Translate a Glypho program



Given an input of any valid Glypho program, output its "human-readable" counterpart.

Glypho is an interesting esolang idea:

The instruction reference is given here. For each instruction, the characters abcd represent the symbols composing each instruction. a refers to the first unique symbol, b refers to the second unique symbol, etc.

aaaa ..... n NOP - no operation; do nothing
aaab ..... i Input - push input onto top of stack
aaba ..... > Rot - pops top stack element and pushes to bottom of stack
aabb ..... \ Swap - swaps top two stack elements
aabc ..... 1 Push - pushes a 1 onto the top of stack (creates new element)
abaa ..... < RRot - pops bottom element and pushes to top of stack
abab ..... d Dup - Duplicates top stack element
abac ..... + Add - pops top two elements and pushes their sum
abba ..... [ L-brace - skip to matching ] if top stack element is 0
abbb ..... o Output - pops and outputs top stack element
abbc ..... * Multiply - pops top two elements and pushes their product
abca ..... e Execute - Pops four elements and interprets them as an instruction
abcb ..... - Negate - pops value from stack, pushes -(value)
abcc ..... ! Pop - pops and discards top stack element
abcd ..... ] R-brace - skip back to matching [

(credit: Brian Thompson aka Wildhalcyon)

So, for example, PPCG would represent the Push instruction—PPCG matches the pattern aabc, where a represents P, b represents C, and c represents G.

The input will be a single string consisting of only printable ASCII characters. It will always have a length divisible by four (duh).

The output is each group of four characters in the input string replaced by which instruction they designate. Use the single-letter instruction names (the ones right after the five dots in the table quoted above).

Since this is , the shortest code in bytes will win.

Test cases:

In                                Out
Programming Puzzles & Code Golof  ]!]!]]]+
nananananananana batman!          dddd]]
;;;;;;;:;;:;;;::                  ni>\
llamas sleep                      1-*
8488133190003453                  <[oe
<empty string>                    <empty string>


Posted 2016-01-31T21:00:21.527

Reputation: 68 138

4Ah yes Code Golof. My favorite sporot. – KoreanwGlasses – 2016-02-02T17:18:00.137



Pyth, 37 35 34 bytes

The code contains unprintable characters, so here is the xxd hexdump:

0000000: 5663 7a34 7040 2e22 216f d78c 40bf d4f0  Vcz4p@."!o..@...
0000010: 38d6 7dfe 7312 3ff8 ea22 6958 4e7b 4e55  8.}.s.?.."iXN{NU
0000020: 5433                                     T3

Here's a printable version at 36 bytes:

Vcz4p@"ni >\\1   <d+[o*e-!]"iXN{NUT3

Try it online. Test suite.


Vcz4p@."…"iXN{NUT3       implicit: z = input
  z                      input
 c 4                     split to 4-character blocks
V                        loop over that in N
           X               replace...
            N                in current part
             {N              unique chars in current part, in order
               UT            with numbers 0-9
          i      3         interpret as base 3
     @                     take that item of
      ."…"                   string "ni >\\1   <d+[o*e-!]"
    p                      and print without newline


Posted 2016-01-31T21:00:21.527

Reputation: 16 699


CJam, 42 39 35 bytes

Saved 4 bytes borrowing user81655's idea of using base 3 instead of base 4.

l4/{__&f#3b"ni >\1   <d+[o*e-!]"=}%

Run all test cases.

There's gotta be a better way to compress the lookup table of commands...

