Making a coin fair



You have a coin that produces 0 or 1. But you suspect the coin may be biased, meaning that the probability of 0 (or 1) is not necessarily 1/2.

A well known procedure to "transform" a biased coin into a fair coin (i.e. to obtain equally likely results), as proposed by von Neumann, is as follows. Produce (non-overlapping) blocks of two coin tosses until the two values of a block differ; and output the first value in that block (the second value would also do, but for the purposes of this challenge we choose the first). Intuitively, 1 may be more likely than 0, but 01 and 10 will be equally likely.

For example, the input 1110... would discard the first block, then produce a 1 from the second block, ...

This procedure is expensive, because several coin tosses are consumed to generate a single result.

The challenge

Take a finite sequence of zeros and ones, representing tosses of the original coin, and produce the maximum number of results according to the above procedure, until all the input is consumed.

The last block may be incomplete, if the number of input values is odd. For example, the input sequence 11111 would produce no result (the first two blocks have equal values, and the third block is incomplete).


The input can have any non-negative number of values, not necessarily positive or even.

The input format may be:

  • an array of zeros and ones;
  • a string of zeros and ones with an optional separator.

Output format may be:

  • a string of zeros and ones, with or without separators;
  • an array of zeros and ones;
  • strings containing a single zero or one, separated by newlines;
  • any similar, reasonable format that suits your language.

Code golf. Fewest bytes wins.

Test cases

Input and output are here assumed to be strings.

Input         -->  Output

'1110'        -->  '1'
'11000110'    -->  '01'
'1100011'     -->  '0'
'00'          -->  ''
'1'           -->  ''
''            -->  ''
'1101001'     -->  '0'
'1011101010'  -->  '1111'

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 87 464

Shouldn't there be two possible outputs for each input (i.e. the bitwise not of the current output)? – wizzwizz4 – 2016-03-05T17:23:09.783

1@wizzwizz4 You can take one or the other, but not both (because then they wouldn't be statistically independent). In this challenge I arbitrarily chose the first – Luis Mendo – 2016-03-05T17:28:15.640

No, I mean in the question body you say we could take the first or second number, but your test-cases just take the first. – wizzwizz4 – 2016-03-05T17:29:27.643

@wizzwizz4 I've edited to clarify: only the first. Thanks for the heads-up – Luis Mendo – 2016-03-05T17:33:30.000

6You're too suspicious of the coin. Just flip the thing ;) – Geobits – 2016-03-05T20:32:23.697


@IGoBest I'm not so sure :-D

– Luis Mendo – 2016-03-06T04:10:11.163

1@DonMuesli Man, the list of caveats in that paper is impressive :P – Geobits – 2016-03-07T02:22:21.933



Jelly, 6 bytes


Try it online!

How it works

s2Q€Ṗ€  Main link. Argument: S (string)

s2      Split the string into pairs of characters.
  Q€    Deduplicate each pair.
        This removes the second character iff it is equal to the first.
    Ṗ€  Pop each; remove the last character of each pair/singleton.


Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 196 637


Retina, 16 14 bytes


Try it online!


This is fairly simple. The code defines a single regex substitution replacing all (non-overlapping) matches of (.)\1|(.)?. with whatever the second group captured. This combines three different cases into one:

(.)\1 --> <empty>

If two repeated digits are equal, we remove them from the string (because group 2 is unused).

(.).  --> $2

Otherwise, if we can match two characters, remove the second one, by replacing both of them with the first. If that's not the case the ? will omit the group:

.     --> <empty>

This only happens if there is an unpaired trailing character, which is also removed.

Martin Ender

Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 184 808

This may be the shortest Retina answer I've seen :-) – Luis Mendo – 2016-03-05T17:20:47.123


@DonMuesli ummm...

– Martin Ender – 2016-03-05T17:21:30.847


Labyrinth, 21 12 bytes

"(. :

A rare example of a compact Labyrinth program that also has no no-ops. The | in the previous version was completely unnecessary, and removing it massively reduced the size of the program. In fact, Lab's beating Retina!

Try it online!

The bottom-left " can also be a space, but having it there greatly simplifies the explanation.


