Iterative binary search


Binary search is an algorithm that looks for an element in a sorted data-structure by constantly dividing the search space in half.

Rosetta Code

A binary search divides a range of values into halves, and continues to narrow down the field of search until the unknown value is found. It is the classic example of a "divide and conquer" algorithm.


In computer science, a binary search or half-interval search algorithm finds the position of a target value within a sorted array. The binary search algorithm can be classified as a dichotomic divide-and-conquer search algorithm and executes in logarithmic time.

Smallest # of bytes wins


  • Example of calling the function/lambda/macro should be included, but don't count those chars!
  • Output should be > -1 if found, and <=-1 otherwise
  • import binary_search (20 bytes) DOES NOT count!
  • Implementation should run in O(log n), as algorithm dictates

Also see the code-golf StackExchange FAQ.


> binary_search([1,3,5,6,7,8,8,10], 5);
> binary_search([1,3,5,6,7,8,8,10], 543);


Posted 2015-11-13T04:10:46.010

Reputation: 159

4Does our implementation have to be exactly as binary search does it? Does is have to be logarithmic time? – xnor – 2015-11-13T06:27:26.160

3Can the list have repeats? Are the entries whole numbers? You should give an example that doesn't have all consecutive values. – xnor – 2015-11-13T07:01:35.870

@xnor: Thanks for your comments, clarified. – A T – 2015-11-13T08:45:45.630

5Regarding your comments on some of the answers: 1. That's not a FAQ; it's the code-golf tag wiki. Also, there are two ordered lists on that page, and both have a 5th item. 2. Have built-in-to-some-languages solutions excluded is a suggestion that you exclude built-ins when writing up your challenge. That's all it is: a suggestion, not a rule. Built-ins are not forbidden by default, and the second revision of your question doesn't include the word implementation. – Dennis – 2015-11-13T13:30:16.283

6 start="3">

  • Last but not least, please consider using less exclamation points, less bold text and a different tone when dealing with submissions to your challenge. It's a little off-putting, and certainly no incentive to participate in one of your challenges.
  • < – Dennis – 2015-11-13T13:30:23.527

    Why should the search be iterative ? – Labo – 2015-11-13T15:26:39.193



    JavaScript (94 bytes)

    (a,e)=>{u=a.length,m=0;for(l=0;l<=u;)e>a[m=(l+u)>>1]?l=m+1:u=e==a[m]?-2:m-1;return u==-2?m:-1}

    Expanded out a little so you can see what's going on:

    function binary_search(array, elem) {
        let u = array.length, m;
        for (let l = 0; l <= u;)
            if (elem > array[(m = (l + u) >> 1)]) l = m + 1;
            else u = (elem == array[m]) ? -2 : m - 1;
        return (u == -2) ? m : -1;

    Example usage:

    > a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
    > binary_search(a, 5)
    > binary_search(a, 15)

    A T

    Posted 2015-11-13T04:10:46.010

    Reputation: 159


    C – 119 115 bytes

    Iterative solution at 119 bytes:

    f(a,x,l,h)int*a,x,l,h;{while(l<h){int m=(h+l)/2;if(a[m]>x)h=m;else if(a[m]<x)l=m+1;else return m;}return a[l]==x?l:-1;}

    Recursive solution at 115 bytes:

    f(a,x,l,h)int*a,x,l,h;{if(l==h)return a[l]==x?l:-1;int m=(h+l)/2;return a[m]>x?f(a,x,l,m):(a[m]<x?f(a,x,m+1,h):m);}

    You can precede with int to prevent compiler warnings or if you're using gcc compile with -Wno-implicit-int. Sample:

    #include <stdio.h>
    f(a,x,l,h)int*a,x,l,h;{while(l<h){int m=(h+l)/2;if(a[m]>x)h=m;else if(a[m]<x)l=m+1;else return m;}return a[l]==x?l:-1;}
    int main()
        int x, a[] = {-10, -8, -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10};
        for (x = -15; x <= 15; x++)
            printf("%d\t%d\n", x, f(a, x, 0, 10));
        return 0;


    Posted 2015-11-13T04:10:46.010


    -Wno-implicit-int is our friend :) - Nice little solution you've written, but unfortunately it's recursive… if you get the chance an iterative equivalent would be great! - Otherwise I'll have to 1 up you with a C solution of my own :3 – A T – 2015-11-13T11:52:25.893

    1@AT – Added at a penalty of 4 additional bytes! – None – 2015-11-13T12:19:44.037

    Looking good! - +1 - Though that initialization is a bit weird, I feel that a swap to C++ would save 4 bytes right off the bat :O – A T – 2015-11-13T12:30:21.073


