Go generate some Java



Your boss wants you to write code like this:

public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {
    input == 1L
  || input == 10L
  || input == 100L
  || input == 1000L
  || input == 10000L
  || input == 100000L
  || input == 1000000L
  || input == 10000000L
  || input == 100000000L
  || input == 1000000000L
  || input == 10000000000L
  || input == 100000000000L
  || input == 1000000000000L
  || input == 10000000000000L
  || input == 100000000000000L
  || input == 1000000000000000L
  || input == 10000000000000000L
  || input == 100000000000000000L
  || input == 1000000000000000000L;

(Martin Smith, at https://codereview.stackexchange.com/a/117294/61929)

which is efficient and so, but not that fun to type. Since you want to minimize the number of keypresses you have to do, you write a shorter program or function (or method) that outputs this function for you (or returns a string to output). And since you have your very own custom full-range unicode keyboard with all 120,737 keys required for all of unicode 8.0, we count unicode characters, instead of keypresses. Or bytes, if your language doesn't use unicode source code.

Any input your program or function takes counts towards your score, since you obviously have to type that in as well.

Clarifications and edits:

  • Removed 3 trailing spaces after the last }
  • Removed a single trailing space after return
  • Returning a string of output from a function/method is ok

Filip Haglund

Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 1 789

120==Math.log10(input)%1 – SuperJedi224 – 2016-02-03T11:15:21.687

7You say "we count unicode characters," but then you immediately say "Or bytes." Which one is it? – Doorknob – 2016-02-03T11:55:48.353

2Whichever you prefer, i.e. the one that gives you the lowest score. Added bytes to allow languages that don't use text source. – Filip Haglund – 2016-02-03T13:15:03.473

1while(input%10==0) input/=10; return input == 1; – PSkocik – 2016-02-03T14:20:29.113

1@FilipHaglund Your comment seems to make the scoring a little unfair. I could write a program in bytecode, and say its unicode to shave off a few bytes... Maybe you meant what you stated in the question; that you should only count in unicode if your program is written in it? – YoYoYonnY – 2016-02-03T17:42:30.660

I don't want to exclude languages that don't use unicode, or languages that do use unicode. Do you have a suggested edit to the rules? It doesn't seem like anyone has used unicode yet in an answer. – Filip Haglund – 2016-02-03T17:50:44.583

@FilipHaglund The 05AB1E answer uses unicode. Unless I am wildly mistaken and "Æ£‹ÒŒ€" isn't unicode (answer was posted 4 hours prior to your comment). As to your rules, they are pretty much the standard for golf ("shortest program + input"), but presented more humorously ("pressing buttons is hard!"). – Draco18s no longer trusts SE – 2016-02-03T19:28:48.530

405AB1E uses windows CP1252, which is bytes, not unicode. I'm aiming for standard rules, but I get told I'm wrong all the time. – Filip Haglund – 2016-02-03T19:32:17.267

No bonus points for having Go generate some Java? :P – user253751 – 2016-02-04T06:06:25.470

You can have -10 bytes if you use go:generate ;) – Filip Haglund – 2016-02-04T06:09:40.227

1Most of us spent extra characters to reproduce the code and formatting. Then you post your own answer where you just use some \t for indentation. You could specify that from the beginning. – manatwork – 2016-02-04T10:02:18.140

Woops, my bad, @manatwork . Will change that when I get back home. It should be spaces! Thanks for pointing that out. – Filip Haglund – 2016-02-04T11:25:48.770

@Dennis trailing spaces are removed, and should never have been there in the first place. – Filip Haglund – 2016-02-05T16:16:37.883

@manatwork My answer should now be correct. Please check for yourself :) – Filip Haglund – 2016-02-05T16:17:23.813

1Thanks @FilipHaglund, now the expectations are more clearly set. – manatwork – 2016-02-05T16:22:46.437

1OK, thanks. I've edited my answer. – Dennis – 2016-02-05T16:56:46.407



PostgreSQL, 158 characters

select'public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {
   '||string_agg(' input == 1'||repeat('0',x)||'L','
}'from generate_series(0,18)x


Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 17 865

I have never seen an RDBMS used as a code golf answer... sweet! +1 – Chris Cirefice – 2016-02-04T03:07:19.777

@ChrisCirefice SQL is actually somewhat common on this site. (Or at least more common than one might expect.) – Alex A. – 2016-02-04T05:51:04.567

@AlexA. Hm, well PCG is one of my less-frequented SE sites, so I've never seen a SQL answer :) – Chris Cirefice – 2016-02-04T13:09:45.047


05AB1E, 99 97 96 94 93 87 bytes


“‚Æ£‹ÒŒ€ˆPowerOfTen(“?“¢„î®) {
   “?19FN0›i"  ||"?}’ î® == ’?N°?'L?N18Qi';,"}"?}"",

Try it online!

