Image Hide-and-Seek



In this challenge, you need to find a specific pixel within an photograph (taken with a real camera).

You are passed an (R, G, B) tuple and an image, and you need to return a point (x,y) within the image that matches the RGB color given. The image may have multiple points that match the color; you only need to find 1.

The challenge is that you need to do it while reading as few pixels as possible. Your score will be total number of pixels read across all test cases.

If you wish, you can read the entire image into an array of RGB values, as long as you don't do any processing on the pixels. I allow this purely for efficiency purposes. For example, in Python, list("image_name+".jpg").convert("RGB").getdata()) is ok.

Hardcoding locations is not allowed. Your algorithm should work well for more than just the test cases listed below. You are not allowed to save data between test cases. I've chosen RGB values that appear infrequently (<10) in the image (in case that makes a difference for your algorithm). If you are using randomness in your algorithm, please set a seed, so that your score is constant.

Images can be found on Github

Test cases:

(r, g, b) [all possible answers]

(143,91,33) [(887,1096),(2226,1397),(2007,1402),(2161,1508),(1187,1702)]
(53,35,59) [(1999,1260)]
(20,24,27) [(1328,1087),(154,1271)]
(167,148,176) [(1748,1204)]
(137,50,7) [(596,1498)]
(116,95,94) [(1340,1123)]
(72,49,59) [(1344,857),(1345,858),(1380,926),(1405,974),(1480,1117)]
(211,163,175) [(1963,745)]
(30,20,0) [(1609,1462),(1133,1477),(1908,1632)]
(88,36,23) [(543,1494),(431,1575)]
(21,57,91) [(1440,1935),(2832,2090),(2232,2130),(1877,2131),(1890,2132)]
(201,175,140) [(1537,1749),(2319,1757)]
(169,160,0) [(2124,759)]
(113,123,114) [(1012,994),(2134,1060),(1803,1183),(1119,1335)]
(225,226,231) [(3207,829),(3256,889),(3257,889),(1434,981),(2599,1118),(2656,1348),(2656,1351)]
(17,62,117) [(2514,3874),(2336,3885)]
(226,225,204) [(3209,812)]
(119,124,146) [(2151,974),(2194,1021),(2194,1022),(2202,1034),(2812,1500)]
(2,63,120) [(2165,3881),(2326,3882),(2330,3882),(2228,3887)]
(200,167,113) [(1453,1759)]
(55,2,46) [(667,825),(668,825)]
(95,37,33) [(1637,1721),(1625,1724),(1405,1753),(2026,2276),(2016,2298)]
(27,41,50) [(1267,126),(424,519),(2703,1323),(1804,3466)]
(58,92,129) [(2213,3274)]
(136,159,105) [(1300,2363),(2123,2645),(1429,3428),(1430,3432),(1417,3467),(1393,3490),(1958,3493)]
(152,174,63) [(2256,2556)]
(78,49,19) [(2128,2836)]
(217,178,205) [(2736,3531)]
(69,95,130) [(870,305),(493,460),(2777,1085),(2791,1292),(2634,3100)]
(150,171,174) [(2816,1201),(2724,2669),(1180,2706),(1470,3215),(1471,3215)]
(218,186,171) [(4282,1342)]
(180,153,40) [(4596,1634),(4369,1682),(4390,1708),(4367,1750)]
(201,179,119) [(4282,1876),(4479,1928)]
(116,112,149) [(5884,252),(4168,371),(4169,372),(4164,384),(5742,576)]
(222,176,65) [(4232,1548)]
(108,129,156) [(5341,3574),(5339,3595),(5302,3734)]
(125,99,48) [(4548,1825),(4136,1932),(5054,2013),(5058,2023),(5058,2035),(5055,2050),(5031,2073)]
(170,149,32) [(4461,1630),(4520,1640)]
(156,185,203) [(3809,108)]
