Divide a number by 3 without using *, /, +, -, % operators



Quoting this question on SO (Spoiler alert!):

This question has been asked in an Oracle interview.

How would you divide a number by 3 without using *, /, +, -, %, operators?

The number may be signed or unsigned.

The task is solvable, but see if you can write the shortest code.


  • Perform the required integer division (/3)
  • Do not use the non-text-based operators *, /, +, -, or % (or their equivalents, such as __div__ or add()). This also applies to incrementing and decrementing operators, like i++ or i--. Use of operators for string concatenation and formatting are OK. Using these characters for different operators, such as unary - operator for negative numbers, or * to represent a pointer in C is OK as well.
  • Input value can be arbitrarily large (whatever your system can handle), both positive and negative
  • Input can be on STDIN or ARGV or entered any other way
  • Create the shortest code you can to do the above


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 3 411

1How should the result be rounded when positive? How when negative? – dfeuer – 2019-06-22T22:37:41.060



J, 45 44 10 chars


Works with negatives:

".,&'r3'": 15
   ".,&'r3'": _9
   ".,&'r3'": 3e99

": - format as text

,&'r3' - append r3 to the end

". - execute the string, e.g. 15r3


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 1 717

what is the '%' operator in J mean? same with '+', '/'? – acolyte – 2012-08-15T13:02:21.570

@acolyte Thanks for reminding.. I think I've fixed code now. -. is matrix subtraction - is this allowed? – defhlt – 2012-08-15T13:40:55.427

i have no idea haha. – acolyte – 2012-08-15T13:41:26.563

I don't think this qualifies because of the % and +. The % you can replace by using 0.333333 but you'll still have the problem of your addition. Possibly though you could look into the Base and Antibase (#:, #.) operators to reproduce the method you use in your Ruby solution?

– Gareth – 2012-08-17T10:46:10.913

@Gareth Sorry, wrong rollback it was. – defhlt – 2012-08-17T10:58:54.197

Ah, I see. Clever. I think you're probably ok with the -. for removing values from the set. – Gareth – 2012-08-17T11:08:31.917

@Gareth #: is #. behaves strangely to me, I can't understand the logic. I mean with base 2 it works clear, but base 3.. 3 #. 1 0 0 -> 9 -- ok, but.. 3 #: 9 -> 0 -- why? – defhlt – 2012-08-17T11:12:52.917

1It works if you do 3 3 3 #: 9. It looks like you need to know how long your ternary number will be. _3]\i. is also a possible starting point for something, but I don't know if it would be shorter than your solution here. The problem with #_3]\i. as it stands is that it always rounds up instead of down. – Gareth – 2012-08-17T11:21:17.887

1Maybe ##~3=_3#\i. for 11 characters? – Gareth – 2012-08-17T11:31:58.883

1Actually, you can shrink yours down to 10 characters with ##~0 0 1$~. – Gareth – 2012-08-17T11:34:06.183

@Gareth nice one! – defhlt – 2012-08-17T11:36:14.330

@Gareth I've come up with almost direct translation from Ruby version 3 :'3#.}:(($&3)y)#:y' but it doesn't handle negative values unlike Ruby version. – defhlt – 2012-08-17T11:42:24.380

1You can shrink that down using a hook to 3#.}:(#:~$&3) but it's still longer and it doesn't fix the negative number issue. – Gareth – 2012-08-17T11:54:01.173

@Gareth updated, now works for negs. But is there a shorter form of flow control in J? Of course I can use *&y*t to determine the sign of the y and multiply but it's against the rules – defhlt – 2012-08-17T12:07:23.920


Yes, you can use either the Power function ^: or Agenda @. for an if or if...else replacement. In this case you might be able to use @. with two verbs connected with a '`' character (a gerund in J-speak) to select one or the other based on a condition.

– Gareth – 2012-08-17T13:43:14.293

You can turn it into 2 lines like this: t=.[:#[:#~0 0 1$~] t\([:-[:t|)@.(0>])for 36 characters (37 including the newline). You may be able to make it shorter using3 :'...'`. – Gareth – 2012-08-17T14:03:32.950

1(]\(0-])@.(0>[)#@(#~0 0 1$~|))` for 30 characters. – Gareth – 2012-08-17T15:50:10.220

@Gareth I haven't catch the @. thing completely yet, but I used (condition){(v1,v2) instead. We've beat my ruby solution by 1 char, hehe – defhlt – 2012-08-17T16:06:35.640

On the other hand we can't use - here, so I replaced it with <:^:(n)0 – defhlt – 2012-08-17T16:17:41.537

Nice, never considered using {. – Gareth – 2012-08-17T17:10:26.173

how is this supposed to work? like compile or something? somebody help please. Thanks – Cong Hui – 2013-10-21T19:21:21.573

+Chui you just enter this line in the j console (repl) – defhlt – 2013-10-21T21:03:02.743

Using J's rational 1/3 with an eval is dangerously close to just using %3 -- imo it's a technicality to say it's not using division directly... – Jonah – 2017-11-30T20:34:07.867


C, 167503724710

Here's my solution to the problem. I admit it is unlikely to win a strict code golf competition, but it doesn't use any tricks to indirectly call built-in division functionality, it is written in portable C (as the original Stack Overflow question asked for), it works perfectly for negative numbers, and the code is exceptionally clear and explicit.

My program is the output of the following script:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys

# 71
sys.stdout.write('''#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int32_t div_by_3(int32_t input){''')

# 39 * 2**32
for i in range(-2**31, 2**31):
    # 18 + 11 + 10 = 39
    sys.stdout.write('if(input==%11d)return%10d;' % (i, i / 3))

# 95
sys.stdout.write(r'''return 7;}int main(int c,char**v){int32_t n=atoi(a[1]);printf("%d / 3 = %d\n",n, div_by_3(n));}''')

Character count: 71 + 39 * 2**32 + 95 = 167503724710


It was asked how long this would take and how much memory it would use, so here are some benchmarks:

  • Script execution time — Running ./test.py | pv --buffer-size=1M --average-rate > /dev/null for about 30 seconds gives a rate of about 14.8 MB/s. The rate of output can reasonably be assumed to be roughly constant, so the running time to completion should be about 167503724710 B / (14.8 * 1048576 B/s) ≈ 10794 s.
  • Compilation time — The TCC compiler claims to compile C code at 29.6 MB/s, which makes for a compilation time of 167503724710 B / (29.6 * 1048576 B/s) ≈ 5397 s. (Of course this can run in a pipeline with the script.)
  • Size of compiled code — I tried estimating it using ./test.py | tcc -c - -o /dev/stdout | pv --buffer-size=1M --average-rate > /dev/null, but it seems tcc doesn't output anything until it reads the entire source file in.
  • Memory usage to run — Since the algorithm is linear (and tcc doesn't optimize across lines), the memory overhead should be only a few kilobytes (apart from the code itself, of course).

