Create a Boolean parser (continued)



Continuation of this challenge because the author is gone and the question is closed.

What you need to do is create a Boolean parser.

Boolean expressions, in case you haven't heard of them yet, have two inputs and one output.

There are four "gates" in boolean arithmetic, namely:

  • OR (represented by |) (binary operator, between arguments)
  • AND (represented by &) (binary operator, between arguments)
  • XOR (represented by ^) (binary operator, between arguments)
  • NOT (represented by !) (unary operator, argument on right)

These gates operate on their inputs which are either true (represented by 1) or false (represented by 0). We can list the possible inputs (A and B in this case) and the outputs (O) using a truth table as follows:





An example input would be 1^((1|0&0)^!(1&!0&1)), which would evaluate to:

=1^(( 1 &0)^!(1&!0&1))
=1^(   0   ^!(1&!0&1))
=1^(   0   ^!(1& 1&1))
=1^(   0   ^!(  1 &1))
=1^(   0   ^!    1   )
=1^(   0   ^    0    )

The output would be 1.


  • As seen in the example, there is no order of prevalence. All are evaluated from left to right, except when inside parentheses, which should be evaluated first.
  • The input will only contain ()!^&|01.
  • You can choose any 8-byte character to replace the 8 characters above, but they must have a 1-to-1 mapping and must be stated.
  • Specifically, the function eval is not allowed to be used on any string derived from the input. Specifically, the function input (or the equivalent in the language) and any function that calls it cannot be used by eval. You also cannot concatenate the input into your string inside the eval.


This is . Shortest solution in bytes wins.

Leaky Nun

Posted 2016-04-24T00:11:20.043

Reputation: 45 011

Cheddar has a built in to generate a call stack from a string is that disallowed too? – Downgoat – 2016-04-24T01:28:59.233

2Could you add some more test cases? – Conor O'Brien – 2016-04-24T02:24:11.023

@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ What test case would you like to see? – Leaky Nun – 2016-04-24T02:24:59.967

@KennyLau A few complicated ones, idk – Conor O'Brien – 2016-04-24T02:28:34.060

Is there any condition that the test case did not handle? I think it pretty much handled everything already. – Leaky Nun – 2016-04-24T02:29:36.763

@KennyLau Considering that there are only 2 outputs, a program could still fail some cases even if it passes one test case. – Conor O'Brien – 2016-04-24T02:30:31.470

I deliberately designed 1|0&0 so that if they evaluate & first, the output will fail. – Leaky Nun – 2016-04-24T02:32:31.093

Is eval disallowed even when it's not used on input data at all, but instead to golf the parser? – orlp – 2016-04-24T07:19:11.420

@orlp Is it clear enough now? People will just find loopholes if I make it too explicit (I forgot the name of the phenomenon). – Leaky Nun – 2016-04-24T07:23:12.680

@KennyLau I think you should explicitly say that the input is given as a string (and not any other epression, otherwise you could just use an identity function in many languages). – flawr – 2016-04-24T10:33:11.283

About testcases: with just 1 or 0 for output I can just put a random function and I will be right 50% of times – edc65 – 2016-04-24T10:35:30.983

@edc65 Please do provide me with more testcases (just the input, I will produce the output) in case of doubt. – Leaky Nun – 2016-04-24T10:44:31.237

are 2 or more consecutive ! allowed? ie !!1 – Jack Ammo – 2016-04-24T21:23:48.470

eval won't help as there are different operator priorities. – Qwertiy – 2016-04-25T07:19:10.740

@JackAmmo Yes, though I do not see how that would posit any problem. – Leaky Nun – 2016-04-25T10:08:35.967

@KennyLau it's not so much a problem as verifying a case that needs to be dealt with – Jack Ammo – 2016-04-25T10:51:07.853

Not enough test cases. Testing my script on your input is just one test case, no matter how complex your test case is. I might get the right output despite getting wrong output on other cases. – msh210 – 2016-04-25T16:14:08.700

One test case should make sure the script parses left-to-right instead of all false substrings first; another should make sure it parses left-to-right instead of all true substrings first; another should make sure it parses left-to-right instead of using the usual order of operations. (That last can probably be combined with one of the others.) Another should use !!. – msh210 – 2016-04-25T16:17:46.360



JavaScript (ES6) 116 bytes

edit thx @user81655 for 3 bytes saved and a bug found


Probably not the best approach, but no eval and no boolean operators, just truth tables.

