Why? To please the rich programmer!


Have you ever wanted to ask the compiler "Why?" Most of us have been frustrated when the code isn't working as it should. Mathworks has therefore implemented a nice little function, why, that answers the question. To give a few examples from MATLAB:

The programmer suggested it.

To fool the tall good and smart system manager.    

You insisted on it.

Bill insisted on it.

Your task is to implement the why function in your language. The function should work with and without an input argument (alternatively use input 0 or -1). The function must be named why (or, writing why(n) in STDIN should result in the appropriate string being printed).

If no argument is given, or the argument is zero or negative, the output string should be a random, valid phrase. So, there should be a function why, why(), why(0) or why(-1) that returns a random sentence.

If an input argument, n is given (function argument, not STDIN), the output should be the n'th string (defined below). So, why(1) should always output (print/display) the same result.

The sentences are built up as follows (Type 1, Type 2 and Special). All sentences end with !.

"Person" "ending" !
"Verb" "adjective" "Person" !
A list of special cases

The list of persons:

The programmer
The system manager

The list of endings:

suggested it
insisted on it
did it

The list of verbs are:

To fool
To satisfy
To please

The list of adjectives:

the smart
the bald
the tall
the rich
the stupid

The list of special cases:

How should I know?
Stop asking!
Don't ask!

The way to select a numbered one is:

Type of sentences:

Odd number => Type 1
Even number => Type 2
n % 7 = 0 => Type 3 (% is the modulus operator)

Names: The nth name is defined using modulus (%).

n = 1:   1 % 7  => Stewie
n = 2:   2 % 7  => Peter
n = 6:   6 % 7  => You
n = 7:   7 % 7  => How should I know?
n = 11:  11 % 7 => The programmer
n = 14:  14 % 7 => Stop asking!
n = 21:  21 % 7 => Don't ask!

Endings: The nth ending is also defined using the modulus. Assume the endings (1, 2 and 3) are listed like (1 2 2 3). As the numbers are always odd, use ((n+1)/2 % 4)

n = 1:    ((1+1)/2 % 4)  => suggested it
n = 3:    ((3+1)/2 % 4)  => insisted on it
n = 13:   ((13+1)/2 % 4) => did it

Adjectives: The nth adjective is defined using the modulus. As the numbers are always even, use: (n % 10)/2

n = 2:   (2 % 10)/2 => Smart
n = 6:   (6 % 10)/2 => The tall

Verbs: The nth verb is also defined using the modulus. Assume the verbs (1, 2 and 3) are listed like (1 2 2 3) As the numbers are always even for verbs, use (n % 8) / 2

n = 2:   (2 % 8)/2 => To fool
n = 4:   (4 % 8)/2 => To satisfy
n = 6:   (6 % 8)/2 => To satisfy
n = 8:   (8 % 8)/2 => To please

Now, the way to create a random one should be fairly simple, simply select a random n.

Some examples:

You suggested it!

To fool the tall Homer!

Don't ask!

Stewie suggested it!

Stop asking!

To please the rich Stewie!

Standard code golf rules apply. A winner will be selected one week from the day the challenge was posted.

Stewie Griffin

Posted 2015-10-07T08:49:09.847

Reputation: 43 471

writing why in the stdin should return the string I might be able to work with that. Does it have to be lowercase why or would WHY be acceptable? – Dennis – 2015-10-07T16:00:44.877

Lower and upper case are both fine. – Stewie Griffin – 2015-10-07T16:28:59.070

Also the Endings should not need /2 to work. That gives fractional values. 13 should also be insisted (14/2=7 %4 = 3 = 2nd of insisted). – Jonathan Leech-Pepin – 2015-10-07T16:44:32.197

3Does it matter if you end up with cases like the rich The programmer due to the specified the? – Jonathan Leech-Pepin – 2015-10-07T17:03:56.620

1@StewieGriffin The words The and To in your lists should probably be lowercase to match your examples... – mbomb007 – 2015-10-07T17:06:42.383