Mechanical snail

Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 2 213

23This is the epitome of hardcoding. ++++++++++ – Joe Z. – 2013-09-14T18:45:22.160

4That being said, I'm sure if you gave them a 160 GB source file and asked them to compile and test it, they'd look at you like you were crazy. – Joe Z. – 2013-09-14T18:46:27.553

17If my boss asked me to compute a division by three without - + / * % I would think he's crazy. – Mikaël Mayer – 2014-01-02T12:35:15.623

And yet, a[b] is a syntactic sugar for *(a + b), which does the addition. – Konrad Borowski – 2014-01-02T14:17:32.793

You did not give an answer. You say that your answer is the output of a program. So you should give the output, not the program. – Nicolas Barbulesco – 2014-01-02T22:27:03.487

12@NicolasBarbulesco There is a size restriction on Stack Exchange answers. – Timtech – 2014-01-03T23:17:29.737

How about outputting the assembly? – NPSF3000 – 2014-05-25T03:12:37.550

You can speed it up by hardcoding binary search using a tree of nested ifs, with bitwise & to optimize the comparison against a power of two. – Ming-Tang – 2014-05-25T04:40:20.210


Ruby 28

b=->n{n.to_s(3).chop.to_i 3}

To divide by 3 we just need to remove the trailing zero in base 3 number: 120 -> 11110 -> 1111 -> 40

Works with negatives:

ice distantstar:~/virt/golf [349:1]% ruby ./div3.rb
ice distantstar:~/virt/golf [349]% ruby ./div3.rb

Ruby, 6045

Alternatively, w/o using base conversion:

d=->n{x=n.abs;r=(0..1.0/0).step(3).take(x).index x;n>0?r:-r}



Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 1 717

1The alternate without base conversion has the banned / operator where Float::INFINITY became 1.0/0. With Ruby 2.1, one may golf (0..1.0/0).step(3) into 0.step(p,3), removing the /. The bigger problem is that -r uses - to negate. It costs 5 characters to change -r to ~r.pred, abusing Integer#pred to subtract 1 without the subtraction operator. – kernigh – 2014-05-25T15:57:13.997


Mathematica, 13 chars



Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 23 988

3@YvesKlett: Mean is inherently wicked. – GuitarPicker – 2016-11-07T17:33:28.837

This is wicked :D I guess you could save the & and use a plain variable (others here do that too). – Yves Klett – 2014-01-03T10:20:14.107


JavaScript, 56


Makes a string of length n of repeating ,s and replaces ,,, with 1. Then, it measures the string's resulting length. (Hopefully unary - is allowed!)

Casey Chu

Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 1 661

Uh, question... how does this count? It uses the - negation operator. – Patrick Roberts – 2016-02-13T00:07:18.423

@Patrick I took the specification to mean no subtraction -- if you want, you can replace -~ with parseInt() – Casey Chu – 2016-02-13T22:22:29.710

@CaseyChu the value returned by -~prompt() is one greater than parseInt(prompt()). Not sure how you'd deal with that. – Patrick Roberts – 2016-02-13T22:35:00.270

alert(Array(parseInt(prompt())).slice(1).join().replace(/,,,/g,1).length) – Casey Chu – 2016-02-13T22:37:17.720

@CaseyChu, I said one greater, not one less. – Patrick Roberts – 2016-02-13T22:38:09.803

You could do alert((Array(parseInt(prompt()))+",").replace(/,,,/g,1).length). – ETHproductions – 2016-11-07T17:20:02.027

@ETHproductions then you are using the also blacklisted + operator – Shaun H – 2016-11-08T18:12:02.750

@ShaunH + is allowed for string concatenation. – ETHproductions – 2016-11-08T19:08:24.493

Instead of using alert, you can use f=>Rest Of Code, as an anonymous function – VFDan – 2019-06-25T16:31:14.207

+1 but it doesn't work with negative values – Francesco Casula – 2014-03-06T09:28:36.910


Python, 41 38


xrange seems to be able to handle large numbers (I think the limit is the same as for a long in C) almost instantly.

>>> x = -72

>>> x = 9223372036854775806


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 18 565

210/3 equals 3, not 4. – Joel Cornett – 2012-08-01T11:14:17.957

Doing print" -"[x<0]+len(range(2,abs(x),3))`` will shave it down to 39 chars – Joel Cornett – 2012-08-04T19:37:20.510

golfexchange's comment formatting is messing it up. on the above I used backticks to enclose len() as shorthand for repr() – Joel Cornett – 2012-08-04T19:38:17.810

I've updated it. I can't use range, because it will actually create the list. xrange just pretends to, so it is able to handle huge numbers without wasting time/memory. – grc – 2012-08-05T01:31:58.057

2Pretend it's Python 3 ;) I like the single char slicing btw. – Joel Cornett – 2012-08-05T01:47:04.727


Haskell, 90 106

d n=snd.head.dropWhile((/=n).fst)$zip([0..]>>=ν)([0..]>>=replicate 3>>=ν);ν q=[negate q,q]

Creates an infinite (lazy) lookup list [(0,0),(0,0),(-1,0),(1,0),(-2,0),(2,0),(-3,-1),(3,1), ...], trims all elements that don't match n (/= is inequality in Haskell) and returns the first which does.

This gets much simpler if there are no negative numbers:

25 27

(([0..]>>=replicate 3)!!)

simply returns the nth element of the list [0,0,0,1,1,1,2, ...].

ceased to turn counterclockwis

Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 5 200

3o.O i never thought of that second solution. I might be able to implement something like that in python – acolyte – 2012-08-02T19:19:20.173


C#, 232 bytes

My first code golf... And since there wasn't any C# and I wanted to try a different method not tried here, thought I would give it a shot. Like some others here, only non-negative numbers.

class l:System.Collections.Generic.List<int>{}class p{static void Main(string[] g){int n=int.Parse(g[0]);l b,a=new l();b=new l();while(a.Count<n)a.Add(1);while(a.Count>2){a.RemoveRange(0,3);b.Add(1);}System.Console.Write(b.Count);}}


class l : System.Collections.Generic.List<int>
{ }
class p
    static void Main(string[] g)
        int n = int.Parse(g[0]);
        l b, a = new l();
        b = new l();
        while (a.Count < n) a.Add(1);
        while (a.Count > 2)
            a.RemoveRange(0, 3);