Martin Ender

Posted 2016-01-31T21:00:21.527

Reputation: 184 808


JavaScript (ES6), 97

For each block of 4 characters, I substitute each symbol with its position in the block, getting a base 4 number. For instance 'aabc' -> '0023'. The possibile numbers are in the range 0..0123, that is 0..27 in decimal. I use the number as an index to find the right instruction character from a 28 chars string.




function test() { O.textContent=F(I.value) }

#I { width:90% }
<input id=I value="nananananananana batman!" oninput="test()">
<br><span id=O></span>


Posted 2016-01-31T21:00:21.527

Reputation: 31 086


MATLAB, 291 bytes

I hesitated for quite a long time if I should commit my answer. I was just playing around with MATLAB. I am aware that it's not really possible to generate dense code (a low number of instructions/bytes; about 3 times larget than your ~100 byte solutions) and that MATLAB might not be too suitable for code golf and I am new to code golf. But I simply wanted to try, and the code works (newline characters kept). Any hints welcome. :P

m=']!- e';m(9)='*';m(12:22)='o[   + d  <';m(33:34)='1\';m(39)='>';m(57)='i';m(64)='n';
for k = 1:size(l,1)

Matthias W.

Posted 2016-01-31T21:00:21.527

Reputation: 161

1Welcome to Programming Puzzles & Code Golf! All answers are welcome, even if they get outgolfed by a ridiculous amount (has definitely happened to me before). ;) Nice first answer! – Doorknob – 2016-02-02T12:15:10.400


JavaScript (ES6), 115 101 bytes

s=>s.replace(/..../g,g=>"ni >\\1   <d+[o*e-!]"[[...g].map(c=>r=r*3+(m[c]=m[c]||++i)-1,i=r=0,m={})|r])

Saved 14 bytes thanks to @edc65!


Stores the list of instructions in a string with each character at it's base-3 index. For example, + corresponds to abac which can be represented in base-3 as 0102, or 11 in decimal. The only instruction that cannot be represented in base-3 is ], but with the algorithm used to compute the base-3 number, it conveniently ends up needing to be at position 18 at the end of the string.

  s.replace(/..../g,g=>    // replace each four-character group with it's instruction
    "ni >\\1   <d+[o*e-!]" // list of instructions at their base-3 index
      [...g].map(c=>       // for each character c
        r=r*3+(m[c]=m[c]   // shift r left and add the number associated with c to r
          ||++i)-1,        // if nothing is associated, associate the next number to c
                           // save i + 1 to m[c] so that it is truthy for 0
        i=                 // i = current number to assign to the next unique character
        r=0,               // r = 4-character group as a base-3 number
        m={}               // m = map of numbers assigned to each character
      |r                   // return r


var solution = s=>s.replace(/..../g,g=>"ni >\\1   <d+[o*e-!]"[[...g].map(c=>r=r*3+(m[c]=m[c]||++i)-1,i=r=0,m={})|r])
<input type="text" id="input" value="Programming Puzzles & Code Golof" />
<button onclick="result.textContent=solution(input.value)">Go</button>
<pre id="result"></pre>


Posted 2016-01-31T21:00:21.527

Reputation: 10 181

You can save many bytes not using parseInt and computing the number with repeated sum and multiply. This avoid the problem with '0123' that is invalid in base 3 but gives 19+26+3==18 that is a good position. Result: F=s=>s.replace(/..../g,g=>"ni]>\\1 <d+[o*e-!]"[[...g].map(c=>r=r*3+(m[c]=m[c]||++i)-1,r=i=0,m={})|r]) – edc65 – 2016-02-01T11:13:56.733

@edc65 Great suggestion. Thanks! – user81655 – 2016-02-01T11:52:26.770


Python 2, 158 bytes

Takes input like "test". Output is a list of characters.

def b(s,i=0):
    for c in s:i=i*4+s.index(c)
print map(b,(lambda l,n:[l[i:i+n]for i in range(0,len(l),n)])(input(),4))

Try it online


def chunks(l, n):
    return (l[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(l), n))

def convert(inst):
    i = 0
    for c in inst:
        i = i*4 + inst.index(c)

    return "n..i....>.\\1....<d.+[o.*e-!]"[i]

print map(convert, chunks(input(), 4))


Posted 2016-01-31T21:00:21.527

Reputation: 21 944