16-bit binary grid



Given any unsigned 16 bit integer, convert its decimal form (i.e., base-10) number into a 4x4 ASCII grid of its bits, with the most-significant bit (MSB) at the top left, least-significant bit (LSB) at bottom right, read across and then down (like English text).


Input: 4242

|   |   |   | # |
|   |   |   |   |
| # |   |   | # |
|   |   | # |   |

Input: 33825

| # |   |   |   |
|   | # |   |   |
|   |   | # |   |
|   |   |   | # |

Specific Requirements

  1. Input must be in decimal (base-10), however you may convert to binary any way you wish (including using language built-ins, if available).

  2. Output table format must match exactly. This means you must use the specific ASCII characters (-, +, and |) for the table grid lines as shown, each cell's interior is 3 characters, and true bits are represented by # while false is represented by a space ().

  3. Leading or trailing whitespace is not permitted. Final newline is required.

  4. Bit order must match the examples as described.


  1. Input must be a base-10 number on the command line, standard input, or user input, but must not be hard-coded into your source code.

May the clearest shortest code win! :-)


Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 511

1Related – Sp3000 – 2015-09-18T16:38:30.773

2The first sentence sounds confusing to me, where it says "convert its decimal form". Based on the rest of the post and the example, it looks like the input is given in decimal form, but you have to convert the binary form of the value into a grid. – Reto Koradi – 2015-09-18T16:44:56.133

1@RetoKoradi you are essentially correct, but the question does require you to convert a decimal number into a binary grid. There is no explicit requirement to ever work with a binary number, only a likely implementation detail. – type_outcast – 2015-09-18T17:53:38.300

Does writing a function with the base-10 number as the function argument count as user input? – Alex A. – 2015-09-18T18:12:52.520

2Since you say that the given number is an "unsigned 16 bit integer", it is by definition in binary form. When I first read this, it actually sounded like the input would be given in binary form. It all becomes clear towards the end. But at least for me, the first paragraph really doesn't capture the problem at all. – Reto Koradi – 2015-09-18T18:20:06.837

@RetoKoradi OK, I understand the confusion now. You say "it is by definition in binary form", but in computing, saying something is an "N-bit integer" simply means it is an integer with a width of N bits (and usually the width is a common power of 2, such as an 8-bit integer (octet, byte), 16-bit, 32-bit, 64-bit). The integer size has nothing to do with its representation. A 16-bit integer can be expressed in any real base, including binary and decimal. See for example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/32-bit

– type_outcast – 2015-09-18T18:36:34.633

@AlexA. Yes, that's acceptable – type_outcast – 2015-09-18T18:38:04.470

Then in the case of a function, can output be returned or must it be printed to STDOUT? – Alex A. – 2015-09-18T18:50:08.173

@AlexA. I was thinking printed output, as that seems to be the norm, but I don't see how allowing returned value instead of STDOUT would invalidate anyone's solution or give anyone an unreasonable advantage, so I'm inclined to allow either. What do you think? – type_outcast – 2015-09-18T20:24:26.263

In javascript return is better than the unreasonable console.log. But in javascript and many other languages you can avoid the return token at all in many cases. – edc65 – 2015-09-18T20:32:00.720



J, 26 bytes

('   ';' # '){~4 4$_16{.#:

An anonymous verb. Thankfully, J is very good at drawing boxes. Let's try it out:

   f =. ('   ';' # '){~4 4$_16{.#:
   f 4242
|   |   |   | # |
|   |   |   |   |
| # |   |   | # |
|   |   | # |   |

As some commenters have mentioned, the way J draws boxes is system-dependent: on some platforms, this code will work under the default settings, but on others, the boxes will be drawn using Unicode line drawing characters. (The commands 9!:6 and 9!:7 allow you to query and set the characters to draw boxed values with, respectively.)


Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 55 648

Do you (or anyone else) know if there's a consensus on the box drawing command for golf scoring, then? I personally think the assumption with code golf is that solutions work on a majority of systems that the solution's language runs on, right? What would a solution look like that outputs the correct boxes on all (or almost all) J installations? I really like your solution, by the way! My brain is still working its way through, which is exactly what I like about code golf. – type_outcast – 2015-09-18T20:30:45.943

5@type_outcast We don't require portability for code golf challenges. As long as it works with some implemenation on one platform, it's valid. – Dennis – 2015-09-18T20:45:16.373

Thanks for the response @Dennis. I'm happy my presumption was incorrect, then, because I (still) really like Mauris' solution! :-) – type_outcast – 2015-09-18T20:57:05.243


JavaScript (ES6), 102

... or 96 using return instead of console.log.