(103,67,17) [(4844,1790)]
(48,21,36) [(1992,1029),(2005,1030),(2015,1034),(2018,1036)]
(104,65,36) [(3173,1890),(3163,1893)]
(169,89,62) [(4181,931),(4210,938),(4330,1046),(4171,1056),(3117,1814)]
(68,59,60) [(1872,220),(1874,220),(1878,220),(1696,225),(3785,429)]
(198,96,74) [(4352,1057)]
(136,43,53) [(1700,931)]
(82,42,32) [(4556,961),(4559,973),(4563,989),(4563,990),(4441,1004),(4387,1126),(4378,1128)]
(192,132,72) [(1399,900),(3105,1822),(3104,1824),(3105,1824),(3107,1826),(3107,1827),(3104,1839),(3119,1852)]
(146,21,63) [(1716,993)]
(125,64,36) [(4332,937)]
(204,90,1) [(1526,1997),(1385,2145),(4780,2807),(4788,3414)]
(227,163,53) [(1467,1739),(2414,1925),(2441,2198),(134,2446)]
(196,179,135) [(3770,2740),(1110,3012),(3909,3216),(1409,3263),(571,3405)]
(208,59,27) [(1134,1980),(4518,2108),(4515,2142)]
(149,70,1) [(4499,1790),(2416,2042),(1338,2150),(3731,2408),(3722,2409),(4400,3618)]
(168,3,7) [(987,402),(951,432),(1790,1213),(1790,1214),(1848,1217),(4218,1840),(4344,1870),(1511,1898)]
(218,118,4) [(3857,1701),(1442,1980),(1411,2156),(25,2606)]
(127,153,4) [(3710,2813)]
(224,230,246) [(2086,160),(2761,222),(4482,1442)]
(213,127,66) [(4601,1860),(4515,2527),(4757,2863)]
(170,133,19) [(1202,2274),(1202,2275),(957,2493),(1034,2633),(3740,3389),(3740,3391),(3683,3439)]
(162,92,4) [(489,2854)]
(159,175,104) [(3095,2475),(3098,2481)]
(199,139,43) [(1956,3055)]
(171,169,170) [(3669,1487),(3674,1490),(3701,1507)]
(184,115,58) [(1958,2404)]
(228,169,5) [(1316,2336),(1317,2336)]
(179,165,43) [(3879,2380),(1842,2497),(1842,2498)]
(67,21,6) [(1959,2197),(2157,2317),(2158,2317),(2158,2318),(2116,2373)]
(213,100,106) [(1303,1816)]
(243,56,99) [(1811,2876),(1668,4141),(2089,4518),(1981,4732),(1659,4778),(2221,5373),(1779,5598),(2210,5673),(2373,5860)]
(147,157,210) [(1835,1028),(1431,3358)]
(114,37,19) [(1792,3572),(1818,3592)]
(108,117,116) [(2772,4722),(1269,5672),(2512,5811),(2509,5830),(2186,5842),(2186,5846),(2190,5851),(2211,5884)]
(214,197,93) [(1653,4386)]
(163,102,101) [(2226,2832),(2213,3683),(1894,4091),(1875,4117)]
(192,192,164) [(2175,2962),(2206,3667),(2315,3858),(1561,3977),(3039,5037),(3201,5641)]
(92,118,45) [(1881,1704),(1983,1877),(2254,2126),(3753,5862),(3766,5883)]
(145,180,173) [(1826,1585)]
(181,124,105) [(1969,3892)]
(116,70,36) [(384,648),(516,669)]
(121,115,119) [(2419,958)]
(183,222,237) [(172,601),(183,601),(110,611),(111,617)]
(237,136,82) [(2020,282),(676,383),(748,406),(854,482),(638,497),(647,661),(1069,838),(1809,895),(1823,911)]
(193,199,215) [(1567,919),(1793,1047)]
(33,30,25) [(1307,861),(309,885),(1995,895),(504,1232),(2417,1494)]
(17,23,39) [(1745,1033),(788,1090),(967,1250)]
(192,139,95) [(1445,1337)]
(176,125,98) [(1197,1030)]
(178,83,0) [(2378,1136)]
(86,140,80) [(2322,2855),(4542,3005),(4540,3006),(4577,3019)]
(218,124,174) [(1910,2457)]
(191,77,50) [(2076,1588)]
(197,211,186) [(4402,1894)]
(236,199,181) [(2154,1836)]
(253,242,162) [(1653,1430)]
(114,111,92) [(1936,2499)]
(111,93,27) [(2301,2423),(2127,2592),(2137,2717),(2147,2717)]
(139,92,102) [(1284,2243),(1297,2258)]
(199,157,117) [(3096,993)]

