1/N probability



Because there are not enough simple challenges:

Create an optionally unnamed program or function that, given (by any means) an integer 1 ≤ N ≤ 10000, outputs your language's True value with a pseudo-random probability of 1/N, False otherwise.

Please note that the requirement for naming has been removed. Feel free to edit answers and scores accordingly.

Some languages use 1 (or -1) and 0 for True and False, that is fine too.


Example input tests:

4 -> True
4 -> False
4 -> False
4 -> False
4 -> False
4 -> True
4 -> False
4 -> False

I.e. given 4; it returns True with a 25% chance and False with a 75% chance.


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 37 779

2Relevant meta post – FryAmTheEggman – 2015-12-17T19:38:28.260


Also relevant meta post.

– AdmBorkBork – 2015-12-17T19:40:56.103

As not all languages have built in "pseudorandomness" is it possible to get a seed as second argument? (E.g. Brainfuck) – flawr – 2015-12-22T21:59:39.853

@flawr use current millisecond... – Adám – 2015-12-23T02:17:06.330

@NBZ Brainf*** doesn't have that either – SuperJedi224 – 2016-02-12T01:10:26.837

@SuperJedi224 Right. OK then; have a seed and optionally return a new seed. But only for languages that really don't have other options. – Adám – 2016-02-12T14:09:34.510

1What's the largest N we have to accept? – Toby Speight – 2016-04-12T16:20:47.277

@TobySpeight 10000. – Adám – 2016-06-10T13:16:00.393



MediaWiki templates with ParserFunctions, 48 bytes

{{#ifexpr:1>{{#time:U}} mod {{{n}}}|true|false}}


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 499

13Interesting choice of language :-) – Adám – 2015-12-18T03:27:14.400

6Who the heck thought it would be sensible to add non-deterministic functions to MediaWiki templates!? – user253751 – 2015-12-19T11:05:26.680

4@immibis: well the non-determinism occurs from #time, probably to update the age of living people, etc. – Willem Van Onsem – 2015-12-19T21:42:01.353


Pyth, 3 bytes


Try it online

Simple inversion of random choice from 0 to input

Amusingly in Pyth it is not possible to make a function that does this without $ because Pyth functions are automatically memoized.


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 16 206

1It is possible. – Leaky Nun – 2016-05-22T01:33:57.110

@LeakyNun Ah right, I had forgotten about using the time for a random function, that's rather clever. – FryAmTheEggman – 2016-05-22T01:43:25.983

No, I just used time to de-memoize it. – Leaky Nun – 2016-05-22T01:47:43.190

1I'm aware, I guess I just didn't word it well :P That said I don't think it would really work as a workaround for most submissions, if it were ever better than a full program for some reason. Taking the time as an argument probably isn't just allowed by default. – FryAmTheEggman – 2016-05-22T06:00:38.010

another one: qhO :p – Leaky Nun – 2016-06-10T06:21:10.417

1@LeakyNun I believe this question predates the Q filling in at the end, as otherwise I would have answered !O ;) – FryAmTheEggman – 2016-06-10T12:43:25.897


CJam, 5 bytes

Gotta be quick with these ones...


Test it here.


ri e# Read input and convert to integer N.
mr e# Get a uniformly random value in [0 1 ... N-1].
!  e# Logical NOT, turns 0 into 1 and everything else into 0.

Martin Ender

Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 184 808

11"Gotta be quick with these ones..." which is a reason to disagree with OP that "there are not enough simple [tag:code-golf] challenges". If FGITW is an issue, IMO it's too simple. – Peter Taylor – 2015-12-17T19:51:09.763


TI-BASIC, 4 bytes using one byte tokens


Determines if the integer part of the input times a random number in [0,1) is zero. Ansrand<1 also works.


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 20 331

How... Is that four bytes? – John Dvorak – 2015-12-19T07:17:58.803

3@JanDvorak The first bytes is not(, the next is int(, the next is Ans, the next is rand. In general, graphing calculators do not use ASCII as their internal representation for programs. – user253751 – 2015-12-19T11:06:35.440

@immibis In general, computers don't use ASCII either. This might be questionable, is there a meta discussion about that? – Kroltan – 2015-12-19T15:45:48.193


@Kroltan Yes; this is the meta discussion, and this is the list of tokens that are one byte, which includes all four that I used.