Drake Clarris

Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 181

2About 5 years later.. You can save 1 byte by removing the space from string[] g, turning it into string[]g – Metoniem – 2017-02-08T14:44:49.910

Quoting "Do not use the non-text-based operators *, /, +, -, or % (or their equivalents, such as div or add()" -- are you not using an equivalent -- .Add? – Jonathan Frech – 2019-06-20T21:22:45.047

@JonathanFrech That add method does not work on two numbers, it only adds a value to a collection – Embodiment of Ignorance – 2019-08-30T03:07:24.797


Perl (26 22)

$_=3x pop;say s|333||g

This version (ab)uses Perl's regex engine. It reads a number as the last command line argument (pop) and builds a string of 3s of this length ("3" x $number). The regex substitution operator (s///, here written with different delimitiers because of the puzzle's rules and with a global flag) substitues three characters by the empty string and returns the number of substitutions, which is the input number integer-divided by three. It could even be written without 3, but the above version looks funnier.

$ perl -E '$_=3x pop;say s|333||g' 42


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 409

2Hey @memowe, nice work! You could save a few more chars (4) by doing $_=3x pop;say s|333||g. – Dom Hastings – 2014-01-02T10:43:34.810

1Use -p on the commandline, and you can do: $_=3x$_;$_=0|s|...||g for a total of 22, including coverage of the 0, 1, or 2 inputs. – Xcali – 2019-06-20T23:06:49.197

2When the input is 0, 1, or 2, then it prints an empty string. If it needs to print 0, then it needs 3 more characters (25 total): '$_=3x pop;say s|333||g||0. Slow with large numbers like 99999999, and doesn't work with negative numbers. – kernigh – 2014-05-25T16:04:20.720


JavaScript, 55


If one can't use -1, then here is a version replacing it with ~0 (thanks Peter Taylor!).



Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 468

What does ~~ mean in javascript? – defhlt – 2012-08-02T15:55:48.427

1@ArtemIce One ~ is a Bitwise operator which inverts the bits of the operand (first converting it to a number). This is the shortest way to convert a string to a number (as far as I know). – Inkbug – 2012-08-03T10:02:41.067

1I feel like using string parsing/conversion is cheating, since its a) a very complicated and expensive process compared to bitwise operations, b) uses the forbidden operators internally, and c) would take up waaaaay more characters than a homerolled solution. Kind of like how people get grumpy when you use the built in sorts when asked to implement a quicksort. – Wug – 2012-08-03T14:46:43.463

@Inkbug, I think you can also use the unary + operator as a slightly shorter way to coerce a string into a number. – Sam – 2012-08-04T10:34:22.593

@Sam While "text-based" + is allowed, I'm not sure that using it to convert a string to a number is allowed. – Inkbug – 2012-08-05T04:50:21.150

1@Sam Also, ~~ converts to an integer, as opposed to +. – Inkbug – 2012-08-05T04:51:37.360

1@Wug It is codegolf, thus it's not about efficiency unless specified in the task. – defhlt – 2012-08-05T05:56:44.580

@ArtemIce If someone rolled their own string parser to do it that would be fine, but there's no challenge if you just use the languages build in parsing. This is the point I was trying to make with the sorting analogy. – Wug – 2012-08-05T06:51:26.147

@Inkbug, yes, now I can see why you used ~~. I should have paid more attention before commenting. – Sam – 2012-08-06T08:21:42.887

3+1 for taking advantage of different bases. It's one of my favorite JavaScript golf techniques. – DocMax – 2012-08-26T03:32:54.153

Bravo! This deserves more upvotes! It works with positive and negative. – Yoshiyahu – 2019-06-20T19:59:20.070


Python 42

int(' -'[x<0]+str(len(range(2,abs(x),3))))

Since every solution posted here that Ive checked truncates decimals here is my solution that does that.

Python 50 51

int(' -'[x<0]+str(len(range([2,0][x<0],abs(x),3))))

Since python does floor division, here is my solution that implements that.

Input integer is in the variable x.

Tested in Python 2.7 but I suspect it works in 3 as well.


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 1 395

+1 For offering both alternatives to the negative value situation. Since there are already so many answers, I'll not be adjusting the spec to exclude one or the other option, though I would personally agree that -3 is the correct answer to -10/3. – Gaffi – 2012-08-01T13:47:33.250

For those who care about floor division in python: http://python-history.blogspot.com/2010/08/why-pythons-integer-division-floors.html

– Matt – 2012-08-01T14:22:21.247

what's with the multiplication and subtraction in your second solution? – boothby – 2012-08-01T15:40:45.207

@boothby The second solution implements floor division. I wanted to do range(0,abs(x),3) for negative numbers and range(2,abs(x),3) for positive numbers. In order to do that I had range(2... then i subtracted 2 when x is negative. X<0 is True when x is negative, (True)*2 == 2 – Matt – 2012-08-01T16:34:18.730

I'm not understanding the difference between floor division and truncating decimals. Does this have to with negative division? – Joel Cornett – 2012-08-01T19:12:52.620

@JoelCornett Yes, if your division truncates decimals the result is the same as float division, then you round toward zero. Floor division is when your result is the same as float division, but then you round down. For positive results these are the same, for negative results they are not. – Matt – 2012-08-01T20:11:01.973

@Matt, print starts with pr and the challenge says not to use +-/*. – boothby – 2012-08-03T08:46:43.480

@boothby yes, print does start with pr, but I do not believe that the challenge required us to print the result, it just said we should calculate it. You are right about +-/* though, I forgot about that temporarily. I shall have to revise that answer. – Matt – 2012-08-03T11:49:51.757


C, 160 chars

Character by character long division solution using lookup tables, i.e. without string atoi() or printf() to convert between base 10 strings and integers.

Output will sometimes include a leading zero - part of it's charm.

main(int n,char**a){


  • abuses array access to implement addition.
  • compiles with clang 4.0, other compilers may barf.


