The Holy Numbers



In many fonts (specifically in the Consolas font), 5 out of the 10 decimal digits have "holes" in them. We will call these holy digits:


The 5 unholy digits are thus:


An integer may thus be classified as "holy" if it only contains holy digits, and "unholy" otherwise. Because - is unholy, no negative integers can be holy.

Holy integers may be further classified based on how many holes they have. For example, the following digits have a holiness of 1:


And these digits have a holiness of 2:


We say that the overall holiness of an integer is the sum of the holiness of its digits. Therefore, 80 would have a holiness of 4, and 99 would have a holiness of 2.

The Challenge

Given two integers n > 0 and h > 0, output the nth holy integer whose holiness is at least h. You may assume that the inputs and outputs will be no greater than the maximum representable integer in your language or 2^64 - 1, whichever is less.

Here is a list of the first 25 holy integers with holiness h >= 1, for reference:

0, 4, 6, 8, 9, 40, 44, 46, 48, 49, 60, 64, 66, 68, 69, 80, 84, 86, 88, 89, 90, 94, 96, 98, 99

The first 25 holy integers with holiness h >= 2 are:

0, 8, 40, 44, 46, 48, 49, 60, 64, 66, 68, 69, 80, 84, 86, 88, 89, 90, 94, 96, 98, 99, 400, 404, 406


Posted 2016-02-17T20:14:20.463

Reputation: 32 998

Related - 1 2

– Mego – 2016-02-17T20:23:03.363

26i was sitting here for like thirty seconds thinking "how the heck does 0 have a holiness of two" before i finally clicked on the wikipedia link to Consolas – undergroundmonorail – 2016-02-17T21:20:02.667

Is the fifth 1-Holy number 9 or 40? – Conor O'Brien – 2016-02-17T22:54:06.090

@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ 9. It's the fifth number in the list, at index 4 (starting from 0, of course). – Mego – 2016-02-17T22:55:02.093

Ah, okay. Wasn't sure if "n"th referred to index or ordinal. Thanks! – Conor O'Brien – 2016-02-17T22:55:30.730

Related 3

– James – 2016-02-18T02:53:54.080

3Is it just coincidence that the 8th 8+-holy number is 8888? (yes, it probably is, but it amused me anyway...) – Toby Speight – 2016-02-18T16:34:22.963

5In fact, since you can have any number of leading 0's before a number, one could make the case that 0 is infinitely holy. Although ∞ is apparently just as holy. But strangely, 666 is even holier... – Darrel Hoffman – 2016-02-18T16:47:15.933



Pyth, 32 bytes



                                 - autoassign Q = eval(input())
 .f                           E0 -  first eval(input()) terms of func V starting Z=0

     g.{`46890J`Z                -    Are all the digits in Z in "46890"?
               `Z                -      str(Z)
              J                  -     autoassign J = ^
     g                           -    is_subset(V,^)
      .{`46890                   -     set("46890")

    *                            -   ^*V (Only return non-zero if only contains holy numbers)

                 ++lJ/J`8/J`0    -    Get the holiness of the number
                   lJ            -      len(J)
                  +              -     ^+V
                     /J`8        -      J.count("8") 
                 +               -    ^+V
                         /J`0    -     J.count("0")
   g                         Q   -  ^>=Q (Is the holiness great enough)
e                                - ^[-1]

Try it here

Takes input in the form h \n n


Posted 2016-02-17T20:14:20.463

Reputation: 26 661


Ruby, 109 105 95 82 bytes


This is the terrible "calculate from 0 to 99999999999..." approach that happens to be 13 bytes shorter than its lazy counterpart. However, this version is unlikely to finish before the heat death of the universe. Worth 13 bytes, anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You can test it for smaller values by changing ?9*99 to, say, '99999'.