– lirtosiast – 2015-12-19T16:33:26.673

@ThomasKwa thanks! – Kroltan – 2015-12-19T16:40:51.650


MATL, 5 bytes

Three different versions of this one, all length 5.


which takes an input (i), generates a random integer between 1 and that number (Yr), and sees if it it is equal to 1 (1=). Alternatively,


make a 1 (l, a workaround because there is a bug with doing 1i at the moment), take an input (i), divide to get 1/N (/), make a random number between 0 and 1 (r), and see if the random number is smaller than 1/N. Or,


take and input (i), and multiply by a random number between 0 and 1 (r*), and see if the result is smaller than 1 (1<).

In Matlab, not MATL, you can do this anonymous function


for 12 bytes, which is used by doing ans(5), for example.


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 1 316


Julia, 17 16 15 bytes


This is a function that generates a random integer between 1 and n and tests whether it's less than 2. There will be a 1/n chance of this happening, and thus a 1/n chance of returning true.

Saved 1 byte thanks to Thomas Kwa!

Alex A.

Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 23 761


JavaScript ES6, 15 bytes

-5 bytes thanks to Downgoat.

x=>1>new Date%x

Based off (uses) of this answer's technique.

Conor O'Brien

Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 36 228

1new Date can also work and might save a few bytes – Downgoat – 2015-12-17T22:59:07.220

@Downgoat Ah, right, Date randomness! – Conor O'Brien – 2015-12-17T23:03:03.523


Microscript II, 3 bytes


Reads an integer n, generates a random integer between 0 and n-1 (inclusive), then applies a boolean negation to that value.


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 11 342


Candy, 2 bytes


H stands for Heisen-double

n stands for not

The 'n' is passed with the -i flag as numeric input. Values left on the stack are printed on exit.

"Long" form:

rand   # number between 0 and pop()
not    # cast to int, invert non-zero to zero, and zero to one

Dale Johnson

Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 509

I think you'd need to count -i as one byte. – lirtosiast – 2015-12-19T05:54:20.177

1basically the only way to pass numeric input is with the -i flag. I guess only languages that read from stdin suffer no input specification penalty? – Dale Johnson – 2015-12-19T06:04:39.393

Well, if there were a generic input flag, or you just used regular CLAs to pass arguments, that would definitely be fine. It seems unfair that the datatype is being specified for free, though. – lirtosiast – 2015-12-19T06:11:05.247

2@ThomasKwa Should a function written in a dynamic language have to count the bytes to specify that the argument is an integer in the documentation? In lambda x: random.random()<1/x (ungolfed) it's also "specified for free" that the argument is a number. – user253751 – 2015-12-19T11:11:27.950

@immibis Hmm, that's a good point. I guess trying to keep the rules for programs and functions the same should allow this, then. I'll make a post on meta. – lirtosiast – 2015-12-19T16:31:45.017


R, 30 22 bytes


cat(runif(1)<1/scan())          #new
f=function(N)cat(runif(1)<1/N)  #old

It generates a number from a uniform distribution (0 to 1) and should evaluate to true 1/n of the times.


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 1 361


Seriously, 3 bytes


0 is falsey and 1 is truthy. Try it online


,    get input
 J   push a random integer in range(0, input) ([0, ..., input-1])
  Y  logical not: push 0 if truthy else 1  


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 32 998


APL, 6 3 bytes


This is a function train that takes an integer and returns 1 or 0 (APL's true/false). We generate a random integer from 1 to the input using ?, then check whether the input is equal to that integer. That results in a 1/input chance of true.

Saved 3 bytes thanks to Thomas Kwa!

Alex A.

Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 23 761

@ThomasKwa I thought about some kind of train, but does that really count as a "named function" if assigned? I guess the "named" part is throwing me here since it's atypical. – Alex A. – 2015-12-17T22:53:14.987

@ThomasKwa Assignment of trains (and derived functions) is completely parallel to all other assignments. – Adám – 2015-12-18T03:26:05.950

@NBZ what do you mean by parallel? – lirtosiast – 2015-12-18T16:04:47.640

@ThomasKwa Equivalent; behaving like any other function assignment. – Adám – 2015-12-20T16:18:55.477

I would use instead of '+' because + means Conjugate for complex numbers. Of course it doesn't matter here, and + is the traditional identity (no-op) function, but now we have (same). Other no-ops for scalars are: (materialize), (pick), (enclose), (split), (mix), (unique), (enlist), , (ravel), (table), (reverse), (reverse first), and (transpose). Some change the scalar into a vector or matrix. – Adám – 2015-12-31T19:46:45.667


Japt, 6 bytes


Try it online!