./a.out -6            -2
./a.out -5            -1
./a.out -4            -1
./a.out -3            -1
./a.out -2            -0
./a.out -1            -0
./a.out 0             0
./a.out 1             0
./a.out 2             0
./a.out 3             1
./a.out 4             1
./a.out 5             1
./a.out 6             2
./a.out 42            14
./a.out 2011          0670


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 1 623


C 83 characters

The number to divide is passed in through stdin, and it returns it as the exit code from main() (%ERRORLEVEL% in CMD). This code abuses some versions of MinGW in that when optimizations aren't on, it treats the last assignment value as a return statement. It can probably be reduced a bit. Supports all numbers that can fit in to an int

If unary negate (-) is not permitted: (129)

I(unsigned a){a=a&1?I(a>>1)<<1:a|1;}main(a,b,c){scanf("%i",&b);a=b;a=a<0?a:I(~a);for(c=0;a<~1;a=I(I(I(a))))c=I(c);b=b<0?I(~c):c;}

If unary negate IS permitted: (123)

I(unsigned a){a=a&1?I(a>>1)<<1:a|1;}main(a,b,c){scanf("%i",&b);a=b;a=a<0?a:-a;for(c=0;a<~1;a=I(I(I(a))))c=I(c);b=b<0?-c:c;}

EDIT: ugoren pointed out to me that -~ is an increment...

83 Characters if unary negate is permitted :D



Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 641

If unary negate is permitted, x+3 is -~-~-~x. – ugoren – 2012-11-23T09:11:03.630

Thank you for that. I don't know why that never occurred to me. I guess I didn't realize you could stack unaries so gratuitously hehe. – Kaslai – 2012-11-24T07:59:05.523


Java 86 79

Assume the integer is in y:

Converts to a string in base 3, removes the last character ( right shift ">>" in base 3 ), then converts back to integer.

Works for negative numbers.

If the number, y, is < 3 or > -3, then it gives 0.


First time posting on code golf. =) So can't comment yet.

Thx Kevin Cruijssen for the tips.


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 3 486

I know it's been more than two years ago, but you can golf a few parts: && to &, and 2x Integer to Long. (Also, why do you use ~2 instead of just -3? They are the same byte-count.) – Kevin Cruijssen – 2016-11-07T14:19:18.713

1@KevinCruijssen So nostalgic to edit my first post after so long. Wasn't too sure why I thought ~2 was better back then. – Vectorized – 2016-11-07T21:41:51.667

2@KevinCruijssen well, the challenge says you're not allowed to use -, but I don't know if that counts for unary negation. – FlipTack – 2017-02-08T07:35:26.980

@FlipTack Ah you're completely right. In that case forget I ever said it. :) – Kevin Cruijssen – 2017-02-08T07:47:36.690


C, 139 chars

t;A(a,b){return a?A((a&b)<<1,a^b):b;}main(int n,char**a){n=atoi(a[1]);for(n=A(n,n<0?2:1);n&~3;t=A(n>>2,t),n=A(n>>2,n&3));printf("%d\n",t);}

Run with number as command line argument

  • Handles both negative and positive numbers


 ./a.out -6            -2
 ./a.out -5            -1
 ./a.out -4            -1
 ./a.out -3            -1
 ./a.out -2            0
 ./a.out -1            0
 ./a.out 0             0
 ./a.out 1             0
 ./a.out 2             0
 ./a.out 3             1
 ./a.out 4             1
 ./a.out 5             1
 ./a.out 6             2
 ./a.out 42            14
 ./a.out 2011          670


  • saved 10 chars by shuffling addition (A) to remove local variables.


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 1 623

1Nicely done. I tried my best at bit twiddling and got to 239. I just can't get my head around your A, my function just checks the bit i in number n. Does C standard allow omitting type declarations or is that some compiler thing? – shiona – 2012-08-01T09:28:30.020

1C will assume int if unspecified. – Wug – 2012-08-03T14:48:28.797


C, 81 73 chars

Supports non-negative numbers only.


The idea is to use pointer arithemtic. The number is read into the pointer x, which doesn't point anywhere. &x[~2] = &x[-3] = x-3 is used to subtract 3. This is repeated as long as the number is above 2. i counts the number of times this is done (&i[1] = i+1).


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 16 527

Trying to understand the code,somebody shed some lights? Thanks – Cong Hui – 2013-10-21T19:15:24.810

@Chui, added explanation. – ugoren – 2013-10-22T11:07:01.640

@ugoren as far as I understand, shouldn't printf("%d") print out the memory address pointer i holds in Hex? why it is printing out an integer? or char* i was initialized to point to memory address 0 by default? Thanks – Cong Hui – 2013-10-22T21:23:48.413


ZSH — 31 20/21

echo {2..x..3}|wc -w

For negative numbers:

echo {-2..x..3}|wc -w

With negative numbers (ZSH + bc) — 62 61

I probably shouldn't give two programs as my answer, so here's one that works for any sign of number:

echo 'obase=10;ibase=3;'`echo 'obase=3;x'|bc|sed 's/.$//'`|bc

This uses the same base conversion trick as Artem Ice's answer.

Jon Gauthier

Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 151


Python2.6 (29)(71)(57)(52)(43)

print (z,-z)[x<0]

print len(range(2,input(),3))

Edit - Just realized that we have to handle negative integers too. Will fix that later

Edit2 - Fixed

Edit3 - Saved 5 chars by following Joel Cornett's advice

Edit4 - Since input doesn't have to be necessarily be from STDIN or ARGV, saved 9 chars by not taking any input from stdin


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 579

Go ahead with abs() – defhlt – 2012-08-03T07:53:50.553

shorter to do print z if x==abs(x) else -z – Joel Cornett – 2012-08-03T07:53:57.450

better yet, print (z,-z)[x<0] – Joel Cornett – 2012-08-03T07:54:54.117

@ArtemIce thanks, only realized I could use that after reading another answer above. – elssar – 2012-08-03T07:57:55.673

@JoelCornett humm, didn't know about that, thanks – elssar – 2012-08-03T07:58:19.620


Javascript, 47 29

Uses eval to dynamically generate a /. Uses + only for string concatenation, not addition.


EDIT: Used "\57" instead of String.fromCharCode(47)

Peter Olson

Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 7 412

-1 for alert(eval(prompt()+"\573"))? – Shieru Asakoto – 2019-06-24T04:33:40.083


Ruby (43 22 17)

Not only golf, but elegance also :)

p Rational gets,3

Output will be like (41/1). If it must be integer then we must add .to_i to result, and if we change to_i to to_f then we will can get output for floats also.


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 1 472


Works without the require rational line on Ruby 1.9.3. Omitting the parentheses saves one more char.

– steenslag – 2012-12-03T20:53:22.787


TI-Basic, 8 bytes

Winner? :)


P.S. Rounds towards infinity for negative numbers (see here for why). To round to zero instead, replace int( with iPart( for no byte change.

Test cases



Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 12 038


SmileBASIC, 58 51 36 bytes (no mathematical functions!)



INPUT N           'get input
BGANIM 0,"R",-3,N 'smoothly rotate background layer 0 by N degrees over 3 frames
WAIT              'wait 1 frame
PRINT BGROT(0)    'display angle of layer 0

The program moves the background layer smoothly over 3 frames, and then gets the angle after 1 frame, when it has traveled 1/3 of its total distance.

