Write a program that reverses the name of its source file



In a single file, write a program that requires no input and produces no output. When run it should reverse the name of the file it is contained in, regardless of what the name is, without altering the code or producing other lasting side effects.

Any way of achieving this is fine. It only matters that once the program is run the only lasting change is that its file name has been reversed. e.g. no new files should be in the directory.

Running the program again should reverse the name back. Indeed, the program should be able to be run arbitrarily many times.

For the purposes of this challenge:

  • You may assume filenames are always strings of lowercase letters (a-z) between 1 and 127 characters long. (If your language requires files to have extensions to run then just reverse the part before the extension, e.g. mycode.batedocym.bat.)
  • You may assume the code file is in a directory by itself so it will not have naming conflicts (except with itself).
  • You may not assume the filename is not a palindrome, i.e. the same when reversed. Filenames that are palindromes should work just as well as those that aren't.
  • You may read your file's contents or metadata. There are no restrictions here.
  • You may assume your program will be run on a particular, modern, commonplace operating system (e.g. Windows/Linux), since not all shells have the same command set.

As a concrete example, say you have a Python program in a file called mycode in its own directory. Running

python mycode

in the terminal should result in the filename being reversed to edocym. The file edocym should be alone in its directory - no file named mycode should exist anymore. Running

python edocym

will reverse the name back to mycode, at which point the process can be repeated indefinitely.

If the same Python file was renamed racecar (without changing the code) and then run

python racecar

nothing should visibly change since "racecar" is a palindrome. That same goes if the filename were, say, a or xx.

The shortest code in bytes wins. Tiebreaker is higher voted answer.

Calvin's Hobbies

Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

Reputation: 84 000

Does the current working directory matter? – Brad Gilbert b2gills – 2016-06-11T02:11:32.567

@BradGilbertb2gills You should be able to copy the folder with the program to somewhere else and still have it work (assuming you have permissions and whatnot). You can assume the working directory of the shell will be the folder the file is in. – Calvin's Hobbies – 2016-06-11T03:30:08.783

6What if we are using a compiled language? How does the executable affect your rules? – EMBLEM – 2016-06-11T05:39:37.043

Request to clarify 'accepts no input and produces no output'. Technically, the name of the file is an input that must ne retrieved from the file system and the changed name must be sent to the file system. These are input and output. It may be worthwhile to specify that no other outputs are allowed. – atk – 2016-06-13T00:14:12.527

Additionally, do you consider use of child processes to be violations of the input/output rules? That is, calling a separate process to perform part of the task, like reversing the name, would require sending the other process the name (output from your code and input to the app) and receive the value from the process (output of the process and input to the app). – atk – 2016-06-13T00:16:38.263

@EMBLEM I guess the executable should reverse its own filename. Tbh I didn't consider this and your own reasonable interpretation of the rules is probably fine. – Calvin's Hobbies – 2016-06-13T00:19:12.247

@atk You're overthinking, splitting hairs. User input should not be required. No output should be visible when running the program in a normal way. Think of it like a function with no args that returns void. – Calvin's Hobbies – 2016-06-13T00:20:48.483



Bash + common linux utils, 13 bytes

My method is similar to @DigitalTrauma's but a bit shorter due to the pipe with ls:

mv * `ls|rev`

Julie Pelletier

Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

Reputation: 719

Oh - very good. – Digital Trauma – 2016-06-11T04:58:46.320

20Welcome to Programming Puzzles & Code Golf! This is a very nice first answer. :) – Alex A. – 2016-06-11T05:17:39.820

1Only works if there is no other file in the directory. – WGroleau – 2016-06-11T09:18:53.383

1@WGroleau && terdon: both your comments are right but the question already handles those 2 assumptions. – Julie Pelletier – 2016-06-11T15:48:39.270

@JuliePelletier ah, yes, you're quite right. I missed that file names can only consist of lower case letters. – terdon – 2016-06-11T21:48:17.173

I was looking into a quick way to reverse lines in a file/stdin for another problem; but of course there's a rev standard utility. Why wouldn't there be... – msanford – 2016-06-14T13:40:24.233


C#, 153 bytes

void f(){var x=System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().ManifestModule.Name;File.Move(x,new string(x.Reverse().ToArray()).Substring(4)+".exe");}