Nathan Merrill

Posted 2016-05-24T17:59:26.920

Reputation: 13 591

2Is there any correlation in the images we will be tested on? (Can images be noise) If not, surely the only way will be randomly sampling until the correct pixel is chosen? – Blue – 2016-05-24T18:02:31.410

2@muddyfish the images are taken with real cameras of real objects, so there is optimization to be found. Your algorithm should definitely be targeting the images, just not the specific colors I give. – Nathan Merrill – 2016-05-24T18:04:53.697

"while reading as few pixels as possible" how do you determine this? – David – 2016-05-25T03:25:37.133

Due to differences in libraries and languages, I can't define methods that are considered "accessing". What in particular are you thinking about? – Nathan Merrill – 2016-05-25T03:53:05.317

Should a solution output the number of pixels it checked? – trichoplax – 2016-05-25T15:04:49.363

@trichoplax you can certainly output that, if it makes counting the number of pixels it tests easier. For scoring, I'd like algorithms to be deterministic, yes. – Nathan Merrill – 2016-05-25T15:12:01.673

The barn.jpg image is 2600x1733 pixels yet you provide an (x,y) list [(1096,887),(1397,2226),(1402,2007),(1508,2161),(1702,1187)] that includes y values larger than 1733. Am I misunderstanding these lists? – Logic Knight – 2016-05-25T16:41:56.987

@CarpetPython err....maybe I made them (y,x)? Let me check – Nathan Merrill – 2016-05-25T16:43:57.347

For the barn image, I get a pixel list of [(612, 1131), (690, 1155), (784, 1065), (888, 1106), (900, 1729), (903, 1099), (980, 1498), (1581, 1420), (1661, 1529), (1811, 1484), (2140, 1650)] for the (143, 91, 33) colour value. At least one of our programs has an error. – Logic Knight – 2016-05-25T16:56:05.737

@CarpetPython Mine definitely had an error. I'm not getting that many, but I am printing out (y,x) values instead of (x,y). I've also separately verified that (887, 1096) has the correct value of (143, 91, 33) – Nathan Merrill – 2016-05-25T17:21:11.930

I am still having problem replicating your result. My code: def findpixels(fname): im ='.jpg'); px = im.load(); print 'TEST', px[(887, 1096)] using barn prints (142, 91, 38). Could you specify the origin (top left?) you are using? Maybe using 1-based rather than 0-based indexing? – Logic Knight – 2016-05-26T01:45:37.570

You need im.convert('RGB') – Nathan Merrill – 2016-05-26T01:48:08.393

I added im.convert('RGB') with same result. Python 2.7.10, Ubuntu Linux 64 bit. Can you verify that my code above (with convert) returns the expected colour on your machine? – Logic Knight – 2016-05-26T01:53:06.540

Let us continue this discussion in chat.

