Random array without repetition



I was answering one challenge here and this task was part of the challenge. I've got a 73 bytes solution in javascript. But I think it is too much for a simple thing.


Given as input two integers:

  • N the length of the expected array
  • R the interval's range starting in one: 1..R, not 0..R-1

Output in each run of your program/function one different array of length N with values between 1..R in such a way no one value occurs more than once.

You must use R-value in your code.


You can assume: 2 <= N <= R.

I really would like to see a javascript solution shorter than mine 73 bytes.

But of course, it is open to all languages!

If your language can not return an array, you can print all the numbers ;)


Posted 2016-03-24T16:20:44.200

Reputation: 2 785

2Another thing: I do not think that you want them to be different with every run, but just uniformly random? (Otherwise it would not work for R=N=1) Then I recommend allowing the ranges 0..R as an alternative as this comes more natural to many languages. – flawr – 2016-03-24T16:32:56.297

I'd recommending including that each permutation be equally likely (assuming perfect randomness), else I can do shuffle(0..N) – Nathan Merrill – 2016-03-24T16:33:38.150

I posted my answer of non-uniform random quality before you made your rule change. – Conor O'Brien – 2016-03-24T16:35:39.930

1You say a uniformly random solution, but new Date yields non-uniform values. Further, I believe you can golf it to new Date%r+1 ;) – Conor O'Brien – 2016-03-24T16:44:40.200

Does the output array need to be integers? Seems obvious, but I don't see it explicitly stated – Charlie Wynn – 2016-03-25T14:21:46.930



Dyalog APL, 1 byte


Just a builtin. Try it here.


Posted 2016-03-24T16:20:44.200

Reputation: 20 331

3With an answer like this, I had to scroll back up to see if you were the OP – lbstr – 2016-03-25T22:51:38.467

2@lbstr Now that you mention it, my identicon is quite similar to OP's. – lirtosiast – 2016-03-25T23:25:36.667


JavaScript (ES6), 68 66 bytes

n=>r=>G=(s=new Set)=>s.size<n?G(s.add(Math.random()*r+1|0)):[...s]

Called as F(N)(R)(), where F is the function assignment, and N/R are the values.

You asked for shorter than 73 bytes in Js ;)

EDIT: The answer by @C5H8NNaO4 works within the fact that the rules don't specify the values must be uniform across 1..R. Given that, here's a version works in 63 bytes (called as F(R)(N)):

r=>G=(n,s=[])=>n--?G((s[n]=n+1,n),s):s.sort(a=>new Date/a%1-.5)


Posted 2016-03-24T16:20:44.200

Reputation: 3 494

Man, this is impressive !! +1 – removed – 2016-03-24T21:09:22.937

@WashingtonGuedes Thanks =) Just shaved off another 2 bytes. – Mwr247 – 2016-03-24T21:12:05.493


Octave, 22 19 9 bytes


randperm(r,n) does exactly what is requested. Note that this does not work (at least not in oldder versions) in Matlab.


Posted 2016-03-24T16:20:44.200

Reputation: 40 560

1@(n,r)randperm(r,n) – Luis Mendo – 2016-03-24T17:33:33.063

1randperm with two inputs does work in recent Matlab versions. There's also randsample, but it takes more bytes, unless you can get rid of the @(...) (I think that's allowed) – Luis Mendo – 2016-03-24T19:14:42.287

Oh I can use @randperm=) – flawr – 2016-03-24T19:24:02.793


MATL, 2 bytes


Inputs are: first R, then N.

Try it online!


The function Zr takes two inputs (implicitly in this case) and does a random sampling without replacement. The first input, R, specifies that the population is [1,2,...,R]; and the second input, N, indicates the number of samples to take from the population.

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-03-24T16:20:44.200

Reputation: 87 464


TI-84 BASIC OS 4.0, 12 bytes

Prompt N,R:randIntNoRep(1,R,N

The TI-84+ CSE (2013) and the CE (2015) are essentially the same limited BASIC dialect as the TI-84+, but there are a few new features. One of them is randIntNoRep's third argument.


Posted 2016-03-24T16:20:44.200

Reputation: 20 331

1Frankly, it's kind of silly that they didn't include that feature from the beginning. – SuperJedi224 – 2016-03-24T19:46:04.313

I immediately thought TI-Basic when I saw this challenge :) – Timtech – 2016-03-24T22:31:59.313


Pyth, 6 bytes


Try it here!

Range comes on the first line and the length on the second.