OO is cool and all untill you have a variable defined:


thats just mean


Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

Reputation: 1 152


Bash + common linux utils, 15

  • 1 byte saved thanks to @Dennis

Assumes that the script is in a directory by itself.

mv * `rev<<<$0`

Digital Trauma

Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

Reputation: 64 644

6You may assume the code file is in a directory by itself, so $0 can be replaced with *. – Dennis – 2016-06-11T01:04:53.803

Sorry but there's a small bug in your update and it doesn't work as is. The simplest fix is to go back closer to what you had before with $0 instead of the last *. – Julie Pelletier – 2016-06-11T04:02:47.330

@JuliePelletier It seemed to work before when I tried it, but yes, you're right - * globbing expansion doesn't happen to the right of a <<<. – Digital Trauma – 2016-06-11T04:57:46.613


Julia, 51 bytes


This program should be operating system agnostic, though it was only tested on OS X.


# Get the directory and file name of the current source file
d, f = splitdir(@__FILE__)

# Change the working directory temporarily to d
cd(d) do
    # Overwrite the file with the reverse of its name
    mv(f, reverse(f))

Alex A.

Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

Reputation: 23 761

8Congrats! 20k!!! – Luis Mendo – 2016-06-11T01:10:15.683

Most answers seem to assume that the file is in the current directory, so I don't think you need the cd. In this case f=readdir()[] would be even shorter. – Dennis – 2016-06-12T18:36:55.453


MATLAB, 50 46 bytes

e='.m';x=mfilename;movefile([x e],[flip(x) e])

Thanks to @Suever for removing 4 bytes and for the testing!

Tested on OS X El Capitan and Debian Jessie, both with Matlab version R2014a.

On Windows a flag 'f' is needed (e='.m';x=mfilename;movefile([x e],[flip(x) e]),'f') to change file name while the file is being used.

How it works

e='.m';                       % Store file extension '.m' in variable `e`
x=mfilename;                  % Get name of file being run, without the extension
movefile([x e],[flip(x) e])   % Move (rename) file. `flip` is used for reversing the
                              % name without extension. [...] is (string) concatenation

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

Reputation: 87 464

What OS are you on that the 'f' is required? – Suever – 2016-06-11T01:00:51.340

@Suever Windows. Isn't it needed on Mac? – Luis Mendo – 2016-06-11T01:09:24.803

Not needed on Mac of Linux it seems. – Suever – 2016-06-11T01:10:32.623

@Suever Thanks! 4 bytes off :-) – Luis Mendo – 2016-06-11T01:11:23.617

@Suever Can you indicate the exact OS this works on? – Luis Mendo – 2016-06-11T01:12:00.007

OS X El Capitan and Debian Jessie, both R2014a – Suever – 2016-06-11T01:14:46.117


Batch, 109 bytes

@echo off
set f=%0
set r=
set r=%f:~0,1%%r%
set f=%f:~1%
if not .%f%==. goto l
ren %0.bat %r%.bat

Note 1: Batch files must end in .bat; it is assumed that the batch file is executed by its name without extension, and that the .bat is not to be reversed. For example, reverse would attempt to rename reverse.bat to esrever.bat.
Note 2: CMD.EXE errors out after renaming the batch file. (COMMAND.COM wouldn't, except that it's incapable of string manipulation in the first place.)

Edit: Saved 2 bytes by using the guarantee that the file name is alphabetic (based on @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ's comment).


Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

Reputation: 95 035


  • WHY AREN'T YOU SHOUTING? 2. I think you can save a byte by doing if ]%f% NEQ ] goto l
  • < – Conor O'Brien – 2016-06-11T01:36:24.000

    @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Ah yes, the file name is alphabetic, so I can in fact save 2 bytes, but thanks for the hint. – Neil – 2016-06-11T10:31:19.373



    – cat – 2016-06-11T13:23:26.287


    Ruby, 24 bytes


    Fairly self-explanatory. ($0 is the name of the file being executed.)

    Run with ruby whatever with a working directory of the directory that contains the file.


    Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

    Reputation: 68 138


    C, 102 bytes



                                // No #include lines required (for GCC at least)
    main(c,v)char**v;{          // K&R style function to save 2 bytes
        char*b=strdup(*v),      // Duplicate args[0] (script path)
            *n=strrchr(*v,47),  // Find last "/" in input
            *t=strchr(b,0);     // Go to end of output string
        for(;*++n;*--t=*n);     // Reverse input into output character-by-character
        rename(*v,b);           // Rename the file
    }                           // Implicit return 0

    Finally a challenge where C isn't (quite so hopelessly) uncompetitive!