Character used:

  • ! -> 2
  • & -> 3
  • | -> 4
  • ^ -> 5
  • ( -> 6
  • ) -> 7




test=[ ["1^((1|0&0)^!(1&!0&1))",1] 
// be more careful, step by step
// nand, nor

test.forEach(([x,check]) => {
  // remap operators (each one on its line, just to be clear)
  var t = x.replace(/!/g,"2")
  t = t.replace(/&/g,"3")
  t = t.replace(/\|/g,"4")
  t = t.replace(/\^/g,"5")
  t = t.replace(/\(/g,"6")
  t = t.replace(/\)/g,"7")
  r = f(t)
  console.log((r==check?'OK':'KO')+' '+x +' '+r)
<pre id=O></pre>


Posted 2016-04-24T00:11:20.043

Reputation: 31 086

1Did you really mean x>7? – Neil – 2016-04-24T12:08:54.830

r=f(x.replace(/./g,c=>"01!&|^()".indexOf(c))) – Neil – 2016-04-24T12:11:53.410

@Neil I'll check, thanks. Of course if >6 – edc65 – 2016-04-24T12:20:44.600

@Neil I'm adding test cases. I'm quite sure that given associativity and commutativity of the operators, the NOT should always work – edc65 – 2016-04-24T12:28:49.143

It took me some time to work out why (say) 0|!0 works, but now I do, have my upvote. – Neil – 2016-04-24T14:19:25.367

Wow. My own solution was just at 299 btes. – Conor O'Brien – 2016-04-24T15:54:08.703


Retina, 49 bytes


I have no idea how did it come out so short.

Character mapping:

^ -> x
& -> a
| -> o
( -> <
) -> >

1, 0, and ! are left unchanged.

This works by replacing all truthy expressions (single 1 in parentheses, !0, 1&1, 1^0, 0|1, etc.) with 1, and all other (single 0 in parentheses, !1, 1&0, 1^1, 0|0, etc.) with 0.

Try it online!
Try it online with automatic character mapping!


Posted 2016-04-24T00:11:20.043

Reputation: 824


grep + shell utils, 131 bytes

rev|grep -cP '^(((0|R((?9)(x(?1)|a(?4))|(?2)([oxa](?4)|a(?1)|))L|(1|R(?1)L)!)(!!)*)[xo](?1)|(1|R(?1)L|(?2)!)([ao](?1)|[xo](?4)|))$'

The following chars are renamed:

( -> L
) -> R
| -> o
& -> a
^ -> x

I started trying to write a grep solution, but discovered that it did not work well with the left-associative infix operators. I needed to have a pattern like (chain of operators) = (chain of operators) (binary op) (single operand), but this contains a possible infinite recursion, so grep refuses to execute it. But I noticed that I could parse right-associative operators. This made the ! operator a pain, but it was still possible. So I made a regex for calculating backwards boolean expressions, and sent the input through rev. The regex itself, which matches true expressions, is 116 bytes.

TODO: choose different characters for the input so that I can distinguish all the used groups of operators with built-in character classes.


Posted 2016-04-24T00:11:20.043

Reputation: 29 566

What does (?9) mean? – Leaky Nun – 2016-04-24T07:25:43.990

It means take the 9th capturing group and re-execute it (as distinct from \9 which would mean to match what the 9th capturing group matched). So for instance (\d)\1 matches the same digit twice, while (\d)(\?1) matches any two digits. – Neil – 2016-04-24T07:52:36.653


Python, 210 bytes

from operator import*;
def t(o):c=o.pop(0);return ord(c)-48if c in"01"else[p(o),o.pop(0)][0]if"("==c else 1-t(o)
def p(o):
 while o and")"!=o[0]:v=[xor,or_,and_]["^|&".index(o.pop(0))](v,t(o))
 return v

Really bad recursive descent, I expect this to be beaten in a heartbeat.


Posted 2016-04-24T00:11:20.043

Reputation: 37 067


Mathematica, 139 129 bytes


A simple string-replacement solution scores far better than I hoped for.


Posted 2016-04-24T00:11:20.043

Reputation: 15 731


JavaScript ES6, 223 bytes

x=>(Q=[],S=[],[...x].map(t=>{q=+t&&Q.push(t);if(t==")")while((a=S.pop())!="(")Q.push(a);else if(!q)S.push(t)}),k=[],p=_=>k.pop(),Q.concat(S.reverse()).map(e=>k.push(+e||e<"#"?1-p():e<"'"?p()&p():e<","?p()|p():p()^p())),p())

Uses a shunting yard algorithm.


Uses + for OR, ! for negation, ^ for XOR, and & for and. 0 and 1 are used for their respective values. Sure, I could golf some by making the operators numbers, but I'm not winning the JavaScript prize even if I do, so I thought I'd make it at least somewhat readable and correct.

Conor O'Brien

Posted 2016-04-24T00:11:20.043

Reputation: 36 228


Java, 459 bytes

String p(String s){int x,y;while((y=s.indexOf("b"))>=0){x=s.lastIndexOf("a",y);s=s.replaceAll(s.subString(x,y+1),p(s.subString(x+1,y)));}String t,a="1",b="0";while(s.indexOf("!")>=0){s=s.replaceAll("!0",a);s=s.replaceAll("!1",b);}while(s.length()>1){t=s.subString(0,3);if(t.charAt(1)=='l')s=s.replaceFirst(t,t.equals("0l0")?b:a);else if(t.charAt(1)=='&')s=s.replaceFirst(t,t.equals("1&1")?a:b);else s=s.replaceFirst(t,t.charAt(0)==t.charAt(2)?b:a);}return s;}

AND is &

OR is l(lowercase L)

XOR is x (or any other character that happens to play nice with String's methods such as String.replaceAll(...))

NOT is !