Here's the old version (95 bytes, with lazy evaluation, which runs near-instantly rather than near-never):

(?0..?9*99)  # range '0' (string) to '9' repeated 99 times, way more than 2**64
.lazy        # make the range lazy, so we can call `select' on it
.select{|x|  # choose only elements such that...
 x.count('469')+2*x.count('80')  # naive holiness calculation
 >=h         # is at least h
 &&/[12357]/!~x                  # naive "is holy" calculation
.first(n)    # take the first n elements that satisfy the condition
[-1]         # choose the last one from this array


Posted 2016-02-17T20:14:20.463

Reputation: 68 138

Gotta love lazy evaluation :) – Emigna – 2016-02-17T21:19:00.223

Why not take instead of first? – Not that Charles – 2016-02-17T22:37:52.867

@NotthatCharles take returns Lazy, which can't be indexed into. – Doorknob – 2016-02-17T23:39:55.103


Python 3, 103

lambda n,h,l='4698080':[y for y in range(2**64-1)if(sum(l.count(x)-(x not in l)for x in str(y))>=h)][n]

Here's a solution that uses a more memory efficient approach, but otherwise uses the same algorithm if you want to test it.

def f(n,h):
 while i<n:
  if sum(l.count(x)-(x not in l)for x in str(c))>=h:u=c;i+=1
 return u

Test cases:

assert f(3, 1) == 6
assert f(4, 2) == 44

Morgan Thrapp

Posted 2016-02-17T20:14:20.463

Reputation: 3 574

@Mego Cool. It seems to use a static amount of memory, so it's not in danger of running out of memory. I just wasn't sure since it's been running on my machine for half an hour already. – Morgan Thrapp – 2016-02-17T21:16:40.747

It actually takes a decent chunk of time just to calculate 2**64-1; see

– Mego – 2016-02-17T21:22:28.587

@Mego Oh, I didn't even think about that. Yeah, when I put the precomputed constant into the code, it starts chewing through a bit of RAM. – Morgan Thrapp – 2016-02-17T21:24:17.937


PowerShell, 163 150 141 101 98 96 bytes


Takes input, then loops until $n is zero. We initially setting $i=-1 by using a pre-processing trick, which works because $i, having not previously been declared, is $null. Then we -- it, which causes PowerShell to evaluate it as $i = $null - 1, which is $i=-1.

Each loop we increment $i and then execute a lengthy if statement. The first part of the conditional verifies that $i doesn't have any of 12357 in it by using the -notmatch operator, to filter out the unholy numbers.

The second part of the conditional checks the quantity of holes in $i. It uses the -replace operator to replace each 8 or 0 with 11, and then compares whether the length is >= $h. We don't need to worry about stripping out the unholy numbers, since that's in the first part of the conditional, and the single-holed numbers are the same length as 1 anyway, so we don't need to replace them, either.

If that is still truthy, we decrement $n (as that means we've found another number that satisfies input requirements). Thus when the for condition is recalculated to check if $n is zero, that means we've found the nth one, so we exit the for loop, output $i and terminate.

Edit -- saved 13 bytes by using an array instead of string for $l and changing how $n is decremented/checked
Edit 2 -- saved an additional 9 bytes by checking for $n in the for conditional and moving the output outside the loop
Edit 3 -- saved a whopping 40 more bytes by radically changing how we calculate the holes
Edit 4 -- saved an additional 3 bytes by moving the ++ to be a pre-increment on the first part of the conditional
Edit 5 -- saved another 2 bytes thanks to TessellatingHeckler


Posted 2016-02-17T20:14:20.463

Reputation: 41 581

Neat. Save another couple of bytes by changing to for(--$i;$n) and -replace"8|0" ? – TessellatingHeckler – 2016-02-19T15:39:46.060

@TessellatingHeckler Yes, thank-you. That $i=-1 was driving me absolutely bonkers. I'm still trying to work out a way so we don't have to initialize $i in the first place, but things I've tried so far are longer (and, now given this, will likely be longer yet). – AdmBorkBork – 2016-02-19T15:43:04.603


CJam, 36 34 bytes

Thanks to aditsu for saving 2 bytes.


Test it here.

Martin Ender

Posted 2016-02-17T20:14:20.463

Reputation: 184 808


Bash + GNU utilities, 67

  • 20 bytes saved thanks to @TobySpeight!
seq 0 NaN|sed -r "h;/[12357]/d;s/8|0/&&/g;/^.{$1}/!d;x"|sed $2!d\;q
  • seq simply generates integers starting from 0 upwards
  • sed -r:
    • h copy the input line to the hold space
    • /12357/d delete unholy numbers
    • s/8|0/&&/g replace doubly holy digits with twice themselves. Thus singly holy digits are counted once and doubly holy digits are counted twice.
    • /^.{$1}/!d If not matching at least $1 holes, delete and continue to the next line
    • x bring original number back to the pattern space
    • implicit print
  • sed
    • $2!d on any lines before line $2, delete and continue to the next line
    • q must be at line $2 - quit (and implicit print)


