Iterated Dice Rolling



Given an input n where 3 <= n <= 25, perform the following steps, starting with a single n-sided die (faces in the range [1, n], inclusive):

  1. Print the result of rolling the current n-sided dice in play, in the form kdn: X (where X is the result and k is the number of dice in play).
  2. If X is greater than or equal to n/2 times the number of dice in play, add a die. Else, remove a die.
  3. If the number of dice in play is equal to 0 or n, stop. Else, go to step 1.

Example runs (note that the output in parentheses is for explanation and is not required):


1d6: 4 (avg: 3.0, add)
2d6: 6 (avg: 6.0, add)
3d6: 9 (avg: 9.0, add)
4d6: 16 (avg: 12.0, add)
5d6: 13 (avg: 15.0, remove)
4d6: 9 (avg: 12.0, remove)
3d6: 5 (avg: 9.0, remove)
2d6: 7 (avg: 6.0, add)
3d6: 11 (avg: 9.0, add)
4d6: 14 (avg: 12.0, add)
5d6: 17 (avg: 15.0, add)


1d9: 7 (avg: 4.5, add)
2d9: 14 (avg: 9.0, add)
3d9: 18 (avg: 13.5, add)
4d9: 18 (avg: 18.0, add)
5d9: 28 (avg: 22.5, add)
6d9: 26 (avg: 27.0, remove)
5d9: 28 (avg: 22.5, add)
6d9: 34 (avg: 27.0, add)
7d9: 33 (avg: 31.5, add)
8d9: 30 (avg: 36.0, remove)
7d9: 29 (avg: 31.5, remove)
6d9: 35 (avg: 27.0, add)
7d9: 32 (avg: 31.5, add)
8d9: 42 (avg: 36.0, add)


  • Outputs must be exactly in the format kdn: X, with newlines separating each roll
  • You must actually simulate rolling multiple dice; simply returning a random integer in the range [1, n] (inclusive) multiplied by the number of dice currently in play is not allowed, as that does not accurately simulate rolling multiple dice.
  • Standard loopholes are forbidden
  • This is , so the shortest answer in bytes wins


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## Language Name, N bytes

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## Ruby, <s>104</s> <s>101</s> 96 bytes

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## Perl, 43 + 2 (-p flag) = 45 bytes

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## [><>](, 121 bytes

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Posted 2015-12-07T05:32:13.497

Reputation: 32 998

I find this confusing. Example answer, please? – Hipe99 – 2015-12-07T07:25:27.217

Example answer, as the examples are terse. – Hipe99 – 2015-12-07T07:26:51.447

Your edit clarified. Thanks! – Hipe99 – 2015-12-07T07:31:24.227

16Are you sure about your arithmetic? A conventional d6 has an average roll of 3.5. – Peter Taylor – 2015-12-07T09:37:29.657

11All averages in your examples seem wrong – edc65 – 2015-12-07T12:02:59.727

Sorry, I messed up the arithmetic, but fixing it now would invalidate answers, so we're stuck with it. – Mego – 2015-12-07T19:40:17.330


  • 1d6: 4 (avg: 3.0, add) How can that be? 2) Is avg supposed to be the average of values per dice or of the sums per roll?
  • < – Titus – 2016-09-28T17:09:20.193

    @Titus Like I mentioned before, I goofed with the "averages" - they're not averages; they're the maximum possible roll divided by 2. – Mego – 2016-09-28T17:28:11.370



    Pyth, 37 bytes


    Try it online.


    Posted 2015-12-07T05:32:13.497

    Reputation: 16 699


    Mathematica, 95 89 80 characters

    For[k=1,0<k<#,If[Print[k,d,#,": ",x=Tr[{1,#}~RandomInteger~k]];x<k/2#,k--,k++]]&


      k = 1,
      0 < k < #,
        Print[k, d, #, ": ", x = Tr[{1, #}~RandomInteger~k]];
        x < k/2 #,
    ] &


    Posted 2015-12-07T05:32:13.497

    Reputation: 462

    1@MartinBüttner thanks for your suggestions. Echo unfortunately can't take a sequence of inputs like Print does. – shrx – 2015-12-07T12:40:53.090