Test running the snippet below in an EcmaScript 6 compliant browser.

`,z=16;z--;n/=2)o=(z&3?'':h+'|')+` ${' #'[n&1]} |`+o;console.log(o)}


function test(n) { f(n); console.log(n); }
<input id=I value=4680><button onclick='test(+I.value)'>-></button>
<pre id=O></pre>


Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 31 086

6Is "JavaScripy" some strange javascript/python mashup? ;-) – Digital Trauma – 2015-09-18T20:52:30.330


@DigitalTrauma of course. But as the world is not ready (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheWorldIsNotReady) for this new evolution, I'll revert to JavaScript

– edc65 – 2015-09-18T21:07:55.023

Cool, this works on Edge! – Arturo Torres Sánchez – 2015-09-20T05:36:51.403

Must... not... click... tvtropes... – RK. – 2015-09-21T18:22:55.693


Befunge-93, 196 218 bytes

&00p12*v>>4>"---+",v v <
v*:*:*:<   | :-1,,,< #
>:*2/10p^  >"+",25*,10g|
     > #v^#         $< @
 25*,^  >4" |",,v ,*<>
v>"#",00g10g-00p 10g
 |`-1g01g00     <>48^
v>" ",10g
>2/10p>"| ",,1-:#^_$>^

To run the program...

  1. Go to the online interpreter.
  2. Paste this code in the big text box.
  3. Click Show.
  4. Input the desired number in the Input box.
  5. Click Run. (Or change Slow to something like 5 milliseconds and then click Show.)
  6. Ta-da!

Output for 4242:

|   |   |   | # |
|   |   |   |   |
| # |   |   | # |
|   |   | # |   |

Output for 33825:

| # |   |   |   |
|   | # |   |   |
|   |   | # |   |
|   |   |   | # |


Oh goodness, what have I got myself into? Well, here goes! (Irrelevant code is replaced with .s.)

Part 1: Get input (store in 0,0) and calculate 32768 (store in 1,0).


Part 2: Print out "+---+---+---+---".

  | :-1,,,<

Part 3: Print "+" and a newline and check to see if (1,0) is 0 (i.e. we're done). If so, terminate. Otherwise, continue.

 ........... v <
   | ....... # 
v.#         $< @
>4" |",,v ...

Part 4: Get binary digits of input, updating (0,0) and (1,0) as we go along. Print the right things. I take advantage of Befunge's wrap-around behavior.

 .....  >4" |",,v ,*<.
v>"#",00g10g-00p 10g
 |`-1g01g00     <>48^
v>" ",10g
>2/10p>"| ",,1-:#^_...

Part 5: Print a newline and go back to the part that prints "+---+---+---+---+". Wrap-around trick is used.

     > #.^.         .. .
 25*,^  ......... ...>
................ ...
 .........      .....


El'endia Starman

Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 14 504


Julia, 156 143 bytes

n->(p=println;l="+"*"---+"^4;for i=1:4 p(l,"\n| ",join([j>"0"?"#":" "for j=reshape(split(lpad(bin(n),16,0),""),4,4)[:,i]]," | ")," |")end;p(l))


function f(n::Int)
    # Convert the input to binary, padded to 16 digits
    b = lpad(bin(n), 16, 0)

    # Split b into a 4x4 matrix
    m = reshape(split(b, ""), 4, 4)

    # Store the line separator for brevity
    l = "+" * "---+"^4

    # Print each column of the matrix as a row
    for i = 1:4
        println(l, "\n| ", join([j > "0" ? "#" : " " for j = m[:,i]], " | "), " |")

    # Print the bottom of the table

Try it online

Alex A.

Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 23 761


Python 2, 157 153 151 146 bytes

print J(R+'+\n|'+J(' '+('#'if int(l)else' ')+' |'for l in i[n*4:-~n*4])+'\n'for n in range(4)),R+'+'

Thanks to Morgan Thrapp for saving 4 bytes, and to Jonathan Frech for saving 5.


