Write a polyglot that prints the language's name



Your task is to write a program that executes in as many languages as possible, with as few characters as you can. To avoid trivial solutions, the program must print the name of the language it was run in.


Your program has to work in at least 5 languages. A program's score is given as:

(number of languages)1.5 / (length of program)

The highest score wins, not sooner than 10 days after the first valid answer.


Posted 2012-09-10T06:23:51.743

Reputation: 7 963

Would using a solution like using print() for Perl, Python, PHP, Processing and R be considered trivial or is it acceptable? – Rob – 2012-09-10T23:34:51.727

3A can't see a problem with it. The difficulty would be switching print's input per language. – mjgpy3 – 2012-09-11T02:57:56.867

I should have given a higher weight to the number of languages... it seems choosing to have exactly 5 is the most optimal. I wonder how many languages would have been in the winner entry if the score were n * n / length – vsz – 2012-09-11T18:47:41.107

I was going to suggest that too. Based on the answers provided, I don't believe I interpreted your question properly. – Rob – 2012-09-11T23:10:17.603



Bash, C, C++, Obj-C, Obj-C++, Perl, PHP, Ruby, 183 chars

score ~ 0.1236

For the C and C-like codes I owe a debt to @baby-rabbit. The others are inspired by the recognition that many languages have an eval statement that will grudgingly accept invalid syntax.

Outputs the language name to standard output. Sometimes generates a lot of error messages on standard error, so suppress them with 2>/dev/null as you run them.

#if 0
'PHP<?/*';eval "print\$=?'Perl':'Ruby';echo Bash";exit
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef __OBJC__
#ifdef __cplusplus

The php solution outputs 'PHP' (including the single quotes), which may be bending the rules a little bit.

Last edit: shaved 12 chars from insight that $= is false in Ruby, 60 in Perl, and print$=?... is almost surely an error in Bash. Shaved 7 more from insight the Perl/Ruby/Bash test can now go into a single eval statement.

If the rules can tolerate more bending, I present this 8 language, 43 character solution (score 0.5262)


for which the output includes the name of the interpreter for php, perl, lua, rscript, ruby, python, cat, and rot13.


Posted 2012-09-10T06:23:51.743

Reputation: 2 506

1TI-Basic supports the last one; just add 6 characters and get print("phperluarscriptrubypythontibasicatebg13"); – Timtech – 2013-12-31T00:36:26.800

1@Timtech no, TI-Basic uses the Disp or Output( or text( tokens, there is no print( command. And including a string as part of an otherwise real-valued expression results in an ERR:INVALID SYNTAX, not the display of the string (not even as a return value). (Also, there is no ;; TI-Basic uses :) – AJMansfield – 2014-02-05T21:57:38.590

@AJMansfield Too true, how could I forget :? – Timtech – 2014-02-05T23:17:18.737

12Can you replace echo Bash with ps -ocomm= -p$$? This will output the name of the shell for at least bash, zsh, ksh, csh and tcsh, maybe others. – Digital Trauma – 2014-05-30T19:22:23.267


C, C++, BF, BASH and Ruby; 280 chars

Score is about 0.040

#include "stdio.h"
#define s "C"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define s "C++"
#ifndef s
if [ 1 == 2 ];then
puts "Ruby"
echo "BASH"

Note that I am using a Linux system.

The code is run or compiled with the following commands (the file's name is test.c)


gcc test.c

When run with ./a.out, output is C


c++ test.c

When run with ./a.out, output is C++



Outputs: BASH


ruby test.c

Outputs: Ruby


Verified using the following:

Outputs: brainfuck

Note that if the JS debugger is used, then the first two minus signs need to be removed. They were included to offset the plus signs in the string literal "C++". This was a very fun project, I'm working on adding more languages.

Just to add further clarity, here are my interpreter's/compiler's specs:

  • gcc version 4.6.3

  • ruby 1.9.3p194 (2012-04-20 revision 35410) [x86_64-linux]

  • GNU bash, version 4.2.24(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)


Using @baby-rabbit's trick I was able to extend my code to be executable in 7 languages (objective-C and objective-c++ being added). This is not my solution since I did copy some, but I thought I would show it off.