    If we take "You can assume the working directory of the shell will be the folder the file is in" to mean that the program will always be invoked as ./myexecutable, we can simplify *n=strrchr(*v,47) to *n=*v+1 to save 10 characters, but this isn't entirely valid (it could be invoked as ././myexecutable, for example).

    Also if you want to keep a file extension (e.g. ".out") in-tact, you can change *t=strchr(b,0) to *t=strrchr(b,46), costing 2 bytes. Not required though.


    Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

    Reputation: 7 519

    Nice - I'd never looked to see what rename does if src==dest; it appears you satisfy the palindrome constraint for free. – Toby Speight – 2016-06-15T13:27:47.173

    Note that this requires a file system where codepoint 47 is the separator. I think this includes POSIX (or does that allow EBCDIC / in a corner case?) – Toby Speight – 2016-06-15T13:30:34.797

    @TobySpeight yeah I checked http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Renaming-Files.html for some clarification, but the closest I found was "One special case for rename is when oldname and newname are two names for the same file. The consistent way to handle this case is to delete oldname. However, in this case POSIX requires that rename do nothing and report success—which is inconsistent. We don’t know what your operating system will do.", so I guess there's an outside chance it will just delete the file on non-POSIX compliant systems. So yeah, real code should check!

    – Dave – 2016-06-15T17:26:45.943

    I just checked http://linux.die.net/man/3/rename and it confirms that Linux handles it POSIX compliantly: "If the old argument and the new argument resolve to the same existing file, rename() shall return successfully and perform no other action."

    – Dave – 2016-06-15T17:30:34.960

    I was going with the Debian manpage: "If oldpath and newpath are existing hard links referring to the same file, then rename() does nothing, and returns a success status" - if the strings are identical, they refer to the same file. – Toby Speight – 2016-06-15T17:48:28.543

    Suggest index() instead of strchr(), rindex() for strrchr() and int**v; instead of char**v; – ceilingcat – 2018-10-25T02:03:26.960


    Vitsy + *sh, 15 bytes

    iG:`?r.iG' mr',


    iG:`?r.iG' mr',
    i               Push -1 to the stack. (this assumes that no arguments are passed)
     G              Get the use name of the class specified by the top item of the
                    stack. (-1 refers to the origin class, so this class)
      :             Duplicate stack and jump to it.
       `            Read a file with the current stack as its name, replacing the stack
                    with the file's contents.
        ?           Shift one stack to the right.
         r          Reverse the current stack.
          .         Write a file with the name specified by the top stack and the
                    contents as the second-to-top stack.
           iG       Get the name of the current class again.
             ' mr'  Push 'rm ' to the stack.
                  , Execute the current stack as a command.

    Note that this submission must use the non-safe version of Vitsy (cannot be done on Try It Online!)

    Addison Crump

    Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

    Reputation: 10 763


    Perl 5, 18 bytes

    A bit like the Ruby one (run perl nameofscript):


    Taking a possible path into account is uglier (47 bytes)



    Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

    Reputation: 181

    1Hello, and welcome to PPCG! Great first post! – NoOneIsHere – 2016-06-12T15:08:31.633


    Python 2, 41 bytes

    import os;s=__file__;os.rename(s,s[::-1])

    Demo on Bash.

    Python really doesn't care the file extension, so we can just flip the entire file name.


    Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

    Reputation: 16 616


    Python 3, 105 bytes

    import os;a=__file__.split('\\')[::-1][0].split('.');os.rename('.'.join(a),'.'.join([a[0][::-1],a[1]]))

    -Alex.A removed 1 byte.

    -Digital Trauma showed me os.rename() which took away 62 bytes.

    -muddyfish removed 7 bytes.


    Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

    Reputation: 1 322

    I think you can save a byte by removing the space after the comma in the import – Alex A. – 2016-06-11T01:40:13.627

    import os,sys;f=sys.argv[0];os.rename(f,f[::-1]) should do the trick for 48 bytes – Digital Trauma – 2016-06-11T02:01:21.453

    doing f[::-1] reverses not only the file name, but the entire path. However, thanks for introducing me to the os.rename() feature. – Magenta – 2016-06-11T04:00:43.920

    @Magenta For me, sys.argv[0] just returns the filename only without the path when the script is run in its own directly. Helka indicated this is ok

    – Digital Trauma – 2016-06-11T05:01:23.367

    @DigitalTrauma when I ran the program on its own, sys.arg[0] returned the full path. Ill add a second solution where sys.argv[0] is just the filename. – Magenta – 2016-06-11T05:12:32.707

    @DigitalTrauma Also, your solution flips the file name entirely, including the extension, so it would change Hi.py tp yp.iH. – Magenta – 2016-06-11T05:18:08.343

    Can't you use __file__? – Blue – 2016-06-11T09:54:45.637

    You can simply do without the .py extension. Python doesn't need it if called explicitly with the interpreter: "python mygolf" is fine; "python mygolf.py" is not necessary – Digital Trauma – 2016-06-11T23:10:43.220


    PHP, 84, 70, 54 bytes


    EDIT: removed 14 bytes thanks to insertusernamehere in the comments
    EDIT: removed 16 bytes thanks to Martijn in the comments


    Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

    Reputation: 121

    2You can get it down to 70 bytes: rename($f=__FILE__,__DIR__."/".strrev(pathinfo($f)[filename]).".php");. – insertusernamehere – 2016-06-11T06:35:39.790

    Excelent!!! but your code it's better, wow you got 31 bytes – tttony – 2016-06-13T01:18:01.513

    Can't you make it relative? WOuld save 7 bytes: rename($f=__FILE__,"./".strrev(pathinfo($f)[filename]).".php"); – Martijn – 2016-06-13T11:48:50.623

    or even smaller: rename(__FILE__,strrev(basename(__FILE__,'.php')).'.php'); – Martijn – 2016-06-13T12:03:27.640

    Cool! Adding vars I got now 54 bytes – tttony – 2016-06-13T15:44:01.910

    Don´t you need PHP tags for an executable PHP script? – Titus – 2018-12-26T09:02:41.793

    @Titus yes, but I think in golfing is not mandatory since the idea is to count pure code – tttony – 2018-12-28T01:47:17.633


    V, 29 26 bytes

    :se ri
    izyw:!mv z "

    Since this contains unprintables, here is a hex dump:

    00000000: 3a73 6520 7269 0a69 127a 1b79 773a 216d  :se ri.i.z.yw:!m
    00000010: 7620 127a 2012 220a 6464                 v .z .".dd

    Note: this will not run on v.tryitonline.net since TIO does not allow file access.


    :se ri            "Turn on 'reverse mode' (all text is inserted backwards)
    i<C-r>z<esc>      "Enter the path to the file in reverse
    yw                "Yank a word. This first word is the name we will save the new file as
    "Run an "mv" in the terminal with the contents of register 'z' (the path to the file)
    "And the contents of register '"' (the word we yanked)
    :!mv <C-r>z <C-r>"
    dd                "Delete a line so that we don't have any text printed.


    Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

    Reputation: 54 537


    PowerShell, 39 bytes

    mi *(-join((ls).name)[-5..-999]+'.ps1')


    Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

    Reputation: 73

    Hi, and welcome to PPCG! Nice first post! – Rɪᴋᴇʀ – 2016-07-23T16:36:37.097


    JavaScript (Node), 108 104 68 bytes

    36 bytes saved, thanks to Downgoat!

    Windows version:


    Other version:


    Conor O'Brien

    Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

    Reputation: 36 228

    @Upgoat I don't need to, I don't think. I'm matching js at the end of the filepath, preceded by a character. This will always be a .. – Conor O'Brien – 2016-06-11T02:07:31.830


    PHP, 31 bytes

    Nothing much to explain I guess:



    Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

    Reputation: 4 551


    Perl 6,  70  27 bytes

    If it needed to work in a different working directory you would need something like this:

    $_=$*PROGRAM;.rename: .basename.flip.IO.absolute: .absolute.IO.dirname

    Since the working directory will be the same directory as the program it can be simplified to just:

    $_=$*PROGRAM;.rename: .flip


    $_ = $*PROGRAM;  # IO::Path object
          .flip      # reverse characters
          .IO        # turn into an IO object (IO::Path)
          .absolute: # turn it into an absolute path Str in the following dir

    Brad Gilbert b2gills

    Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

    Reputation: 12 713


    JavaScript ES6 (Node.js) 70 Bytes

    No Regex Yay!