Mr is equivalent to JS's Math.random. The rest is pretty obvious. I could probably add a number function that generates a random float between 0 and the number. When this happens, two bytes will be saved:

1>Ur    // Doesn't currently work

Alternate version:

1>Ð %U

Ð is equivalent to new Date(, and the Date object, when asked to convert to a number, becomes the current timestamp in milliseconds. Thus, this is entirely random, unless it is run multiple times per ms.


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 47 880


PlatyPar, 3 bytes


#? gets a random number [0,n) where n is input. ! returns true if the number before it is 0, else it returns false.

Using more recent features that were implemented (but unfortunately for me not committed) before this question was asked I can get it down to 2 with ~! Try it online!


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 2 690


Marbelous, 21 bytes

}0    # takes one input n
--    # decrements n
??    # random value from range 0..n (inclusive)
=0?0  # push right if not equal to 0, fall through otherwise | convert to zero
++    # increment | no-op
{0//  # output | push left

I've taken 0 to be falsey and 1 to be truthy, though there is no real reason for that seeing as Marbelous doesn't really have an if. More Marbelousy would be output to {0 for true and {> for false. This would look like this:


But I'm not sure that's valid.


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 3 500

I'd be up for a meta discussion on this. Short version of my view: outputting a value to a different output is equivalent to having different output tuples in another language. If (nil,1) and (1,nil) can be your truthy and falsey values in another language, then {0 vs {> should be allowed in Marbelous.

PS: your {> version won't exit because you never fill the other output. – Sparr – 2015-12-18T21:17:04.770

@Sparr it will exit due to inactivity, no? – overactor – 2015-12-19T14:08:32.663

You're right. I feel dumb. – Sparr – 2015-12-19T21:32:31.270


Java, 43 bytes

boolean b(int a){return a*Math.random()<1;}


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 11 342

1a->a*Math.random()<1 is shorter. – TheNumberOne – 2015-12-17T19:49:29.453

Should specify "Java 7 or earlier". – corsiKa – 2015-12-18T18:39:16.840

@corsiKlauseHoHoHo This works in Java 8 as well though – SuperJedi224 – 2015-12-18T19:07:56.823

1Of course it does - but it's not golfed for Java 8, which would use lambdas to save space. By that logic, all Java answers are also Groovy answers, but Groovy is always the same or smaller because it has shortcuts that Java doesn't. – corsiKa – 2015-12-18T19:51:35.460


C, 24 bytes


Level River St

Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 22 049

I've rolled back OP's edit removing the first 4 characters. It's nice to have bytes reduced, but to me, having the returnwithout the f(n) doesn't make any sense syntactically. – Level River St – 2015-12-18T03:18:49.107

1@insertusernamehere rand()%n is a standard way of getting a random number in the range 0..n-1. You are correct, it does rely on n being much smaller than RAND_MAX but there is no upper limit for n mentioned in the question. An alternative approach would be to do a reject and re-roll on all numbers from n to RAND_MAX but it would be hopelessly inefficient at small n. – Level River St – 2015-12-21T00:00:36.667


><>, 27 + 3 for -v = 30 bytes

Here is a not-uniform-at-all solution where I mod N the sum of 15876 random picks of 0 or 1 :


N must be input on the stack with -v flag, output is 0 for falsey and 1 for truthy.

A much smarter and uniform solution that work for 1/2^N instead :


For an input 3 you've got 1/8 chances of getting 1 and 7/8 of getting 0.

Explanation :

I append as much x as needed on the 4th line and surround them with directions so there is only two ways out of the x: either the falsey output or the next x. If all x go in the right direction, the last one will route to the truthy output.

