Trim and Count the Decimals



In this challenge, you will write a program to output how many decimal places are in the input string and trim the input if needed.





0 -34

0 23

2 324.23


1 0.3


3 -4.833


  • Input will be a string which can be taken through, STDIN, function arguments or the closest equivalent
  • Output can be through function return, STDOUT, or the closest equivalent.
  • There is no limit on the size for the input integer except for your languages maximum string length.
  • If the input has any unnecessary (leading or trailing) zeros:
    1. You should take them out
    2. Output the amount of decimal place in the new number
    3. Output the new number separated by a separator (e.g. space, newline, comma)
  • Input will always match this RegEx: -?\d+(\.\d+)?, or if you don't speak RegEx:
    • There could be a - at the beginning implying a negative number. Then there will be at least one digit. Then there could be... a . and some more digits.
    • To check if an input is valid, check here
  • No Regex

This is so shortest code in bytes wins


Posted 2016-01-17T22:33:12.570

Reputation: 27 116

Maybe add a test case with minus sign and leading zeros? – Luis Mendo – 2016-01-17T22:48:23.753

Is it allowed to output the final number regardless whether it was trimmed or not? – insertusernamehere – 2016-01-17T22:52:11.343

1@insertusernamehere no you can only output the second number if it has been trimmed – Downgoat – 2016-01-17T22:59:22.560

@nimi whoops that was a typo. I meant "number of decimal places" – Downgoat – 2016-01-17T23:00:53.497

1You may want to add a test case/example for a single 0. – insertusernamehere – 2016-01-17T23:01:22.327

What should the output for -0 be? – user81655 – 2016-01-18T02:39:01.477

@user81655 Just 0 – Downgoat – 2016-01-18T02:39:19.263

@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ If the operator matches the semantic definition of a Regular Expression as defined here then it is not allowed

– Downgoat – 2016-01-18T19:05:22.067

3-1 for the pointless regex restriction. – Conor O'Brien – 2016-01-18T19:10:00.117

@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Just to explain, I added that to avoid trivial answers – Downgoat – 2016-01-19T00:44:58.927

@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ I now see that Regex can trivialize an answer. Sorry, +1ing (could you edit, or something?) – Conor O'Brien – 2016-01-19T00:47:45.137



PHP 7, 142 bytes

I somehow managed to squeeze everything into a single print statement:

<?=strlen((explode('.',$t=trim('-'==($_=$argv[1])[0]?$n=$_=trim($_,'-'):$_,0)))[1]).($t!==$_?($n?' -':' ').('.'==$t[0]?0:'').trim($t,'.'):'');

Runs from command line, like:

$ php trimandcount.php "-04833.010"


See all test cases including a very long one (62 characters) in action:

Try before buy1

1 Hover over the box below "Output for 7.0.0" to see all results.


Posted 2016-01-17T22:33:12.570

Reputation: 4 551


Python 2, 165 180 bytes

At first I was thinking about writing my first Pyth program, got it to count the digits after the potential comma. But then I got quite annoyed, I don't know how you'd enjoy that language, guess it's just for winning purposes. Anyway here's my solution (edited since it didn't work for large numbers):

def t(i):
 while a[-1]=='0':
 while a[0]=='0':
 if a[-1]=='.':a=a[:-1]
 if'.'in a:o=str(len(a)-a.index('.')-1)
 if a!=i:o+=" "+a
 print o

In case anybody wants to build on my work in Pyth: ~b@+cz"."" "1Wq@b_1"0"~b<b_1)plrb6 To see where you're at, you might want to insert a p between @+.


Posted 2016-01-17T22:33:12.570

Reputation: 15 345


05AB1E, 23 bytes (non-competitive)

Damn, I was so close. Python parses very large floats using scientific notation, so I fixed this bug in the interpreter. However, this was done after the challenge and my submission is therefore non-competitive.




D                       # Duplicate top of the stack, or input when empty
 Þ                      # Convert to float
  '.¡                   # Split on '.' (decimal point)
     0Ü                 # Remove trailing zeroes
       g                # Get the length
        ,               # Output top of the stack (the length)
         \              # Discard the top item
          D             # Duplicate top of the stack
           Þ            # Convert to float
            0Ü          # Remove trailing zeroes
              '.Ü       # Remove trailing dots
                 D      # Duplicate top of the stack
                  r     # Reverse the stack
                   Q_i, # If not equal, print top of the stack

Uses the ISO 8859-1 encoding.


Posted 2016-01-17T22:33:12.570

Reputation: 41 965


JavaScript (ES6), 156 162

Edit Fixed bug for '-0' - thx @Fez Vrasta Edit 2 6 bytes saved thx @Neil

It's a mess, but it's 100% string based - no limit due to numeric types

s=>(l=k=p=t=0,[...s].map(c=>++t&&c=='.'?p=t:+c&&(l=t,k=k||t)),m=p>l?p-1:p?l:t,k=k>p&&p?p-2:k-1,r=(s<'0'?'-':'')+s.slice(k,m),(p&&m>p?m-p:0)+(r!=s?' '+r:''))

Less golfed

  // All values are position base 1, so that 0 means 'missing'
  // k position of first nonzero digit
  // l position of last non zero digit
  // p position of decimal point
  // t string length
  // Analyze input string
  // m position of last digits in output
  // if the point is after the last nz digit, must keep the digits up to before the point
  // else if point found, keep  up to l, else it's a integer: keep all
  // the start is the first nonzero digit for an integer
  // but if there is a point must be at least 1 char before the point
  // almost found result : original string from k to m
  r=(s<'0'?'-':'')+s.slice(k,m), // but eventually prepend a minus
  (p&&m>p?m-p:0) // number of decimal digits
  +(r!=s?' '+r:'') // append the result if it's different from input