@Jonathan: i'm on my cell and won't have my laptop available the coming hours. You're most welcome to fix the aparently wrong examples in the question text. Thanks for noting it! – Stewie Griffin – 2015-10-07T17:57:22.930

Still weird ... endings should be 1:suggested 3,5:insisted 7:(did)special 9:suggested 11,13:insisted 15:did – edc65 – 2015-10-08T08:28:20.907

@edc65 Crap, forgot my own (1 2 2 3) order. Again, away from my laptop, so i can't fix it. (I have blocked codegolf on my work computer. I ended up having to work on a saturday because i used some of my working hours trying to solve / golf a challenge on a friday). – Stewie Griffin – 2015-10-08T08:36:22.427

:) I should do the same – edc65 – 2015-10-08T09:11:05.040

Could we get why(4) added to the examples? I think that will clarify a lot of the above questions. – DLosc – 2015-10-14T00:51:21.623

@DLosc, because I screwed up, To satisfy the bald The programmer is technically a valid sentence for why(4). No bonus (too late for that), but a pat on the back and happy times if you manage to do as edc65, and remove the the where it doesn't fit. – Stewie Griffin – 2015-10-14T06:35:49.027



JavaScript (ES6) 345

Not sure about the numbers, but here is my attempt.

Test running the snippet below in an EcmaScript compliant browser.

why=n=>(n<1?n=Math.random()*840|0:0,s="suggested,insisted on,did,fool,satisfy,please,stupid,smart,bald,tall,rich,Don't ask!,How should I know?,Stop asking!,Stewie,Peter,Homer,programmer,system manager,You".split`,`,n%7?(p=s[n%7+13],n&1?(p>'a'?'The ':'')+p+` ${s['2011'[-~n/2%4]]} it!`:`To ${s['5344'[n%8/2]]} the ${s[n/2%5+6]} ${p}!`):s[11+n%3])  


function test() { R.innerHTML=why(+I.value) }

// Less golfed

  s=["suggested", "insisted on", "did", "fool", "satisfy", "please",
     "stupid", "smart", "bald", "tall", "rich",
     "Don't ask!", "How should I know?", "Stop asking!",
     "Stewie", "Peter", "Homer", "programmer", "system manager", "You"],
    ? ( p=s[n%7+13],
        ? (p>'a'?'The ':'')+p+` ${s['2011'[-~n/2%4]]} it!`
        : `To ${s['5344'[n%8/2]]} the ${s[n/2%5+6]} ${p}!`)
    : s[11+n%3]
#O { height:300px; width:50%; overflow:auto }
#I { width:2em }
Why(<input id=I>)<button onclick=test()>-></button><span id=R></span>
<pre id=O>


Posted 2015-10-07T08:49:09.847

Reputation: 31 086

Nice answer! Can't speak authoritatively on the number validity, but you can save 1 byte (!) using 0 as your string delimiter instead of ,! – Dom Hastings – 2015-10-08T07:26:58.140

1@DomHastings I think that trick is no more needed with template strings. split(0) is the same length of split',' (pretend these are backticks) – edc65 – 2015-10-08T07:34:34.677

Ahhh, sorry, I was thinking you could lose the brackets, this isn't coffeescript! :) – Dom Hastings – 2015-10-08T07:35:37.017


C#, 502 bytes

This project needs to have the AssemblyName set to why which will produce an executable with the correct name.

