Visually Explain the Pythagorean Theorem



A common visual explanation of the Pythagorean theorem is as such:

3 boxes

The squares are meant to represent the side length's squared, and the areas of a + b = c, just like the Pythagorean theorem says.

This part is what you have to show.

Your task

  • You will get two integers as input, meant to represent sides a and b of a right triangle (ex. 3, 4).
  • You will then make squares out of the lengths a, b, and c out of the # character. For example here is 3:
  • You will then format these into a math equation that explains the particular Pythagorean triplet:
      ####   #####
###   ####   #####
###   ####   #####
### + #### = #####
  • Notice how the = and + signs have spaces on both sides and how everything is on the bottom.
  • You will never get values for a and b that make c non-integral.
  • This is so shortest code in bytes wins!

Test Cases

(more coming once I have time, these are really hard to make by hand)

3, 4
      ####   #####
###   ####   #####
###   ####   #####
### + #### = #####

6, 8
         ########   ##########
         ########   ##########
######   ########   ##########
######   ########   ##########
######   ########   ##########
######   ########   ##########
######   ########   ##########
###### + ######## = ##########

4, 3
####         #####
####   ###   #####
####   ###   #####
#### + ### = #####

5, 12
        ############   #############
        ############   #############
        ############   #############
        ############   #############
        ############   #############
        ############   #############
        ############   #############
#####   ############   #############
#####   ############   #############
#####   ############   #############
#####   ############   #############
##### + ############ = #############


Posted 2015-08-31T21:06:35.373

Reputation: 25 023

What about inputs where the third number would not be an integer? For example, given inputs of 1 and 1, the third side would be sqrt(2). – bmarks – 2015-08-31T21:15:20.133

3@bmarks "You will never get values for a and b that make c non-integral." – Maltysen – 2015-08-31T21:15:40.443

Is b going to always be larger than a? – Downgoat – 2015-08-31T22:30:18.247

@vihan nope, adding that to the tests – Maltysen – 2015-08-31T22:38:19.897

a + b = c? I don't think that was the result Pythagoras came up with... – Reto Koradi – 2015-08-31T22:57:15.350

2@RetoKoradi well the areas of the squares a+b=c – Maltysen – 2015-08-31T22:58:38.967

1If a, b and c are defined as the areas of the squares, then the examples are incorrect. – Reto Koradi – 2015-08-31T23:01:21.833

2You should add another nice test case, like 5 + 12 = 13. – mbomb007 – 2015-09-01T00:33:28.453

@mbomb007 I will now that I have my reference solution, yayyy ^.^ – Maltysen – 2015-09-01T00:45:04.427

7Note: this is not "a visual explanation of the Pythagorean theorem". This is the Pythagorean theorem. It was originally formulated exactly this way: geometrically. They didn't even know about square roots, even more interesting, Pythagoras himself didn't believe in the existence of irrational numbers. This means Pythagoras thought that sqrt(2) can be exactly represented by the division of two finite integers. The original theorem is what we now call the "visual representation" – vsz – 2015-09-01T21:07:50.783

1@vsz Actually, based on my understanding - the Pythagoreans would have realized that there are no integers whose ratio is sqrt(2). From this, they would have concluded that sqrt(2) does not exist. In other words, they would have thought it is impossible to draw a line of length sqrt(2). The Pythagorean theorem apparently caused problems, because they knew how to construct a right triangle with sides 1,1,x. The Pythagorean theorem showed that x=sqrt(2) actually exists. Legend has it they drowned the person who discovered this and then swore everyone to secrecy. – Joel – 2015-09-02T04:23:14.100

Can we use a different character instead of #? What about leading/trailing whitespace? – Jo King – 2019-01-16T01:21:22.117



Pyth, 35 32 31 30 bytes


Try it online.


