyalog running, just enter/paste the APL code (on one line), then the Turing machine program (on a second line), then the initial tape (on the third line). – marinus – 2012-10-25T15:32:37.020

ok, I will try that, thank you – Marco Martinelli – 2012-10-25T15:45:46.940


Postscript (205) (156) (150) (135)

/${stopped}def([){add dup{load}${exit}if}def
0 A{1 index{load}${pop( )}if

This is probably cheating, but the transition table contains code to perform the transitions. And since the tape is represented by a mapping from integers to integers, I've represented states as a mapping from names to dictionaries so the tape and the program coexist in the same anonymous dictionary.

Extra savings by making all state names executable, so they auto-load.

Ungolfed with embedded "Hello" program. An extra 52 chars buys a loop to read the tape from stdin. Run with gsnd -q tm.ps.

    /A<<( ){dup(H)def 1 add B}>>
    /B<<( ){dup(e)def 1 add C}>>
    /C<<( ){dup(l)def 1 add D}>>
    /D<<( ){dup(l)def 1 add E}>>
    /E<<( ){dup(o)def 1 add F}>>
>>begin %ds: int-keys=tape name-keys=prog
0 A %pos state
{ %loop
    1 index{load}stopped{pop( )}if  %pos state tape(pos)
    get    {exec}stopped{exit  }if  %new-pos new-state
} loop
% Loop from tape position 0 to left until left tape end is found
0{                                  %pos
  -1 add                            %new-pos
  dup{load}stopped{exit}if          %new-pos tape(new-pos)
  pop                               %new-pos tape(new-pos)
% Move to the right and print all chars until right end is hit
{                                   %pos
  1 add                             %new-pos
  dup{load}stopped{exit}if          %new-pos tape(new-pos)
  print                             %new-pos tape(new-pos)

So the table-format is

/in-state<<in-tape{dup out-tape def movement add out-state}
           in-tape2{dup out-tape2 def movement2 add out-state2}>>

where in-state is a name, in-tape and out-tape are chars (ie. integers, or expressions which yield integers), movement is -1 for left or 1 for right, and out-state is an executable name. Multiple in-tape transition for the same state must be combined as above.

luser droog

Posted 2012-10-23T17:14:15.077

Reputation: 4 535

Another problem is there's no provision for discovering what part of the tape is interesting. That's gonna cost quite a bit to do a currentdict{search-for-min-and-max}forall juggle-params-for-for. :( – luser droog – 2012-10-27T09:50:27.100

Tried my own, but was way beyond your conciseness. But I suggested some improvements to your code. – Thomas W. – 2012-11-07T08:07:53.587

BTW, what about the initial tape? I removed the commented out line from the un-golfed code because it didn't seem to do the job. ("0 not" returns -1, therefore no iteration of the loop) – Thomas W. – 2012-11-07T08:10:08.213

Excellent improvements! ... About the initial tape code, I think I mistyped it from my notebook. S.B. 0 1 0 not{(%stdin)(r)file read not{exit}if def}for. I'm not sure why I thought I could get away with omitting that from the golfed version. :P – luser droog – 2012-11-07T08:35:29.597

Oh, wait, -1! Then 0 not should be 16#7fffffff. Sorry. Aha! that's why it was commented! It came straight out of the notebook, didn't get tested, and I trimmed all comments without looking when I golfed it up. Don't tell the Python guy! :P – luser droog – 2012-11-07T09:28:51.183


C (not golfed yet)

I suppose I can't win with this, still it was fun getting it to work. This is even more true now that it really does work. :)

Except it's only infinite in one direction. I suppose it needs a negative tape, too. Sigh....

Negative wasn't so bad. We interleave the two sides as evens and odds. Complication is now it needs to display the tape in sequential order, as the file itself is now jumbled. This is a legitimate alteration to make, I think. Turing himself simplified this way.

int main(int c, char**v){
    int min=0,max=0;
    int pos=0,qi;sscanf(v[1],"%d",&qi);
    do {
        min = pos<min? pos: min;
        max = pos>max? pos: max;
        int c = fgetc(tape), qt=qi-1,qr;
        char x = c==EOF?' ':c, xt=x-1,xr,d[2];
        if (x == '\n') x = ' ';
printf("%d '%c' %d (%d)\n", qi, x, pos, (int)ftell(tape));
            fscanf(tab, "%d '%c' %d '%c' %1[LRN]", &qt, &xt, &qr, &xr, d);
            if (feof(tab)){
                goto HALT;
printf("%d '%c' %d '%c' %s\n", qt, xt, qr, xr, d);
    } while(1);
printf("[%d .. %d]:\n", min, max);
    for (pos = min; pos <= max; pos++){
        //printf("%d ",pos);
    return qi;

And here's the test-run:

522(1)04:33 AM:~ 0> cat bab.tm
0 'a' 0 'b' R
0 'b' 0 'a' R
523(1)04:33 AM:~ 0> echo aaaaa > blank; make tm ; tm 0 bab.tm blank; echo; cat blank
make: `tm' is up to date.
0 'a' 0 (0)
0 'a' 0 'b' R
0 'a' 1 (2)
0 'a' 0 'b' R
0 'a' 2 (4)
0 'a' 0 'b' R
0 ' ' 3 (6)
0 'a' 0 'b' R
0 'b' 0 'a' R
[0 .. 3]:

The program outputs the tape in sequential order, but the file represents the negative and positive sides interleaved.

luser droog

Posted 2012-10-23T17:14:15.077

Reputation: 4 535

There are problems with your implementation. Try this program that swap a and b 0 'a' 0 'b' R; 0 'b' 0 'a' R with input aaa the output is bab instead of bbb. And there are problems moving left. – Marco Martinelli – 2012-10-24T08:20:58.900

Thanks for the attention! Update fixes both, I think (hope). – luser droog – 2012-10-24T09:11:54.093

uhm.. still getting bab – Marco Martinelli – 2012-10-24T09:15:03.683

yeah, but this time it's correct! 'aaa' corresponds to positions [0,-1,1] on the tape. But the output that should show this clearly needs work. – luser droog – 2012-10-24T09:29:34.260


Groovy 234 228 154 153 149 139 124

n=[:];i=0;t={it.each{n[i++]=it};i=0};e={p,s->a=p[s,n[i]?:' '];if(a){n[i]=a[1];i+=a[2];e(p,a[0])}else n.sort()*.value.join()}

Formatted for readability

    a=p[s,n[i]?:' '];
    }else n.sort()*.value.join()

t is the function that set the tape e is the function that evaluate the program

Example 1 - Print "Hello!" on the tape :)

e([[0,' ']:[1,'H',1],
   [1,' ']:[2,'e',1],
   [2,' ']:[3,'l',1],
   [3,' ']:[4,'l',1],
   [4,' ']:[5,'o',1],
   [5,' ']:[6,'!',1]],0)

Example 2 - Leave a T on the tape if the initial string is in the form of anbn, stop otherwise.

e([[0,'a']:[1,' ',1],
   [0,' ']:[4,' ',1],
   [1,' ']:[2,' ',-1],
   [2,'b']:[3,' ',-1],
   [3,' ']:[0,' ',1],
   [4,' ']:[5,'T',1]],0)

Example 3 - Increment of a binary number

   [0,' ']:[1,' ',-1],
   [3,' ']:[2,'1',1],

in the examples 1 means move to the right and -1 means move to the left

Marco Martinelli

Posted 2012-10-23T17:14:15.077

Reputation: 293