    Oh, good point. – Martin Ender – 2015-12-07T12:42:30.557


    PHP, 164 121 112 113 109 bytes

    Final version, I promise. Improved using Titus' suggestion:

    function d($x,$y){for($i=$y;$i--;)$r+=rand(1,$x);echo$y."d$x: $r\n";$y+=$r/$y>$x/2?:-1;$y<$x&&$y?d($x,$y):0;}

    EDIT: Added an extra byte for formatting. Forgot there's an IF in there that, thanks to dropping the "add/sub" text, could have been a ternary operator:

    function d($x,$y){for($i=$y;$i--;)$r+=rand(1,$x);echo$y."d$x: $r\n";$r/$y>$x/2?$y++:$y--;if($y<$x&&$y)d($x,$y);}

    Output now looks like:

    1d6: 5
    2d6: 11
    3d6: 8
    2d6: 11
    3d6: 7
    2d6: 4
    1d6: 5

    EDIT: Thanks to @Manatwork, saved me a lot! New and imrpoved version:

    function d($x,$y){for($i=$y;$i--;)$r+=rand(1,$x);echo$y."d$x=$r\n";if($r/$y>$x/2)$y++;else$y--;if($y<$x&&$y){d($x,$y);}}

    Previous entry:

    function d($x,$y){for($i=0;$i<$y;$i++)($r+=rand(1,$x));$s=$y."d$x=$r, ";if($r/$y>$x/2){$y++;$s.="add";}else{$y--;$s.="sub";}echo $s."\n";if($y<$x&&$y>0){d($x,$y);}}`

    Rolls separate dies, outputs this:

    1d6=6, add
    2d6=7, add
    3d6=11, add
    4d6=14, add
    5d6=15, sub
    4d6=15, add
    5d6=18, add

    And it's called thusly: d(6, 1);

    Is displaying the Add and Sub suffix mandatory? This is unclear from your question.


    Posted 2015-12-07T05:32:13.497

    Reputation: 7 772

    The requirement says “note that the output in parentheses is for explanation and is not required”. This way seems shorter: function d($x,$y=1){for($i=$y;$i--;)$r+=rand(1,$x);echo$y."d$x, $r↵";$r/$y>$x/2?$y++:$y--;if($y<$x&&$y)d($x,$y);} – manatwork – 2015-12-07T16:01:15.897

    @manatwork Thanks, you really helped a lot! – steenbergh – 2015-12-07T18:41:32.617

    The if can still be a ternary, saving one byte. And remodeling the increase/decrease can save two bytes: $y-=$r/$y>$x/2?:-1 – Titus – 2016-09-28T17:46:13.293


    JavaScript (ES6), 97 102 106 112 bytes

    Thanks @user81655 and @Jupotter for saving me a few bytes.

    f=n=>{for(k=1;k%n;console.log(k+`d${n}: `+x),k+=x<k*n/2?-1:1)for(x=i=k;i--;)x+=Math.random()*n|0}
    // 102 bytes:
    f=n=>{for(k=1;k%n;console.log(k+`d${n}: `+x),k+=x<k*n/2?-1:1)for(x=i=0;++i<=k;)x+=1+Math.random()*n|0}
    // Previous attempt, 112 bytes
    f=n=>{k=1;while(k&&k!=n){for(x=i=0;i++<=k;)x+=1+~~(Math.random()*n);console.log(k+`d${n}: `+x);k+=x<k*n/2?-1:1}}


    This only works in ES6 compliant browsers (at the moment that includes Firefox and Edge, possibly with Chrome and Opera with experimental JavaScript features enabled):

    f=n=>{for(k=1;k%n;console.log(k+`d${n}: `+x),k+=x<k*n/2?-1:1)for(x=i=k;i--;)x+=Math.random()*n|0}
    // Snippet stuff
    console.log = x => {
      document.getElementById('O').innerHTML += x + `<br>`;
    document.getElementById('F').addEventListener('submit', e => {
      document.getElementById('O').innerHTML = ``
    <form id=F action=# method=get>
        Number of faces: 
        <input type=number min=3 max=25 value=9 required id=I>
        <output id=O></output>