Uses CP-1252 encoding.


Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 41 965


CJam, 52 characters


Try it online!

Stage 1

Using Unicode characters U+10000 to U+10FFFF, we can encode 20 bits in a single character. CJam uses 16-bit characters internally, so each one will be encoded as a pair of surrogates, one in the range from U+D800 to U+DBFF, followed by one in the range from U+DC00 to U+DFFF.

By taking the bitwise AND of each surrogate with 1023, we obtain the 10 bits of information it encodes. We can convert the resulting array from base 1024 to base 128 to decode an arbitrary string of Unicode characters outside the BMP to an ASCII string.

The code does the following:

YA#    e# Push 1024 as 2 ** 10.
_(     e# Copy and decrement to push 1023.


f&     e# Apply bitwise AND with 1023 to each surrogate character.
b      e# Convert the string from base 1024 to integer.
Y7#    e# Push 128 as 2 ** 7.
b      e# Convert the integer to base 128.
:c     e# Cast each base-128 to an ASCII character.
~      e# Evaluate the resulting string.

Stage 2

The decoding process from above yields the following source code (98 bytes).

"public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {
  || input == ":S6>AJ,f#S*"L;

Try it online!

The code does the following:

e# Push the following string.

"public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {

e# Push the following string and save it in S.

  || input == ":S

e# Discard the first 6 characters of S. The new string begins with " input".


e# Elevate 10 (A) to each exponent below 19 (J).


e# Join the resulting array, using the string L as separator.


e# Push the following string.



Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 196 637

You might expect a SE site like Judaism to be the ones stress-testing the site's unicode support, but this is crazy :D – Filip Haglund – 2016-02-06T10:37:13.577

I can see exactly two of the characters between the quote marks. Can you post a hexdump? – Pavel – 2017-01-06T17:02:08.647


Vim 97 keystrokes

ipublic static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {
  || input == 1L<esc>qyYpfLi0<esc>q16@yo}<esc>3Gxx

Well, I'm on a roll today with vim producing java, so why not continue the trend!


Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 54 537

replacing fL with $ could save you a keystroke – Leaky Nun – 2016-05-29T17:24:31.130

Also, the third line input == 1L is misaligned by one byte... – Leaky Nun – 2016-05-29T17:25:17.130

So the last x should be changed to r<sp> and then the number of keystrokes would be unchanged – Leaky Nun – 2016-05-29T17:26:39.303


Java, 217 215 220 219 192 bytes


public static String b(){String s="public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {\n  return\n    input == 1L",z="";for(int i=0;i++<18;){z+="0";s+="\n  || input == 1"+z+"L";}return s+";\n}";}


  public static String a(){
    String s = "public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {\n  return\n    input == 1L", z="";
    for (int i=0; i++ < 18;) {
        z += "0";
        s += "\n  || input == 1"+z+"L";
    return s + ";\n}";

(first answer, wuhu)

-2 bytes: user902383
-1 byte: Denham Coote


  • used tabs instead of spaces
  • missed the last line of output: 18 -> 19
  • removed inner loop
  • changed from printing to returning string

Filip Haglund

Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 1 789

4your inner for loop does not need brackets – user902383 – 2016-02-03T16:59:48.183

Use Java 8 syntax, also shortened some other stuff: ()->{String s="public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {\n\treturn input == 1L";for(int i=0,k;i++<18;){s+="\n\t|| input == 1";for(k=0;k++<i;)s+="0";s+="L";}return s+";\n}";} (180 bytes) Now returns the string instead of printing, but that's shorter. – Addison Crump – 2016-02-03T19:47:29.953

1+1 for writing a verbose Java program to generate an even more verbose Java program. – Cyoce – 2016-02-05T16:59:12.867

instead of for(int i=1;i<19;i++) you can write for(int i=1;i++<19;) which saves a byte – Denham Coote – 2016-02-05T17:23:03.487

Also, declare int i=1,k; and then you can write for(;i++<19;) and for(k=0;k++<i;) – Denham Coote – 2016-02-05T17:24:07.413


PowerShell, 120 bytes

'public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {'
'  return'
"   $((0..18|%{" input == 1"+"0"*$_})-join"L`n  ||")L;`n}"

The first two lines are simply string literals, which are output as-is.