Update 9.12 Added SmallTalk run with gnu-smalltalk!

SmallTalk, C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, BASH, BF, Ruby; 384 chars (Score: 0.059)

#if (a)
##(true) ifTrue: ['SmallTalk' printNl]
##(ObjectMemory quit)
if [ 1 == 2 ];then
puts 'Ruby'
echo 'BASH'
#include "stdio.h"
#ifdef __OBJC__
#ifdef __cplusplus
#ifdef b

In the above code you will need to rename the file to produce the langauge's name for objective-c, obj-c++, c and c++.


Posted 2012-09-10T06:23:51.743

Reputation: 433

would it be shorter if you output brainf***? – mob – 2012-09-11T20:15:06.277

Yes it would, I believe. – mjgpy3 – 2012-09-12T03:42:02.223

You should use if [ 1 = 2 ] instead of if [ 1 == 2 ], because scripts without a hashbang are executed by sh, not bash. sh may or may not be bash, on Debian it's dash. – nyuszika7h – 2014-05-01T15:13:57.860


bash, c, c++, obj-c, obj-c++; 134 chars; score=0.083

#if x
echo "bash"
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){puts(
#ifdef __OBJC__
#ifdef __cplusplus

rename file and run/compile as:

  • sh file.sh
  • cc file.c
  • cc file.cpp
  • cc file.m
  • cc file.mm

(where cc is clang-421.10.42)


Posted 2012-09-10T06:23:51.743

Reputation: 1 623

+1 since many other upvoted answers were inspired by yours. – Kevin – 2014-01-01T21:17:26.657


Lua, Ruby, VimL, Sed, Befunge (129 chars; ~0.087 points)

Not sure if this one counts--the sed-part is embedded in the shebang line which is arguably a hack to get around the restriction. This also means that it should be run as an executable and not directly with sed.

I was lucky that all the other languages (sans Befunge) automagically ignores the shebang line (though apparently Ruby refuses to run the file if it has a shebang line that doesn't contain the string 'ruby' in it).

#!sed sanava;s/.*/sed/;q;ruby
if 0
if IO

Sample usage:

% lua tmp/glot.poly
% ruby tmp/glot.poly
% ./tmp/glot.poly
% cfunge tmp/glot.poly       # Requires Befunge-98

:source tmp/glot.poly        # from vim
VimL                         # displayed as message


Posted 2012-09-10T06:23:51.743

Reputation: 7 107

5Wow, a solution that does not include C – vsz – 2012-09-11T20:11:08.847


BF, Bash, Batch, C, vi (163 characters; score ≈ .0686)

(<ESC> stands for ASCII code 27.)

rem (){ ((0));};true /*
rem ;goto(){ rem;}
rem ivi<ESC>ZZ'++++++++[>NUL ++++++++<NUL -]>NUL ++.++++.*/;main(){puts("C");}/*'
goto a
echo Bash
echo Batch
rem */

I tested this, as a batch file, with the MS-DOS 6.22 version of COMMAND.COM. By default, that interpreter mixes lines of source code with the output. To prevent that from happening, execute echo off before running the batch file.

To execute the vi code, which I have only tested using Vim, use the following command:

cat /dev/null > tmpfile && vi -s polyglot.sh tmpfile > /dev/null 2>&1 && cat tmpfile


Posted 2012-09-10T06:23:51.743

Reputation: 5 369

1You could use touch tmpfile or : > tmpfile instead of cat /dev/null > tmpfile. – nyuszika7h – 2013-12-30T22:32:20.683


Every Python Release, 18.37291 points

import sys
print('Python '+'.'.join(map(str,sys.version_info[:-2])))

Technically valid, if you consider all the python versions to be different languages. There are currently 116 python versions, which I believe gives me a score of around 18.37291.