Posted 2015-08-31T21:06:35.373

Reputation: 37 067

You can save a byte by using .i to add the blank lines instead: j_.ts.i.imm*d\#d+Qs.aQ"+="mk4d – isaacg – 2015-09-01T07:44:50.747


CJam, 49 bytes

" +   = "S/3/[q~_2$mh:H]_'#f*:a.*.\:+SH*f.e|zW%N*

Try it online in the CJam interpreter.

How it works

" +   = "S/3/ e# Split at spaces, the into chunks of length 3.
              e# This pushes [["" "+" ""] ["" "=" ""]].
[             e#
  q~          e# Read and interpret all input from STDIN.
  _2$         e# Copy both integers.
  mh          e# Calculate the hypotenuse of the triangle with those catheti.
  :H          e# Save the result in H.
]             e# Collect catheti and hypotenuse in an array.
_'#f*         e# Copy and replace each length with a string of that many hashes.
:a            e# Wrap each string in an array.
.*            e# Vectorized repetition. Turns strings into square arrays.
.\            e# Interleave with the string of operators.
:+            e# Concatenate to form an array of strings.
SH*           e# Push a string of spaces of length H.
f.e|          e# Mapped vectorized logical OR; pads all strings with spaces to
              e# length H.
zW%           e# Zip and reverse; rotates the array.
N*            e# Join the strings, separating by linefeeds.


Posted 2015-08-31T21:06:35.373

Reputation: 196 637


Julia, 121 114 112 bytes

f(a,b)=for i=1:(c=isqrt(a^2+b^2)) g(x,t)=(i>c-x?"#":" ")^x*(i<c?"  ":t)" ";println(g(a," +")g(b," =")g(c,""))end


function f(a,b)
    # Compute the hypotenuse length
    c = isqrt(a^2 + b^2)

    # Write the lines in a loop
    for i = 1:c
        # Make a function for constructing the blocks
        g(x,t) = (i <= c - x ? " " : "#")^x * (i < c ? "  " : t) " "

        println(g(a," +") g(b," =") g(c,""))

Fixed issue and saved 2 bytes thanks to Glen O.

Alex A.

Posted 2015-08-31T21:06:35.373

Reputation: 23 761


JavaScript ES6, 155 134 140 129 bytes

(n,m)=>eval("for(o='',q=(b,s)=>' #'[z<b|0].repeat(b)+(z?'   ':s),z=i=Math.hypot(n,m);z--;)o+=q(n,' + ')+q(m,' = ')+q(i,'')+`\n`")

I've rewritten this with for. Lots of golfing still...

If something isn't working, let me know. I'll fix it in the morning.

Tested on Safari Nightly


        (z-i<=j?'#':' ')
         (z-i-1?' ':s)


(Not updated) but still accurate enough.

(n,m)=> // Function with two arguments n,m
   Array( // Create array of length...
    z=Math.hypot(n,m) // Get sqrt(n^2+m^2) and store in z
   ).fill() // Fill array so we can loop
   .map((l,i) => // Loop z times, take l, and i (index)
     (q=j=>( // Create function q with argument j
      z-i<=j? // If z-i is less than or equal to j...
        '#' // Use '#'
      : // OR
        ' ' // Use space
      ).repeat(j) // Repeat the character j times
     )(n) // Run with n
   + // Add to string
   ` ${ // Space
      (b=z-i-1)? // If this isn't the last line...
       ' ' // Return ' '
      : // Otherwise
       '+' // Plus
    } ${ // Space
      q(m) // run function q with arg m
    } ${ // Space
      b? // If b
       ' ' // Return space
      : // Otherwise
        '=' // '='
    }` + // Add to...
    '#'.repeat(z) // Repeat hashtag, z times
  ).join` // Join the new array with new lines