– Nathan Merrill – 2016-05-26T02:03:47.980



Python, score: 14,035,624

First thing's first, here's the code:

from heapq import heappush, heappop
from PIL import Image
import random


def dist(x, y):
    return sum([(x[i] - y[i]) ** 2 for i in range(3)])

def gradient_descent(image_name, c):
    im = + '.jpg').convert('RGB')
    L = im.load()
    sx, sy = im.size
    heap = []
    visited = set()
    count = 0
    points = []
    for i in range(0, sx, sx / 98):
        for j in range(0, sy, sy / 98):
            points.append((i, j))
    for x in points:
        heappush(heap, [dist(c, L[x[0], x[1]]), [x[0], x[1]]])
        visited.add((x[0], x[1]))

    while heap:
        if count % 10 == 0:
            x = random.random()
            if x < 0.5:
                n = heap.pop(random.randint(10, 100))
                n = heappop(heap)
            n = heappop(heap)
        x, y = n[1]
        c_color = L[x, y]
        count += 1

        if c_color == c:
            p = float(len(visited)) / (sx * sy) * 100
            print('count: {}, percent: {}, position: {}'.format(len(visited), p, (x, y)))
            return len(visited)

        newpoints = []
        newpoints.append((x + 1, y))
        newpoints.append((x - 1, y))
        newpoints.append((x, y + 1))
        newpoints.append((x, y - 1))
        newpoints.append((x + 1, y + 1))
        newpoints.append((x + 1, y - 1))
        newpoints.append((x - 1, y + 1))
        newpoints.append((x - 1, y - 1))

        for p in newpoints:
            if p not in visited:
                    d = dist(c, L[p[0], p[1]])
                    heappush(heap, [d, [p[0], p[1]]])
                except IndexError:

and here's a gif showing how the algorithm examines pixels:

So, here's what this code is doing: The variable heap is a priority queue of (x, y) coordinates in the image, sorted by the Euclidean distance of the color at that coordinate to the target color. It gets initialized with 10,200 points which are evenly distributed across the entire image.

With the heap initialized, we then pop off the point with the minimum distance to the target color. If the color at that point has a distance > 0, that is to say, if the color at that point is NOT the target color, we add the 8 surrounding points from it to heap. To ensure that a given point isn't considered more than once, we maintain the variable visited, which is a set of all the points that have been examined so far.

Occasionally, instead of directly taking the point with the minimum color distance, we'll randomly choose some other point from near the top of the queue. This isn't strictly necessary, but in my testing, it shaves off approximately 1,000,000 pixels from the total score. Once the target color is found, we simply return the length of the visited set.

Like @Karl Napf, I ignored the test cases where the specified color was not present in the image. You can find a driver program to run through all the test cases at the GitHub repository I created for this answer.

Here are the results from each specific test case:

color: (143, 91, 33), count: 20388 / 0.452483465755%, position: (612, 1131)
color: (53, 35, 59), count: 99606 / 2.21061742643%, position: (1999, 1260)
color: (72, 49, 59), count: 705215 / 15.6512716943%, position: (1405, 974)

color: (21, 57, 91), count: 37393 / 0.154770711039%, position: (1877, 2131)
color: (169, 160, 0), count: 10659 / 0.0441179100089%, position: (2124, 759)
color: (113, 123, 114), count: 674859 / 2.79326096545%, position: (1119, 1335)
color: (225, 226, 231), count: 15905 / 0.0658312560927%, position: (3256, 889)
color: (17, 62, 117), count: 15043 / 0.0622634131029%, position: (2514, 3874)
color: (226, 225, 204), count: 138610 / 0.573710808362%, position: (1978, 1179)
color: (119, 124, 146), count: 390486 / 1.61623287435%, position: (2357, 917)
color: (2, 63, 120), count: 10063 / 0.0416510487306%, position: (2324, 3882)
color: (200, 167, 113), count: 16393 / 0.06785110224%, position: (1453, 1759)