$ python test.py
| # |   |   |   |
|   | # |   |   |
|   |   | # |   |
|   |   |   | # |

Zach Gates

Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 6 152

You can save two bytes if you pull '+---'*4 into a variable and two more if you do j=''.join – Morgan Thrapp – 2015-09-18T19:50:29.407

No problem! I was actually working on a very similar solution. – Morgan Thrapp – 2015-09-18T19:57:07.520

@downvoter Care to explain? – Zach Gates – 2017-09-10T21:26:34.577

Since you do not use Python 3, you can replace int(input()) with input() and save five bytes. – Jonathan Frech – 2017-09-10T23:53:21.860


Ruby, 118 114

1.upto(16){|i|puts l if i%4==1
print"| #{b[i-1]==?0?' ':?#} "
puts ?|if i%4<1}
puts l

thanks for @w0lf for saving some characters.


Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 2 019

1You can save some bytes if you write literal characters using the ? notation (ex: ?| instead of '|'). This works for everything except space. – Cristian Lupascu – 2015-09-19T12:03:52.520

@w0lf I have found that ?\s works for space, however it is not actualy helpful here. – Mhmd – 2015-09-20T17:41:23.633


GNU sed + dc, 116

Score includes +1 for -r flags to sed:

s/.*/dc -e2o&p/e
s/./| & /g
y/01/ #/

Test output:

$ { echo 4242 ; echo 33825 ; } | sed -rf 16bitgrid.sed
|   |   |   | # |
|   |   |   |   |
| # |   |   | # |
|   |   | # |   |
| # |   |   |   |
|   | # |   |   |
|   |   | # |   |
|   |   |   | # |


Pure sed, 146

You might think it's cheating to use sed's GNU extension to eval a dc command. In that case, we can do this a little differently, according to this meta-answer. Of course the question clearly states that input must be in base 10, but here I'm attempting to claim that we can override that for sed answers and use unary (base 1) instead.

s/<([ #]*)$/< \1/
s/./| & /g
y/01/ #/

Test output

Using printf to generate the necessary unary string:

$ printf "%33825s" | tr ' ' 1 | sed -rf 16bitgrid.sed 
| # |   |   |   |
|   | # |   |   |
|   |   | # |   |
|   |   |   | # |

Digital Trauma

Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 64 644

Nice one. This looks somewhat similar to the Perl solution I came up with as a (private) proof of concept while fine-tuning the question. – type_outcast – 2015-09-18T20:59:41.763

@type_outcast BTW its perfectly OK to post your own solution as an answer :) – Digital Trauma – 2015-09-18T21:04:51.343

I know :-) I didn't spend much time golfing it, as I was more focused on putting up a good question, but I may yet revisit it and post it if I can golf it into something at least halfway respectable. At the moment I'm having too much fun grokking everyone else's answers. – type_outcast – 2015-09-18T21:07:35.607


C++11, 193 191 190 176 172 bytes

My first solution on codegolf ever, so do not blame me.

int n,j,i=65536;int main(){std::cin>>n;for(;j<9;){for(int k:{0,0,0,0})if(j%2)printf("| %s",n&(i/=2)?"# ":"  ");else printf("+---");puts(j++%2?"|":"+");}}


#include <iostream>
int n, i = 65536, j;

int main()
    std::cin >> n;

    for (; j < 9;)
        for(int k:{0,0,0,0})
            if (j % 2)
                printf("| %s", n & (i /= 2) ? "# " : "  ");
        puts(j++ % 2 ? "|" : "+");

Previous version

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int n, i = 65536, j;
int main()
    cin >> n;

    for (; j < 9;)
        for(int k:{0,0,0,0})
            if (j % 2)
                cout << "| " << (n & (i /= 2) ? "# " : "  ");
                cout << "+---";
        cout << (j++ % 2 ? "|\n" : "+\n");


Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 1 165

Hint: 0x10000 is 65536, having '0x' prefix, hex is always longer than decimal – edc65 – 2015-09-18T20:27:36.777

Hint 2: youd should avoid using namespace std in production code. And it's not useful here too. – edc65 – 2015-09-18T20:29:42.247

@edc65 dec->hex good idea, I always thought of hex having shorter representation, but forget about 0x. using namespace std saves few bytes, because I do not have to prefix cout and cin with std::. Even using just using std::cout; wont help. – Zereges – 2015-09-18T20:31:39.533

Hey Zereges. You can remove the space between the include and the library.. and remove the return type for the main function. – wendelbsilva – 2015-09-18T20:39:31.893

C++ does not support auto int. – Zereges – 2015-09-18T20:40:30.310

But can you use this syntax int n, i = 65536, j, main() { /* your code */ }? It looks cool and is likely to work. – anatolyg – 2015-09-20T19:14:46.667