    Any help is appreciated


    Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

    Reputation: 778


    Python (2.7 or 3.4+), 61 49 bytes

    I believe this is close to the optimal Python solution:

    import os;a=__file__;os.rename(a,a[-4::-1]+".py")

    Inspired by s4b3r6's answer, but uses list slicing instead of reverse, and saves __file__ to a variable to save bytes when using it twice.

    Note: This assumes that the filename is always *.py. A slightly more generic solution that can handle any two-character file extension would be to use a[-3:] to replace ".py", at the cost of 1 extra byte.

    Update: Saved 12 bytes by using the list slicing trick a[-4::-1] to remove the file extension, instead of splitting and then reversing with a.split(".")[0][::-1].

    Jaden Burt

    Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

    Reputation: 11


    PowerShell v4+, 68 bytes

    $a,$b=($c=(ls).Name)-split'\.';mv $c "$(-join($a[$a.length..0])).$b"

    Only works because the script is guaranteed to be in a directory all by itself. Performs an ls (alias for Get-ChildItem) and takes the .Name of the resultant object(s). We store that in $c and then -split it on literal period to get the filename and extension, and store those in $a and $b, respectively.

    Next is the mv (alias for Move-Item) command, where we're moving $c to $a(reversed).$b.


    PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing\reverse> ls
        Directory: C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing\reverse
    Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
    ----                -------------     ------ ----
    -a---         6/13/2016   7:58 AM         88 reverse.ps1
    PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing\reverse> .\reverse.ps1
    PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing\reverse> ls
        Directory: C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing\reverse
    Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
    ----                -------------     ------ ----
    -a---         6/13/2016   7:58 AM         88 esrever.ps1


    Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

    Reputation: 41 581


    Powershell, 112 bytes

    I'm not going to beat the unix cmds, just adding my two pence for fun :-)

    gci * | % { $n=($_.basename[-1..-(($_.basename).length)] -join “”)+$_.Extension; mv -Path $_.Fullname -Dest $n }


    Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

    Reputation: 31

    Welcome to PPCG! We require that answers display their score, so I've edited it in for you. Also, you can format your code by highlighting it and selecting the button that looks like brackets {}, or by adding 4 spaces before your code. – FryAmTheEggman – 2016-07-05T13:45:10.947


    Python 2.7, 68 bytes

    import os;a=__file__;os.rename(a,a.split("\\")[-1][:-3][::-1]+".py")

    This is probably the best I can get it. I just proved myself wrong.


    Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

    Reputation: 417


    tcl, 42

    file rename $argv0 [string reverse $argv0]


    Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

    Reputation: 3 055


    Visual Basic Script, 44 Bytes


    Example output for file called reverse.vbs (Run with cscript):


    Gabriel Mills

    Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

    Reputation: 778


    sfk, 83 bytes

    list -maxfiles=1 . +setvar n +getvar n +swap +setvar m +ren -var . /#(n)/#(m)/ -yes

    Try it online!


    Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

    Reputation: 7 916


    SmileBASIC 60 bytes

    RENAME P$,Q$


    RENAME P$,Q$


    Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

    Reputation: 6 110


    Python (2 & 3), 88 78 bytes

    import os;os.rename(__file__,''.join(reversed(__file__.split(".")[0]))+".py"))

    Exploits the fact that the filename is given by sys.argv (as the working directory is the folder the file is in), and makes use of os.rename. Annoyingly, reversed returns an iterator, so we have to use join.

    Edit: Saved 10 bytes by using __file__ instead of sys.argv[0], as suggested by @muddyfish to @DigitalTrauma.


    Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

    Reputation: 31


    PowerShell, 50 bytes

    mv *(-join($f=(ls).BaseName)[$f.Length..0]+'.ps1')

    There is only one file, so mv * shell wildcard will only have one result. The destination name is (ls).basename which lists all the files (alias for 'dir'), calls for the BaseName property - and since there's only one file, PowerShell will unpack the 1-item array into a string. Store that filename in $f, then index it with a countdown and -join the reversed characters back up into a string. Add the mandatory .ps1 suffix.


    Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

    Reputation: 2 412


    AutoIt, 45 bytes



    Posted 2016-06-11T00:15:33.923

    Reputation: 1 808