color: (95, 37, 33), count: 10081 / 0.0686342592593%, position: (1625, 1724)
color: (27, 41, 50), count: 2014910 / 13.7180691721%, position: (1267, 126)
color: (58, 92, 129), count: 48181 / 0.328029684096%, position: (1905, 756)
color: (136, 159, 105), count: 10521 / 0.0716299019608%, position: (1416, 3467)
color: (152, 174, 63), count: 10027 / 0.0682666122004%, position: (2256, 2558)
color: (69, 95, 130), count: 201919 / 1.37472086057%, position: (2708, 2943)
color: (150, 171, 174), count: 29714 / 0.202301198257%, position: (1180, 2706)

color: (180, 153, 40), count: 21904 / 0.0906612910062%, position: (4459, 1644)
color: (116, 112, 149), count: 14896 / 0.0616549758413%, position: (5884, 252)
color: (222, 176, 65), count: 76205 / 0.315414704215%, position: (4313, 2097)
color: (108, 129, 156), count: 12273 / 0.0507983027994%, position: (5302, 3734)
color: (125, 99, 48), count: 26968 / 0.111621333814%, position: (5054, 2013)
color: (170, 149, 32), count: 89591 / 0.370819746281%, position: (4478, 1647)
color: (156, 185, 203), count: 177373 / 0.734151989118%, position: (4096, 368)
color: (103, 67, 17), count: 11035 / 0.0456741849093%, position: (4844, 1790)

color: (48, 21, 36), count: 49711 / 0.24902994992%, position: (1990, 1095)
color: (104, 65, 36), count: 9927 / 0.0497298447599%, position: (3191, 1846)
color: (68, 59, 60), count: 195418 / 0.978957066918%, position: (3948, 470)
color: (82, 42, 32), count: 12216 / 0.0611967143737%, position: (4559, 984)
color: (192, 132, 72), count: 116511 / 0.583668171938%, position: (3103, 1844)

color: (204, 90, 1), count: 44058 / 0.248299807393%, position: (4695, 2559)
color: (227, 163, 53), count: 12654 / 0.0713147615132%, position: (221, 2384)
color: (196, 179, 135), count: 181534 / 1.02307996812%, position: (1030, 3486)
color: (208, 59, 27), count: 9956 / 0.0561095120614%, position: (4518, 2108)
color: (149, 70, 1), count: 13698 / 0.0771984829467%, position: (3731, 2408)
color: (168, 3, 7), count: 19381 / 0.10922644167%, position: (942, 398)
color: (218, 118, 4), count: 36648 / 0.206538911011%, position: (25, 2606)
color: (224, 230, 246), count: 1076427 / 6.06647185011%, position: (4482, 1442)
color: (213, 127, 66), count: 62673 / 0.353209265712%, position: (4701, 2579)

color: (170, 133, 19), count: 11535 / 0.0724321530189%, position: (1034, 2633)
color: (162, 92, 4), count: 103795 / 0.651763790429%, position: (489, 2854)
color: (159, 175, 104), count: 10239 / 0.0642941321856%, position: (3098, 2481)
color: (171, 169, 170), count: 10119 / 0.063540611738%, position: (3674, 1490)
color: (184, 115, 58), count: 22425 / 0.140814133632%, position: (1958, 2404)
color: (228, 169, 5), count: 10449 / 0.0656127929688%, position: (1316, 2336)
color: (179, 165, 43), count: 10285 / 0.0645829816905%, position: (1842, 2498)
color: (67, 21, 6), count: 10206 / 0.0640869140625%, position: (2116, 2373)
color: (213, 100, 106), count: 11712 / 0.073543595679%, position: (1303, 1816)

color: (243, 56, 99), count: 126561 / 0.5273375%, position: (2241, 5424)
color: (114, 37, 19), count: 11285 / 0.0470208333333%, position: (1818, 3583)
color: (108, 117, 116), count: 33855 / 0.1410625%, position: (1269, 5672)
color: (163, 102, 101), count: 1058090 / 4.40870833333%, position: (1546, 4867)
color: (192, 192, 164), count: 10118 / 0.0421583333333%, position: (1919, 3171)
color: (92, 118, 45), count: 13431 / 0.0559625%, position: (3766, 5883)
color: (145, 180, 173), count: 1207713 / 5.0321375%, position: (1863, 955)