    Posted 2015-12-07T05:32:13.497

    Reputation: 2 776

    You could change the while to a for loop, round down with |0 instead of ~~() and move a few statements so you can remove the brackets to save a few bytes. Also you're allowed to make it an anonymous function (no f=). 103 bytes: n=>{for(k=1;k&&k!=n;k+=x<k*n/2?-1:1)for(x=i=0;i++<=k;console.log(k+`d${n}: `+x))x+=1+Math.random()*n|0} – user81655 – 2015-12-07T10:31:12.037

    @user81655 Thanks. For some reason your version created a lot of extraneous output so I moved the console.log to the other for loop (cost me 1 char more than yours). Still got it down to 106 – rink.attendant.6 – 2015-12-07T10:44:02.327

    I just wrote this up without testing it, so I'm glad it mostly worked. :) – user81655 – 2015-12-07T10:50:28.797

    You can gain one character by replacing the k&&k!=n condition by the comparision k%n!=0 – Jupotter – 2015-12-07T14:10:53.697

    @Jupotter Thanks, k%n works even better ;) – rink.attendant.6 – 2015-12-07T14:52:10.483


    Python 3, 125

    Saved 3 bytes thanks to DSM.

    def x(d):
     import random;c=1
     while 0<c<d:r=sum(map(random.randint,[1]*c,[d]*c));print('%id%i: %i'%(c,d,r));c+=2*(r>=d*c/2)-1

    Pretty simple, rolls a bunch of dice and checks the average. Nothing too fancy here yet.
    It needs to be called with an int. So, x(6) will produce something like this:

    1d6: 5
    2d6: 10
    3d6: 8
    2d6: 7
    3d6: 11
    4d6: 8
    3d6: 13
    4d6: 19
    5d6: 13
    4d6: 15
    5d6: 22


    Morgan Thrapp

    Posted 2015-12-07T05:32:13.497

    Reputation: 3 574


    CoffeeScript, 106 99 bytes

    f=(n,k=1)->(x=k;x+=Math.random()*n|0for[k..0];console.log k+"d#{n}: "+x;k+=x<k*n/2&&-1||1)while k%n
    # Previous attempt, 106 bytes
    f=(n,k=1)->(x=i=0;x+=1+Math.random()*n//1while++i<=k;console.log k+"d#{n}: "+x;k+=x<k*n/2&&-1||1)while k%n


    f = (n, k = 1) ->
     (x = k
     x += 1 + Math.random() * n | 0 for [k..0]
     console.log k + "d#{n}: " + x
     k += x < k * n / 2 && -1 || 1
     ) while k % n


    Posted 2015-12-07T05:32:13.497

    Reputation: 2 776


    Ruby, 93 90 82 characters

    puts"#{d}d#{n}: #{s=eval'+rand(n)+1'*d}"while(d+=s<d*n/2.0?-1:1)>0&&d<n}

    Sample run:

    2.1.5 :001 > -->n{d=s=2;puts"#{d}d#{n}: #{s=eval'+rand(n)+1'*d}"while(d+=s<d*n/2.0?-1:1)>0&&d<n}[6]
    1d6: 5
    2d6: 10
    3d6: 6
    2d6: 5
    1d6: 5
    2d6: 8
    3d6: 15
    4d6: 18
    5d6: 22


    Posted 2015-12-07T05:32:13.497

    Reputation: 17 865


    CJam, 45 bytes


    Try it online.

    Implements the spec pretty literally (including the mathematically incorrect "mean roll" formula). As expected, porting the original GolfScript program below to CJam saved a bunch of bytes due to shorter built-in command names (mr, o and g instead of rand, puts and do).

    GolfScript, 51 bytes

    ~:&;{1..{&rand+}*[1"d"&": "4$]puts.+1&*<.+(-:1&%}do

    Here's my original GolfScript entry. Notable golfing tricks include using the number 1 as a conveniently pre-initialized variable to store the current number of dice to to be rolled. (The CJam version instead uses X, which CJam initializes to the value 1.)

    Ps. Seeing the title, I originally wanted to answer this in AnyDice. But it turns out to be a horrible choice for this challenge, and I don't think it's even technically possible to use it to implement this spec as given.