    Python 112 bytes

    def b(A,k):
     while l<h:
      if A[m]>k:h=m
      elif A[m]<k:l=m+1
      else:return m
     return -1


    print b([1,3,5,6,7,8,8,10], 5)



    Posted 2015-11-13T04:10:46.010

    Reputation: 19 246

    Rather neat! - I keep trying to improve it, but haven't saved a character yet >.< - +1 – A T – 2015-11-13T13:45:12.160


    AutoIt, 92 bytes

    This function binary searches an array in-memory and replaces it with an integer holding the index (or -1 if not found). Array needs to be sorted to work with the binary search:

    #include <Array.au3>
    Func b(ByRef $a,$n)


    Local $a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
    ConsoleWrite($a & @LF)

    Output: 4


    Posted 2015-11-13T04:10:46.010

    Reputation: 7 398

    I see no implementation! - See 5 in this site's FAQ. Also I've updated the question to [more] explicitly say that import binary_search doesn't count!!! – A T – 2015-11-13T08:55:01.843

    kaspersky declares autoit as a trojan unfortunately for developers – Abr001am – 2015-11-18T14:43:17.160


    C++14, 87 85 bytes

    [](int i,auto v){return std::binary_search(begin(v),end(v),i)-1;}

    Assumes a sorted data structure which has iterators as input.


    auto f = [](int i, auto v){ return std::binary_search(begin(v), end(v), i) - 1; };
    int main()
        std::vector<int> v = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
        std::cout << f(3, v);


    Posted 2015-11-13T04:10:46.010

    Reputation: 2 457

    I see no implementation! - See 5 in this site's FAQ. Also I've updated the question to [more] explicitly say that import binary_search doesn't count!!! – A T – 2015-11-13T08:55:25.490


    Prolog, 146 bytes

    I made the assumption that a program returning easy to understand truthy/falsy values is OK, as adding code just to return -1/1 instead of true/false in a code-golf challenge seems counter-productive.
    So the program returns true if the value is present in the list, otherwise false.


    How it works


    Helper function that takes the list L and splits it in the middle into the lists F and S where F is the lower part of the list. If L has an odd number of elements, S is one element larger than F.


    Succeeds if the sought after element X is in the middle of list L.


    Checks for X in the higher part of the list if X is bigger than the middle element of list L.


    Checks for X in the lower part of the list if X is smaller than the middle element of list L.
    As the previous predicates are checked first we can save a few bytes by not doing a comparison here.


    > c([1,3,5,6,7,8,8,10],5).
    > c([1,3,5,6,7,8,8,10],543).


    Posted 2015-11-13T04:10:46.010

    Reputation: 50 798

    Nice one. Sure, happy to relax the -1 condition. Haven't seen Prolog since college! :P – A T – 2015-11-19T02:21:09.753


    Common Lisp, 142 143 bytes

    Having seen some of the comments about recursive vs iterative, I'd point out that in any implementation with tail-call optimization, the second (original) solution is iterative.

    pure iterative, with do loop (143):

    (lambda(a e)(do((l 0)(h(length a)))((<= h l)-1)(let*((m(ash(+ h l)-1))(x(aref a m)))(if(= x e)(return m)(if(< e x)(setf h m)(setf l(1+ m)))))))

    (lambda (a e)
        (do ((l 0)
             (h (length a)))
            ((<= h l) -1)
          (let* ((m (ash (+ h l) -1))
                 (x (aref a m)))
            (if (= x e)
                (return m)
                (if (< e x)
                    (setf h m)
                    (setf l (1+ m)))))))

    recursive (142)

    (defun b(a e &optional(l 0)(h(length a)))(if(<= h l)-1(let*((m(ash(+ h l)-1))(x(aref a m)))(if(= x e)m(if(< e x)(b a e l m)(b a e(1+ m)h))))))

    (defun b (a e &optional (l 0) (h (length a)))
      (if (<= h l) -1
          (let* ((m (ash (+ h l) -1))
                 (x (aref a m)))
            (if (= x e) m
                (if (< e x)
                    (b a e l m)
                    (b a e (1+ m) h))))))

    CL-USER> (loop with array = #(1 3 5 6 7 8 8 10)
                for element in '(1 7 5 3 2 4 6)
                collect (b array element))
    (0 4 2 1 -1 -1 3)

    Joshua Taylor

    Posted 2015-11-13T04:10:46.010

    Reputation: 660

    Nice work, haven't seen Lisp in ages! - Also find it amusing that the iterative vs recursive is 1 character apart… +1 – A T – 2015-11-19T02:19:17.033