Fully golfed:

using System;class W{static void Main(string[]i)int n=i.Length>0?int.Parse(i[0]):new Random().Next();string[]s={"Don't ask!","How should I know?","Stop asking!"},v={"To please ","To fool ","To satisfy ",null},a={"the stupid","the smart","the bald","the tall","the rich"},p={"","Stewie","Peter","Homer","The programmer","The system manager","You"},e={"suggested it!","insisted on it!",null,"did it!"};Console.Write(n%7<1?s[n%3]:n%2<1?(v[n%8/2]??v[2])+a[n%10/2]+" {0}!":"{0} "+(e[n/2%4]??e[1]),p[n%7]);}}

Indentation and new lines for clarity:

using System;
class W{
    static void Main(string[]i)
        int n=i.Length>0
            :new Random().Next();
            s={"Don't ask!","How should I know?","Stop asking!"},
            v={"To please ","To fool ","To satisfy ",null},
            a={"the stupid","the smart","the bald","the tall","the rich"},
            p={"","Stewie","Peter","Homer","The programmer","The system manager","You"},
            e={"suggested it!","insisted on it!",null,"did it!"};
                    ?(v[n%8/2]??v[2])+a[n%10/2]+" {0}!"
                    :"{0} "+(e[n/2%4]??e[1]),

Example input/output:

To fool the bald Homer!
>Why 1
Stewie suggested it!


Posted 2015-10-07T08:49:09.847

Reputation: 7 912


Powershell 437 461 453 Bytes

Edit: Missed the duplicated verbs

Splitting between the corpus and the calculations for byte-count

  • 267 Bytes = Pre-coded text (excluding to,the,it and ! since they have fixed places).
  • 186 Bytes = calculation

Sets default argument to 0 if not specified. If argument is <1 then it gets a random number <99 fn:1 and reruns. Technically this means -50 will work as well, being treated as a random case.

function why{param($b=0)$p=@('Stewie','Peter','Homer','The programmer','The system manager','You');$e=@('did','suggested','insisted on','insisted on');$v=@('please','fool','satisfy','satisfy');$a=@('stupid','smart','bald','tall','rich');$s=@("Don't ask!",'How should I know?','Stop asking!');if($b-le0){why(Get-Random 99)}elseif(!($b%7)){$s[$b/7%3]}else{$n=$p[$b%7-1];if($b%2){"$n $($e[($b+1)/2%4]) it!"}else{"To $($v[$b%8/2]) the $($a[$b%10/2]) $n!"}}}


# Any -1 in calculations is to account for arrays starting at index 0
# Final key placed in position 0 for indexing (4%4 = 0)
# Powershell 1 = True, 0 = False
if($b-le0){why(Get-Random 99)}          # If not positive, choose random number
elseif(!($b%7))                         # $b%7 means special so use that
  {$s[$b/7%3]}                          # Divide by 7 and find modulo, use that phrase.
else{$n=$p[$b%7-1]                      # Get the correct person (Used in both types). 6 max
if($b%2){"$n $($e[($b+1)/2%4]) it!"}    # Create type 1 sentence
else{"To $($v[$b%8/2]) the $($a[$b%10/2]) $n!"} # Type 2

fn:1 99 Chosen to save a byte. If there are more than 99 possible sentences above (did not calculate) increase to 999 or 9999 as applicable (+1/2 bytes)

Jonathan Leech-Pepin

Posted 2015-10-07T08:49:09.847

Reputation: 273


MUMPS, 379 bytes

f(s,i) s:'i i=$L(s,"^") q $P(s,"^",i)
why(n) s:'n n=$R(840) s p="Stewie^Peter^Homer^The programmer^The system manager^You",e="suggested^insisted on^did",v="fool^satisfy^please",a="smart^bald^tall^rich^stupid",s="How should I know?^Stop asking!^Don't ask!" q:n#7=0 $$f(s,n#3) q:n#2 $$f(p,n#7)_" "_$$f(e,n+1/2#4)_" it!" q "To "_$$f(v,n#8/2)_" the "_$$f(a,n#10/2)_" "_$$f(p,n#7)_"!"

When no input is given, a random number in 0..839 is generated.


>w $$why(15)
Stewie did it!
>w $$why()
Don't ask!

MUMPS's left-to-right evaluation strategy saves a good few bytes on parentheses here.