For example for N=5, the final codespace is the following :

0n; > > > > >
    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 3 689

While it's true you can't get a perfect distribution for arbitrary N, neither can anyone else using a PRNG. You could loop through an x a few times to get a bunch of random bits, assemble them into an int I, then use I%N as your random value. – Sparr – 2015-12-18T21:14:16.190

@Sparr edited my answer but I feel like using a big number of iteration will 'average out' the resulting integer, making the output heavily tend toward (iterNum/2)%N. I don't think using a lower number would be a solution either. Did I maybe not quite understood you, or would you have any further idea to better the solution? – Aaron – 2015-12-20T13:32:36.947

instead of adding 15000 bits together, produce just 32 bits and concatenate them, giving you a uniformly distributed 32-bit random integer. mod that. – Sparr – 2015-12-21T01:50:29.933

@Sparr that seems better indeed, even if I've no idea why ;) That'll cost much more bytes (><> sucks for byte operations & base conversion) but I'll change my answer this evening (CEST). – Aaron – 2015-12-21T11:54:41.170

you can concatenate bits by multiplying by two and adding: r=0; for(0..32) r=r*2+randbit; – Sparr – 2015-12-21T18:22:12.273


Mathematica, 18 16 bytes


Basic solution. The unnamed Function creates a random number in [0, 1), multiplies it by its argument, and checks if it is still less than 1.


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 15 731


Python, 42 bytes

import random
lambda n:1>random.random()*n

Edit: Removed the time.time() answer because of the distribution.


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 499

2For random, it's worth doing from random import* to save on random.. Not for time though. – xnor – 2015-12-18T05:03:24.920


Random numbers generated by modulo division are not uniformly distributed.

– Trang Oul – 2015-12-18T08:35:59.170

@TrangOul That's a good point; for larger n the effect could be noticeable. I think 1>time.time()%1*n could work. – lirtosiast – 2015-12-18T16:07:13.400

@TrangOul I presume you know the difference between rand in C, and time.time in Python... One obvious feature of the latter is that it returns the current time, which is unbounded, so that time.time()%n has a uniform distribution (over long enough periods of time) for any n. – user253751 – 2015-12-19T11:09:26.760


TeaScript, 3 bytes


Try it here.


 N  maps to Math.rand which is a utility function that returns an integer
    between `arg1` and `arg2` or `0` and `arg1` if only one argument is
  × is expanded to `(x)`, where `x` is initialised with the value provided
    in the input boxes; × represents byte '\xd7'
!   negate the result, 0 results in true, anything else false

Dom Hastings

Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 16 415

1How does seven chars add up to 6 bytes? And is the (R) a (single byte) ANSI char? – Adám – 2015-12-20T12:52:47.377

@NBZ, haha! I think I lied... I blame hangover... I'll update now as I'm going to change the mechanism to a more straightforward one that I've just noticed! In this current version the ® represents the char '\xae' so is just one byte. :) – Dom Hastings – 2015-12-20T13:12:25.563


Fuzzy Octo Guacamole, 10 bytes




^          # Get input.
 -         # Decrement, so we can append <ToS> zeros and a 1 to the stack.
  !        # Set loop counter.
   _       # Pop, since we are done with the input.
    [      # Start loop
     0     # Push 0
      ]    # End for loop. We have pushed input-1 0s to the stack.
       1   # Push a single 1 to the stack.
        .  # Switch stacks
         | # Pick a random item from the inactive stack, which has n-1 falsy items and 1 truthy item, so the truthy probability is 1/n.
           # (implicit output)


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 7 410


Perl 6,  10  8 bytes

#  ^- The * is the argument

This code creates a Range from 0 up-to but excluding the input *. It then picks one at random and the ! returns True when it receives a 0.

# ^- The * is the argument

This takes the input * and multiplies it by a random Num from 0..^1 then returns True if it was smaller than 1.

# store it in a lexical code variable for ease of use
my &code = 1>*.rand;

die "never dies here" unless code 1;

for ^8 { say code 4 }

Brad Gilbert b2gills

Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 12 713


C#, 56 45 bytes

Thanks to, pinkfloydx33 it's 45 now.

bool b(int n){return new Random().Next(n)<1;}

Old 56 bytes

Generates random positive integer bigger or equal to 0 and smaller than n and checks if it's smaller than 1 and return comparison result.

bool a(int n){Random r=new Random();return r.Next(n)<1;}


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 191


Welcome to PPCG! Unfortunately, this submission doesn't work, because Random.Next(k) returns an integer k such that 0 <= k < n. By changing the condition to <1, it will be correct. In addition, the use of a lambda expression may get your code shorter.