@anatolyg Does not work for me. error: a function-definition is not allowed here before '{' token – Zereges – 2015-09-20T19:36:41.067


Pyth, 37 bytes

Jj*3\-*5\+JVc4_m@" #".>Qd16jd.i*5\|NJ

Try it online: Demonstration or Test Suite


  *3\-                       the string "---"
      *5\+                   the string "+++++"
 j                           join second by first string: 
J                            save in J
          J                  print J

Vc4_m@" #".>Qd16jd.i*5\|NJ
    m         16             map each d in [0, 1, ..., 15] to:
          .>Qd                 input number Q shifted to the right by d
     @" #"                     and take the ^th char in " #" (modulo 2)
   _                         reverse this list of chars
 c4                          split into 4 groups
V                            for each group N in ^:
                    *5\|       the string "|||||"
                  .i    N      interleave ^ with N
                jd             join chars with spaces and print
                         J     print J


Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 21 462


CJam, 43 41 bytes

'+5*'-3**N+ri2bG0e[4/{" #"f='|5*.\S*N2$}/

Definitely golfable, but it's a start I guess. Generates the top row, then for each 4 bits it creates an even row and copies the previous odd row.

Try it online.


Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 58 729


PowerShell, 203 188 182 Bytes

param($a)$l="+---+---+---+---+";$l;$b=([int64][convert]::ToString($a,2)).ToString(@(,"0"*16)-join'');@(1..16|%{if($b[$_-1]-eq'1'){"| # "}else{"|   "};if($_%4-eq0){"|`n$l`n"}})-join''

Edit - saved 15 bytes by changing the order that | are drawn, so we can dump the .TrimEnd("|") on the output and instead convert the for-loop into a subcode block that produces an array

Edit2 - saved another 6 bytes by eliminating need for saving into the $o variable and just outputting with -join'' directly.


Drawing in PowerShell is hard. Working with binary digits in PowerShell is hard.

Uses built-ins to [convert] the input integer to a string representation in binary, then re-cast back to an [int64] so we can re-call .ToString() in order to prepend/pad the appropriate number of zeroes. (Note that creating an array of strings and joining them @(,"0"*16)-join'' is 1 character shorter than the literal string "0000000000000000")

Then, take a simple for-loop 1..16|%{...} checking each digit to build up our output array, then finally -join'' that back together.

Previous, 188

param($a)$l="+---+---+---+---+";$l;$b=([int64][convert]::ToString($a,2)).ToString(@(,"0"*16)-join'');$o=@(1..16|%{if($b[$_-1]-eq'1'){"| # "}else{"|   "};if($_%4-eq0){"|`n$l`n"}});$o-join''

Previous-er, 203

param($a)$l="+---+---+---+---+`n|";$o=$l;$b=([int64][convert]::ToString($a,2)).ToString(@(,"0"*16)-join'');1..16|%{if($b[$_-1]-eq'1'){$o+=" # |"}else{$o+="   |"};if($_%4-eq0){$o+="`n$l"}};$o.TrimEnd('|')


Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 41 581

1I hope it was a "fun hard". :-) +1 for your explanation; it helped my limited understanding of PowerShell. – type_outcast – 2015-09-18T21:04:44.503


Python 2, 122 121 120 bytes

exec"print'| %s |'%' | '.join(' #'[x>'0']for x in n[:4])*i or'+---'*4+'+';n=n[4*i:];i^=1;"*9

-1 byte thanks to @xnor's neat 4**8+ trick. The main printing is done by looping 9 times, selecting the appropriate row for odd/even.


Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 58 729

I think that bin(4**8+input())[3:] saves a byte over format – xnor – 2015-09-19T08:49:19.890

@xnor Oh, that's neat :) – Sp3000 – 2015-09-19T08:55:59.867


Python 2, 94

s=();exec"s=(' #'[n%2],)+s;n/=2;"*16
print(a+'| %s '*4+'|\n')*4%s+a

The idea is to take the pattern

| _ | _ | _ | _ |
| _ | _ | _ | _ |
| _ | _ | _ | _ |
| _ | _ | _ | _ |

except with %s in place of blanks and perform tuple substitution. The tuple looks like

('#', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '#', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '#', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '#')

It is created by taking taking off digits from the input in binary and adding the corresponding symbol to the front of the tuple. An expression with explicit tuple gave equal length.