Side note: see those strings that look like "foo^bar^baz^qux"? Those are so-called "delimited strings", and are the standard way of storing lists that fit within the maximum string size limit, since MUMPS does not actually have lists/arrays (or, indeed, any data structures besides trees). For lists too large to fit in a single string, we instead use trees of depth 1 and put the values on the leaves of the tree. Fun!


Posted 2015-10-07T08:49:09.847

Reputation: 641

+1: MUMPS, of all languages, really needs a why function. ;) – DLosc – 2015-10-14T00:47:00.643


Emacs Lisp 473 Bytes

(defun why(n)(if(and n(> n 0))(let*((p'(t"Stewie""Peter""Homer""The programmer""The system manager""You"))(e'("did""suggested""insisted on""insisted on"))(v'("please""fool""satisfy""satisfy"))(a'("stupid""smart""bald""tall""rich"))(s'("Don't ask!""How should I know?""Stop asking!"))(q(nth(% n 7)p)))(cond((=(% n 7)0)(nth(%(/ n 7)3)s))((=(% n 2)1)(format"%s %s it!"q(nth(%(/(1+ n)2)4)e)))(t(format"To %s the %s %s!"(nth(/(% n 8)2)v)(nth(/(% n 10)2)a)q))))(why(random 99))))

Largest 'waste' is probably the format,%s... sections. If variables could be inlined into the strings without the specification it would save 10 bytes on %s and another 12 on format

Jonathan Leech-Pepin

Posted 2015-10-07T08:49:09.847

Reputation: 273


Ruby 396 378 372 bytes

I'm sure this is not golfed to the max.

p=%w[a Stewie Peter Homer The\ programmer The\ system\ manager You]
why=->n{n<1 ? why[rand(99)+1]:n%7<1 ? $><<%w[a How\ should\ I\ know? Stop\ asking! Don't\ ask!][n/7]:n%2<1 ? $><<'To '+%w[fool satisfy satisfy please][n%8/2-1]+' the '+%w[smart bald tall rich stupid][n%10/2-1]+' '+p[n%7]+?!:$><<p[n%7]+' '+%w[a suggested insisted\ on insisted\ on did][(n+1)/2%4]+' it!'}

Edit: I've just realized that I don't know operator precedence. Oh well..

Peter Lenkefi

Posted 2015-10-07T08:49:09.847

Reputation: 1 577

rand(21) seems way too small – edc65 – 2015-10-07T20:02:13.927

What about 99? :P – Peter Lenkefi – 2015-10-07T20:04:07.000

There are 108 compound sentences + 3 special cases. The sequence of sentences is periodic but the period ... I don't know – edc65 – 2015-10-07T20:09:28.120

The period is probably 840 ... good choice of numbers – edc65 – 2015-10-07T20:15:22.480


CJam, 281 bytes

99mrqi_])0>=i:A7md{;A2%{S["suggested""insisted on""did"]A2/=+" it"+}{"To "["fool""satisfy"_"please"]A(2/:B=" the "["smart""bald""tall""rich""stupid"]B=SM}?[M"Stewie""Peter""Homer""The programmer""The system manager""You"]A=\'!}{["How should I know?""Stop asking!""Don't ask!"]\(=}?


Haven't used CJam before, so I'll take any tips. I'm sure there's a lot of tricks I don't know!

(I couldn't figure out how to name this as a function called "why" - it appears that functions don't exist in CJam - so I'm not sure if a CJam answer is okay or not...)


Posted 2015-10-07T08:49:09.847

Reputation: 111

Functions do exist, but there are only 26 valid function names (A to Z). – Dennis – 2015-10-08T05:48:30.180


Lua 5.3.0, 452 460 446 bytes

This is my first attempt at a code golf, so please correct me if I did something wrong!