color: (116, 70, 36), count: 145610 / 3.23161258822%, position: (96, 671)
color: (183, 222, 237), count: 11704 / 0.259754094722%, position: (140, 604)
color: (237, 136, 82), count: 60477 / 1.34220338231%, position: (1063, 993)
color: (193, 199, 215), count: 359671 / 7.98240046163%, position: (2259, 953)
color: (33, 30, 25), count: 148195 / 3.28898308846%, position: (1307, 861)
color: (17, 23, 39), count: 10601 / 0.235274535044%, position: (2080, 1097)
color: (192, 139, 95), count: 219732 / 4.87664787607%, position: (1127, 970)
color: (176, 125, 98), count: 2471787 / 54.8578942696%, position: (147, 734)

color: (86, 140, 80), count: 10371 / 0.0717376936238%, position: (4542, 3005)
color: (218, 124, 174), count: 25655 / 0.177459312498%, position: (1910, 2457)
color: (197, 211, 186), count: 1144341 / 7.91557073177%, position: (4402, 1894)
color: (253, 242, 162), count: 14174 / 0.0980435897622%, position: (1672, 1379)
color: (111, 93, 27), count: 10405 / 0.0719728764975%, position: (2147, 2717)
color: (199, 157, 117), count: 10053 / 0.0695380420403%, position: (3096, 993)

Total: 14035624

Andrew Epstein

Posted 2016-05-24T17:59:26.920

Reputation: 341

2This is a really good answer. Nice algorithm too. – niemiro – 2016-06-18T21:49:00.513

1That nearest neighbour search with multiple seeds is great! I also considered using a BFS over a DFS with a heap just like you, but the quadsearch is too broad. – Karl Napf – 2016-06-26T21:09:46.827


Python, score: 396,250,646

  • While there are no PNGs to parse and there are still problems with the testcases, I decided to program anyway.
  • Those testcases where the value is not present in the image were ignored (checked against a traditional linear search, which had a score of 544,017,431)
from PIL import Image

def dist(x,y):
 d = 0
 for i in range(3):
  d += (x[i]-y[i])**2
 return d

def mid(x,y):
 return (x+y)/2

class Finder:
 def __init__(self, image_name, c):
  self.image_name = image_name,
  self.c = c
  self.found = False
  self.position = None =".jpg").convert("RGB")
  self.L =
  self.visited = set()

 def quadsearch(self,x0,x1,y0,y1):
  if x0==x1 and y0==y1: return
  R = [
  P = [(mid(t[0],t[1]), mid(t[2],t[3])) for t in R]
  DR = []
  for i in range(len(P)):
   p = P[i]
   if p in self.visited: continue
   u = self.L[p[0], p[1]]
   d = dist(u, self.c)
   if d == 0:
    self.found = True
    self.position = (p[0], p[1])
  S = sorted(range(len(DR)), key=lambda k: DR[k][0])
  for i in S:
   if self.found == True: return
   r = DR[i][1]
   self.quadsearch(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3])

 def start(self):
  sx,sy =

 def result(self):
  if self.found:
   count = len(self.visited)
   sx,sy =
   ratio = float(count)/(sx*sy)
   print len(self.visited), ratio, self.position, self.L[self.position[0], self.position[1]], "=", self.c
   print self.c, "not found"

if __name__ == "__main__":
 F = Finder(image_name, c)

It is a recursive quad-section search. Sometimes it finds the correct value in a few percent, sometimes over 75%. Here are the results for all testcases:

pixels_visited, percentage, (position) (RGB at position) = (RGB searched)