This one's a little trickier, so it's accompanied by images. But first, a quick primer:

  • Labyrinth is a stack-based 2D language. Memory consists of a main stack and an auxiliary stack.
  • Labyrinth's stacks are bottomless and filled with zeroes, so performing operations on an empty stack is not an error.
  • At each junction, where there are two or more paths for the instruction pointer to go, the top of the main stack is checked to figure out where to go next. Negative is turn left, zero is straight ahead and positive is turn right. If a turn fails, the pointer tries to turn in the other direction.


enter image description here

The program starts at the top-left ", which is a no-op. Then we perform:

(        Decrement a bottom zero to -1. Since -1 is negative we try to turn 
         left at this junction, fail, and turn right instead.
"        No-op junction, turn left
*        Multiply top of stack (-1) with a 0 at bottom of stack, giving 0.
         This makes us go straight ahead at this junction.
$        Bitwise xor (of 0 and 0)

This leaves the stack with a single 0 on it, which is as good as empty for the purposes of Labyrinth.

Reading input and termination

enter image description here

, reads a char from input, returning 48 or 49 for 0 or 1 respectively, and -1 on EOF. Since this is nonzero, either way we turn into the :, which duplicates the top of the stack.

The : is at a dead-end, so we turn around and execute , once more. Now if the last input was EOF, then we turn left and terminate with @, else we turn right, with the stack looking like [a a b] (where a, b are the two chars).

Interpreting the coin toss

enter image description here

If we didn't terminate, our next move is to execute $ (bitwise xor) again. This yields 0 if the input chars were the same, 1 otherwise. We then multiply a with this result, giving either 0 or a. Since the * is at a junction, this top stack value determines what happens next.

In the 0 case, we go straight ahead and execute three " no-ops, before perform a ( decrement. Like the setup, this makes us turn and execute "*$, leaving us ready to read more chars.

enter image description here

Otherwise, in the a case, we turn right at the junction since a is positive (48 or 49). . outputs the char, leaving the stack empty, and ( decrements the top of the stack, turning a 0 to -1. Once again, this makes us turn left, executing "*$ like in the setup, also leaving us ready to read more input.


Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 58 729 Just, wow. Out of curiosity... what happens if you remove the leading quote from each line? – ETHproductions – 2016-03-06T16:03:21.340

@ETHproductions The second column is no longer a junction, so the IP starts off executing ( then ., outputting char 255 (-1 modulo 256). So it's already wrong starting from there, unfortunately :P – Sp3000 – 2016-03-06T16:08:29.603


CJam, 10 8 bytes


Test it here.


This is a very simple solution: in each pair, remove all instances of the last character. Repeated digits and unpaired trailing digits will be removed, as will be the second digit in any pair of unequal digits:

"0"  --> ""
"1"  --> ""
"00" --> ""
"01" --> "0"
"10" --> "1"
"11" --> ""

This leaves only the digits we're looking for. Here's how the code computes this:

l     e# Read input.
2/    e# Split into pairs. Odd inputs will yield a single-character string at the end.
{     e# Map this block over the pairs...
  )   e#   Pull the last character off the string.
  -   e#   Remove all occurrences of that character from the remainder (which is either
      e#   an empty string to begin with or a single-digit string).

When the list is auto-printed at the end of the program, the empty strings are simply omitted.

Martin Ender

Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 184 808

3You and @DonMuesli are the only people with any explanation in their answers other than the code itself. Thanks. – Rɪᴋᴇʀ – 2016-03-05T17:37:39.913


Perl, 19 18 17 bytes

@Martin Büttner Retina solution inspired a 2 byte gain

Includes +1 for -p

Run with the input on STDIN, e.g. perl -p <<< 11000110


Not much to explain here since it is an (indirect) translation of the specification:

  • (.)\1 If the first 2 digits are the same, drop them
  • .\K. Otherwise the first two digits are different. Keep (\K) the first one
  • .?\K. Except that the first . is optional. This allows for a single match at the end of the string which then gets discarded since the kept part is empty

Ton Hospel

Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 14 114


Mathematica, 36 38 bytes

-2 after stealing @LegionMammal978's function for determining if a 2-element list is {0,1} or {1,0}


Argument is expected to be a list of integers.


Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 29 566

Oh no, three Mathematica answers on one question! – CalculatorFeline – 2016-03-06T16:59:37.540


Hexagony, 23 21 bytes



    , ) { ,
   / ; ( _ \
  / ' % < \ {
 ) / > ~ $ > .
  . . . . . .
   . . . . .
    . . . .