a={"Stewie","Peter","Homer","The Programmer","The system manager","You"}b={"fool ","satisfy ",n,"please "}b[3]=b[2]why=function(n)pcall(math.randomseed,n and n>0 and n)n=math.random(1e9)q=n>>4r=n>>8return 1>n&7 and({"How should I Know?","Stop asking!","Don't ask!"})[q%3+1]or 0<n%2 and a[q%6+1]..({" suggested"," insisted on"," did"})[r%3+1].." it"or"To "..b[q%4+1].."the "..({"smart ","bald ","tall ","rich ","stupid "})[r%5+1]..a[(r>>4)%6+1]end


    "The Programmer",
    "The system manager",
    "fool ",
    "satisfy ",
    "please "
    pcall(math.randomseed,n and n>0 and n)
            1>n&7 and
                ({"How should I Know?","Stop asking!","Don't ask!"})[q%3+1]
            or 0<n%2 and
                a[q%6+1]..({" suggested"," insisted on"," did"})[r%3+1].." it"
                "To "..b[q%4+1].."the "..({"smart ","bald ","tall ","rich ","stupid "})[r%5+1]..a[(r>>4)%6+1]


Posted 2015-10-07T08:49:09.847

Reputation: 31


Python (2), 692 bytes

I’m still learning, so please be gentle! :)

from sys import argv,maxint
import random
def why(*O):
 P=["You","Stewie","Peter","Homer","programmer","system manager"];E=["did","suggested","insisted on","insisted on"];I=["please","fool","satisfy","satisfy"];Q=["stupid","smart","bald","tall","rich"];S=["Don't ask!","How should I know?","Stop asking!"]
 if len(argv)>1:A=O[0]
 if A%7==0:print S[A%3]
  if A%11==0:
  if A%2==0:
   if M==P[0]:M="you"
   U=I[(A%8)/2];Z=Q[(A%10)/2];print"To %s the %s %s!"%(U,Z,M)
  if A%2==1:
   if M==P[4]:M="The %s"%P[4]
   if M==P[5]:M="The %s"%P[5]
   C=E[((A+1)/2)%4];print"%s %s it!"%(M,C)
if len(argv)>1:why(int(argv[1]))

Works with or without an int as a command line argument.

I tried to emphasise code correctness as much as possible, as with generating random numbers from -sys.maxint - 1 to sys.maxint and displaying sentences in the right case.

The code relies very heavily of if-statements that I’m sure could be replaced with something more place efficient.

Feedback is very welcome!

Ungolfed (1341 bytes)

from sys import argv, maxint
import random

def Why(*Optional):
    Persons = ["You", "Stewie", "Peter", "Homer", "programmer", "system manager"]
    Endings = ["did it", "suggested it", "insisted on it", "insisted on it"]
    Verbs = ["please", "fool", "satisfy", "satisfy"]
    Adjectives = ["stupid", "smart", "bald", "tall", "rich"]
    SpecialCases = ["Don't ask!", "How should I know?", "Stop asking!"]

    if len(argv) > 1:
        Argument = Optional[0]
        Argument = random.randint(-maxint - 1, maxint)

    if Argument % 7 is 0:
        print SpecialCases[Argument % 3]
        Person = Persons[(Argument) % 6]
        if Argument % 11 is 0:
            Person = "programmer"
        if Argument % 2 is 0:
            if Person is "You":
                Person = "you"
            Verb = Verbs[(Argument % 8) / 2]
            Adjective = Adjectives[(Argument % 10) / 2]
            print "To %s the %s %s!" % (Verb, Adjective, Person)
        if Argument % 2 is 1:
            if Person is "programmer":
                Person = "The programmer"
            if Person is "system manager":
                Person = "The system manager"
            Ending = Endings[((Argument + 1) / 2) % 4]
            print "%s %s!" % (Person, Ending)

if len(argv) > 1:


Posted 2015-10-07T08:49:09.847


2I suggest you read [http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/54/tips-for-golfing-in-python]—in particular, you can save many bytes by using the first tip on that page. You can also index from the back of the verb list so you only need one "satisfy": use argument%8/2-1 and remove the second one. You can also replace ==0 with <1. – lirtosiast – 2015-10-08T01:10:48.337