"34¤¤,,,,,,,,,,,,,% 'H'e'l'l'o',' 'w'o'r'l'd'!'"34¤¤,,,,,,,,,,,,,% 'H'e'l'l'o',' 'w'o'r'l'd'!'
'!'d'l'r'o'w' ','o'l'l'e'H' %,,,,,,,,,,,,,¤¤43"'!'d'l'r'o'w' ','o'l'l'e'H' %,,,,,,,,,,,,,¤¤43"
Try it here.
Outputs to STDOUT. Until I find a better quine framework, this will have to do for now.
"34¤¤,,,,,,,,,,,,,% 'H'e'l'l'o',' 'w'o'r'l'd'!'"
This contains the quine string. In reverse, this is pushed to the stack but not outputted.
This pushes a quote char to the stack and outputs the result twice until there is nothing left to output. In reverse, this will print the charcodes already on the stack.
% 'H'e'l'l'o',' 'w'o'r'l'd'!'
This one pops the top stack item (in reverse, this would pop a space char) and pushes a series of charcodes to the stack (in reverse, these charcodes would later be printed by the series of ,
2This is one of the things to avoid when writing challenges – Mego – 2016-04-04T05:24:54.697
4@Mego to be fair, this isn't the kind of generalised quine I'm talking about there, since this isn't "print function X of your source code". That said it probably won't play out very differently from the other "when you reverse the program..." challenges we have. – Martin Ender – 2016-04-04T06:44:19.353
1@MartinBüttner It's similar enough to the challenges you described that I feel the same reasoning applies. – Mego – 2016-04-04T06:48:47.283