The third line starts with three spaces, and ends with L;`n}" to finish off the last couple bytes. The middle bit inside the script block $(...) is constructed by for-looping % from 0 to 18 and each iteration constructing a string that starts with input == 1 concatenated with the corresponding number of zeros. This will spit out an array of strings. We then -join each element of the array with L`n || to achieve the newline-pipes. That big string is the output of the script block, which gets inserted automatically into the middle and output.

PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing> .\go-generate-some-java.ps1
public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {
    input == 1L
  || input == 10L
  || input == 100L
  || input == 1000L
  || input == 10000L
  || input == 100000L
  || input == 1000000L
  || input == 10000000L
  || input == 100000000L
  || input == 1000000000L
  || input == 10000000000L
  || input == 100000000000L
  || input == 1000000000000L
  || input == 10000000000000L
  || input == 100000000000000L
  || input == 1000000000000000L
  || input == 10000000000000000L
  || input == 100000000000000000L
  || input == 1000000000000000000L;


Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 41 581

A long time ago... :) Very impressive! – mazzy – 2020-02-17T14:48:52.770


Pyth, 118 106 103 bytes

LæÝ<­í?¢µb'¥ÜA«Ç}h¹äÚÏß"\nb*4dj"\n  || "ms[." uøs|ÀiÝ"*d\0\L)U19\;b\}

Try it online!

All this string hardcoding really eats a lot of bytes up, but nothing I can do about it.

Update: Saved 3 bytes by using a packed string. Thanks @user81655 for the hint!


Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 6 639

You could use packed strings... – user81655 – 2016-02-03T12:44:02.430

I don't know Pyth and I'm not sure if there's a way to pack the full string (the packing program would always alter it) but packing up to r and concatenating the n results in this (98 bytes).

– user81655 – 2016-02-03T13:03:23.730

@user81655 Thanks, didn't know Pyth had this. :) It only makes sense to pack the first big string tho, the overhead you produce form unpacking is not worth it for smaller string. – Denker – 2016-02-03T13:58:14.573

@user81655 I am aware of that, but I count 103 characters. How did you get to 97? – Denker – 2016-02-04T09:01:07.737

Oops, my mistake, I was counting them wrong. – user81655 – 2016-02-04T09:08:23.550


C# (CSI) 181 180 179 byte

string i=" input == 1",e="public static bool";Console.Write(e+@"ean isPowerOfTen(long input) {
  ||"+i,e.Select((_,x)=>new string('0',x)))+@"L;

There is only one little trick involved. The straight forward way to write this would be:

string.Join("L\n  || input == 1",Enumerable.Range(0,18).Select(x=>new string('0',x)))

by using the string with the first 18 characters of the text which I need anyways I can get rid off the lengthy Enumerable.Range. This works because string implements IEnumerable and there is a version of Select that hands the item (not needed) and the index which we want to the lambda function.


Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 491

1@WashingtonGuedes Thanks – raggy – 2016-02-03T12:51:48.233

1add some explanation please – Eumel – 2016-02-03T13:31:59.853

1Does CSI support expression bodies? If so, the { return ... } can be replaced by =>.... – mınxomaτ – 2016-02-03T13:42:07.463

Not currently on computer so I can't test this. Does the last verbatim string escape the bracket inside it? Or is it a great trick that I didn't know of? :) – Yytsi – 2016-02-13T12:48:50.393


Javascript, 172 157 152 150 148 bytes

p=>`public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {
  ${i?'||':' '} input == 1${'0'.repeat(i)}L`).join``};

f=p=>`public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {
  ${i?'||':' '} input == 1${'0'.repeat(i)}L`).join``};

document.body.innerHTML = '<pre>' + f() + '</pre>'


Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 2 785

2In ES7 you can save 9 bytes by using ${10**i} instead of 1${'0'.repeat(i)}. – Neil – 2016-02-03T21:56:34.653


C, 158 155 bytes

i;main(){for(puts("public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {\n  return");i<19;)printf("  %s input == 1%0.*dL%s\n",i++?"||":" ",i,0,i<18?"":";\n}");}

Try it online here.