Float division version, 38 bytes:



INPUT N           'input
BGANIM 0,"V",-3,N 'smoothly change layer 0's internal variable to N over 3 frames
WAIT              'wait 1 frame
PRINT BGVAR(0,7)  'display layer 0's internal variable


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 6 110



These only work with positive integers:

max(sapply(split(1:x,1:3), length))
# Gives a warning that should be ignored


min(table(rep(1:3, x)[1:x]))





[[EDIT]] And an ugly one:

trunc(sum(rep(0.3333333333, x)))

[[EDIT2]] Plus probably the best one - inspired by the matlab code above by Elliot G:



Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 383

I wanted to implement the same idea as in your EDIT2 but it does not work for negative numbers: wrong sign in 'by' argument – Andreï Kostyrka – 2016-11-09T15:59:48.173


Haskell 41 39 chars

Works with the full set of positive and negative integers

f n=sum[sum$1:[-2|n<0]|i<-[3,6..abs n]]

First creates a list 1's or (-1)'s (depending on the sign of the input) for every third integer from 0 up until the input n. abs(n) for negative numbers inclusive.

e.g n=8 -> [0,3,6]

It then returns the sum of this list.

Charl Kruger

Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 31

Doesn't work on negative numbers (-3/3 is -1 not 1). – Cormac – 2019-06-23T12:27:07.473

Nice you made it work on negative numbers but you can't use /, read the specification. – Cormac – 2019-06-23T12:45:38.400

Oh gosh, you got me twice. All fixed ;) – Charl Kruger – 2019-06-23T13:00:03.290

Nice! Btw You can get 39 chars with f n=sum[sum$1:[-2|n<0]|i<-[3,6..abs n]] – Cormac – 2019-06-23T21:58:32.053


Python 3, 72 bytes

f=lambda x:x and s(x>>1,f(x>>1))
s=lambda x,y:y and s(x^y,(~x&y)<<1)or x

Try it online!

A bitwise solution consisting of two recursive functions, one to calculate third, the other to subtract. Because multiplying and dividing by 2 is easy to do bitwise, we can use the fact:
to recursively find the third.

It does produce some weird rounding patterns for non-multiples of three.

0 -> 0 (0)
1 -> 0 (0.333...)
2 -> 1 (0.666...)
3 -> 1 (1)
4 -> 1 (1.333...)
5 -> 1 (1.666...)
6 -> 2 (2)
7 -> 2 (2.333...)
8 -> 3 (2.666...)
9 -> 3 (3)
10 -> 4 (3.333...)
11 -> 4 (3.666...)
12 -> 4 (4)
13 -> 4 (4.333...)
14 -> 5 (4.666...)
15 -> 5 (5)

Matthew Jensen

Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 713


Python 2.x, 54 53 51

print' -'[x<0],len(range(*(2,-2,x,x,3,-3)[x<0::2]))

Where _ is the dividend and is entered as such.

>>> x=-19
>>> print' -'[x<0],len(range(*(2,-2,x,x,3,-3)[x<0::2]))
- 6

Note: Not sure if using the interactive interpreter is allowed, but according to the OP: "Input can be on STDIN or ARGV or entered any other way"

Edit: Now for python 3 (works in 2.x, but prints a tuple). Works with negatives.

Joel Cornett

Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 361

Works in python 3 as well? – Mechanical snail – 2012-08-01T09:42:59.413

Doesn't have to be subscriptable; having __len__ is enough. – Mechanical snail – 2012-08-01T10:08:52.123

len(range(100,1000)) gives 900 in 3.2.3 on linux. – Mechanical snail – 2012-08-01T10:09:34.367

This doesn't work for negative numbers. And len(xrange(0,_,3)) is shorter and massively faster anyway. – grc – 2012-08-01T10:20:02.093

@Mechanicalsnail: Point taken. I concede. It does work on 3. – Joel Cornett – 2012-08-01T11:04:11.057

@grc: Edited based on your comment. Still working on the negative number thing. – Joel Cornett – 2012-08-01T11:05:21.367


C++, 191

With main and includes, its 246, without main and includes, it's only 178. Newlines count as 1 character. Treats all numbers as unsigned. I don't get warnings for having main return an unsigned int so its fair game.

My first ever codegolf submission.

#define R return
typedef unsigned int U;U a(U x,U y){R y?a(x^y,(x|y^x^y)<<1):x;}U d(U i){if(i==3)R 1;U t=i&3,r=i>>=2;t=a(t,i&3);while(i>>=2)t=a(t,i&3),r=a(r,i);R r&&t?a(r,d(t)):0;}U main(){U i;std::cin>>i,std::cout<<d(i);R 0;}

uses shifts to divide number by 4 repeatedly, and calculates sum (which converges to 1/3)


// typedefs and #defines for brevity

function a(x, y):
    magically add x and y using recursion and bitwise things
    return x+y.

function d(x):
    if x = 3:
        return 1.
    variable total, remainder
    until x is zero:
        remainder = x mod 4
        x = x / 4
        total = total + x
    if total and remainder both zero:
        return 0.
        return a(total, d(remainder)).

As an aside, I could eliminate the main method by naming d main and making it take a char ** and using the programs return value as the output. It will return the number of command line arguments divided by three, rounded down. This brings its length to the advertised 191:

#define R return
typedef unsigned int U;U a(U x,U y){R y?a(x^y,(x|y^x^y)<<1):x;}U main(U i,char**q){if(i==3)R 1;U t=i&3,r=i>>=2;t=a(t,i&3);while(i>>=2)t=a(t,i&3),r=a(r,i);R r&&t?a(r,d(t)):0;}


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 1 607


Golfscript - 13 chars



Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 14 170

doesn't seem to handle negative input – r.e.s. – 2012-08-19T18:05:07.143

1@r.e.s. s/seem to // :(. I'll have to have a think about it – gnibbler – 2012-08-19T22:30:23.623


PowerShell 57 or 46

In 57 characters using % as the PowerShell foreach operator, not modulo. This solution can accept positive or negative integers.


In 46 characters if * is allowed as the string repetition operator, not multiply. This option requires positive integers as input values.


Joseph Alcorn

Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 131

If you ever come back, I posted a bug fix. If you want me to delete mine and incorporate the change into yours, just let me know. – Veskah – 2019-06-25T18:29:45.940


C# with Linq, 51 Bytes

using System.Linq;(n)=>(int)new[]{n,0,0}.Average();

Unfortunately much longer than the Mathematica version of this approach (pesky using statement), but pretty good for C#.