– Mego – 2015-12-18T08:30:46.757

@Mego Sure, thank you for comment. I made it 0 < k <= n and it should be like you said. I'll correct it immediately. – ivaan – 2015-12-18T08:41:12.213

2Use var r saves three. Or if c#6, bool a(int n) => new Random().Next(n)<1; for 41. Though not sure if initializing a new Random per method call will work properly as far as distribution? – pinkfloydx33 – 2015-12-18T09:56:36.863


PHP, 22 bytes


Reads n from command line, like:

$ php probability.php 4

Outputs (false is cast to an empty string in PHP) or 1 (in case of true).


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 4 551


Prolog (SWI), 24 bytes


p(N):-X is 1/N,maybe(X).

maybe(+P) is a function which succeeds with probability P and fails with probability 1-P






Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 50 798


PowerShell, 25 Bytes

!(Random -ma($args[0]--))

The Get-Random function when given a -Maximum parameter n returns a value from the range [0,n). We leverage that by subtracting 1 from our input $args[0], so we're properly zero-indexed, and get a random value. Precisely 1/nth of the time, this value will be 0, so when we Boolean-not it with ! it will return True. The other times will return False.


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 41 581


Scratch, 63 bytes

Try it online!
Scratchblocks code:

when gf clicked
ask[]and wait
say<(pick random(1)to(answer))=[1


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 1 187

2Uh oh my golf is longer than Java D: – ev3commander – 2015-12-23T01:39:26.617


J, 3 bytes


This is a monadic fork that takes an argument on the right. Similarly to APL, ? generates a random integer; however, J arrays are zero-based. So we compare to 0 instead of to the input.


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 20 331


Minkolang 0.14, 7 bytes


Try it here.


1          Pushes 1
 n         Takes number from input
  H        Pops b,a and pushes a random integer between a and b, inclusive
   1=      1 if equal to 1, 0 otherwise
     N.    Output as number and stop.

El'endia Starman

Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 14 504


Jelly, 2 bytes


Try it online! (contains a footer that runs the program 100 times and reports the results)

I had to triple-check to make sure that Jelly wasn't here yet; it's a popular language, after all. But it turns out it wasn't.

X picks a random element from a list. Because it's at the start of the program but requires an input, it'll implicitly take the first command line argument as input. Most commands, when they expect a number but are given a list, convert the number into a range from 1 to that number; thus, for example, an input of 4 will pick a random element from [1, 2, 3, 4]. (Actually, Jelly has a special case to optimise this internally by not constructing the list.) Note that for an input of n, this means that there's a 1 in n chance of picking 1 as our element.

Once we have our element, we run on it. That's a test for a small value, i.e. no higher than 1 or smaller than -1. The only element that we can produce that matches this condition is 1, so we get an output of true (expressed as 1 in Jelly) with 1/n probability, and false (expressed as 0 in Jelly) the rest of the time. The output then gets printed implicitly.

(This submission also works as a function rather than a full program, exactly the same way; the implicit input is then taken from the function argument, and the implicit output used as the function's return value.)


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377



Befunge-93, 99 98 96 95 92 90 84 bytes

<vp90:g80<p80 &
>v<10^ +*2p90<
@>\^`$`  >!.
 v  _^>  |

Try it online!

This deserves a separate spot from my other answer, as I did this from scratch.

This generates an integer (x) in the range [0,2^n) using random binary digits, then redoes the program if x>=n (Actually by checking !(n>x), because befunge). Then, it tests if x=0, outputting the result.

Any ways to knock off bytes are wanted!


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 5 710


Ruby, 14



Program is slightly longer

p rand(gets.to_i)<1

Level River St

Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 22 049


Perl, 18 12 bytes


That is 11 bytes + 1 for the -p commandline argument.
Save in a file (any name, say, 16.pl) and run as: echo 4 | perl -p 16.pl.
It will print an empty line for false, and 1 for true.

As a function: 18 bytes

sub f{1>rand$_[0]}


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 946

Would it still be valid if "sub f" was removed? (Updated OP: Naming is not required anymore.) – Adám – 2015-12-18T14:25:21.320


, 3 chars / 6 bytes


Try it here (Firefox only).

The punctuation is strong with this one.

Mama Fun Roll

Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 7 234


Racket, 21 bytes

(λ(x)(=(random x)0))

Matthew Butterick

Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 401


Reng v.3.3, noncompeting, 6 bytes


i takes input, u pushes a random integer in [0,i), 0e checks if the value is equal to 0, n outputs that value, and ~ terminates the program.