This terminates with an error, but the error message goes to STDERR.

Try it online!

Judging by the number of mirrors it might be just about possible to fit it into side-length 3 but I've had no luck so far.


Here's the usual diagram, generated with Timwi's HexagonyColorer:

enter image description here

The program uses only three memory edges, labelled A, B, and C here (diagram courtesy of Timwi's EsotericIDE):

enter image description here

Execution starts on blue path. The / are just mirrors that redirect the instruction pointer (IP), the actual code is:

,   Read character from STDIN into memory edge A.
)   Increment.
{   Move to memory edge B.
,   Read character from STDIN into memory edge B.
)   Increment.
'   Move to memory edge C.
%   Compute A mod B in memory edge C.

The , will set the edge to -1 instead of the character code if we've hit EOF. Since we're incrementing both inputs that doesn't change whether they are equal or not, but it turns EOF into 0.

We use modulo to check for equality, because it's either 1 or 49 (positive) for unequal characters and 0 for equal characters. It also serves as the end of the program, because when we have the 0 from EOF, the attempted division by zero will cause an error.

Now the < distinguishes zeroes from positive results. The simple one first: if the characters are equal, the IP takes the red path. _ is a mirror, \ is also a mirror but gets ignored, and > deflects the IP such that it wraps around the edges and starts from the top again. However, on this iteration, the roles of A, B and C are swapped cyclically (C now takes the role of A and so on).

If the characters are different, the green path is taken instead. This one's a bit messier. It first jumps over a no-op with $, then wraps around to the / on the left edge, then traverses the second-to-last row from right to left and finally re-enters the interesting part of the source code at the {. There's an essentially linear bit of code, that I'll explain in a second, before the $ makes the IP jump over the > to merge the two paths again.

Here is that linear piece of code:

{    Move to memory edge A.
(    Decrement to recover the actual character we read.
;    Print the character back to STDOUT.
'    Move to memory edge B.
~    Multiply the value there by -1, making it negative. This is
     necessary to ensure that the path correctly wraps back to the top.

Note that in this case, the roles of the edges for the next iteration are also swapped cyclically, but with B taking the role of A and so on.

Martin Ender

Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 184 808


Haskell, 71 44 29 bytes

p(a:b:r)=[a|a/=b]++p r
p _=[]

Extreme golfing by nimi.


Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 601


><>, 11 bytes


><> is pretty well suited to read-a-char-at-a-time challenges like this :) Try it online!

i:            Read char and duplicate
i             Read char
:0(?;         Halt if last char was EOF
-             Subtract
?o            Output first char if the subtraction was non-zero (i.e. not equal)

This all happens in a loop since the instruction pointer wraps around once it reaches the end of a line.


Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 58 729

-1 for a ><> program that contains no > or < – Luis Mendo – 2016-03-06T16:39:35.633


JavaScript (ES6), 33 bytes


How it works

s=>s                // Take the input array.
.filter((c,i)=>   ) // Filter to only the chars that are both:
++i%2&              //  on an even index, and
c!=s[i]             //  not equal to the one after them.


Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 47 880

You can save some bytes by requiring input to be an array. (Allowed by question.) – Mama Fun Roll – 2016-03-06T02:46:36.407

@MamaFunRoll Thanks for the tip! – ETHproductions – 2016-03-06T14:39:21.493


Perl, 27 21 bytes

say grep$_-chop,/../g

Byte added for the -n flag.

                /../g  match groups of two chars
    grep       ,       select/filter on...
           chop        remove the last character, mutating the string
        $_-            is it different than the remaining char?
                         (subtract it, empty string is falsy)
say                    output if so


llama@llama:~$ perl -nE 'say grep$_-chop,/../g'



Thanks to @TonHospel for 6 bytes!


Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 68 138

You can gain some bytes by shortening the test: say grep$_-chop,/../g – Ton Hospel – 2016-03-06T11:16:47.983

@TonHospel Very nice, thanks! – Doorknob – 2016-03-06T20:28:02.860


Python, 42 bytes

f=lambda L:L[1:]and L[:L[0]^L[1]]+f(L[2:])

Fun with recursion and bitwise xor. Takes a list of 1s and 0s as input.


Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 58 729


Prelude, 12 bytes


This assumes an interpreter that reads and prints characters. You can sort of try it online. But that interpreter prints integers, so for each 0 you'll get 48 and for each 1 you'll get 49 instead (and a linefeed).


It's very rare that you can write a non-trivial program on a single line in Prelude (because Prelude needs more than one line to be Turing-complete).

11      Push two 1s. We need something non-zero on the stack to enter the loop, and by
        pushing the same value twice, we make sure that the loop doesn't print anything
        on the first iteration.
(       Main loop...
  -       Subtract the last two values. This will be zero for equal values, and non-zero
  (       This "loop" is simply used as a conditional: if the last two values were
          were equal, skip the code inside...
    #       Discard the conditional.
    !       Print the value below.
  )       The loop is exited because the value below is always zero.
  ?       Read the first character of the next pair from STDIN.
  ^       Duplicate it, so the lower copy can be printed.
  ?       Read the second character of the pair. This returns 0 at EOF, which
          terminates the loop.

Martin Ender

Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 184 808


Befunge 93, 16 bytes


A one-liner for compactness. Tested using this online interpreter.

~:                     Read input char a and dup
  ~                    Read input char b (-1 on EOF)
   :0`!                Push 1 if b <= 0, 0 otherwise
       #@_             Halt if b <= 0 (i.e. EOF)
          -            Subtract to check whether a != b
           >#,_$       Output a if so

The last part makes use of the fact that popping from an empty Befunge-93 stack yields 0.

If a != b, we perform

>                      Move rightward
#                      Bridge: skip next
_                      Horizontal if - go right if 0, else left. But a != b, so we go left
,                      Output a
#                      Bridge: skip next
-                      Subtract (0 - 0 = 0)
_                      If: go right since 0 is popped
>#                     Go right and skip next
_                      If: go right since 0 is popped
$                      Pop top of stack, stack is now empty

Otherwise, if a == b, we perform:

>                      Move rightward
#                      Bridge: skip next
_                      If: go right since a == b (i.e. a-b is 0)
$                      Pop top of stack and discard, keeping stack empty


Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 58 729


MATL, 11 9 8 bytes


Input and output are numbers separated by newlines. Ends with an error (allowed by default) when all inputs have been consumed.

Try it online!

`         % do...while loop
  -       %   take two inputs implicitly. Compute difference
  ?       %   if nonzero
    6M    %     push first of the two most recent inputs again
    D     %     display (and remove from stack)
  ]       %   end if
  T       %   true. Used as loop condition, so the loop is infinite
          % end loop implicitly

Old approach, 11 bytes


Input is a string. Output is numbers separated by newlines.

Try it online!

2YC      % implicitly take input as a string. Generate 2D array of length-2
         % overlapping blocks as columns, padding with a zero if needed.
d        % difference of the two values in each column of that array
9L       % predefined literal [1 2 0]. This corresponds to "1:2:end" indexing
)        % keep only values at indices 1, 3, 5, ... This reduces the set of blocks
         % to non-overlapping, and discards the last (padded) block if the input had
         % odd length
Xz       % keep only nonzero entries, corresponding to blocks that had different values
0<       % 1 if negative, 0 if possitive. Implicitly display

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 87 464


Pyth, 10 9 bytes


Algorithm shamelessly stolen from Dennis's Jelly answer.

       z    input
      c 2   chunks of 2
    {M      dedup each chunk
  PM        all-but-last element of each chunk
jk          join on empty string; can't use `s' because that gives `0' for []


Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 68 138


Python 2, 48 bytes

lambda n:[s for s,t in zip(*[iter(n)]*2)if s!=t]

Try it online

Thanks to Dennis and vaultah for pointing out stuff that I missed


Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 32 998

I think you could use the good old 'grouper' recipe: zip(*[iter(n)]*2) – vaultah – 2016-03-05T17:59:30.990

Wouldn't a lambda work? – Dennis – 2016-03-05T18:01:45.117


sed, 34 33 bytes

s/../& /g;s/00\|11//g;s/.\b\| //g


llama@llama:~$ sed 's/../& /g;s/00\|11//g;s/.\b\| //g'             




Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 68 138

1I tried using the fold(1) command to split into pairs. That also came out at 34! fold -s2|sed 's+01+0+p;s+10+1+p;d' – joeytwiddle – 2016-03-05T18:29:36.993

@joeytwiddle fold -s2 is equivalent to fold -2, making that 33 bytes... which is what I just golfed the pure sed solution down to, also. :P – Doorknob – 2016-03-05T21:16:29.647

I combined the second and third substitution to shave another 4 bytes: s/../& /g;s/00\|11\|.\b\| //g – Toby Speight – 2016-03-07T18:30:50.497


Mathematica, 41 39 bytes


Less complicated and shorter than the other answer. The box is a transpose character.


Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 2 608


Labyrinth, 31 bytes

Not as short and neat as Sp3000's solution, but I thought I'd post this anyway as a different approach:

"" @
,, :{"
)  { $;


The first loop is simply


which reads in two characters at a time (the " are no-ops). After EOF, , will return -1, but only check for EOF at every second character. That means in any case the top of the stack will then be -1 and the value below is either -1 or some character code that we don't care about, because it's an unpaired coin toss.

Then )* turns the -1 and the value below into a single 0 which we need a) to get rid of those two values and b) to enter the next loop correctly. That next loop is simply


Which shifts all the values over to the auxiliary stack. This is necessary because we want to start processing the pairs that we read first. Now the final loop:

{ $;

The ) just increments some dummy value to ensure that it's positive and the instruction pointer turns north. { pulls over the first digit of the next pair and : duplicates it. Now when we're done processing, this will have been a 0 from the bottom of the auxiliary stack. Otherwise it's either 48 or 49. In case of a zero, we exit the loop and terminate on @, otherwise, the IP turns east.

{ pulls over the other digit of the current pair. $ takes the XOR between them. If that is 0, i.e. the two are equal, the IP just continues moving south, ; discards the zero, and the IP turns west into the next iteration. If the XOR was 1, i.e. they were different, the IP turns west, discards the 1 with ; and prints the first digit with ..

Martin Ender

Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 184 808


JavaScript (ES6), 33 bytes


Boring port of the Retina answer.


Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 95 035


Ruby, 46 bytes

This separates l[0], l[1] and l[2..{end}] as a, b and c. Then it creates a string with a if a!=b or '' otherwise and f[c] if c[0] exists or '' otherwise.

f=->l{a,b,*c=l;"#{a!=b ?a:''}#{c[0]?f[c]:''}"}


def f(l)
  a = l[0]
  b = l[1]
  c = l[2..l.length]
  s = ''
  if a!=b
    s += a.to_s
  if c[0]       # equivalent to !c.empty?
    s += f[c]   # no .to_s because the output will be a string
  puts s


Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 11 664


brainfuck, 33 bytes


Compared to Java, this is very compact, however, I'm afraid of brainfuck-golfer answerer. And feel free to mention if there's a bug. Assuming EOF is 0, input doesn't contain invalid input, the cell is initially zero, and the cell value range is finite and cyclic. No other assumption is present.


Memory Cell Map

|1st input|2nd input|copy of 1st input|


,>,                               read two instruction at once | first to first cell |
                                  second to second cell
   [                              Until the input is EOF
    <                             look at first cell
     [->->+<<]                    move the first cell to additional cells while
                                  subtracting the second cell with this at same
              >[                  if the second cell is nonzero (it means that first cell and
                                  the second cell is the same)
                [-]>.<            Print the copied first input
                       >[-]       clear the first input to prevent it polluting next input
                           <<,>,  continue with next two input


Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 1 859

1Very nice! I had been trying to write a BF answr myself. But I found it too BF-ing – Luis Mendo – 2016-03-09T09:57:51.173


Mathematica, 41 bytes


Anonymous function that inputs and outputs lists of zeros and ones.


Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 15 731

Wait, you can use Tr to sum a vector? Must go edit a bunch of answers... – CalculatorFeline – 2016-03-05T19:06:39.530

#&@@a is 1 byte shorter than a[[1]]. – CalculatorFeline – 2016-03-06T17:04:54.587

@CatsAreFluffy I was thinking of that, but it breaks with RuleDelayed. – LegionMammal978 – 2016-03-06T17:06:23.340

Doesn't work with my answer either because of Transpose :( – CalculatorFeline – 2016-03-06T19:52:28.733


Pyth, 10 bytes


Test suite


Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 39 268

You can replace !q by n and then the filter fnFT by nF#. (hMnF#cz2; this was the thing I thought of when I saw the challenge, but yours is close enough for me to not post it separately) – PurkkaKoodari – 2016-03-05T19:45:47.310

@Pietu1998 I tried that. It fails on e.g. 1 – isaacg – 2016-03-05T22:45:45.750


C, 66 bytes


Assuming sizeof(int) == sizeof(char *)

"clever" solution - 84 81 bytes

main(int c,short**x){while(!((c=*x[1]++-12336)&~511))c>>8^c&1&&putchar(48|c&1);}

Works on little-endian machine assuming short is 2 bytes. Input is passed as argument. The program iterates over pairs of characters and prints 0 for 0x3130 and 1 for 0x3031. On big-endian the result will be reversed (replace 48|c&1 with 49^c&1 to fix this).


Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 431


DOS/Windows Batch, 201 162 bytes

@echo off
for /f "tokens=2" %%a in ("%i%") do goto l
for /f "tokens=1,2" %%a in ("%i:~0,4%") do if %%a neq %%b echo %%a
set "i=%i:~4%"
goto a

Input is a space seperated string, for example 1 0 0 1 1. Start from cmd, otherwise the screen exits immediately

Dennis van Gils

Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 291


C, 57 bytes


We tentatively copy a character from input p to result r, but only advance the r pointer if it differs from the next character. If not, then we'll overwrite it at the next unmatched pair, or with NUL at the end.

Test program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    while (*++argv) {
        char *result = malloc(1+strlen(*argv));
        f(*argv, result);
        printf("%s => %s\n", *argv, result);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Test output:

$ ./74864 1110 11000110 1100011 00 1 "" 1101001 1011101010
1110 => 1
11000110 => 01
1100011 => 0
00 => 
1 => 
1101001 => 0
1011101010 => 1111

Toby Speight

Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 5 058


Befunge-93, 40 bytes

v  ,-1<
      | -<
^     <  @

You can try it here. Paste code in the space under the "show" button, press "show", define input, press "run". Our use the "step" button to see how the program works.

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 87 464

1My first Befunge answer! – Luis Mendo – 2016-03-09T01:25:18.930


beeswax, 45 35 bytes

I could golf it down by 10 bytes—not too bad.

>&?@yg&?~@ KQd{b

I took the reading a full string of coin tosses approach, which makes the program pretty large. Just reading single integers one by one would make the program smaller—maybe around 22 bytes or so—but also very inconvenient to use.


julia> beeswax("FairCoin.bswx")
Program finished!

julia> beeswax("FairCoin.bswx")
Program finished!

julia> beeswax("FairCoin.bswx")
Program finished!

julia> beeswax("FairCoin.bswx")

Program finished!

julia> beeswax("FairCoin.bswx")
Program finished!

My beeswax GitHub repository.

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Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 2 865


Java 117 bytes

(or 10 if we consider numerical system with base 117)

String z(char[]s){String r="";for(int i=0,x=-1;++x<s.length/2;i+=2)r+=(s[i]==s[i+1]?"":s[i]=='0'?"0":"1");return r;}


Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 1 360


GNU sed, 19 bytes

#!/bin/sed -rf

Simple and boring translation of Martin Büttner♦'s Retina solution. Except that I used 11|00 in place of .(\1) (for the same score). 18 bytes of code, plus one for the -r.

Toby Speight

Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 5 058


C#, 83 bytes


First, replace odd-numbered items which are not equal to their predecessors with the predecessor, while setting all the rest to 2, then drop all items equal to 2.


Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 1 148


Ruby, 66 bytes

initial attempt; likely room for improvement. Run with "ruby -n" and then enter input followed by enter key.

$_.chomp!;i,s=0,'';(s<<$_[i] if $_[i]!=$_[i+1];i+=2)until !$_[i+1];p s


Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 101


Python, 72 bytes

This definitely won't be the shortest, but hopefully it'll at least give someone a headache.

lambda s:hex(int('110'+s[::-1],4))[:3:-1].translate({48:'',53:'',52:48})

Aleksi Torhamo

Posted 2016-03-05T17:11:14.917

Reputation: 1 871