<.SSQE    # Q = range, E = length

   SQ     # generate the range 1...Q
 .S       # shuffle the list
<    E    # take the first E elements

Non-competing 5-byte version

The lastest addition to Pyth adds implicit Qs at the end of the program if needed. We can use this here by reversing the input format, so the length comes first and then the range.


Try it here!

Here E is the range, which we turn into a 1-based list with S, shuffle it with .S and take the first Q elements with <. < expects an integer which is implicitly added with a Q.


Posted 2016-03-24T16:20:44.200

Reputation: 6 639


J, 4 3 bytes

One byte saved thanks to Zgarb! (Crossed out four is still a regular four :D)


call like N (1+?) R, e.g., 3 (1+?) 10. This uses the "Roll" operator, and does exactly what is described, except under 0...n-1. If we were allowed to do this, then the answer would be 1 byte,


Conor O'Brien

Posted 2016-03-24T16:20:44.200

Reputation: 36 228

1Don't break the link chain, man! – cat – 2016-03-24T20:35:27.550

@tac Ah, gotcah – Conor O'Brien – 2016-03-24T20:47:42.740


Reng v.2.1, 140 103 98 97 bytes

This should work in earlier versions, too.

v      v      $/$'l#y0#z>(:)):(ez+#z zt>a$;!
>i#ci#x>cu1+lxetv    j21\!q   yy#-1y($/^
^oW <

You can try it here! Input is maximum length, such as 10 3.

I am so proud of this, you don't even know. If someone beats me with a Java answer, that will make my day. If I beat a Java answer, consider my day made as well.

I will explain it more later, once I recover. Generally, though:

v         v      $/$r$

This generates the random numbers. The other part checks if there are duplicates, and, if there are, the process is repeated. Else, the results are printed, with spaces joining the results.

Here are some examples:

long gif

Conor O'Brien

Posted 2016-03-24T16:20:44.200

Reputation: 36 228


CJam, 8 bytes


Try it here!

This is an unnamed block which expect the range on top of the stack and the length at the bottom and leaves a list on the stack.


,   e# 0-based range
:)  e# inkrement each element of the list so its 1-based
mr  e# shuffle the list
<   e# take the first n elements


Posted 2016-03-24T16:20:44.200

Reputation: 6 639

This is one happy program :) – Conor O'Brien – 2016-03-24T20:52:37.450

1@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I would be happier if CJam had a builtin for 1-based ranges, so I wouldn't need this damm smileyface :P – Denker – 2016-03-24T20:57:28.360


Bash + coreutils, 16

I think this is self-explanatory:

seq $2|shuf -n$1

Input N and R as command-line parameters.

Or as @rici points out, for the same score:

shuf -n$1 -i1-$2


Digital Trauma

Posted 2016-03-24T16:20:44.200

Reputation: 64 644

1or shuf -n$1 -i1-$2 (same length, though). – rici – 2016-03-26T03:15:58.160

@rici very nice. very clean :) – Digital Trauma – 2016-03-26T03:51:08.987


Ruby, 27 23 bytes

Anonymous function, reasonably short and sweet.

-4 bytes from @manatwork

->n,r{[*1..r].sample n}

Value Ink

Posted 2016-03-24T16:20:44.200

Reputation: 10 608

->n,r{[*1..r].sample n} Please use code block markup instead of inline code markup, so scripts like Code Golf UserScript Enhancement Pack can insert the code size beside it. – manatwork – 2016-03-25T08:46:48.927

All right, it's fixed now. – Value Ink – 2016-03-25T16:55:36.113


Common Lisp, 90

52 for the expression only

(use-package :alexandria)(lambda(R N)(coerce(subseq(shuffle(iota R :start 1))0 N)'vector))


;; Well known library
(use-package :alexandria)

(lambda(R N)
  (coerce                   ; make a vector from a list 
    (subseq                 ; take the sublist from 0 to N
      (shuffle              ; shuffle a list
        (iota R :start 1))  ; build a list from 1 to R
    0 N)

Like other answers, if I don't count use-package and lambda, the remaining expression is (coerce(subseq(shuffle(iota R :start 1))0 N)'vector), for 52 bytes.


Posted 2016-03-24T16:20:44.200

Reputation: 6 292


, 10 chars / 13 bytes


Try it here (Firefox only).


           // implicit: î=input1, í=input2
  ⩤⁽1í)    // Inclusive range from 1 to í
Ѩŝ         // Shuffle resulting range
       ą-î // Get last îth items

Mama Fun Roll

Posted 2016-03-24T16:20:44.200

Reputation: 7 234


PowerShell v2+, 30 bytes

param($n,$r)1..$r|Random -c $n

Takes input $n and $r, constructs a range 1..$r, pipes that to Get-Random with a -Count of $n, which will select $n unique elements from the range. Output is left on the pipeline as an implicit array.


