Find the nth Fibonnaci Prime, in the shortest code


The challenge is rather simple:

  1. Take a positive whole number n as input.
  2. Output the nth Fibonacci prime number.

Input can be as an parameter to a function (and the output will be the return value), or can be taken from the command line (and outputted there).

Note: Using built in prime checking functions or Fibonacci series generators is not allowed.

Good luck!


Posted 2012-08-15T16:57:46.913

Reputation: 468


possible duplicate of Fibonacci function or sequence

– Keith Randall – 2012-08-15T18:57:42.630

1Is there a limit to the size? – MrZander – 2012-08-26T21:16:29.160

@MrZander Size of what? – Inkbug – 2012-08-27T05:02:58.670

Size of input/output. Do i need to account for prime_fib(1000000000000000000)? Where is the limit? – MrZander – 2012-08-27T05:58:30.210

@MrZander The algorithm should support arbitrarily large numbers, but the function may raise an out of bound exception if the result is too big for a normal int. – Inkbug – 2012-08-29T05:07:33.667



Ruby, 55


Calls itself recursively, keeping track of the last two numbers in the Fibonacci sequence in a and b, and how many primes it's seen so far with n. n gets decremented when the smallest factor greater than 1 of b, divided by b and rounded down to the nearest integer, is 1 rather than 0, which happens only for prime b. When it's seen all the primes it's supposed to, it prints a, which is the most recent b tested for primality.


Posted 2012-08-15T16:57:46.913

Reputation: 20 600


C, 66

f(n,a,b){int i=2;while(a%i&&i++<a);return(n-=i==a)?f(n,b,a+b):a;}


Posted 2012-08-15T16:57:46.913

Reputation: 149

2I think you should define starting values of a and b inside your function. – defhlt – 2012-08-16T08:28:23.953

Wouldn't a for loop be shorter? (I don't know C well) – Inkbug – 2012-08-16T08:47:28.033

Does one need the space after the return? – Inkbug – 2012-08-16T08:49:26.533

1Can be reduced to 65 chars: f(n,a,b){int i=2;while(a%i&&i++<a);return(n-=i==a)?f(n,b,a+b):a;} - @ArtemIce: a= 1 and b= 2 worked for me. – schnaader – 2012-08-16T09:45:51.753

2@schnaader of course they worked, but code that sets a & b should be counted because it's codegolf – defhlt – 2012-08-16T09:54:47.217

@schnaader - Thanks! Updated!

@Inkbug - for will be the same because of two ;s.

@ArtemIce - Question allows parameters. – Gautam – 2012-08-18T05:48:55.877

@Gautam The question allows for n to be a parameter, but the start inputs for your fibonacci series should be part of the program and part of the character count. – Gareth – 2012-08-18T08:05:32.097

3Lacks initialisation code for a & b... So can you improve upon just adding g(n){f(n,1,2);}? – baby-rabbit – 2012-08-18T11:00:24.950

How does it work? :) I'm interested. – beary605 – 2012-08-18T23:29:55.290

This is exponential time, by the way, without DP. – wchargin – 2014-04-09T04:42:10.293


C, 85, 81, 76

f(n){int i=1,j=0,k;for(;n;n-=k==i)for(j=i-j,i+=j,k=2;i%k&&k++<i;);return i;}
  • borrowed code style of simplified prime number check from @Gautam

  • self contained C function (no globals)


main(int n,char**v){printf("%d\n",f(atoi(v[1])));}

./a.out 10

./a.out 4


Posted 2012-08-15T16:57:46.913

Reputation: 1 623


Mathematica, 59 or 63 bytes


These are unnamed functions which take n as their input and return the correct Fibonacci prime. The shorter version uses Divisors. I'm not entirely sure whether this is allowed, but the other Mathematica answer even uses FactorInteger.

The second one doesn't use any factorisation related functions at all, but instead counts the number of integers smaller than n which produce 0 in a modulo operation. Even this version beats all valid submissions, but I'm sure just posting this answer will cause some people to provide competitive answers in GolfScript, APL or J. ;)

Martin Ender

Posted 2012-08-15T16:57:46.913

Reputation: 184 808


Ruby, 94 68 67

while j>0

Clojure, 112


(defn nk [n]
      (fn[x] (every? #(> (rem x %) 0) (range 2 x)))    ; checks if number is prime
      ((fn z[a b] (lazy-seq (cons a (z b (+ a b))))) 1 2)) ; Fib seq starting from [1, 2]
    n)) ; get nth number