1500765 0.062531875 (2329, 5146) (243, 56, 99) = (243, 56, 99)
(147, 157, 210) not found
335106 0.01396275 (2116, 5791) (114, 37, 19) = (114, 37, 19)
1770396 0.0737665 (1269, 5672) (108, 117, 116) = (108, 117, 116)
(214, 197, 93) not found
8086276 0.336928166667 (1546, 4867) (163, 102, 101) = (163, 102, 101)
12859 0.000535791666667 (1476, 4803) (192, 192, 164) = (192, 192, 164)
7505961 0.312748375 (3766, 5883) (92, 118, 45) = (92, 118, 45)
15057489 0.627395375 (1871, 1139) (145, 180, 173) = (145, 180, 173)
(181, 124, 105) not found
35754 0.00201500551852 (4695, 2559) (204, 90, 1) = (204, 90, 1)
5029615 0.283456451895 (10, 2680) (227, 163, 53) = (227, 163, 53)
6986547 0.393744217722 (1383, 3446) (196, 179, 135) = (196, 179, 135)
1608341 0.090642053775 (4518, 2108) (208, 59, 27) = (208, 59, 27)
581774 0.0327873194757 (3750, 2798) (149, 70, 1) = (149, 70, 1)
1302581 0.0734101891628 (4374, 1941) (168, 3, 7) = (168, 3, 7)
6134761 0.345739701008 (25, 2606) (218, 118, 4) = (218, 118, 4)
(127, 153, 4) not found
9760033 0.550050913352 (4482, 1442) (224, 230, 246) = (224, 230, 246)
212816 0.0119937745268 (4701, 2579) (213, 127, 66) = (213, 127, 66)
5649260 0.390767412093 (4577, 3019) (86, 140, 80) = (86, 140, 80)
12600699 0.871608412215 (1910, 2457) (218, 124, 174) = (218, 124, 174)
(191, 77, 50) not found
3390653 0.234536328318 (4402, 1894) (197, 211, 186) = (197, 211, 186)
(236, 199, 181) not found
7060220 0.488365537823 (1672, 1379) (253, 242, 162) = (253, 242, 162)
(114, 111, 92) not found
6852380 0.473988947097 (2147, 2717) (111, 93, 27) = (111, 93, 27)
(139, 92, 102) not found
14105709 0.975712111261 (3096, 993) (199, 157, 117) = (199, 157, 117)
(55, 2, 46) not found
9094264 0.619162854031 (1637, 1721) (95, 37, 33) = (95, 37, 33)
2358912 0.16060130719 (1526, 3129) (27, 41, 50) = (27, 41, 50)
11729837 0.798600013617 (1905, 756) (58, 92, 129) = (58, 92, 129)
6697060 0.455954520697 (2246, 2685) (136, 159, 105) = (136, 159, 105)
6429635 0.437747480937 (2148, 2722) (152, 174, 63) = (152, 174, 63)
(78, 49, 19) not found
(217, 178, 205) not found
80727 0.00549611928105 (2481, 3133) (69, 95, 130) = (69, 95, 130)
239962 0.0163372821351 (2660, 917) (150, 171, 174) = (150, 171, 174)
210562 0.0467313240712 (725, 655) (116, 70, 36) = (116, 70, 36)
(121, 115, 119) not found
2548703 0.565649385237 (140, 604) (183, 222, 237) = (183, 222, 237)
150733 0.033453104887 (2165, 601) (237, 136, 82) = (237, 136, 82)
3458188 0.767497003862 (2259, 953) (193, 199, 215) = (193, 199, 215)
2430256 0.539361711572 (265, 1222) (33, 30, 25) = (33, 30, 25)
638995 0.141816103689 (1778, 1062) (17, 23, 39) = (17, 23, 39)
2506522 0.556287895601 (1127, 970) (192, 139, 95) = (192, 139, 95)
1344400 0.298370988504 (147, 734) (176, 125, 98) = (176, 125, 98)