Try it out here.


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320



C (gcc), 72 69 59 58 bytes


Try it online!

Edit: Now works with negative arguments.


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 5 503


Haskell, 62 52 41 Chars

f n=sum[last$1:[-1|n<0]|i<-[3,6..abs(n)]]

If using sum is not allowed, here's a 52 char solution:

f n|n>0=s|1>0=(-s)where s=length[1|i<-[3,6..abs(n)]]


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 101


F# (81)

Using inclusive ranges:

let(^)s x=if s<0 then int("-"+string x)else x
let d m =sign m^[3..3..abs m].Length

Alternatively, using strings:

let (^) s x = if s < 0 then int("-" + string x) else x
let d m =
  let n = abs m
  |> Seq.map (fun i -> i, String.replicate i "aaa")
  |> Seq.takeWhile (fun (i, s) -> s.Length <= n)
  |> Seq.last
  |> fst
  |> (^) (sign m)

This is verbose but it's better than being forced to use loops in many imperative languages. String.replicate is especially valuable.


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 5 383

This looks like it uses multiplication * to restore the sign bit. – kernigh – 2014-05-25T16:25:47.563


Clojure, 87; works with negatives; based on lazyseqs

(defn d[n](def r(nth(apply interleave(repeat 3(range)))(Math/abs n)))(if(> n 0)r(- r)))


(defn d [n]
  (let [r (nth (->> (range) (repeat 3) (apply interleave))
               (Math/abs n))]
        (if (pos? n)
          (- r))))


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 1 717


Mathematica 36 51 42 chars

This is easily achieved in base 3.

IntegerDigits[n,3] converts the absolute value of the number to base 3.

Most takes all but the rightmost digit. This "rightward shift" amounts to integer division by 3.

FromDigits converts back to base 10.

Sign restores, if necessary, the sign.



Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 24 524


Sage Notebook (21)



Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 2 872


APL (NARS2000), 7 characters




text input

,'r3' followed by "r3"

So "15" becomes "15r3" which is NARS2000's rational point notation and evaluates to 5.

Note that the OP states

  • Input can be on STDIN or ARGV or entered any other way
  • Create the shortest code you can to do the above

which allows me to take input as string, and count code length in characters (not bytes – as this is a fairly old challenge that predates the adoption of bytes as default code length unit).


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 37 779


05AB1E, 5 bytes (Non-competing)


Try it online!

Magic Octopus Urn

Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 19 422


Python 3, 31 38 29 chars


Edited to add a print statement.

Edited to avoid use of int call.

Kind of cheating. Eval will evaluate and return any operations passed as a string as if it were code. chr() converts an int to the character with that ASCII value, and 47=/. Pass in the / with standard string formatting.


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 702

This looks great! It's not cheating. – NoOneIsHere – 2017-02-08T19:06:08.440

2This is invalid as it is for the lack of print statement, sorry. Simple fix though, just add a print statement. Also, you can make it python2 and skip the 'int()' part. – Rɪᴋᴇʀ – 2017-02-08T19:07:34.310

2I only say 'cheating' because it does actually use the division operator, it's just a bit hidden. – mypetlion – 2017-02-08T19:49:12.620


Clojure, 74 57 bytes

Improved upon an earlier answer, I'm not sure if I should post this as my own answer or just comment on the original. But this is significantly different way of generating the sequence [0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 ...].

#(let[r(nth(flatten(for[i(range)][i i i]))(Math/abs %))](if(> % 0)r(- r)))

Edit after 1.5 years :D

#((if(> % 0)+ -)(nth(for[i(range)j[i i i]]j)(max(- %)%)))


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 2 361


Scala 96

def d(x:Int)={val y=x.abs;val r=0.to(y).flatMap(List.fill(3)(_)).drop(y).head;if(x==y)r else -r}

I do realize now it is basically the same idea behind some other answers here (Haskell, Clojure and the 2nd take of this one in Ruby, to name a few)... :-/


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 111


C++ 633 byes (including whitespace; 457 bytes excluding scaffolding)

I know this is not anywhere near the shortest code, but it does have some "advantages". First the code:

#include <climits>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;typedef int I;typedef unsigned U;U A(U l,U r){U t;while(r)t=l^r,r=(l&r)<<1,l=t;return l;}
#define N(l)A(~l,1)
#define S(l,r)A(l,N(r))
U M(U l, U r){U p=0;while(r){if(r&1)p=A(p,l);l<<=1;r>>=1;}return p;}U D(U n,U&r){U m=U(1)<<S(M(sizeof(U),CHAR_BIT),1),q=r=0,x=1;while(x){q<<=1;r<<=1;if(n&m)r|=1;if(r>=3)q|=1,r=S(r,3);n<<=1;x<<=1;}return q;}I D(I n,I&r){bool o=n<0;U p=o?N(n):n,s,t;s=D(p,t);r=o?N(t):t;return o?N(s):s;}I main(I c,char**v){I i=1,q,r;while(i<c)q=D(atoi(v[i]),r),cout<<v[i]<<" divided by 3 == "<<q<<" with a remainder of "<<r<<endl,i=A(i,1);}

The advantages over the other solutions, even though it can't win on a purely codegolf basis:

  • It only uses the standard library to obtain the value of CHAR_BIT, atoi, cout, and endl. Consequently, it does not depend on any math routines in the standard library beyond those to convert a string to and from a number. It most definitely does not use any part of the standard library to divide by 3.
  • It at no time uses any of the operators + - * / % (binary or unary, numeric or string). Note that it does use two asterisks to declare a pointer to a pointer to char, but it only uses that to access command line parameters of number to divide.
  • It uses bit manipulation and relational operators exclusively in the division process.
  • If the scaffolding code (main and two of the three include files) is removed, the code that does the actual work of division by 3 is only 457 bytes.
  • I'm pretty sure this code should work on any C++ compiler conforming to the standard and does not exploit any tricks that only work on a subset of compilers or platforms. One possible exception to this is it might not work on a platform that does not use twos complement signed integers, though I don't have access to any platform like that to test that theory. Another possible exception (related) is if automatic signed / unsigned conversions are not supported as they are for most (or all) platforms utilizing twos complement signed integers.

I'm sure there are other ways to make this shorter, but I've spent enough time on it. Mainly I wanted to perform the exercise without any "cheating" via use of any operations from the standard library. By defining functions and macros that perform unary negation, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division strictly in terms of bit level operations and relational operators, signed (or unsigned) integers can be divided by three. I've hard coded the divisor to 3 to remove a few bytes of code here and there, though adding a parameter to pass in the divisor is fairly trivial.