ES5 version Input must be valid sets of numbers:

function _taggedTemplateLiteral(e,t){return Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(e,{raw:{value:Object.freeze(t)}}))}var _templateObject=_taggedTemplateLiteral(["\n"],["\n"]),t=function(e,t){return Array(z=Math.sqrt(e*e+t*t)).fill().map(function(r,n){return(q=function(e,t){return(z-n<=e?"#":" ").repeat(e)+(z-n-1?" ":t)})(e,"+")+q(t,"=")+q(z,"")}).join(_templateObject)};
// Demo
  document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = t(+document.getElementById('input').value,
<div style="padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px;"><h2 style="font-family:sans-serif">Visually Explaining the Pythagorean Theorem</h2><div><div  style="background-color:#EFEFEF;border-radius:4px;padding:10px;"><input placeholder="Number 1" style="resize:none;border:1px solid #DDD;" id="input"><input placeholder="Number 2" style="resize:none;border:1px solid #DDD;" id="input2"><button id='go'>Run!</button></div><br><div style="background-color:#EFEFEF;border-radius:4px;padding:10px;"><span style="font-family:sans-serif;">Output:</span><br><pre id="output" style="background-color:#DEDEDE;padding:1em;border-radius:2px;overflow-x:auto;"></pre></div></div></div>


Posted 2015-08-31T21:06:35.373

Reputation: 27 116

2+1, but there's a small issue as the OP says: "Notice how the = and + signs have spaces on both sides and how everything is on the bottom." – Léo Lam – 2015-09-01T07:12:14.957

1The snippet isn't working on Firefox 40.0.3 (Windows 7x64 SP1). – Ismael Miguel – 2015-09-01T10:19:08.663

1Snippet not working in Chromium 44 Linux x64 – Nenotlep – 2015-09-01T11:08:09.383

1@IsmaelMiguel You need to make sure the numbers you're entering are valid, otherwise this won't work. – Downgoat – 2015-09-01T14:11:01.483

This works with 3,4, 4,3 and 5,12, but not with 3,5, 5,3, 4,5, 5,4 and similars. I think this was example-driven: only works with the values on the examples. – Ismael Miguel – 2015-09-01T16:23:41.260

2@IsmaelMiguel Those latter cases aren't necessary to handle correctly, though: "You will never get values for a and b that make c non-integral." – DLosc – 2015-09-01T18:26:14.743

The blank separation is 3 spaces, not 1 – edc65 – 2015-09-01T23:26:42.557

@edc65 I've updated the code but not the demo yet – Downgoat – 2015-09-01T23:38:14.977

2+1 nice use of eval. Hint: (z<b?'#':' ') -> ' #'[z<b|0] – edc65 – 2015-09-02T09:41:30.257

@edc65 definitely, that saved two bytes! – Downgoat – 2015-09-02T15:26:35.260


Python 2, 134 100 bytes

while i:print"# "[i>a]*a," +"[i<2],"# "[i>b]*b," ="[i<2],"#"*c;i-=1

Try it online.

The program takes input as comma-separated integers, calculates the hypotenuse using Python's built-in complex numbers, then loops down from that value calculating and printing each line as it goes. The main golfing trick is using string indexing in place of conditionals to select #/+/= vs space.

Edit: The first version was a victim of some serious over-engineering--this one is both simpler and much shorter.


Posted 2015-08-31T21:06:35.373

Reputation: 21 213

I just got the same thing, having taken a while to realize it's shorter to just repeat "# "[i>a]*a instead of doing it for each variable. – xnor – 2015-09-01T01:47:32.960


Pyth, 51 49 bytes

AQJs.aQLj*b]*b\#;j_MCm_.[d\ Jcj[yJb\=byHb\+byG))b

Expects input in the form [3,4].

Try it here

AQ - assigns input to G, H

Js.a,GH - calculates hypotenuse as J

Lj*b]*b\#; - defines y(b) as making a square of size b (elsewhere in the code, b means newline)

j_MCm_.[d\ Jcj[yJb\=byHb\+byG))b - Creates the squares, pads with spaces, and transposes

Saved two bytes thanks to Maltysen.