    The problem is that AnyDice is a domain-specific language for writing deterministic programs to calculate dice rolling statistics. While inspecting the possible outcomes of a roll and doing conditional rolls based on them is possible via recursion, there's no way to generate any actual randomness. So while you could simulate this sequence of dice rolls in AnyDice, all you can get as output is statistics on things like, say, the number of rolls until the process ends, or the distribution of results at a given step.

    All that said, here's the closest I could get in AnyDice:

    N: 6
    K: 1
    function: clip X:n { result: X * (X < N) }
    function: adjust X:n { result: [clip X + ((XdN)*2 >= X*N)*2-1] * (X > 0) }
    loop I over {1..20} {
      output K named "dice in roll [I]"
      output KdN named "outcome of roll [I]"
      K: [adjust K]

    This isn't particularly golfed code, since that seemed like an exercise in futility. Standard brace language golfing tricks, like shortening function names and eliminating unnecessary whitespace, should exhaust most of the golfing potential anyway.

    The key trick used here is that, when you call a function expecting a number (as indicated by the :n in the function definition) in AnyDice, and pass it a die (i.e. a probability distribution) instead, AnyDice automatically evaluates the function for all possible values of the die, and combines the results into a new die.

    Here's a screenshot of the output (in bar chart format) for the first three rolls:

    AnyDice screenshot

    (Note that the "0" column in each graph indicates the probability that the iteration stopped, due to the number of dice hitting either 0 or N, before the current roll. This happens to be a convenient way to represent the stopping condition, since of course rolling 0dN always yields 0.)

    Ilmari Karonen

    Posted 2015-12-07T05:32:13.497

    Reputation: 19 513


    R, 103 Bytes

    A fairly straight forward implementation. Dice rolls are done by sum(sample(n,i)).

    i=1;n=scan();while(i&i<=n){cat(i,'d',n,': ',s<-sum(sample(n,i)),'\n',sep='');i=ifelse(s<i*n/2,i-1,i+1)}

    Test run

    > i=1;n=scan();while(i&i<=n){cat(i,'d',n,': ',s<-sum(sample(n,i)),'\n',sep='');i=ifelse(s<i*n/2,i-1,i+1)}
    1: 9
    Read 1 item
    1d9: 9
    2d9: 14
    3d9: 10
    2d9: 14
    3d9: 9
    2d9: 9
    3d9: 12
    2d9: 7
    1d9: 9
    2d9: 11
    3d9: 17
    4d9: 18
    5d9: 25
    6d9: 29
    7d9: 33
    8d9: 43
    9d9: 45


    Posted 2015-12-07T05:32:13.497

    Reputation: 11 735


    Julia, 77 bytes

    n->(N=1;while 0<N<n k=sum(rand(1:n,N));print(N,"d$n: $k

    Most of this should be self-explanatory - an actual newline is being used in the print string rather than using println to save a byte. rand(1:n,N) produces N random integers between 1 and n.

    Glen O

    Posted 2015-12-07T05:32:13.497

    Reputation: 2 548


    QBIC, 83 bytes (non-competing)



    q                    Tracks the number of dice (is implicitly 1 at the start)
    :                    Takes input from a CMD line parameter
    [1,q|e=e+_rq,a|]     Rolls the dice separately
    ?!q$+@d|!+a$+@:|+!e$ Prints the roll result (requires an unfortunate amount of casting...)
    ~e<c/2|q=q-1\q=q+1]  Checks whether to increase or decrease
    ~q=a|_X]~q=0|_X      Tests the amount of dice and quits on either boundary.


    Posted 2015-12-07T05:32:13.497

    Reputation: 7 772


    PHP, 104 bytes

    for($n=$argv[$k=1];$k&&$k<$n;print$k."d$n: $x\n",$k-=$x<$n*$k/2?:-1)for($x=$i=0;$i++<$k;)$x+=rand(1,$n);

    Run with php -r '<code>' <N>


    for($n=$argv[$k=1];     // import input, init number of dice
        $k&&$k<$n;          // while 0<$k<$n
        print$k."d$n: $x\n",    // 2. print results
        $k-=$x<$n*$k/2?:-1      // 3. remove or add a die
        for($x=$i=0;$i++<$k;)   // 1. roll dice separately
            $x+=rand(1,$n);         // sum up results


    Posted 2015-12-07T05:32:13.497

    Reputation: 13 814