The signed division function notes the sign of the dividend then calls the unsigned division function with the dividends absolute value. Once the unsigned division returns the unsigned quotient and remainder, the original sign is used to negate the signed quotient and remainder as needed.

Edit: Only after I wrote and submitted my solution did I go look at the original question on SO. Some interesting stuff there, and of course someone had already come up with my solution. FWIW, I did write this on my own! Not that it matters for this old of a question, especially in a codegolf exercise. :)


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 736


Aceto, 6 bytes

r grabs input
i converts to integer
3 pushes 3 on the stack
: does float division
i converts to integer
p prints it

Try it online!


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 1 425



Code where x is an integer. Only works for positive integers and rounds the result up.


Elliot Gorokhovsky

Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 111

You could replace length with nnz – flawr – 2016-11-07T22:27:32.403


R, 19 bytes


Try it online!

Saw this method above in another language, and easily implemented it in R. And it gives precise answers. Works for positive and negative inputs.

R, 18 bytes


Slightly shorter solution that only works for positive numbers and performs "actual" integer division.

Try it online!


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 1 334


Perl 6, 19 bytes


A rational number in Perl 6 is literally defined as a numerator over a denominator. So passing it 7 creates the fraction 7/3 . That fraction is then coerced to an Int. This should work for all ℤ .

Try it online!


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 928


PowerShell, 82 74 bytes

-8 bytes thanks to mazzy

param($n)'-'[$n-ge0]+(-join(0..$n|?{$_}|%{1})-replace111,0-replace1|% Le*)

Try it online!

Bug-fix of Joseph Alcorn's answer to handle negatives correctly.

83 bytes to have 0 instead of -0


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 3 580

-0 is not very nice. Powershell knows how to make ranges with with negative bounds :) – mazzy – 2019-06-24T17:52:34.453

@mazzy If you go 1..$n with a negative, you get two extra iterations. 0..$n is an extra tick as well because you can't do 0..--$n(but can probably be fixed with minimal fuss) – Veskah – 2019-06-24T17:56:26.413

174 bytes :) – mazzy – 2019-06-25T06:28:17.507

is This also applies to incrementing and decrementing operators means Do not use incrementing and decrementing operators? Ok. Then your approach is best. – mazzy – 2019-06-25T13:56:58.583

1@mazzy Yep, those are not to be used. – Veskah – 2019-06-25T14:04:22.937


Java 317

I know this is extremely long, and I know this is supposed to be code golf, but for kicks I wanted to write a version that ALSO:

  • Doesn't use the characters [0-9]
  • Doesn't branch

Enjoy :)

import java.util.LinkedList;class Div{int d(int a){int t=getClass().getName().length();char[]s=Integer.toString(a,t).toCharArray();StringBuilder b=new StringBuilder();LinkedList<Character>l=new LinkedList<>();for(char z:s){l.add(z);}l.removeLast();for(char z:l){b.append(z);}return Integer.valueOf(b.toString(),t);}}


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 4 692


Perl 5, 158 characters

sub t{use integer;$m=unpack(J,U x 8)^(($n=pop)>0&&3);$p=0;for($t= ~0;$t;$t<<=1){$c=$p&($o=$m&1&&$n);$p=($p^$o)>>1;($p,$c)=($p^$c,($p&$c)<<1)while$c;$m>>=1}$p}

This is more than 7 times longer than the answer by memowe, but it runs faster when the input is large, and supports negative inputs. Now you can divide -2147483648 by 3. This defines a sub. t(-2147483648) returns -715827883 because it rounds down.

Division is multiplication!

Division by 3 uses the formula

  • n &div; 3 = n × (264 &div; 3) &div; 264

with an integer constant to approximate 264 &div; 3. The algorithm multiplies by this constant and drops the lower 64 bits of the 128-bit product. To prevent error, n must be in range for a signed 64-bit integer, and the constant must be

  • ⌊264 &div; 3⌋ = 5555 5555 5555 555516 if n is negative, or
  • ⌈264 &div; 3⌉ = 5555 5555 5555 555616 if n is positive.

Multiplication uses an add-and-shift loop. Addition uses bitwise-xor to add and bitwise-and to carry. Shifts preserve the high 64 bits of each 65-bit sum and the final 128-bit product.

Ungolfed code

use strict;
use warnings;

# t($n) is floor($n / 3) with only bitwise operations
sub t {
    use integer; # for signed right shift
    my $n = shift;

    # The formula with 64-bit integers is:
    #   $n / 3 = ($n * (1 << 64) / 3) >> 64
    # If this perl has 32-bit integers, then $m and $t get 32-bit
    # values, so the shifts are by 32.

    # $m = (1 << 64) / 3
    #    = 0x5555 5555 5555 5555 if $n < 0
    #    = 0x5555 5555 5555 5556 else
    my $m = unpack 'J', 'UUUUUUUU';  # Unpack 0x55 bytes.
    $n < 0 or $m ^= 3;               # 0x55 ^ 3 == 0x56

    # Multiplication: $p = ($n * $m) >> 64
    my $p = 0;
    for (my $t = ~0; $t; $t <<= 1) { # Loop 64 times.
    if ($m & 1) {
        # Add and shift: $p = ($p + $n) >> 1
        # Shift early to prevent 65-bit overflow.
        my $c = $p & $n;         # Carry.
        $p = ($p ^ $n) >> 1;     # Add by exclusive-or.
        while ($c) {
        ($p, $c) = ($p ^ $c, ($p & $c) << 1);
    else {
        $p >>= 1;
    $m >>= 1;
    return $p;

# test program: divide integers
use POSIX qw(floor);
for my $integer (@ARGV) {
    $integer = int($integer);
    my $have = t($integer);
    my $want = floor($integer / 3);
    printf("%d -> %d (%s)\n", $integer, $have,
       $have == $want ? "correct" : "OFF BY @{[$want - $have]}");

The golfed version has some differences:

  • It clobbers global variables.
  • It uses the other value of $m if $n is zero.
  • It replaces the check if ($m & 1) with a new variable $o=$m&1&&$n.


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 2 615


Julia - 29 characters

I'm assuming n as a variable assigned prior to running this line of code.


Performs the truncation variant (-35 -> -11 not -12). In the current stable release (0.2.1), this approach only works up to base 36 (for division by 36) as parseint only works for alphanumeric text, but in the 0.3 prerelease (based on the forio.com online REPL), it will work up to 62.

