Parity of Nth Term in Fibonacci Integer Sequences


If you look at the Fibonacci Numbers, you will notice a pattern in their parity: 0, 1 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 8 , 13 , 21 , 34 , 55 , 89 , 144. Every third number is even, and all the others are odd. This makes sense because an even plus an odd is odd, but an odd plus an odd is even and the sum for a term will always include at least one even number unless the last two terms were odd, which happens every three terms.

In this challenge you will have to look at a generalization of this problem.


  • You will be given as input two positive integers describing the Fibonacci integer sequence you will have to look at.
  • For example, 0, 1 describes the original Fibonacci numbers, and 2, 1 would be the Lucas numbers. The sequence is calculated with the recurrence relation: x(n+2)=x(n+1)+x(n).
  • You will also take a positive integer n.
  • Your code has to output the parity of the nth term of the described Fibonacci integer sequence (0 indexed).
  • The output format can be any two sane, consistent outputs (e.g. 0 for even and 1 for odd).

Test Cases

(Fibonacci numbers) [0, 1], 4  ->  odd
(Lucas numbers) [2, 1], 9  ->  even
[14, 17], 24  ->  even
[3, 9], 15  ->  odd
[2, 4], 10  ->  even


Posted 2016-06-18T04:18:36.477

Reputation: 25 023

Is it possible for the input to contain two numbers of the same parity? For example, [2, 4] – James – 2016-06-18T05:34:01.560

@DrGreenEggsandIronMan yes, adding. – Maltysen – 2016-06-18T05:37:56.210

Related – Peter Taylor – 2016-06-18T06:35:43.953

Can the input be shaped [0,1], 4 or unshaped 0,1,4 depending on which is shorter to implement? – Brad Gilbert b2gills – 2016-06-18T17:15:31.823

@BradGilbertb2gills it can be shaped in any sane way – Maltysen – 2016-06-18T17:18:04.993



Python, 29 bytes

lambda a,b,n:[a,b,a+b][n%3]%2

The generalized Fibonacci sequence modulo 2 has cycle length of 3. So, we reduce n mod 3 and take that element of the first three.

31 bytes:

lambda a,b,n:0<a%2*2+b%2!=n%3+1

True for odd, False for even


Posted 2016-06-18T04:18:36.477

Reputation: 115 687


Jelly, 4 bytes


Prints 0 for even, 1 for odd. Try it online!

How it works

The quick ¡ takes a link it applies repeated to the previous output, and optionally a second link that specifies the number of iterations. If that second link is absent (which is the case here), the number of iterations is taken from the last command-line argument.

When the first link is dyadic (which is the case with ^), ¡ applies that link to the previous return value (which is initialized as the left argument) and the right argument, then updates the return value with the result and the right argument with the previous return value. After doing so as many times as specified in the number of iterations, it returns the last return value.

The quicklink is called with the left argument (first command-line argument) and the result of ^ (bitwise XOR of the left and right argument, i.e., the first and second command-line argument). XORing is necessary since the right argument is not among the return values, meaning that the right argument has to be the x(-1) in order to return x(n) with x(0) ^ n ¡ x(1).

To actually calculate x(n), we'd use the code +¡_@ ( instead of and _@ – left argument subtracted from right argument – instead of ^), but since we're only interested in the parities, any combination of +, _ and ^ will do.

Finally, (bit) computes and returns the parity of x(n).


Posted 2016-06-18T04:18:36.477

Reputation: 196 637

3that was way too easy... :/ – Maltysen – 2016-06-18T04:24:59.647

Since when did Jelly accept triads? – Leaky Nun – 2016-06-18T04:31:48.167

@LeakyNun It doesn't, really. In the absence of a link specifying the number of iterations, ¡ uses the last command-line argument or (if there aren't any) an integer read from STDIN. – Dennis – 2016-06-18T04:46:59.987


Python, 38 bytes

lambda a,b,n:(b*(n%3>0)+a*(~-n%3>0))%2

Leaky Nun

Posted 2016-06-18T04:18:36.477

Reputation: 45 011


MATL, 10 7 bytes


Try it online!


t            #Duplicate the array of numbers
 s           #Sum them
  h          #and add that to the end of the array
   w         #Swap inputs so that the *N* is on top
    Q        #Increment *N* (Since MATL uses 1-based indexing)
     )       #Get that element of the array. MATL uses modular indexing.
      o      #Return it's parity


Posted 2016-06-18T04:18:36.477

Reputation: 54 537

You can remove 3\ thanks to modular indexing. Also, since this commit (which predates the challenge) you can use o instead of 2\ (note this doesn't work in TIO yet). So: tshwQ)o for 7 bytes

– Luis Mendo – 2016-06-18T15:06:42.277

Really, it looks like it works to me: :P. Also, thanks for the tips!