Try it here!

Conor O'Brien

Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 36 228


><>, 44 + 3 = 47 bytes


Try it online, or watch it at the fish playground!

Input is taken on the stack, with the -v flag (hence the +3 bytes). Unlike the other ><> answer, this has a theoretically correct distribution, not just an approximately correct one (assuming the pseudo-random stuff behind the scenes is uniform).

Randomness is tricky in ><>: the only non-deterministic instruction is x, which sets the fish's direction randomly from four choices.

If you want a uniform random number from 1 to N but you only have a (fair) m-sided die, where m > N, you can do it by rolling the die, checking if the result is in the right range, and re-rolling if it isn't until you get a number between 1 and N. There's a probability of exactly 0 that you'll keep rolling the die forever without end, and the result you get (if the process terminates) is uniformly distributed. Also, if 1 < m < N, you can simulate an mk-sided die by rolling it k times, and you can make mk larger than N by picking k large enough. Thus you can simulate any rational probability using any die with more than 1 side (if you don't mind a vanishingly small chance of rolling the die forever).

This program rolls a 2N-sided die, by getting N random 1s or 0s and reading them in binary. The number 2N is always bigger than N for N ≥ 1, although it's usually a LOT bigger, so for large N you'll be waiting a while. TIO handles up to about N = 16.

Not a tree

Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 3 106

The idea of using a random number in the range of [1,2^n] definitely works in other languages, (e.g. my Befunge answer) – Zacharý – 2017-11-23T22:03:42.437


Befunge-93, 185 171 169 142 125 124 121 118 116 113 124 bytes

 &v>:00pv _v>v>\v
 > ^<  v?v:$1-+ :
@g:    1^2-1^   _$v>g`| @.0_1.
.$1    >v<1-\2*v+1<   >00g-^
 ^-     >\^>^>^>:00^  >

Try it online!

This uses the exact same strategy as this ><> answer (generate an integer in the range [1,2^n] by generating n random binary digits then converting it, then try again if the resulting integer is outside of the range [1,n]), but with two modifications:

  • Separate case for n=1
  • The binary digits are at first generated with 1s and 2s, since Befunge pops 0 off of the stack when empty. After the digits are generated, they are decremented to their normal binary and converted to an integer in place.

This is surprisingly fast!

Anything that will reduce the bytecount are welcome, considering I'm not a good befunge-golfer (especially when it comes to g and p)

I apparently am horrible at reading directions, as I originally only outputted a random integer in the range [1,n] >_<.


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 5 710


SmileBASIC, 15 bytes


RND(n) generates a random number from 0 to n-1, so there's a 1/n chance that it will be 0. Then it just uses ! (logical not) to convert this to a 1/n chance of generating 1 (true), and prints the result.


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 6 110


Keg, 6 bytes


Takes random number & input, modulos them and checks whether the result is less than 2.


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377



Perl 5, 10 bytes

A subroutine:


It takes input as a list of 1s of the appropriate length.



Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 3 094


MY, 5 bytes


Try it online!

How it works:

Generates a random integer in the range [0,n), then tests for equality with 0.


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 5 710

I assume you meant [0,n-1] since [1,n] does not include 0. – 12Me21 – 2018-03-31T21:16:20.493

Yes, thank you! Lol. – Zacharý – 2018-03-31T21:21:32.937


GolfScript, 8 bytes

~rand 0=

Try it online!


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 171


J, 6 bytes



A J fork:

      ?&0:                <               %
NB. uniform float    is less than?    1 / input

Try it online!


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 8 729


x86, 10 bytes

Apparently there's a fairly new instruction called rdrand which makes this program pretty trivial.

Input in ecx, output in ZF. I consider one of x86's flags as a valid return value, which is arguably more useful than setz and returning in eax. It would've been very convenient if div set ZF.

5:  0f c7 f0                rdrand %eax
8:  31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx
a:  f7 f1                   div    %ecx
c:  85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx
e:  c3                      ret 


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 8 929


Gol><>, 7 bytes


Try it online!

How it works


I        Take input as number
 Sx      Generate random number in [0,1)
   *     Multiply the two
    1(   Is it less than 1?
      h  Print the result as number and halt


Posted 2015-12-17T19:34:48.377

Reputation: 16 616