Cole Cameron

Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 1 013

You can shave off a byte if you use the return value of printf: i;main(){for(puts("public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {\n return");printf(" %s input == 1%0.*dL%s\n",i++?"||":" ",i,0,i<18?"":";\n}")-37);} – algmyr – 2016-07-16T21:03:11.600


Jelly, 75 bytes

(These are bytes in Jelly's custom codepage.)

0r18⁵*;@€⁶j“¢œḤḅg^NrÞḢ⁷ẉ»“⁵®UẆƓḃÐL⁴ṖịṛFþẈ¹9}¶ ƁḋȮ¦sẒẆd€Ḟɼ¿ỌṀP^µ\f@»;;“L;¶}”

Try it here.


0r18      Range [0..18]
⁵*        Take the 10^ of each number
;@€⁶      Prepend a space to each number
j“...»    Join by compressed string "L\n  || input =="
“...»;    Prepend compressed string "public static ... =="
;“L;¶}”   Append "L;\n}"


Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 55 648


Vimscript, 120 bytes

Might as well use the right tool for the job.

This assumes that autoindent, etc have not been set. ^[ and ^M are escape characters for the ESC and CR characters respectively.

The a macro duplicates the current line and adds a 0 to the copy. The :norm line generates all the boilerplate and the indent == 1L line, then uses a to create the others.

:let @a='yyp$i0^['
:norm ipublic static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {^M  return^M  || input == 1L^[18@a$a;^M}
:3s/||/ /

In case the trailing spaces the sample output had on two lines weren't typos, here's a 126 byte version that includes them.

:let @a='yyp/L^Mi0^['
:norm ipublic static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {^M  return ^M  || input == 1L^[18@a$a;^M}   
:3s/||/ /


Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 1 488


Ruby, 125 119 bytes

$><<'public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {
   '+(0..19).map{|i|" input == #{10**i}L"}*'

Thanks to manatwork for -6 bytes!


Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 68 138

Not much original as most of the solutions are doing this way, but still shorter: http://pastebin.com/1ZGF0QTs

– manatwork – 2016-02-03T16:43:44.827


jq, 123 characters

(121 characters code + 2 characters command line option.)

"public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {
   \([range(19)|" input == 1\("0"*.//"")L"]|join("

Sample run:

bash-4.3$ jq -nr '"public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {
>   return
>    \([range(19)|" input == 1\("0"*.//"")L"]|join("
>   ||"));
> }"'
public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {
    input == 1L
  || input == 10L
  || input == 100L
  || input == 1000L
  || input == 10000L
  || input == 100000L
  || input == 1000000L
  || input == 10000000L
  || input == 100000000L
  || input == 1000000000L
  || input == 10000000000L
  || input == 100000000000L
  || input == 1000000000000L
  || input == 10000000000000L
  || input == 100000000000000L
  || input == 1000000000000000L
  || input == 10000000000000000L
  || input == 100000000000000000L
  || input == 1000000000000000000L;

On-line test (Passing -r through URL is not supported – check Raw Output yourself.)


Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 17 865


Oracle SQL 9.2, 311 bytes

SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE('public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {'||CHR(10)||'  return'||c||';'||'}', 'n  ||', 'n'||CHR(10)||'   '),CHR(10)||';', ';'||CHR(10)) FROM(SELECT LEVEL l,SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH('input == '||TO_CHAR(POWER(10,LEVEL-1))||'L'||CHR(10),'  || ')c FROM DUAL CONNECT BY LEVEL<20)WHERE l=19


Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 1 601


Perl 5 - 130 141

@s=map{'input == 1'.0 x$_."L\n  ||"}0..18;$s[$#s]=~s/\n  \|\|/;\n}/g;print"public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input){\n  return\n    @s"

EDIT: fixed to have exact indentation


Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 171

No need to use parenthesis around the range. In change would be nice to reproduce the exact indentation. – manatwork – 2016-02-03T15:37:49.387

Thanks for the parenthesis that I forgot. I've fixed it to have the exact indentation. – ChatterOne – 2016-02-03T16:17:06.547

There is no need for the g flag for the substitution. Also as you have a single \n in that string, you can simply match it and everything after it: $s[$#s]=~s/\n.+/;\n}/. But a join based one would still be shorter: http://pastebin.com/hQ61Adt8

– manatwork – 2016-02-03T16:38:44.950

Thank you, but I don't think it would be nice if I just copied and pasted your solution, so I'll just leave it as it is as my own best effort. In time, I'll get better at golfing :-) – ChatterOne – 2016-02-03T19:49:46.773


ES6, 139 bytes

 || input == 1$\`L`).replace(`
 ||`,`public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {
  return\n  `)+`;

I do so love these triangle generation questions.


Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 95 035


Kotlin, 194 193 characters

fun main(u:Array<String>){var o="public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {\n\treturn"
var p:Long=1
for(k in 0..18){
o+=" input == ${p}L"

Test it at http://try.kotlinlang.org/


Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 41

Welcome to Programming Puzzles & Code Golf. Nice first answer, but please add a link to an online interpreter or add an example on how to run this program, so others can verify it. However, have a great time here! :) – Denker – 2016-02-04T09:27:18.943


Python (3.5) 137 136 bytes

print("public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {\n  return\n   ",'\n  || '.join("input == %rL"%10**i for i in range(19))+";\n}")

Previous version

print("public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {\n  return\n   ",'\n  || '.join("input == 1"+"0"*i+"L"for i in range(19))+";\n}")


Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 691

135 with Python 2.7: print "public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {\n return\n %s;\n}"%"\n || ".join("input == %r"%10L**i for i in range(19)) – moooeeeep – 2016-02-03T19:52:05.740

@moooeeeep you're right, the use of %r win 1 bytes and the python 2 print (without parenthesis ) win another one – Erwan – 2016-02-04T07:27:59.160


Javascript 175 bytes

Let's do this regularly

var s = "public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {\n\treturn\n\t\tinput == 1";
for (var i = 1; i < 20; i++) {
    s += "\n\t|| input == 1";
    for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) {
        s += "0";
    s += "L" ;
s += ";\n}";

Pretty small. Now, some javascript magic, like no semicolons needed, or no var's, etc.:

k="input == 1"
s="public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {\n\treturn\n\t\t"+k+"L"
for(i=1;i<20;i++){s+="\n\t|| "+k


Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 1 847

Can you explain how that magic works? :) – Marv – 2016-02-03T14:43:28.360

3Javascript doesn't care about semicolons, at least until the keywords (for, while, var, etc.) aren't "touching" anything else. Also, if you don't use the var keyword, you get global variables, wich is the worst feature I have ever seen in a programming language thus far. – Bálint – 2016-02-03T15:00:11.870

@Bálint. Why this would be the worst feature? – removed – 2016-02-03T15:12:22.963

@WashingtonGuedes You know, most languages remind you if you misstyped something inside a function. Because javascript takes that as if you made a whole new variable, it does not going to say anything about that. – Bálint – 2016-02-03T15:24:11.253

Also, same one applies to = returning a true. – Bálint – 2016-02-03T15:27:34.273


T-SQL 289, 277, 250, 249 bytes

SELECT'public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input){return '+STUFF((SELECT'||input=='+N+'L 'FROM(SELECT TOP 19 FORMAT(POWER(10.0,ROW_NUMBER()OVER(ORDER BY id)),'F0')N FROM syscolumns)A FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('.','VARCHAR(MAX)'),1,2,'')+';}'

Update: Thanks @Bridge, I found a few more spaces too :)

Update2: Changed CTE to subquery -27 chars :) Update3: Another space bites the dust @bridge :)


Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 241

1I was able to trim off 7 more spaces (282 bytes) without changing the rest of the code: WITH A AS(SELECT CAST('1'AS VARCHAR(20))N UNION ALL SELECT CAST(CONCAT(N,'0')AS VARCHAR(20))FROM A WHERE LEN(N)<20)SELECT'public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input){return '+STUFF((SELECT'|| input=='+N+'L 'FROM A FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 3, '')+';}' – Bridge – 2016-02-04T10:23:44.120

1Now I look back I can see all the extra spaces in my original comment! I've found one more space you can get rid of - the one immediately after ROW_NUMBER() – Bridge – 2016-02-05T10:07:22.223


Java, 210 / 166

Score is depending on whether returning the input from a function meets the definition of 'output'.