Digital Trauma

Posted 2016-02-17T20:14:20.463

Reputation: 64 644

1Shave 9: sed -r "h;/[12357]/d;s/8|0/&&/g;/^.{$1}/!d;x". And another 4: sed $2!d\;q. And if you're happy with an upper bound of just 4611686018427387904, you could get away with seq 0 $[1<<62] – Toby Speight – 2016-02-18T16:24:24.363

1Ooh, my seq accepts NaN as a value: I now have seq 0 NaN|sed -r "h;/[12357]/d;s/8|0/&&/g;/^.{$1}/!d;x"|sed $2!d\;q, scoring 67. – Toby Speight – 2016-02-18T16:32:17.487

@TobySpeight wow thats amazing! – Digital Trauma – 2016-02-18T17:14:45.037

@TobySpeight : missing a \ before the !, otherwise: -sh: !d\: event not found – Olivier Dulac – 2016-02-18T17:32:26.270


@OlivierDulac \ before ! is not needed in a script. It is only needed when running this directly on the command-line, which I don't think is a requirement.

– Digital Trauma – 2016-02-18T17:41:06.993


MATL, 39 40 bytes


Inpunts are n and h in that order.

Try it online!

We need to keep track of two numbers: current candidate number (to check its holiness) and amount of numbers found that are holy enough. The first is the top od the stack, and the latter is kept as the number of elements in the stack. When the program finishes, only the top needs to displayed.

x~q          % implicitly take two inputs. Delete one and transform the other into -1
`            % do...while loop
  Q          %   add 1 to current candidate number
  tV         %   duplicate and convert to string
  4688900V!  %   column char array of '4', '6' etc. Note '8' and '0' are repeated 
  =          %   compare all combinations. Gives 2D array
  s          %   sum of each column: holiness of each digit of candidate number
  tA*        %   are all digits holy? Multiply by that
  s          %   sum of holiness of all digits, provided they are all holy
  2G<        %   is that less than second input (h)?
  ?          %   if so: current candidate not valid. We'll try the next
    T        %     push true to be used as loop condition: next iteration
  }          %   else: current candidate valid
    N1G=     %     does stack size equal first input (n)?
    ?        %     if so: we're done
      F1$    %       push false to exit loop. Spec 1 input, to display only top
    }        %     else: make a copy of this number
      tT     %       duplicate number. Push true to continue with next iteration
             %     implicit end if 
             %   implicit end if 
             % implicit end do...while. If top of stack is truthy: next iteration
             % implicit display

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-02-17T20:14:20.463

Reputation: 87 464


JavaScript (ES6), 110 bytes


Tail recursive solution that accumulates holy numbers in an array.

Out of interest, not requiring the number to be wholly(!) holy makes the holiness count more awkward, but it still saves 10% overall:



Posted 2016-02-17T20:14:20.463

Reputation: 95 035

@edc65 Whoops, I swapped over the i and r parameters at one point, and failed to edit the change in correctly. – Neil – 2016-02-18T14:06:01.280


R, 109 107 bytes


With new lines and indentations:



> f(4,3)
[1] 68
> f(4,2)
[1] 44
> f(6,2)
[1] 48
> f(10,2)
[1] 66


Posted 2016-02-17T20:14:20.463

Reputation: 8 610


JavaScript ES6, 191 bytes

Sure, this isn't the most efficient way. But you know me, I love generators <3

H=(x,o=x+"")=>(F=/^[46890]+$/).test(o)&&[...o].map(y=>d+=(F.test(y)+/8|0/.test(y)),d=0)&&d;(n,h)=>(a=(function*(h){q=0;while(1){if(H(q)>=h)yield q;q++}})(h),eval(";".repeat(n)))

Slightly ungolfed:

H = (x, o = x + "") => (F = /^[46890]+$/).test(o) && [...o].map(y => d += (F.test(y) + /8|0/.test(y)), d = 0) && d;
Q = (n, h) => (a = (function*(h) {
    q = 0;
    while (1) {
        if (H(q) >= h) yield q;
})(h), eval(";".repeat(n)))

