Partitioning reciprocals



Given a number n > 77, write a program or function that finds a set of distinct positive integers such that the sum of the set equals n, and the sum of the reciprocals of the set equals 1.

Example for 80:

80 = 2 + 4 + 10 + 15 + 21 + 28    ⟶     1/2 + 1/4 + 1/10 + 1/15 + 1/21 + 1/28 = 1

Your program or function must (theoretically) work for any n < 232, and is not excused for floating point rounding errors. Note that solutions exist for all n > 77.

Shortest code in bytes wins.

There is a bonus incentive: I will award a bounty to the smallest solution that works for any n and runs log(n). For small n it must be fast (determined at my discretion). Yes, this is possible.


Posted 2016-01-10T09:48:28.960

Reputation: 37 067

3Is such decomposition always guaranteed to exist? Any number-theoretic theorem that assures that? – Luis Mendo – 2016-01-10T16:47:46.463

It seems that there is for all n>77. (I did not check every detail.) That should have been in the description of your challenge...

– flawr – 2016-01-10T19:11:39.777

1@flawr, I presume that he didn't include that reference because it gives away the O(log n) algorithm. – Peter Taylor – 2016-01-10T19:13:29.913

1Still he should have mentioned that this set exists for the given n. (And I found that paper on the first page when googling the title.) – flawr – 2016-01-10T19:15:15.827

1@flawr, it took me about 10 minutes to find it. I got to it via a page on Egyptian fractions, and you ninja'd me by 10 seconds. – Peter Taylor – 2016-01-10T19:32:38.767

Do the numbers have to be whole numbers? – proud haskeller – 2016-01-10T20:02:46.777

@proudhaskeller Yes. – orlp – 2016-01-10T21:36:30.167


– orlp – 2016-01-10T21:38:00.283

If there are multiple solutions for a given n, can we return all of them? – nimi – 2016-01-10T22:19:29.673

@nimi Please just return only one solution. If you can generate all its fun to note that in your answer, but your answer must contain one program/function that generates just one solution. – orlp – 2016-01-10T22:21:20.103

So, it's been more than a year and my solution is the only log(n) one, so does that mean I get the bounty? haha – Cameron Aavik – 2017-06-19T14:17:31.650

@CameronAavik I'm sorry, I forgot. – orlp – 2017-06-19T19:21:12.340



Mathematica, 54 bytes


About as inefficient as it gets, but it does solve n = 78 in about 9 seconds.

The result is returned as a list wrapped in a singleton list, e.g.:

{{45, 12, 9, 5, 4, 3}}

Martin Ender

Posted 2016-01-10T09:48:28.960

Reputation: 184 808

I wonder if it works for very large n. – njpipeorgan – 2016-01-10T13:54:12.197

@njpipeorgan Given enough memory and time, yes. – Martin Ender – 2016-01-10T14:03:24.130

I found an estimation of the length of IntegerPartition[n], which is at the order of exp(sqrt(n)), ~10^10^4.5 for n=2^30. I really don't believe that mathematica (or even any architecture) is able to hold the array. – njpipeorgan – 2016-01-10T14:20:01.840

@njpipeorgan The challenge explicitly states that the algorithm must work up to 2^32 theoretically, not practically (as is usually assumed for code golf, unless the challenge explicitly requires that the program actually finishes for all inputs in a reasonable amount of time and memory). – Martin Ender – 2016-01-10T14:35:46.733


Python 3, 7306 1995 Bytes

This solution runs in log(n) complexity (as far as I can tell).

def i(s,t):
 for n in s[::-1]:t=t.replace(*n)
 return [[]]*78+[list(bytearray.fromhex(a))for a in t.split(",")]
def f(n):
 g,h=lambda c,n:c+[[[2],[3,7,78,91]][n[len(c)]%2]+[i*2for i in c[-1]]],lambda n:[]if n<78 else h((n-[2,179][n%2])//2)+[n]
 for o in range(len(v)-1):c=g(c,v)
 return c[-1]

You can test that f(2**32 - 1) runs almost instantly

I used this paper on a method for computing it. With this method there is a massive chunk of data for the pre-determined values for n from 78 to 334 without the even numbers after 168. I wanted to turn this data into something small and I didn't know any good compression algorithms so I made my own.

The way I compressed it was by having a list of string replace rules. I created a method which found the string replace rule which would cut down the most content over all taking into account defining the rule. I then recursively applied this until I could create no more rules (I used characters g-z and A-Z). The string I made to replace with was a comma separated list of the hex values for each of the numbers. In retrospect, converting them to their hex values may not have been the wisest choice, it would probably be shorter to leave them in decimal, since having hex would only save for the 3 digit numbers but would add a 0 for single digit numbers.

The line where I set c you can see the list of replace rules and the text which it runs it on. The rules need to be applied in reverse as well because some rules include characters created from other rules.

There are also numerous places in this code where I could probably cut down on syntax, such as turning the list of lists into a single list and then using a different method to access the rules to replace the text with

Cameron Aavik

Posted 2016-01-10T09:48:28.960

Reputation: 723

1n=218 outputs [2] is that expected?? – officialaimm – 2017-06-23T07:16:30.710

1No, I'll see why that's happening a bit later. My apologies. Might be an error in the data I compressed initially. – Cameron Aavik – 2017-06-23T07:20:45.050


Haskell, 93 bytes

import Data.List
import Data.Ratio
p n=[x|x<-subsequences[2..n],sum x==n,1==sum(map(1%)x)]!!0

Horribly slow1 but it runs in constant memory. Trivial solution: check all subsequences of [2..n] for sum and sum of reciprocals.

Returning all solutions instead of one is 3 bytes shorter: just remove the !!0 (beware: the running time will always be off the charts).

1 The running time depends on how early the result appears in the list of subsequences. Haskell's laziness stops the search if the first match is found. When compiled, p 89 (result: [3,4,6,9,18,21,28]) runs on my (4 year old) laptop in 35s. Other values, even smaller ones, can take hours.


Posted 2016-01-10T09:48:28.960

Reputation: 34 639


Julia, 77 bytes


This is an inefficient lambda function that accepts an integer and returns an integer array. To call it, assign it to a variable.

We get the partitions of the integer using partitions. We then filter the set of partitions to only those with unique elements whose reciprocals sum to 1. To ensure no roundoff error occurs, we use Julia's Rational type to construct the reciprocals. filter returns an iterator, so we have to collect it into an array. This gives us an array of arrays (with only a single element), so we can get the first using [1].

Now, when I say inefficient, I mean it. Running this for n = 80 takes 39.113 seconds on my computer and allocates 13.759 GB of memory.

Alex A.

Posted 2016-01-10T09:48:28.960

Reputation: 23 761