Note that the ",2" at the end is necessary to handle numbers less than 3 (or equivalent) in magnitude, as otherwise chop(base(3,n)) will result in either an empty string (for non-negative values) or "-" (for negative values).

Glen O

Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 2 548


Jelly, 5 bytes (non-competing)


Try it online!


 b3Ṗḅ3 Main link. Arguments: z
⁸      (implicit) z
  3    3
 b     Convert x to base y
   Ṗ   Trim last element off x
     3 3
    ḅ  Convert x from base y

Erik the Outgolfer

Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 38 134


APL, 11


I'm converting to base 3 and back, removing the last number in the process. Try it on tryapl.org

Moris Zucca

Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 1 519


Octave/MATLAB, 7 bytes


Try it online!

I'm not entirely sure whether or not this would count as cheating. It's not using one of the specifically listed operators (+-%/*). MATLAB has a right divide operator which divides a number on the right by a number on the left.

I'll delete this answer if the consensus that it is cheating.

Tom Carpenter

Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 3 990


perl 23



> echo 1e4|perl -pe'$_=()=(1x$_)=~/(111)/g'

Doesn't work with negatives.

Alex Brown

Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 101


Mathematica (assorted)

Dividing 9 by 3 (but should work for arbitray input). The second version outputs just the number, while the first will offer additional braces (not sure about what is deemed correct, pick your count):

9Inverse[{{3}}]              (*15*)
9Inverse[{{3}}][[1,1]]       (*22*)

LinearSolve[{{3}},{9}]       (*22*)
LinearSolve[{{3}},{9}][[1]]  (*27*)

Yves Klett

Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 251


Ruby, 21 bytes


Try it online!


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 11 099


JavaScript (bitwise), 92 bytes

Because this is interview question, I assume they expected to see implementation of division using bitwise operations, not tricks with strings. So here it is. Works for negative values as well.


Daniil Tutubalin

Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 547

bitwise operations, not tricks with strings -- is your solution not the one heavily dependent on bitwise operations? – Jonathan Frech – 2019-06-20T12:24:05.473

@JonathanFrech it is. As I mentioned in answer, I think that what was initial interview question all about. – Daniil Tutubalin – 2019-06-20T13:49:09.260


Python 3, 29 chars


first golf, feels cheaty to me but here goes!

other one for 44:

import numpy;print(int(numpy.mean([x,0,0])))


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 101

2Technically, you're still using a forbidden operator, it's just not visible in your source. – Benjamin Urquhart – 2019-06-20T18:15:27.153

2@BenjaminUrquhart However, this viewpoint opens a deep rabbit hole: it is unlikely that the chosen Python interpreter does not contain a forbidden character, making it -- again -- technically use one ... – Jonathan Frech – 2019-06-20T21:18:11.210


PHP, 66 bytes


Try it online!

Divides by lobbing off the least significant digit in the base 3 representation of the original number. The result is truncated (10/3 = 3), works with negative numbers and uses the PHP spaceship operator.


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 7 149


ReRegex, 22 bytes


Takes IO in the form of unary _s via STDIN.

Simple program, matches three chunks of _'s as greedily as possible, and dumps out the first group. Remaining _'s are also matched away.

Try it online!


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 7 898


32 characters in Burlesque:


assuming the number to divide is already on the stack. (see here in action).

How does it work? It generates a list of numbers 0..n and then removes one from the left and two from the right until only one number is left. Of course this method only works with numbers that are divisible by 3.


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 1 382


Perl using an eval to compute a string version of x/3.

Perl 5.8 Version

print eval join' ','int',$ARGV[0],map{chr}47,51

Perl 5.10 Version

say print eval join' ','int',$ARGV[0],map{chr}47,51


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 141

I'm not sure if the exactly meets the criteria of "without using the / operator". It still uses it, it's just hidden in the code as character 47. – primo – 2012-12-15T15:54:05.823

You are correct, this just hides it. Either way, my solution isn't nearly as good as memowe's version using regular expressions. – xxfelixxx – 2012-12-17T03:11:55.570


Hexagony, 28 (Non-competing, only unsigned)


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Haven't got any Bitwise operators, so either can't join (like BF) or break the rules with increments and decrements. I chose the latter as I ...

...just want to share the facts that a hexagon is a polygon with 6 sides, and the number 6 has a factor 3. This is an "advantage" to Hexagons so I hope this will be interesting.

Expanded version

   ? $ \ <
  @ ' \ . |
 ! " 1 . ( |
{ ' & . { & .
 1 \ ( ) \ $
  . . . . .
   . . . .

? gets the input, and $ skips a mirror then we hit < the branch.

If the number is <=0 it goes to the corner then to {!@ which prints the "counter" (explained below) and ends the program.

(Else) If it is >0,

  1. decrement it and increase the counter by 1 (located relatively at { as left neighbour and goes back with ").
  2. Step back to the right and copy.
  3. Step back to the right and copy again.
  4. Goes back to the branch after a few reflections.

Anyone who wants to understand how this ends with graphics? I hope there is someone who wants to know more about Hexagony and know why keep stepping back to the right will in turn accumulates the counter. :P

I can't use the operators +-*/%. Can I use :? (The integer division) Obviously not - I'll be breaking the rules. Sadly I am already breaking the rules with increments and decrements. So I imposed myself to an unintended rule - not using / as an operator for reflection :) Whole program is +-*/%-free. May need a side length 5 hexagon to make one that can take care of the negatives...

Oh I just love hexagons.

Hexagon Edition, also 28, another way to get back into the loop.


Sunny Pun

Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 821


Python 2, 16 bytes (Joke Answer)

print input()//3

// is not the same as /, the division operator. //, a token in and of itself, is the floor-division operator. Example: 4.5 // 2 == 2. Note that this answer exploits a loophole in the question, and can be considered a joke. However, it is within the technical rules because the question says you cannot use the / operator. Although this answer uses the character "/", it never uses it as an operator.


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 1 379


Python 3, 61 bytes

from numpy import*;f=lambda x:int(base_repr(x,base=3)[:-1],3)

This doesn't win, but I think it's a clever method that hasn't been used in the other Python entries, so I'm posting it here.


Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 2 663

if using numpy import numpy;print(int(numpy.mean([x,0,0]))) for 44? – Zulfiqaar – 2019-06-20T16:53:16.927


Scheme, 95 110 bytes

(define (h n)
   (let l ((a (iota n)))
     (if (> (length a) 2)
         (cons 1 (l (cdddr a)))

My original attempt using base conversion:

(define (g n)
        (number->string n 3))))))

I can't think of a better way of removing the last character from the string.

Alan Third

Posted 2012-08-01T03:43:52.320

Reputation: 147