(Also I understand if this isn't considered a valid answer, this was just for fun)


Posted 2012-09-10T06:23:51.743

Reputation: 1 106

you still get my +1 just for fun. – vsz – 2019-08-05T18:15:53.560

Is printing the complete version number viable? (This golfs down 4 bytes and extends the possible Python versions.) – None – 2019-09-14T12:38:14.600


bash, zsh, ksh, csh, tcsh, 15 chars, score 0.745

This one's a bit of a stretch since they're all related languages, but there are differences:

ps -ocomm= -p$$

Digital Trauma

Posted 2012-09-10T06:23:51.743

Reputation: 64 644

What about dash? – Elliot A. – 2016-02-06T15:37:14.863


Windows Batch, TI-Basic, Golf-Basic 84, Quomplex, and GTB 5*2/93 = 0.11

::¤Quomplex¤:"'*[]'":~"GTB":g;1:d`"GOLF-BASIC 84":g`1:"TI-BASIC":Lbl 1:End
echo Windows Batch

How it works

Windows Batch was the easiest, because :: starts a comment. Fairly simple to implement.

TI-Basic doesn't support lowercase letters or backticks, causing it to skip the statements d`"GOLF-BASIC 84":g`1, which Golf-Basic evaulates, Displaying the message and forwarding to Label 1, where it is promptly ended. This is similar for GTB, with its handy display character, ~. By the way, a string with no display will be put in Ans. If there are no Display commands following it, Ans will be outputted (not the case here).

Quomplex was snuck in at the beginning because its complex syntax won't allow for much to be skipped. All it does is add "Quomplex" to the output, and then for the mastery of the program...

The Mastery of the Programming Syntax


Pure genius. Quomplex ignores : and takes "' and '" as strings, leaving it to output the stack and perish in an infinite while loop ([]). Meanwhile, Golf-Basic and TI-Basic take the whole "'*[]'" as a string, because ' is a mathematical operator, not a string operator.


Posted 2012-09-10T06:23:51.743

Reputation: 12 038

Strictly speaking, : indicates a label in a batch file, not a comment. It's true that it doesn't execute anything on its own, though. – Mark – 2014-04-24T20:19:25.217

@Mark True, but is is :: (still a label though). I'd rather use it than REM, especially since it is required in TI-Basic. – Timtech – 2014-04-24T22:13:40.057

Right - I was just being pedantic. Also, +1 for using batch files in the first place. :-) – Mark – 2014-04-25T00:26:04.357


Java, Lisp, Whitespace, Intercal, PHP, Befunge-98; score =.0189

This was originally an answer to this.

;public class H{ public static void main(String []a){System.out.println("JAVA");}}
(print "LISP")
; echo "PHP"
DO ,1 <- #8
DO ,1 SUB #1 <- #110
DO ,1 SUB #2 <- #32
DO ,1 SUB #3 <- #72
DO ,1 SUB #4 <- #136
DO ,1 SUB #5 <- #88
DO ,1 SUB #6 <- #136
PLEASE DO ,1 SUB #7 <- #64
DO ,1 SUB #8 <- #80

Juan Sebastian Lozano

Posted 2012-09-10T06:23:51.743

Reputation: 431

This won't work in Java; every line until public class... will cause a compiler problem. – Ypnypn – 2014-05-01T02:53:40.650

Interesting... I distinctly remember testing this in a compiler and it working... or perhaps my memory fails me... – Juan Sebastian Lozano – 2014-05-01T02:55:20.407

@Ypnypn Remember that "T" is a tab,"S" is a space, and "L" is a line feed in white-space, which is why it does not cause a compiler error. – Juan Sebastian Lozano – 2014-05-01T02:57:02.630

Oh; that makes sense. – Ypnypn – 2014-05-01T02:58:21.697


Bash, C, Gawk, Perl, vi (145 characters; score ≈ .077)

(<BS> stands for ASCII code 8. <ESC> stands for ASCII code 27.)