(178, 83, 0) not found
17474837 0.875411434688 (1992, 1029) (48, 21, 36) = (48, 21, 36)
1170064 0.0586149905099 (3191, 1846) (104, 65, 36) = (104, 65, 36)
(169, 89, 62) not found
11891624 0.595717352134 (3948, 470) (68, 59, 60) = (68, 59, 60)
(198, 96, 74) not found
(136, 43, 53) not found
12476811 0.625032612198 (4387, 1126) (82, 42, 32) = (82, 42, 32)
4757856 0.238347376116 (3105, 1822) (192, 132, 72) = (192, 132, 72)
(146, 21, 63) not found
(125, 64, 36) not found
5322196 0.220287235367 (2171, 2128) (21, 57, 91) = (21, 57, 91)
(201, 175, 140) not found
22414990 0.9277629343 (2124, 759) (169, 160, 0) = (169, 160, 0)
20887184 0.864526601043 (1119, 1335) (113, 123, 114) = (113, 123, 114)
595712 0.0246566923794 (2656, 1349) (225, 226, 231) = (225, 226, 231)
3397561 0.140626034757 (2514, 3874) (17, 62, 117) = (17, 62, 117)
201068 0.00832226281046 (1978, 1179) (226, 225, 204) = (226, 225, 204)
18693250 0.773719036752 (2357, 917) (119, 124, 146) = (119, 124, 146)
3091040 0.127939041706 (2165, 3881) (2, 63, 120) = (2, 63, 120)
3567932 0.147677739839 (1453, 1759) (200, 167, 113) = (200, 167, 113)
314215 0.0697356740202 (784, 1065) (143, 91, 33) = (143, 91, 33)
2448863 0.543491277908 (1999, 1260) (53, 35, 59) = (53, 35, 59)
(20, 24, 27) not found
(167, 148, 176) not found
(137, 50, 7) not found
(116, 95, 94) not found
2042891 0.453391406631 (1345, 858) (72, 49, 59) = (72, 49, 59)
(211, 163, 175) not found
(30, 20, 0) not found
(88, 36, 23) not found
3048249 0.191409829222 (3683, 3439) (170, 133, 19) = (170, 133, 19)
1057649 0.0664133456509 (489, 2854) (162, 92, 4) = (162, 92, 4)
2058022 0.129230138206 (3095, 2475) (159, 175, 104) = (159, 175, 104)
(199, 139, 43) not found
2060805 0.129404892156 (3674, 1490) (171, 169, 170) = (171, 169, 170)
7725501 0.485110247577 (1958, 2404) (184, 115, 58) = (184, 115, 58)
2986734 0.187547095028 (1316, 2336) (228, 169, 5) = (228, 169, 5)
497709 0.0312528257017 (3879, 2379) (179, 165, 43) = (179, 165, 43)
3996978 0.250983720944 (2157, 2318) (67, 21, 6) = (67, 21, 6)
3332106 0.209234167028 (1303, 1816) (213, 100, 106) = (213, 100, 106)
(218, 186, 171) not found
9445576 0.390955128952 (4377, 1750) (180, 153, 40) = (180, 153, 40)
(201, 179, 119) not found
6140398 0.254152853347 (5742, 576) (116, 112, 149) = (116, 112, 149)
6500717 0.269066561215 (4233, 1541) (222, 176, 65) = (222, 176, 65)
13307056 0.550782905612 (5302, 3734) (108, 129, 156) = (108, 129, 156)
13808847 0.571552180573 (5058, 2023) (125, 99, 48) = (125, 99, 48)
9454870 0.391339810307 (4478, 1647) (170, 149, 32) = (170, 149, 32)
2733978 0.113160142012 (4096, 368) (156, 185, 203) = (156, 185, 203)
11848606 0.490417237301 (4844, 1790) (103, 67, 17) = (103, 67, 17)

Karl Napf

Posted 2016-05-24T17:59:26.920

Reputation: 4 131