Draw a Houndstooth Pattern



Write a program or function that takes in two positive integers, a width and a height, and draws an ASCII art houndstooth grid pattern with those dimensions using this 25×26 text grid as the base cell:


So if the input was 2,1 the output would be:


And if the input was 5,4 the output would be:

  • The width argument must come first. Any reasonable input format (e.g. w,h, w h, (w, h)) is fine.
  • Print or return the result with an optional trailing newline.
  • You may use any two distinct printable ASCII characters in place of . and #.
  • You can translate the base cell vertically or horizontally, as if it had periodic boundary conditions. Thus the top left corner of the output will not necessarily be a 7×8 rectangle of .'s. (New rule!)

The shortest code in bytes wins.

As a bonus, generate an image instead where each . is a pixel of one color and each # is a pixel of another color.

Calvin's Hobbies

Posted 2015-09-22T04:28:34.717

Reputation: 84 000

What kind of bonus? A cookie..? ;-) – Zach Gates – 2015-09-22T04:31:58.567

4Screw your "shortest code wins", I'm Befunge'ing this! – El'endia Starman – 2015-09-22T04:33:16.457

7@ZachGates Maybe a dog biscuit. – Calvin's Hobbies – 2015-09-22T04:33:35.697

Roll Tide to that! – Greg Bacon – 2015-09-23T12:19:04.123



Pyth, 61 60 55 49 bytes


Try it online: Demonstration

edit 1: Combine the two statements generating the band and the triangle (see below)

edit 2: Didn't saw that we can use any symbols. Saved 5 bytes edit

edit 3: @Calvin'sHobbies allowed translating the base image. Since my approach was based on this idea, this helped quite a lot. -6 bytes

And for the Cookie bonus:


This is only 2 bytes longer (51 bytes) and generates the file o.png. For the input 5\n4 it generates the following picture:

Houndstooth Pattern


The Houndstooth Pattern looks really quite irregular. But if we bring the left 7 columns to the right and the top 5 rows to the botton we get a much nicer pattern:


First I produce the top-left 13x13 block:


There are 2 simple inequalities, that describe the two #-areas. The band can be described by y + 1 <= x <= y + 5 and the triangle can be described by x <= y - 5. I`ve combined these two conditions:

                 =T13   T = 13
 m               T      map each d of [0, 1, ..., 12] to: 
                           the list produced by
  m             T          map each k of [0, 1, ..., 12] to:
       +Rhd5                  the list [d+1, d+2, ..., d+5]
      +                       extended by 
            U-d4              the list [0, 1, ..., d - 5]
    }k                        test if k is in the list
   s                          and convert the boolean result to 1 or 0
J                       assign this 13x13 block to J

Then +Rm012 adds 12 zeros at the end of each row , to get the upper 25x13 block.

The lower 25x13 block is now really simple:

      m   J    map each row d of J to:
       P_d        reverse the row and pop the last element
     _         reverse the order the rows
+Lm1T          add T ones at the beginning of each row. 

All now left is to repeating the pattern and print it

j*vwmjk*Qd+upperlower   implicit: Q = first input number
          +upperlower   combine the two blocks to a 25x26 block
    m                   map each row d to:
       *Qd                 repeat d Q times
     jk                    and join to a string
 *vw                    read another number from input and repeat
j                       join by newlines and print

The difference to the Cookie bonus code:

  • 255 instead of 1
  • instead of mjk*Qd I use *RQ, since I don't want a string
  • .w saves this 2D-array to file (converts it to png implicitly)


Posted 2015-09-22T04:28:34.717

Reputation: 21 462

5Fantastic explanation! – trichoplax – 2015-09-22T10:16:34.877

You clearly mean "bottom 5 rows to the top", it's just a typo. I don't understand why my comment was deleted without action being taken. As a result I'm shy to go and edit your post myself now. All in all, a very good answer and an excellent explanation. I already upvoted it before – Level River St – 2015-09-22T19:49:01.547

@steveverrill Oh, sorry. I thought you wanted to correct my English in the passage, in which I described the transformation back. Fixed it now. Thanks. – Jakube – 2015-09-22T20:12:21.163