Conor O'Brien

Posted 2016-02-17T20:14:20.463

Reputation: 36 228


Lua, 155 141 140 Bytes

Takes both inputs by command-line argument(first argument is n, then h)

Edit: Thanks to @DavisDude, who helped me shaving 14 bytes off and reminded me I didn't have to print all the holy numbers up to n, but only the nth.

a={}x=0while(#a<arg[1])do b,c=(x..""):gsub("[08]","")e,d=b:gsub("[469]","")a[#a+1],x=c*2+d>=arg[2]and #e<1 and x or nil,x+1 end print(a[#a])

Ungolfed and explanations

x,a=0,{}                      -- initialise a counter, and the array which 
                              -- contains the holy numbers found
while(#a<arg[1])              -- iterate while we found less holy numbers than n
  b,c=(x..""):gsub("[08]","") -- replace [08] by "", b=the new string
                              -- c=the number of subsitution
  e,d=b:gsub("[469]","")      -- same thing for [469]
  a[#a+1]=c*2+d>=arg[2]       -- insert the number into a if:nb[08]*2+nb[469]>h
             and #e<1         -- and e is empty (no unholy numbers)
             and x or nil
      x=x+1                   -- increment x
print(a[#a])                  -- print the last element of a


Posted 2016-02-17T20:14:20.463

Reputation: 2 857

You could take off some chars by doing print(a[arg[1]]) – DavisDude – 2016-02-19T17:37:23.520

@DavisDude I was dumb, when I wrote this, I though I had to print out the entire list of unholy numbers up to n. Actually, print(a[#a]) saves even more bytes. Thanks for the comment ! – Katenkyo – 2016-02-22T07:21:41.633

You are write. For some reason that didn't even occur to me. – DavisDude – 2016-02-22T20:34:59.990

You can take off one char by writing x=0a={} instead of x,a=0,{}. – Leaky Nun – 2016-03-30T10:41:17.620

1@KennyLau Actually, you can't because 0a would be interpreted as an hexadecimal number, but I can do a={}x=0while without a problem :) – Katenkyo – 2016-03-30T11:14:39.413


C# 6, 168 bytes

(n,h)=>{for(int i=0;i<=int.MaxValue;i++){string d=$"{i}";if(d.Any(y=>"12357".Contains(y)))continue;n-=d.Sum(y=>y=='0'||y=='8'?2:1)>=h?1:0;if(n==0)return i;}return -1;}

This is a Lambda Expression of type Func< int, int, int>. This code is otimized for min size (not performatic).

Below, the beautified code in method declaration (with more performance):

    int GetHolyNumber(int n, int h)
        for (int i = 0; i <= int.MaxValue; i++)
            string d = $"{i}";
            char[] cs = "12357".ToArray();
            if (d.Any(y => cs.Contains(y))) continue;

            n -= d.Sum(y => y == '0' || y == '8' ? 2 : 1) >= h ? 1 : 0;

            if (n == 0)
                return i;
        return -1;

Paulo César B. Sincos

Posted 2016-02-17T20:14:20.463

Reputation: 11

Hi Bobson, sorry if I misunderstood, but do not detect faults that you pointed out in my code? It returns the nth element required, and only he, and zero if it is valid, assuming that the inputs are n = 1 and h <= 2. If I understand the challenge, must return only this one element and not all up to him. But I have misunderstood me and lost in English :D thanks – Paulo César B. Sincos – 2016-02-22T17:11:21.583

No, you're entirely right. I was mislead by the lists-for-reference, and missed the fact that it was just asking for the nth digit. Carry on! – Bobson – 2016-02-22T19:13:52.687


JavaScript (ES6), 87


Less golfed

  for (i=0;
    // this is the loop condition
    /[12357]/.test(i) // go on if not holy
    ||([...i+''].map(d=>r-=~!(d%8),r=0),r<h) // go on if not holy enough
    ||--n; // ok, found one! go on if we need to find more
    ++i; // loop body - using eval this is the returned value
  return i; // not using eval, an explicit return is needed



function test() {
  var a,b
  R.textContent = f(a,b)