%tuple(' #'[c>'0']for c in bin(input()+4**8)[3:])

Thanks to Sp3000 for 2 bytes.


Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 115 687


Javascript (ES6), 216 207 bytes

Defines an anonymous function.

i=>(","+("0".repeat(16)+i.toString(2)).slice(-16).split``.map((v,l,a)=>l%4<1?"| "+a.slice(l,l+4).map(v=>v?"#":" ").join` | `+" |":"").filter(v=>!!v).join`,`+",").replace(/,/g, `

Thanks to ETHproductions for tips!


Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 301

Nice work! Since you're using ES6, here's a few tips: 1. Anytime you need to use a string as a function's only parameter, you can use a template string, like so: .join` | `​ 2. You can also use template strings for interpolating values: i=>`,${"0".repeat....join`,`},`.replace... 3. You can find more ES6 tips on this thread.

– ETHproductions – 2015-09-18T20:25:39.597

This seems to have stopped working, but by golfing it a bit more, I can get 197 with the correct result: i=>`,${("0".repeat(16)+i.toString(2)).slice(-16).split``.map((v,l,a)=>l%4?"":"| "+a.slice(l,l+4).map(v=>' #'[v]).join` | `+" |").filter(v=>v).join`,`},`.replace(/,/g,`<line break>+---+---+---+---+<line break>`).slice(1) – ETHproductions – 2015-09-18T22:34:00.053

2("0".repeat(16)+i.toString(2)).slice(-16) --> (65536|i).toString(2).slice(1) – edc65 – 2015-09-19T00:36:32.167

Keeping your exact logic, this can be golfed to 169, see https://jsfiddle.net/76fp7aw6/

– edc65 – 2015-09-19T13:40:12.370


Perl 5, 85 84 bytes

84 83 bytes of code + -p flag

-1 byte after Dom reminded me to use a newline

| ",map y/01/ #/r.' | ',/./g for(sprintf"%016b",$_)=~/..../g}{

Try it online!


Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 7 671

Nice, much better approach than mine! A literal newline will save you an extra byte over $/ too! – Dom Hastings – 2017-09-11T12:16:33.113


CJam, 62 bytes

"+---|   "4/{4*_c+N+}%4*_0=]sqi2bG0e[ee{~{_9*\4%5*-K+'#t0}&;}/

Try it online.

Andrea Biondo

Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 1 452


Pyth, 50 bytes

j.i*5]<3*5"+---"ms.i*5\|dc4mj@" #"qd\1*2\ .[Z16.BQ

Explanation will have to wait until another time, I'm posting this on my phone!


Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 5 592


Ruby, 102

print j="+---"*4+"+
19.downto(0){|i|print i%5>0?"| #{((n>>i*4/5)%2*3+32).chr} ":"|


Print a horizontal divider

Loop 20 times (19..0)

If loop number does not divide by 5, convert into a number in the range 16..0 by multiplying by 4/5. Print a space (ascii 32) or # (ascii 32+3=35) preceded by | and followed by a space.

If loop number divides by 5, print a terminating |, newline, and a horizontal divider identical to the first.

Level River St

Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 22 049


Perl, 103 bytes

$_=(($l='+---'x4 .'+
').'| x 'x4 .'|
')x4 .$l;@n=(sprintf'%016b',<>)=~/./g;s/x/$n[$x++]?'#':$"/eg;print

Lots of string repetition to make a grid of xs, convert the input to binary and then s/// the xs to # or $" () depending on the flag at the specified position ($x).

Dom Hastings

Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 16 415


PHP, 159 bytes


<?$r=10;while(--$r){if($r%2){echo str_repeat('+---',4).'+';}else{$c=9;echo'|';while(--$c){echo' '.($c%2?'|':($argv[1]&pow(2,$r*2+$c/2-5)?'#':' '));}}echo"\n";}


php bingrid16.php 4242

Nothing fancy, just brute-forced the rendering.