Golf: (defn q[n](nth(filter(fn[x](every? #(>(rem x %)0)(range 2 x)))((fn z[a b](lazy-seq(cons a(z b(+ a b)))))2 3))n))


Posted 2012-08-15T16:57:46.913

Reputation: 1 717


Mathematica 147 143 141 chars

f@0 = 0; f@1 = 1; f@n_ := f[n - 1] + f[n - 2]
q@1 = False; q@n_ := FactorInteger@n~MatchQ~{{_, 1}}
p = {}; k = 1; While[Length@p < n, If[q@f@k, p~AppendTo~f[k]]; k++];p[[-1]]

f is the recursive definition of Fibonacci number.

q detects primes.

k is a Fibonacci prime iff q@f@k is True.

For n=10, output is 433494437.


Posted 2012-08-15T16:57:46.913

Reputation: 24 524

oh god, induction...:shudders: – acolyte – 2012-08-15T20:24:19.433

@acolyte It's fun to look at a trace of a function that calls itself. – DavidC – 2012-08-15T21:15:14.270

Person: That was one of the courses that confirmed i needed to get the frak out of CompSci. – acolyte – 2012-08-16T01:11:56.513


Haskell 108

p=2 : s [3,5..]  where
    s (p:xs) = p : s [x|x<-xs,rem x p /= 0]
f=0:1:(zipWith (+) f$tail f)
fp=intersect p f

To get nth number call it fp !! n.

EDIT: Sic. Wrong answer, I fix it.


Posted 2012-08-15T16:57:46.913

Reputation: 1 472


C, 105 (with spaces)

fibonacci implementation using dynamic programming:

long f(int n){int i;long b2=0,b1=1,n;if(n)return 0;for(i=2;i<n;i++){n=b1+b2;b2=b1;b1=n;}return b1+b2;}

Readable code:

long f(int n)
  int i;
  long back2 = 0, back1 = 1;
  long next;

  if ( n == 0 ) return 0;

  for ( i=2; i<n; i++ )
    next  = back1 + back2;
    back2 = back1;
    back1 = next;

  return back1 + back2;


Posted 2012-08-15T16:57:46.913

Reputation: 109

How can this have 1 vote? Does not answer the question (no primality check) and the short version does not even compile – edc65 – 2015-01-31T17:43:36.520


Pyth - 29 bytes

Loops Fibonacci until array is length n but only adds to array if prime.


Kind of slow, but reached n=10 in ~15 seconds. Can probably be golfed more.

J2              J=2
K1              K=1
W        <lYQ   While length of array<input
 AJK,+KJJ       J,K=K+J,J
 I!tPK          If K prime(not builtin prime function, uses prime factorization)
  ~Y]K          append K to Y
;               End loop so next is printed
eY              last element of Y
Disclaimer: Pyth is newer than this challenge, so not competing.


Posted 2012-08-15T16:57:46.913

Reputation: 25 023


Groovy: 105 (134 with whitespaces)

b is the fibonacci function.

the closure inside the if is the prime check function. Update: a small fix on it

r is the prime fibonacci number.

r={ n->
  while(1) {
    f=b k++
    if({z->z<3?:(2..<z).every{z%it}}(f)&&c++==n)return f

Test cases:

assert r(0) == 0
assert r(1) == 1
assert r(2) == 1
assert r(3) == 2
assert r(4) == 3
assert r(5) == 5
assert r(6) == 13
assert r(7) == 89
assert r(8) == 233
assert r(9) == 1597

A readable version:

def fib(n) { 
  n < 2 ? n : fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
def prime(n) {
  n < 2 ?: (2..<n).every { n % it }
def primeFib(n) { 
  primes = inc = 0
  while( 1 ) {
    f = fib inc++
    if (prime( f ) && primes++ == n) return f

Will Lp

Posted 2012-08-15T16:57:46.913

Reputation: 797



Number.prototype.fiboN = function()
var r = (Math.pow((1 + Math.sqrt(5)) / 2,this) - (Math.pow(1 - (1 + Math.sqrt(5)) / 2,this))) / Math.sqrt(5);
return r.toFixed(0);

alert((10).fiboN()); // = 55 assuming the serie starts with 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,...
alert((46).fiboN()); // = 1836311903

Jón Jónsson

Posted 2012-08-15T16:57:46.913

Reputation: 1

Does not answer question - 55 is not Prime. However, it's nice you've used that Golden Ratio thing. – Jacob – 2015-02-01T07:39:06.350