CJam, 106 73 71 bytes

0000000: 71 7e 22 04 94 51 af 40 6e 73 b2 68 3a e1 7e 13 f2 a1  q~"..Q.@ns.h:.~...
0000012: 3e 1d de f5 64 9c 6b 0f 27 4c 36 d7 81 3d 30 35 56 f8  >...d.k.'L6..=05V.
0000024: cd e8 cd 7c dc 90 31 59 40 8b 8c 22 32 35 36 62 32 32  ...|..1Y@.."256b22
0000036: 62 41 73 33 39 2a 2e 2a 73 32 35 2f 2a 66 2a 4e 2a     bAs39*.*s25/*f*N*

Prints 1 and 0 instead of . and #. Try it online in the CJam interpreter.

How it works

q~      e# Read and evaluate all input. This pushes W and H.
"…"     e# Push an encoding of run lengths of the characters in the output.
256b22b e# Convert from base 256 to base 22.
As39*   e# Push "10" and repeat it 39 times.
.*      e# Vectorized character repetition; multiply each base 22 digit (run
        e# length) by the corresponding character of "10…10".
s25/    e# Flatten and split into chunks of length 25.
*       e# Repeat the resulting array of rows H times.
f*      e# Repeat each row W times.
N*      e# Join the rows, separating by linefeeds.

Cookie bonus

0000000: 27 50 6f 31 70 71 7e 5d 5f 5b 32 35 5f 29 5d 2e 2a 5c  'Po1pq~]_[25_)].*\
0000012: 7e 22 04 94 51 af 40 6e 73 b2 68 3a e1 7e 13 f2 a1 3e  ~"..Q.@ns.h:.~...>
0000024: 1d de f5 64 9c 6b 0f 27 4c 36 d7 81 3d 30 35 56 f8 cd  ...d.k.'L6..=05V..
0000036: e8 cd 7c dc 90 31 59 40 8b 8c 22 32 35 36 62 32 32 62  ..|..1Y@.."256b22b
0000048: 41 73 33 39 2a 2e 2a 73 32 35 2f 2a 66 2a 73 2b 4e 2a  As39*.*s25/*f*s+N*

prints a Portable BitMap instead of ASCII art.

Below is the output for input 24 13, converted to PNG:



Posted 2015-09-22T04:28:34.717

Reputation: 196 637


Befunge-93, 2120 1967 bytes

Here's some high quality befunge, with exception-handling for debugging!

v       <
    >94+2*20p        v
>00g|   >                v
    @                >10g>0020gv-1:<
                     ,       v    $<
                     +        >v>v>v>v>v>v>v>v>v>v>v>v>v>v>v>v>v>v>v>v>v>v>v>v>v>v>v
 v_$1-:#^_$20g1-20p55^       >|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>"!DAB"....@
 >^".......#.....#####......."                                                    <
  ^".......##.....#####......"                                                  <
  ^".......###.....#####....."                                                <
  ^".......####.....####....."                                              <
  ^".......#####.....###....."                                            <
  ^".......######.....##....."                                          <
  ^".......#######.....#....."                                        <
  ^".......########.........."                                      <
  ^"####################....."                                    <
  ^".####################...."                                  <
  ^"..####################..."                                <
  ^"...####################.."                              <
  ^"....####################."                            <
  ^".....####################"                          <
  ^"#.....##############.####"                        <
  ^"##.....#############..###"                      <
  ^"###....#############...##"                    <
  ^"####...#############....#"                  <
  ^"#####..#############....."                <
  ^".#####.#############....."              <
  ^"..##################....."            <
  ^"........#####............"          <
  ^".........#####..........."        <
  ^"..........#####.........."      <
  ^"...........#####........."    <
  ^"............#####........"  <
^                     p00-1g00<

(Obviously, this is still very golfable. I just wanted to get an answer up here for now)

So, this is made up of different parts.


This is just the initializer, it takes in the values and stores them

>00g|      > 

This section resets the row count, so we can print out another (width) pictures side by side. 94+2* is calculating 26, the number of rows. Also, if the height is zero, the program will terminate.