#define echo//<BS><BS><BS>vi<ESC>ZZ
#define BEGIN A()
#define B\
echo Bash ;exit;
#define C\
BEGIN {printf(A=="A"?"Perl":"Gawk");exit;}

To execute the vi code, which I have only tested using Vim, use this command:

cat /dev/null > tmpfile && vi -s polyglot.sh tmpfile > /dev/null 2>&1 && cat tmpfile


Posted 2012-09-10T06:23:51.743

Reputation: 5 369


This is a cheap selection of languages, but here goes:

CoffeeScript, JScript, Mozilla Javascript (≈ JavaScript 1.3), ECMAScript Edition 5, ECMAScript Edition 3, 223 chars, score ≈ 0.0501)

x="ECMAScript 3"
 x="ECMAScript 5"
if(typeof CoffeeScript!=a)
if(typeof uneval!=a)
 x="Mozilla JavaScript"
if(typeof WScript!=a)
else alert(x)

Peter Olson

Posted 2012-09-10T06:23:51.743

Reputation: 7 412

1Can you do [].map instead of Array.prototype.map? – ETHproductions – 2016-02-06T21:24:39.910

5JavaScript, JavaScript, JavaScript (≈ JavaScript), JavaScript, JavaScript, 263 chars, (score ≈ 0). you can also make it shorter a="undefined";if(typeof arguments!=a)...else if(typeof WScript!=a... oh and you can also try golfing it.... – Math chiller – 2013-10-21T12:22:08.613

@tryingToGetProgrammingStraight Putting everything on one line like that is not valid syntax in CoffeeScript (which is a separate language from Javascript). The others are arguable, but since it wasn't specified how different the languages have to be, I think the fact that the different implementations have different specified behaviors allows them to be treated as separate. – Peter Olson – 2013-10-21T14:56:01.457

i also cant write a multi-line comment, the only golfing you seem to have used is leaving out {/}/;... the idea is to use a to avoid reusing "undefined", you could also do b=alert and then b("this is also still just javascript"). anyway The golden rule of CoffeeScript is: "It's just JavaScript" (from http://coffeescript.org/), you can also use some jquery to add a sixth language....

– Math chiller – 2013-10-21T15:55:30.020

1@tryingToGetProgrammingStraight Adding jQuery would be absurd, since jQuery is a library, not a language. CoffeeScript is definitely not the same language as ECMAScript. The definition of a language is a set of finite strings over a finite alphabet. The set of strings representing valid CoffeeScript programs is not the same as the set of strings representing valid ECMAScript. – Peter Olson – 2013-10-22T21:57:39.757

Can you replace undefined with void 0? – programmer5000 – 2017-07-25T15:57:45.257


16 languages, 348 bytes, score: 0.183908046

#include <stdio.h>
#if 0
#replace "C(gcc)" "C(ecpp)"
#replace "C++(gcc)" "C++(ecpp)"
#ifdef __clang__
#define d 2
#elif __TINYC__
#define d 4
#define d 0
#endif // rk:start print: "rk" \
ps -ocomm= -p$$; exit;
int x=sizeof('a')%2+d;char*arr[]={"C(gcc)","C++(gcc)","C(clang)","C++(clang)","C(tcc)"};int main(){puts(arr[x]);}

This works in C(gcc), C++(gcc), C(ecpp), C++(ecpp), C(clang), C++(clang), C(tcc), sh, dash, bash, zsh, ksh, csh, tcsh, rk, and SIL.


Posted 2012-09-10T06:23:51.743

Reputation: 11 605


JScript, EcmaScript Edition 3, 5, 6, 2016, Node, Mozilla JavaScript (score ≈ 0.1342)

This answer is originally based off Peter Olson's answer, but minus the CoffeeScript (as whitespace-significant languages can be horrible for golfing).

I also added Node, ES6 and ES2016 and golfed the code a little, almost tripling the original score.

$=this,y="EcmaScript ",x=$.module?"Node":$.uneval?"Mozilla JavaScript":"".padStart?y+2016:$.Map?y+6:[].map?y+5:y+3,($.WScript||$.alert)(x)


Posted 2012-09-10T06:23:51.743

Reputation: 554


JScript, EcmaScript Edition 3, 5, 6, 2016, 2017, Node, Mozilla JavaScript (score = .174193548387), CoffeeScript (as whitespace-significant languages can be horrible for golfing).

$=this,y="EcmaScript ",($.WScript||alert)(x=Object.values?y+2017:$.module?"Node":$.uneval?"Mozilla JavaScript":[].includes?y+2016:$.Map?y+6:[].map?y+5:y+3)


Posted 2012-09-10T06:23:51.743

Reputation: 141