I tried another angle using arrays instead of loops, but it was longer at 224 bytes:

<?=implode(array_map(function($r)use($argv){return($r%2?str_repeat('+---',4).'+':'|'.implode(array_map(function($c)use($r,$argv){return' '.($c%2?'|':($argv[1]&pow(2,$r*2+$c/2-5)?'#':' '));},range(8,1))))."\n";},range(9,1)));


Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 263


Python 3, 145 144 Bytes


a="|";b="+"+"---+"*4+"\n";r=0,1,2,3;(lambda x:print(b+b.join(a+a.join(" %s "%'# '[x&2**(i+j*4)<1]for i in r)+a+"\n"for j in r)+b))(int(input()))

With newlines:

lambda x:print(b+b.join(a+a.join(" %s "%'# '[x&2**(i+j*4)<1]for i in r)+a+"\n"for j in r)+b)

Edit: Tanks @manatwork for saving 1 byte


Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 31


Based on gnibbler's tip, hardcoding r=0,1,2,3 is 1 character shorter than generating it with r=range(4).

– manatwork – 2017-09-11T11:20:37.090


c99 263 bytes


main(int argc,char **argv){short i=atoi(argv[argc-1]);char *t="| # ", *f="|   ",*a[16],**p=a,*b="+---+---+---+---+\r\n";while(p<a+16){if((i|0x8000)==i)(*(p++))=t;else(*(p++))=f;i<<=1;}for(p=a;p<a+16;p+=4)printf("%s%s%s%s%s|\n",b,*p,p[1],p[2],p[3]);printf("%s",b);}


main(int argc, char **argv)
    short i=atoi(argv[argc -1]);
    char *t ="| # ", *f="|   ",*a[16],**p=a,*b="+---+---+---+---+\r\n";

    while (p<a+16)


    for (p=a;p<a+16;p+=4)

I just liked to present a bit shifting variant and felt this is the first time its appropriate (even its costing me some bytes, but C can't this challange in bytes even with a chance so I don't care) to use the argc/argv


Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 1 663


C# 227 Bytes


class B{public static string G(short v){string s="",b=System.Convert.ToString(v,2).PadLeft(16,'0');for(int i=9;i>0;){s+=i--%2!=0?"+---+---+---+---+\n":"| "+b[i*2+1]+" | "+b[i*2]+" | "+b[i*2-1]+" | "+b[i*2-2]+" |\n";}return s;}}


class B
    public static string G(short v)
        string s="",b=System.Convert.ToString(v, 2).PadLeft(16,'0');
        for(int i=9;i>0;)
            s+=i--%2!=0?"+---+---+---+---+\n":"| "+b[i*2+1]+" | "+b[i*2]+" | "+b[i*2-1]+" | "+b[i*2-2]+" |\n";
        return s;

First time I'm trying something like this, tips would be welcome!


Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 131

Firstly, I count 286 bytes and you can remove the indentation spaces. – Blue – 2015-09-21T17:57:25.273

How exactly do you count it? I've been going to the properties to see the file size there, but I'm not sure if that's the way to do it! Without indentation I've come down to 230 bytes! – anthonytimmers – 2015-09-21T18:03:24.557

Use something like https://mothereff.in/byte-counter, or if you're on linux, use the wc command

– Blue – 2015-09-21T18:21:18.800


Ruby, 95

Nod to Mhmd for a concise String conversion, but I wanted to try using string methods instead of number methods.

->i{puts g='+---'*4+?+;("%016b"%i).scan(/.{4}/){puts$&.gsub(/./){"| #{$&<?1?' ':?#} "}+"|

Not that Charles

Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 1 905


Ruby, 93

A slightly shorter version using only numeric operations.

";15.downto(0){|m|n+="| #{[' ',?#][1&i>>m]} "
"+g if m%4<1}
puts n}

Not that Charles

Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 1 905


Kotlin, 192 bytes

{val v=it.toString(2).padStart(16,'0')
fun p(){(0..3).map{print("+---")}
v.subSequence(it*4,(it+1)*4).map{print("| ${if(it>'0')'#' else ' '} ")}


    val v = it.toString(2).padStart(16, '0')
    fun p() {
        (0..3).map { print("+---") }
    (0..3).map {
        v.subSequence(it *4, (it +1) *4).map {print("| ${if (it > '0') '#' else ' '} ")}


var b:(Int) -> Unit =
{val v=it.toString(2).padStart(16,'0')
fun p(){(0..3).map{print("+---")}
v.subSequence(it*4,(it+1)*4).map{print("| ${if(it>'0')'#' else ' '} ")}

fun main(args: Array<String>) {


Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 915


05AB1E, 45 bytes

bDg16αúS4ôεεð.ø}õ.ø'|ý}õ.ø…+--3F.∞}¶.øý10„# ‡

Try it online!

Magic Octopus Urn

Posted 2015-09-18T16:26:55.080

Reputation: 19 422