This gets the width on the stack so we know how many to print


This adds two dummy values to the stack to tell when we've finished an operation, as well as what row (n) we're on. This then adds n values to the stack



This is a control section that will to the (26-n) row. This is the easiest way i could figure out how to do it.


This, obviously, is read and will pop whatever row is read onto the stack backwards. This means when we pop it off, it will print properly.


This will print until the stack hits a 0, which we left on earlier.


This takes 1 off of the number of the specific line to print, then checks if it's zero or not. If it's non-zero, we go back to the fourth block of code.


This subtracts 1 from the row (n), prints a newline, and goes back to block 3


Once of all of the rows have printed, this subtracts one from the initial height and goes back to block 2.

All the rest of the code is either control flow or stack management. Writing this mas more than I thought it would be, but I'm satisfied with how it looks. It's much more golfable, and that will likely remain a project for another day.

2120 -> 1967: trimmed up some lines with a lot of wasted spaces

Kevin W.

Posted 2015-09-22T04:28:34.717

Reputation: 763

1I golfed it. Not your answer specifically, but I golfed a solution in Befunge! – El'endia Starman – 2015-09-24T07:41:49.100


Perl, 243

(One byte added for the -n switch to fetch input from stdin.)

($w,$h)=split;for(1..$h){print((sprintf("%025b",hex)x$w).$/)foreach qw(20f80 307c0 383e0 3c1e0 3e0e0 3f060 3f820 3fc00 1ffffe0 fffff0 7ffff8 3ffffc 1ffffe fffff 107ffef 183ffe7 1c3ffe3 1e3ffe1 1f3ffe0 fbffe0 7fffe0 1f000 f800 7c00 3e00 1f00)}

This is fairly straightforward — all it does is convert an array of 26 hex numbers to binary and print them out the required number of times.



3 2




Posted 2015-09-22T04:28:34.717

Reputation: 19 135


Rev 1, C, 118 115 bytes


9 bytes saved due to new rule allowing translation of the cell. 3 bytes saved by use of w*=25. Rest of post remains unchanged.

Rev 0, C, 127 bytes


This goes through the characters, printing them one by one. i%(25*w)||puts("") inserts a newline at the end of each line.

My way of viewing the design is similar to Jakube's, but I bring the top 8 rows to the bottom and the 5 right columns to the left to get the following view. In the program this step is "reversed" by +20 and +8 in the expressions for x and y.


Apart from the "inversion of colours" it may look very similar, but there is an important difference: the diagonal stripes match up. (note that the original design does not have diagonal symmetry as it measures 25x26.)

The expression ((y>x^y>x+5^x>y+4)^y/13)+34 produces the following, where the various comparison operators produce the stripes, the ^y/13 produces the "colour flip" half way up and the +34 takes the resulting number 0,1 and boosts it to the ASCII range 34,35.


The term &y/13==x/13 evaluates to false=0 in the top right and bottom left quarters, producing the square part of the pattern as shown previously. Note that because the program downcounts, the origin x=y=0 is at bottom right. This is handy as the square of # is 13 characters wide while the square of " is only 12 characters wide.

Level River St

Posted 2015-09-22T04:28:34.717

Reputation: 22 049


Befunge-93, 968 bytes

Yes, that's right! A competing Befunge answer!

&:&\00p10p:520pv:g00p02<v  <
    #   p1*45-1_v#:" "  <  v
    |`-1*65:g02$<      ,
    >:" "\39*\p:" "\47 *v
+:"<"\39*\p:"v"\47*\p25^>\p 1
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  v>
    > 10g1-:10p #v_@
 " " \47*\p5:"<"v>:" "\39*\ p
\*74 \"v":p\*93\<      v,*5 2p

Explanation tomorrow, bed now. I will say, however, that I do clever stuff with moving a couple redirection arrows and I use the wrap-around property quite a bit too. Test it out in this online interpreter.

El'endia Starman

Posted 2015-09-22T04:28:34.717

Reputation: 14 504