Console output (210):

class A{public static void main(String[]z){String a=" input == 1",t="L\n  ||"+a,s="public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {\n  return\n   "+a;for(int i=0;++i<19;)s+=t+="0";System.out.print(s+"L;\n}");}}

String return (166):

String a(){String a=" input == 1",t="L\n  ||"+a,s="public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {\n  return\n   "+a;for(int i=0;++i<19;)s+=t+="0";return s+"L;\n}";}

Legible version:

String a() {
    String a=" input == 1", t = "L\n  ||"+a,
        s = "public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {\n  return\n   "+a;
    for (int i = 0; ++i < 19;)
        s += t += "0";
    return s + "L;\n}";

Kevin K

Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 141


ANSI-SQL, 252 characters

WITH t as(SELECT '   'x,1 c,1 l UNION SELECT'  ||',c*10,l+1 FROM t WHERE l<19)SELECT 'public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {'UNION ALL SELECT'  return 'UNION ALL SELECT x||' input == '||c||'L'||SUBSTR(';',1,l/19)FROM t UNION ALL SELECT'}   ';


WITH t as (SELECT '   ' x,1 c,1 l UNION
           SELECT '  ||',c*10,l+1 FROM t WHERE l<19)
SELECT 'public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {' UNION ALL
SELECT '  return ' UNION ALL
SELECT x||' input == '||c||'L'||SUBSTR(';',1,l/19) FROM t UNION ALL
SELECT '}   ';

Not a serious attempt, just poking at the Oracle SQL/T-SQL entries.


Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 101

For 40 additional chars I can add "from dual " and make it an "Oracle SQL" entry. – user1361991 – 2016-02-04T03:39:02.103


JavaScript (Node.js), 156 bytes

s="public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {\n  return "
for(i=1;i<1e19;i*=10)s+="\n  "+(i-1?"||":" ")+" input == "+i+"L"
console.log(s+";\n}   \n")

The i-1 will only be 0 (and thus falsey) on the very first round (it's just slightly shorter than i!=1.

Suggestions welcome!


Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 131


Perl 5, 137 bytes

Not based on the previous Perl answer, but it is somehow shorter. I believe it can be shortened down again by taking care of the first "input" inside the loop, but I didn't try anything yet (at work atm)

$i="input";for(1..18){$b.="  || $i == 1"."0"x$_."L;\n"}print"public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long $i) {\n  return\n    $i == 1L;\n$b}"

Paul Picard

Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 863


CJam, 112 chars

"public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {
    input == 1"19,"0"a19*.*"L
  || input == 1"*"L;


Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 411


Batch, 230 208 206 205 bytes

@echo off
echo public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {
echo   return
set m=input == 1
echo    %m%L
for /l %%a in (1,1,17)do call:a
call:a ;
echo }
set m=%m%0
echo  ^|^| %m%L%1

Edit: Saved 22 bytes by avoiding repeating input == and reusing the subroutine for the line with the extra semicolon. Saved 2 3 bytes by removing unnecessary spaces.


Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 95 035

Do you need spaces around ==? – Pavel – 2017-01-06T17:04:16.443

@Pavel That's not code; it's part of the output. – Dennis – 2017-01-06T17:20:11.670


AWK+shell, 157 bytes

echo 18|awk '{s="input == 1";printf"public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {\n return\n    "s"L";for(;I<$1;I++)printf"\n  ||%sL",s=s"0";print";\n}"}'

The question did say to count everything you would have to type. This does have the added bonus of being able to select how many lines would be placed in the isPowersOfTen method when the boss inevitably changes his mind.

Robert Benson

Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 1 339

Passing a here-string is shorter than piping from echo: awk '…'<<<18 – manatwork – 2016-02-04T16:15:06.007

I knew about here-file but not here-string. Thanks for the info. – Robert Benson – 2016-02-04T19:30:58.367


R, 185 bytes


options(scipen=999);p=paste;cat(p("public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {"," return",p(sapply(0:19,function(x)p(" input == ",10^x,"L",sep="")),collapse="\n ||"),"}",sep="\n"))


  p("public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) {",
        " return",
        p(sapply(0:19,function(x)p(" input == ",10^x,"L",sep="")),collapse="\n ||"),

Argenis García

Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 223


Perl 6 (115 bytes)

say "public static boolean isPowerOfTen(long input) \{
   {join "L
  ||",(" input == "X~(10 X**^19))}L;

X operator does list cartesian product operation, for example 10 X** ^19 gives powers of ten (from 10 to the power of 0 to 19, as ^ is a range operator that counts from 0). Strings can have code blocks with { (which is why I escape the first instance of it).

Konrad Borowski

Posted 2016-02-03T10:39:46.427

Reputation: 11 185