N, H: <input id=I value="25 2" oninput="test()"> >>
<span id=R></span>


Posted 2016-02-17T20:14:20.463

Reputation: 31 086


Lua, 169 bytes

function a(n,h)H=0N=0I=-1while N<n do I=I+'1'H=0 if not I:find('[12357]') then _,b=I:gsub('[469]',1)_,c=I:gsub('[08]',1)H=b+2*c end N=H>=h and N+1 or N end print(I) end


function a(n,h) -- nth term, holiness
    H=0N=0I=-1 -- Really ugly, but hey, it works. Set up 3 vars
    while N<n do -- While nth term is lower than desired term
        I=''..I+1 -- Convert number to string (can't coerce since it will become a float)
        if not I:find('[12357]') then -- If the number doesn't have those numbers
            _,b=I:gsub('[469]',1) -- _ is the new string, b is the number of changes
            _,c=I:gsub('[08]',1) -- Same as above. Use 1 to replace to save chars
            H=b+2*c -- Increase holiness appropriately
        N=H>=h and N+1 or N -- If current holiness >= desired holiness, increment N
    print(I) -- Once the loop ends, print the current term


Posted 2016-02-17T20:14:20.463

Reputation: 293


Oracle SQL 11.2, 229 bytes

WITH v(c,p,i,j,n)AS(SELECT 0,-1,0,0,0 FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT c+1,c,REGEXP_COUNT(c||'','[4,6,9]'),REGEXP_COUNT(c,'[8,0]'),n+DECODE(LENGTH(p),i+j,DECODE(SIGN(i+j*2-:h),-1,0,1),0)FROM v WHERE p<c AND n<:n)SELECT MAX(p)-1 FROM v;


:h -> required min holy value
:n -> nth number 

curv   -> current number
precv  -> previous number
prech1 -> number of holy 1 letters in previous number 
prech2 -> number of holy 2 letters in previous number
n      -> how many numbers with at least the required holy value 

WITH v(curv,precv,prech1,prech2,n)AS 
  SELECT 0 curv, -1 precv, 0 prech1, 0 prech2, 0 n FROM DUAL     -- Start with 0
  SELECT curv+1,   -- Next number
         curv,     -- Current Number 
         REGEXP_COUNT(curv||'','[4,6,9]'),  -- number of holy 1 letters
         REGEXP_COUNT(curv,'[8,0]'),        -- number of holy 2 letters
         n+DECODE(LENGTH(precv),prech1+prech2,DECODE(SIGN(prech1+prech2*2-:h),-1,0,1),0) -- Is the previous number holy enough ?
  FROM   v 
  WHERE  precv<curv   -- Needed to trick oracle cycle detection 
         AND n<:n     -- Until clause
SELECT MAX(precv)-1 FROM v 


Posted 2016-02-17T20:14:20.463

Reputation: 1 601


Haskell, 94 bytes

c is the holiness of a digit, v the holiness of a number, n!h does the rest.

v n|n>9=c(mod n 10)+v(div n 10)|1<2=c n
n!h=[i|i<-[0..],v i<=h]!!n

Note: I think this is the only answer without the characters 4,6,8.

Michael Klein

Posted 2016-02-17T20:14:20.463

Reputation: 2 111


Python 2, 96 bytes

f=lambda n,h,k=0,s="0046889":-0**n or-~f(n-(sum(map(s.count,`k`))>=h<set(str(k))<=set(s)),h,k+1)

The holyness condition on k is checked by

  • sum(map(s.count,`k`))>=h, which counts the number of holes by summing the counts for each character in s="0046889", where 0 and 8 appear twice.
  • set(str(k))<=set(s)), which checks that the numbers are all holy. str is used rather than backticks to avoid the suffix L for longs.

These are chained into a single equality using the Python 2 fact that numbers are smaller than sets.

The function is defined recursively to count up numbers k, decreasing the counter n each time a holy number of hit unless it hits 0. It could then return the k that triggered this, but it's shorter to keep the count recursively by adding 1 each time, though an off-by-one requires a base count of -1 to fix.


Posted 2016-02-17T20:14:20.463

Reputation: 115 687



func f(n: Int, h: Int) {
    var m = 0
    let a = [1,2,3,5,7]
    for j in 0..<Int.max {
        var c = 0
        for i in ({(String($0) as NSString).integerValue}) {
            c += (a.contains(i)) ? 0 : (i == 8 || i == 0) ? 2 :1
        if c >= h { m += 1; if m >= n {print(j); break}}


Posted 2016-02-17T20:14:20.463

Reputation: 101