Chocolate numbers



Given an m by n chocolate bar, m,n positive, output the number of ways to break the bar into mn 1 by 1 pieces where each break occurs on a gridline.

Order is important. Pieces are also distinguishable, so the two pieces on either end of a 1 by 3 chocolate bar are not equivalent.

For instance, for a 2 by 2 block we have:

 _ _            _   _            _   _            _   _
|_‖_|    ->    |‗| |_|    ->    |_| |‗|    ->    |_| |_|
|_‖_|          |_| |_|           _  |_|           _   _
                                |_|              |_| |_|

 _ _            _   _            _   _            _   _
|_‖_|    ->    |_| |‗|    ->    |‗| |_|    ->    |_| |_|
|_‖_|          |_| |_|          |_|  _            _   _
                                    |_|          |_| |_|

 _ _            _ _              _   _            _   _
|‗|‗|    ->    |_‖_|      ->    |_| |_|    ->    |_| |_|
|_|_|           _ _               _ _             _   _
               |_|_|             |_‖_|           |_| |_|

 _ _            _ _               _ _             _   _
|‗|‗|    ->    |_|_|      ->     |_‖_|    ->     |_| |_|
|_|_|           _ _              _   _            _   _
               |_‖_|            |_| |_|          |_| |_|

Hence there are 4 ways to break up a 2 by 2 chocolate bar.


  • Input will be two integers via function input, STDIN, command line or similar. Output a single number, the number of ways to break up the chocolate bar.

  • Since the numbers go up pretty quickly, don't worry if the output exceeds the integer limits of your language – your submission will be valid as long as the algorithm theoretically works for all possible inputs.

Test cases

The output doesn't depend on the order of m,n, so the test cases are listed such that m <= n.

1 1 -> 1
1 2 -> 1
1 3 -> 2
1 4 -> 6
1 5 -> 24
1 10 -> 362880

2 2 -> 4
2 3 -> 56
2 4 -> 1712
2 5 -> 92800
2 10 -> 11106033743298560

3 3 -> 9408
3 4 -> 4948992
3 5 -> 6085088256
3 10 -> 76209753666310470268511846400

4 4 -> 63352393728

A261964 is the chocolate numbers arranged in a triangle such that each row corresponds to the sum m+n.


Posted 2016-02-15T03:50:34.007

Reputation: 58 729



Mathematica, 85 bytes


Test case

(* 63352393728 *)


Posted 2016-02-15T03:50:34.007

Reputation: 2 992


Python 3, 168, 156, 147 bytes

Made improvements thanks to chat

f=lambda n:n<1or n*f(n-1);a=lambda m,n,c=lambda m,n:sum(f(m*n-2)/f(i*n-1)/f((m-i)*n-1)*a(i,n)*a(m-i,n)for i in range(1,m)):+(m+n<4)or c(m,n)+c(n,m)


f=lambda n:n<1or n*f(n-1) # Factorial
def a(m, n):
    if m+n < 4:
        return 1
    first = 0
    for i in range(1,m):
        first += f(m*n-2) * 1/f(i*n-1) * 1/f((m-i)*n-1) * a(i,n) * a(m-i,n)
    second = 0
    for i in range(1,n):
        second += f(m*n-2) * 1/f(i*m-1) * 1/f((n-i)*m-1) * a(i,m) * a(n-i,m)
    return first + second

Algorithm was based on this paper.

I could probably cut it down a lot more, I'm just not sure where

Cameron Aavik

Posted 2016-02-15T03:50:34.007

Reputation: 723


R, 208 198 bytes

f=function(m,n){g=function(i,j){a=0;if(j>1)for(x in 2:j-1)a=a+choose(j*i-2,x*i-1)*M[x,i]*M[j-x,i];a};s=max(m,n);M=matrix(1,s,s);for(i in 1:s)for(j in 1:s)if(i*j>2)M[i,j]=M[j,i]=g(i,j)+g(j,i);M[m,n]}

Indented, with newlines:

f = function(m,n){
        a = 0
        if(j>1) for(x in 2:j-1) a = a + choose(j*i-2,x*i-1) * M[x,i] * M[j-x,i]
    s = max(m,n)
    M = matrix(1,s,s)
    for(i in 1:s) for(j in 1:s) if(i*j>2) M[i,j] = M[j,i] = g(i,j) + g(j,i)


> f(3,1)
[1] 2
> f(3,2)
[1] 56
> f(3,3)
[1] 9408
> f(4,3)
[1] 4948992
> f(5,3)
[1] 6085088256


Posted 2016-02-15T03:50:34.007

Reputation: 8 610

In theory, one can write a shorter recursive version of ca. 160 bytes but it quickly reaches the default recursion limit and the default protection stack size and modifying these defaults (respectively using options(expressions=...) and argument --max-ppsize=) would result in a longer code than this one. – plannapus – 2016-02-15T10:26:15.953

You can save two bytes by omitting f=. – Alex A. – 2016-02-15T17:12:11.153


Python 2, 135 bytes

C=lambda A:sum(C(A[:i]+A[i+1:]+[(c,H),(W-c,H)])for i,Q in enumerate(A)for W,H in(Q,Q[::-1])for c in range(1,W))or 1
print C([input()])

Here's what I came up with. It's really slow, but here's a faster version (needs repoze.lru):

from repoze.lru import lru_cache
C=lru_cache(maxsize=9999)(lambda A:sum(C(tuple(sorted(A[:i]+A[i+1:]+((c,H),(W-c,H)))))for i,Q in enumerate(A)for W,H in(Q,Q[::-1])for c in range(1,W))or 1)
print C((input(),))


$ time python2 <<< 2,5

real    0m2.954s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.015s

$ time python2 <<< 3,5

real    0m0.106s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.015s


The code defines a function C that takes an array of pieces. The algorithm is as such:

  1. for i,Q in enumerate(A): loop through the array of pieces.
  2. for W,H in(Q,Q[::-1]): calculate ways twice, rotating 90 degrees.
  3. for c in range(1,W): loop through possible positions to split at.
  4. A[:i]+A[i+1:]+[(c,H),(W-c,H)]: get a list without the split piece and with the two new pieces.
  5. C(…): call the function again on that list.
  6. sum(…): sum the results for each possible split.
  7. or 1: if no splits are possible, there is exactly one way to split the chocolate.

Finally, the code is called with an array containing the input.


Posted 2016-02-15T03:50:34.007

Reputation: 16 699


ES6, 141 bytes


Based on the formula found by @CameronAavik. Ungolfed:

function fact(n) {
    return n < 2 ? 1 : n * f(n - 1);
function half(m, n) {
    total = 0;
    for (i = 1; i < m; i++)
        total += fact(m * n - 2) / fact(i * n - 1) / fact((m - i) * n - 1) * choc(i, n) * choc(m - i, n)
    return total;
function choc(m, n) {
    total = half(m, n) + half(n, m);
    if (!total) total = 1;
    return total;


Posted 2016-02-15T03:50:34.007

Reputation: 95 035