Posted 2016-03-24T16:20:44.200

Reputation: 41 581


Seriously, 5 bytes


Try it online!


,,R    push N, range(1, R+1)
   ╨   push a list containing all N-length permutations of range(1, R+1)
    J  select a random element from the list


Posted 2016-03-24T16:20:44.200

Reputation: 32 998


Python 3.5 - 54 53 bytes:

from random import*;lambda a,c:sample(range(1,c+1),a)

This uses the random module's sample() function to return an array with length "a" consisting of random, unique elements in the range 1 => c.

R. Kap

Posted 2016-03-24T16:20:44.200

Reputation: 4 730


Clojure, 38 bytes

#(take %1(shuffle(map inc(range %2))))

An anonymous function taking N first and R second.


Posted 2016-03-24T16:20:44.200

Reputation: 521


Perl 6, 32 bytes



Posted 2016-03-24T16:20:44.200

Reputation: 3 382


D, 29 bytes (expression only)

Assuming that std.random and std.range have been imported and that n and r are defined as variables, the program can be solved in the single expression:


Ben Perlin

Posted 2016-03-24T16:20:44.200

Reputation: 69


ES6, 72

r=>n=>[...Array(-~r).keys()].sort(a=>new Date/a%1-.5).filter(a=>a&&n-->0)

Like in @Mwr247's answer, you can call it with F(R)(N), F being the function expression


Posted 2016-03-24T16:20:44.200

Reputation: 1 340


Mathcad, 67 "bytes"

creates a column vector of consecutive integers in range 1..R, joins it to a column vector of length R of (uniform) random numbers, sorts the resulting Rx2 matrix on the random number column, and then extracts the first n numbers from the randomized column of integers.

enter image description here

Stuart Bruff

Posted 2016-03-24T16:20:44.200

Reputation: 501

Is there a place we can test this? – Conor O'Brien – 2016-03-24T19:45:53.937

You can download trial versions of Mathcad 15 and Mathcad Prime 3.1 (the successor to Mathcad 15). Both trials run for 30 days, after which M15 stops working, but Prime 3.1 still runs, albeit with reduced functionality (eg, no programming - so the above won't work ... but the for loop can be rewritten to use range variables to create v outside of the augment statement) – Stuart Bruff – 2016-03-25T00:04:33.850

Trial versions are at: Matcad 15 - http://www.ptc.com/engineering-math-software/mathcad/free-trial ; Mathcad Prime 3.1 - http://www.ptc.com/engineering-math-software/mathcad/free-download

– Stuart Bruff – 2016-03-25T00:04:46.803

And how do you count these bytes? – Rɪᴋᴇʀ – 2016-03-25T15:39:14.700

By looking at it from a user input perspective and equating one Mathcad input operation (keyboard usually, mouse-click on toolbar if no kbd shortcut) to a character and interpreting this as a byte. csort = 5 bytes as it's typed char-by-char as are other variable/function names. The for operator is a special construct that occupies 11 characters (including 3 blank "placeholders" and 3 spaces) but is entered by ctl-shft-#, hence = 1 byte (similar to tokens in some languages). Typing ' (quote)creates balanced parentheses (usually) so counts as 1 byte. Indexing v = 3 bytes (type v[k). – Stuart Bruff – 2016-03-25T16:29:52.693


Python, 56 (the obvious way)

lambda N,R:__import__('random').sample(range(1,R+1),k=N)


Posted 2016-03-24T16:20:44.200

Reputation: 5 032

from random import*;lambda N,R:sample(range(1,R+1),k=N) is shorter by a byte – Mego – 2016-03-24T18:19:07.913

Huh, I did consider from random import*, must've screwed up the counting. – shooqie – 2016-03-24T18:31:32.503


TI-84 BASIC, 21 bytes

Prompt R,N:randIntNoRep(1,R→A:N→dim(ʟA:ʟA


Posted 2016-03-24T16:20:44.200

Reputation: 11 342

One can no longer use Ans as input as per a recent meta post. – Conor O'Brien – 2016-03-24T19:04:27.930

@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ...why not? – SuperJedi224 – 2016-03-24T19:05:55.003

That was the consensus on meta. Vote on it if you disagree.

– Conor O'Brien – 2016-03-24T19:07:44.403


Perl 5, 51 43 bytes


Pretty straightforward anonymous sub that generates an array from 1 to R and then splices N random elements from it to return. Call with ->(N, R).

Oleg V. Volkov

Posted 2016-03-24T16:20:44.200

Reputation: 171