F=s=>(l=k=p=t=0,[...s].map(c=>++t&&c=='.'?p=t:+c&&(l=t,k=k||t)),m=p>l?p-1:p?l:t,k=k>p&&p?p-2:k-1,r=(s<'0'?'-':'')+s.slice(k,m),(p&&m>p?m-p:0)+(r!=s?' '+r:''))

// Test cases  
;[['-12.32','2'],['32','0'],['3231.432','3'],['-34.0','0 -34']
 ,['023','0 23'],['00324.230','2 324.23'],['10','0'],['00.3','1 0.3']
 ,['0','0'],['-0','0'],['-04.8330','3 -4.833']]
  var i=t[0],k=t[1],r=F(i);
  console.log((k==r?'OK ':'KO ')+i+' -> '+r)})

function test(){var i=I.value,r=F(i);R.textContent=r;}
input { width:90% }
input,span { font-family: sans-serif; font-size:14px }
Input: <input id=I oninput='test()' value='-000000098765432112345.67898765432100000'>
Output: <span id=R></span><br>
Test cases<br>
<pre id=O></pre>


Posted 2016-01-17T22:33:12.570

Reputation: 31 086

Seems like both mine and your answers have problems with -0 as input.. we should output 0, not 0 0 – Fez Vrasta – 2016-01-18T11:11:08.230

Yes, thanks for pointing out – edc65 – 2016-01-18T12:04:28.323

@FezVrasta fixed – edc65 – 2016-01-18T14:10:46.347

Does c=='.'?p=t:+c&&(l=t,k=k||t) work to save you a byte? – Neil – 2016-01-18T16:53:06.450

I think you might be able to save some more by using t=l=k=p=0 and ++t&&c=='.' etc. – Neil – 2016-01-18T16:56:16.760

@Neil good suggestions as usual, thanks – edc65 – 2016-01-18T17:52:03.763

No problem. How about ?l=(p=t)-1: and m=p?l:t? Still thinking about the result though, I feel there must be some scope for improvement there too. – Neil – 2016-01-18T19:42:11.910


ES6, 102 180 177 bytes

s=>(t=s.replace(/(-?)0*(\d+(.\d*[1-9])?).*/,"$1$2"),d=t.length,d-=1+t.indexOf('.')||d,t!=s?d+' '+t:d)

s=>{t=[...s];for(m=t[0]<'0';t[+m]==0&&t[m+1]>'.';)t[m++]='';r=l=t.length;for(r-=1+t.indexOf('.')||l;t[--l]<1&&r;r--)t[l]='';t[l]<'0'?t[l]='':0;t=t.join``;return t!=s?r+' '+t:r}

Edit: Saved 3 bytes thanks to @edc65; saved 1 byte thanks to insertusernamehere.


Posted 2016-01-17T22:33:12.570

Reputation: 95 035

Try spread instead of split t=[...s] – edc65 – 2016-01-18T17:55:25.133

@edc65 I spend ages trying to golf it back down after having to rewrite it and you go and find a 3 byte saving in a flash... – Neil – 2016-01-18T19:31:54.840

I think you can save 1 byte: Replace t[--l]==0 with t[--l]<1. – insertusernamehere – 2016-01-18T20:47:37.567

@insertusernamehere Thanks! – Neil – 2016-01-19T00:03:27.590


C++, 180 bytes

int f(char*s,char*&p){int m=*s=='-',n=0;for(p=s+m;*p=='0';++p);for(;*++s-'.'&&*s;);p-=p==s;if(*s){for(;*++s;)++n;for(;*--s=='0';--n)*s=0;*s*=n>0;}if(m&&*p-'0'|n)*--p='-';return n;}

This is portable C++, that makes no assumptions of character encoding, and includes no libraries (not even the Standard Library).

Input is passed in s. The number of decimal places is returned; the string is modified in-place and the new start is returned in p.

By rights, I should return a size_t, but instead I'm going to claim that you should compile this for an OS that limits the size of strings to half the range of int. I think that's reasonable; it counts more than 2 billion decimal places on 32-bit architectures.


int f(char*s, char*&p){
    int m=*s=='-', n=0;
    for(p=s+m;*p=='0';++p);     // trim leading zeros
    for(;*++s-'.'&&*s;);        // advance to decimal point
    p-=p==s;                    // back up if all zeros before point
        for(;*++s;)++n;          // count decimal places
        for(;*--s=='0';--n)*s=0; // back up and null out trailing zeros
        *s*=n>0;                 // don't end with a decimal point
    if(m&&*p-'0'|n)*--p='-';    // reinstate negative sign
    return n;

Test program

#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    for (int i = 1;  i < argc;  ++i) {
        char buf[200];
        strcpy(buf, argv[i]);
        char *s;
        int n = f(buf, s);
        printf("%10s ==> %-10s (%d dp)\n", argv[i], s, n);

Test output

    -12.32 ==> -12.32     (2 dp)
        32 ==> 32         (0 dp)
  3231.432 ==> 3231.432   (3 dp)
     -34.0 ==> -34        (0 dp)
       023 ==> 23         (0 dp)
 00324.230 ==> 324.23     (2 dp)
        10 ==> 10         (0 dp)
      00.3 ==> 0.3        (1 dp)
  -04.8330 ==> -4.833     (3 dp)
    -00.00 ==> 0          (0 dp)
       -00 ==> 0          (0 dp)
       000 ==> 0          (0 dp)
      0.00 ==> 0          (0 dp)
      -0.3 ==> -0.3       (1 dp)
         5 ==> 5          (0 dp)
        -5 ==> -5         (0 dp)

Toby Speight

Posted 2016-01-17T22:33:12.570

Reputation: 5 058