– James – 2016-06-18T15:56:37.963

Yes, I asked Dennis to pull that commit and it works now – Luis Mendo – 2016-06-18T16:02:29.393


Perl 6,  24  23 bytes

{(|@^a,sum @a)[$^n%3]%2}


use v6.c;
use Test;

constant even = 0;
constant odd = 1;
my @test = (
  ([0, 1], 4)    => odd,
  ([2, 1], 9)    => even,
  ([14, 17], 24) => even,
  ([3, 9], 15)   => odd,
  ([2, 4], 10)   => even,

my &seq-parity = {(|@^a,*+*...*)[$^n]%2}

for @test -> ( :key($input), :value($expected) ) {
  is seq-parity(|$input), $expected, ($input => <even odd>[$expected]).gist
ok 1 - ([0 1] 4) => odd
ok 2 - ([2 1] 9) => even
ok 3 - ([14 17] 24) => even
ok 4 - ([3 9] 15) => odd
ok 5 - ([2 4] 10) => even


    # generate the Fibonacci integer sequence
    # ( @^a is the first two values )
    |@^a, *+* ... *
  )[ $^n ] # get the one at the appropriate index
  % 2 # modulo 2

Brad Gilbert b2gills

Posted 2016-06-18T04:18:36.477

Reputation: 12 713


J, 15 bytes


Simple method. Computes the nth term, and takes it modulo 2 to find its parity. Even parity is represented by 0 and odd parity by 1.


   f =: 2|0{(]{:,+/)^:[
   4 f 0 1
   9 f 2 1
   24 f 14 17
   15 f 3 9


2|0{(]{:,+/)^:[  Input: n on LHS, and initial values [a, b] on RHS
    ( .... )^:[  Repeat the function n times
         +/      Find the sum of a+b
      {:         Get the value b from the tail of [a, b]
        ,        Join the values to get [b, a+b]
     ]           Return those values as the new [a, b]
  0{             Select the first value at index 0 from the list (after n applications)
2|               Take that value modulo 2 and return


Posted 2016-06-18T04:18:36.477

Reputation: 15 654


Pyke, 9 bytes


Try it here!

    s+    -   input+sum(input)
      @   -  ^[V]
3%        -   line_2 % 3
       2% - ^ % 2


Posted 2016-06-18T04:18:36.477

Reputation: 26 661


Julia, 23 bytes


Try it online!


Posted 2016-06-18T04:18:36.477

Reputation: 196 637


Actually, 12 bytes


This uses the same strategy as xnor's Python answer. Input is a b n, with the spaces replaced by newlines. Output is 0 for even parity and 1 for odd parity.

Try it online!


              implicit input ([a, b, n])
╗             save n in reg0 ([a, b])
 │            duplicate stack ([a, b, a, b])
  +k          add, push stack as list ([[a, b, a+b]])
    3╜%       n mod 3 ([[a, b, a+b], n%3])
       @E     element in list ([[a, b, a+b][n%3])
         2@%  mod 2 ([[a, b, a+b][n%3]%2)


Posted 2016-06-18T04:18:36.477

Reputation: 32 998


Mathematica, 38 36 bytes


Anonymous function, based off of @xnor's Python approach. Takes a list and an integer, and outputs either True for odd or False for even. Not much beyond that.


Posted 2016-06-18T04:18:36.477

Reputation: 15 731


CJam, 9 bytes


Even is zero, odd is one.

Try it online!


q~        e# Read input and evaluate
  _       e# Duplicate initial tuple
   :+     e# Sum initial values
     +    e# Append sum to initial tuple
      =   e# Take the n-th element (modular indexing)
       2% e# Modulo 2

Andrea Biondo

Posted 2016-06-18T04:18:36.477

Reputation: 1 452