( is a

) is b

here's a more readable version:

String parseBoolean( String str ) {
    int start,end;
    //look for matching brackets ab
    while( (end = str.indexOf( "b" )) >= 0 ) {
        start = str.lastIndexOf( "a", end );
        str = str.replaceAll( str.subString( start, end + 1 ), parseBoolean( str.subString( start + 1, end ) ) );
    String temp, one = "1", zero = "0";
    //handle all the !'s
    while( str.indexOf( "!" ) >= 0 ) {
        str = str.replaceAll( "!0", one );
        str = str.replaceAll( "!1", zero );
    //handle the remaining operators from left to right
    while( str.length() > 1 ){
        temp = str.subString( 0, 3 );
        //check for OR
        if( temp.charAt( 1 ) == 'l' )
            str = str.replaceFirst( temp, temp.equals( "0l0" ) ? zero : one );
        //check for AND
        else if(t.charAt(1)=='&')
            str = str.replaceFirst( temp, temp.equals( "1&1" ) ? one : zero );
        //handle XOR
            str = str.replaceFirst( temp, temp.charAt( 0 ) == temp.charAt( 2 ) ? zero : one );
    return str;

try it online

Jack Ammo

Posted 2016-04-24T00:11:20.043

Reputation: 430

1As always with Java golfing, my favorite thing to do is replace char literals with their integer counterparts wherever I can. In this case, that would be in both the regular indexOfs, and the charAt comparisons. Also, if you change the character for AND to "n" instead of "&", you can use < or > statements with single ifs when checking for which operation you need to do. – Blue – 2016-04-25T10:22:30.793

1Oh, one more thing. You can double up on the call to replaceAll in the second while loop, also saving you those brackets. – Blue – 2016-04-25T10:24:33.210

@Blue i always forget to char literals to ints, thanks. I'm not quite sure what you mean on doubling up on the replaceAll call for the !'s. – Jack Ammo – 2016-04-25T11:21:13.040

s=s.replaceAll("!0",a).replaceAll("!1",b); – Blue – 2016-04-25T11:23:03.233


C, 247


b(char*s){int i,j,k,l;if(*s==40){for(j=i=1;i+=s[++j]==41?-1:s[j]==40?1:0,i;);s[j++]=0;b(s+1);sprintf(s,"%s%s",s+1,s+j);}!s[1]?:(b(s+1),i=*s,j=1,k=s[1],i>47&i<50?:(s[1]=i==33?(j=0,k^1):(l=s[-1],i==38?k&l:i==94?k^l|'0':k|l),sprintf(s-j,"%s",s+1)));}

Ungolfed, with main() (takes expression as 1st arg). The golfed version has no debugging printfs and uses 2-digit ascii codes instead of char literals (40 == '('). I could have saved some characters by mapping ()|^&! to 234567 - this would have made many manipulations and tests easier after subtracting 48 from each.

char*z;                 // tracks recursion depth; not used in golfed version
    int i,j,k,l;
    printf("%u> '%s'\n", s-z, s);
    if(*s=='('){        // handles parenthesis
        b(s+1);         // s+1 to s+j gets substituted for its evaluation
    !s[1]?:(            // if 1 char left, return
        b(s+1),         // evaluate rest of expression
        printf("%u: '%c'\n", s-z, i),
        i>47&i<50?:(    // if 0 or 1, skip substitution
                        // otherwise, perform boolean operation
                        // and replace operation with result
            sprintf(s-j,"%s",s+1),printf("%u= '%s'\n", s-z, s-j)));
    printf("%u< '%s'\n", s-z, s);
int main(int argc, char **argv){
    char *s;    
    printf("%s => %s\n", argv[1], s);


Posted 2016-04-24T00:11:20.043

Reputation: 583

+1 for for(j=i=1;i+=s[++j]==')'?-1:s[j]=='('?1:0,i;);. – Leaky Nun – 2016-04-25T14:55:11.990


Java, 218

Uses pattern-matching, but avoids the out-of-order replacements of my previous failed Java attempt (sharp eyes there, @Kenny Lau!).


String e(String s){Matcher m=Pattern.compile("(<1>|1o[01]|0o1|1a1|1x0|0x1|n0)|(<0>|0o0|0a[01]|1a0|1x1|0x0|n1)").matcher(s);return m.find()?e(s.substring(0,m.start())+("0":"1")+s.substring(m.end())):s;}

Ungolfed, reads input from arguments and applies the mapping oaxn for |&^! and <> for ():

import java.util.regex.*;

public class B{
    String e(String s){
        Matcher m=Pattern
        return m.find()?e(s.substring(0,m.start())+("0":"1")+s.substring(m.end())):s;

    public static String map(String s, String ... replacements) {
        for (String r: replacements) {
            s = s.replace(r.substring(0,1), r.substring(1));
        return s;

    public static void main(String ... args){
        for (String s: args) System.out.println(new B().e(

Java's tells you which group matched; the 1st group is for true substitutions and the 2nd one for false ones. This is iterated in strict left-to-right order until no substitutions are performed.


Posted 2016-04-24T00:11:20.043

Reputation: 583