Radiation softened quine



It's simple: Make a proper quine where if you remove any character, it's still a quine.

The difference between this and a radiation hardened quine is that if your program is AB, in a radiation hardened quine A would output AB, but here, A would output A.

Code golf, all standard rules, standard loopholes apply, no cheating.


Posted 2016-02-20T03:41:54.417

Reputation: 2 608

Is an empty program valid? – Loovjo – 2016-02-20T07:06:43.570


@Loovjo No.

– Martin Ender – 2016-02-20T09:55:36.107

Does the original program need to be a quine? I.e. in the example, is it enough that A outputs A and B outputs B, or is it also necessary that AB outputs AB? – feersum – 2016-02-21T04:26:50.233

3@feersum The challenge states "Make a quine where...", so AB should output AB. – Mego – 2016-02-21T04:54:27.037

1@Mego I know it says that, but specifications are not always so precise, and it is not indicated in the examples. – feersum – 2016-02-21T05:20:54.637

4@feersum "Make a quine" means make a quine. "The difference between this and a radiation-hardened quine..." means that the only difference is that the program with any one byte removed results in a quine, not a program that prints the original program's source. There is no ambiguity here. – Mego – 2016-02-21T05:24:34.063



><> (Fish), 145 107 bytes

This answer uses ><>'s jumping instruction to fix the problem.


This quine actually contains two different quine generators. It starts with some jumping logic and by default uses the left quine. If a character is removed from the jumping logic or from the left quine, the program jumps to the right quine.

You can try it here


The code can be dissected into a few parts:

A: !<0078*+00~..>0[!. 
B:              >0[!."r43a*+8a+&{ee+00&1-:&(?.~~ol?!;4b*0.
C:                                                    .0f<
D:                                                        >0['r3d*159*+&}7a*00&1-:&(?.~~ol?!;68a*+0.
E:                                                                                                 .0+*a58 

Explanation of the different parts:

  • A: Jumps to the right of C. If any character is deleted from from A, this jumps to the left of D or the right of E, triggering the second quine. If any character is deleted from B or C, the code is shifted 1 character to the left, causing this to jump to the left of D.
  • C: This code jumps to the left of B.
  • B: Quine #1
  • D: Quine #2
  • E: Jumps to the left of D

Explanation of the quine (with #1 as example):

Once the instruction pointer reaches either of the quines, you're certain that that quine is completely intact.

>0[!.                                       //Fix the instruction pointer's direction and empty the stack (The '!.' is a leftover from codepart A)
     "r43a*+                                //Start reading all of the code and add the '"' character to the stack
            8a+&                            //Because the quine started reading at the 19th character instead of the first, the stack has to move 18 characters. 
                                            //This part saves the number 18 to the register.
                {ee+00&1-:&(?.              //Move the stack one to the left, decrease the stack by 1. If the stack is not empty yet, jump back to the start of this section.
                              ~~              //Clean the temporary variables from the stack. It should now contain the whole quine.
                                ol?!;4b*0.  //Print the first character from the stack. As long as the stack isn't empty, jump back to the start of this section.

Thijs ter Haar

Posted 2016-02-20T03:41:54.417

Reputation: 752

Explanation please. – CalculatorFeline – 2017-06-12T19:49:33.547

Reiterating above. – CalculatorFeline – 2017-06-22T03:53:42.373

1Is this clear enough? – Thijs ter Haar – 2017-06-22T08:09:13.873


Lenguage, 4.54×10761 bytes

It has this number of null characters:


Seeing how the criterion in this challenge conflicts with the definition of a "proper quine", seriously, I think an Unary variant is going to win.

Expanded Brainfuck code:


If one character is removed from the Lenguage program, the last character becomes a <, which causes the program to print exactly one less character.


Posted 2016-02-20T03:41:54.417

Reputation: 34 042

1How did you manage to find that fixed point? (Or alternatively, how does the Brainfuck code work?) – Martin Ender – 2016-02-21T09:54:38.097

1@MartinBüttner The first big loop copies and encodes the data in the form of ">+++..." (and reverses it). The other big loop print the data as an integer in unary. It's not that complicated but is long only because it's Brainfuck. – jimmy23013 – 2016-02-21T11:11:56.923

Oh right, so it's just like a plain Brainfuck quine, but with a different decoding function? – Martin Ender – 2016-02-21T11:13:16.610

@MartinBüttner Somewhat. But half of the program is the "decoding function". – jimmy23013 – 2016-02-21T11:17:08.993

It seems you could use a similar technique to construct answers of arbitrary score for http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/57257/8478 (although how exactly that works would depend on the answer to my latest comment).

– Martin Ender – 2016-02-21T17:03:22.000

@lirtosiast It is a true quine. The first line in the Brainfuck code encodes the rest. (Or the number of whole segments consisting of 8^155 null characters encodes other null characters, if you prefer that.) – jimmy23013 – 2016-02-21T22:00:52.857

@MartinBüttner Technically, it says the program should work only when exactly n characters are removed, but not less, so you can get an arbitrary n. But still, it says least program_length^2/n wins, where a long program like this doesn't have much advantage. – jimmy23013 – 2016-02-21T22:12:21.473

@jimmy23013 yeah, the scoring was changed after my comment. – Martin Ender – 2016-02-21T22:14:05.223

@MartinBüttner Last time I checked it I believed that it must also work if less than n characters are removed. In that case it can only get a score of 3, or the final character would become an unmatched ], making the program invalid. – jimmy23013 – 2016-02-21T22:21:12.370

How would one include a payload on this quine? – lirtosiast – 2016-02-21T22:58:21.953

@lirtosiast Insert code before the second loop in the Brainfuck code. The memory is the Brainfuck code with the instructions represented by 1 to 8, with some delimiters. – jimmy23013 – 2016-02-21T23:06:08.973