Posted 2015-08-31T21:06:35.373

Reputation: 10 485

I don't know exactly what your code does, but I'm pretty sure it can benefit from .interlace instead of all those lists. – Maltysen – 2015-09-01T01:11:18.397

@Maltysen To your last comment, actually I can't, because the first appearance of J is inside a lambda, which gets evaluated after J is first used. – Ypnypn – 2015-09-01T01:16:23.207

ah, didn't see that. Another thing: *] can be replaced with m – Maltysen – 2015-09-01T01:18:50.573


Ruby, 134

d=i<c-1?'  ':'+='
puts (c-i>a ?' ':?#)*a+" #{d[0]}  #{(c-i>b ?' ':?#)*b} #{d[1]} "+?#*c}}

simple line by line approach.

Below in test program, with symbol changed to @ to help avoid confusting with the syntax #{....} ("string interpolation") used to insert expressions into a string. Each input should be given on a different line.

d=i<c-1?'  ':'+='
puts (c-i>a ?' ':?@)*a+" #{d[0]}  #{(c-i>b ?' ':?@)*b} #{d[1]} "+?@*c}}


Level River St

Posted 2015-08-31T21:06:35.373

Reputation: 22 049

I don't know Ruby, but I'm guessing this can get shorter, since Ruby solutions often beat Python solutions (in my anecdotal experience). For starters, a*a+b*b should cut two bytes from the computation of c. – DLosc – 2015-09-01T23:54:52.047


C, 176 bytes

C is not going to win this, but the fun is worth it.

#define A(x,y)for(j=x;j--;)putchar("# "[i+1>x]);printf(i?"   ":" "#y" ");
i;j;main(a,b,c){for(c=scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);a*a+b*b>c*c;c++);for(i=c;i--;puts("")){A(a,+)A(b,=)A(c,)}}

Pretty printed:

#define A(x,y)for(j=x;j--;)putchar("# "[i+1>x]);printf(i?"   ":" "#y" ");
    for(c=scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);a*a+b*b>c*c;c++);

gcc enables us to pass third parameter to main (an array of environment variables), so we take advantage of it to use it for our purpose.


for(c=scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);a*a+b*b>c*c++;);

would be equivalent to

scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);

because scanf returns the number of successfully scaned parameters.


Posted 2015-08-31T21:06:35.373

Reputation: 1 243


PHP, 178 170 168 bytes

Input is GET parameters x and y. Unfortunately I can't seem to golf those repeating strings.

<?php for(@$i=$z=hypot($x=$_GET[x],$y=$_GET[y]),@$s=str_repeat;$i;$i--)@print$s($i<=$x?~Ü:~ß,$x).(($l=$i==1)?~ßÔß:~ßßß).$s($i<=$y?~Ü:~ß,$y).($l?~ßÂß:~ßßß).$s(~Ü,$z).~õ;
  • Saved 8 bytes by inverting all my strings and dropping the quotes.
  • Saved 2 bytes by replacing the condition $i>0 with $i

Not sure why PHP doesn't like @echo so I had to sacrifice 1 byte with @print.

In case SE screws up the encoding, this is meant to be encoded in Windows-1252 (not UTF8).


Posted 2015-08-31T21:06:35.373

Reputation: 2 769

1echo vs print. see: – MarcDefiant – 2015-09-01T06:59:54.400

Ah that makes sense. Thanks! – DankMemes – 2015-09-01T12:17:19.830


APL (Dyalog Extended), 33 29 bytesSBCS

-3 due to my extensions of Dyalog APL.

Anonymous prefix lambda:

{⊖⍕,' +=',⍪{⍵ ⍵⍴⍕#}¨⍵,√+/⍵*2}

Try it online!

{} "dfn"; is the argument (side lengths)

⍵*2 square

+/ sum


⍵, prepend argument

{ apply the following anonymous lambda to each

  # root namespace

   format as text

  ⍵ ⍵⍴ use argument twice to reshape into matrix with those dimensions.

 make into column

' ++=', prepend these three characters to the three rows

, ravel (combine rows into list)

 format as text

 flip upside-down


Posted 2015-08-31T21:06:35.373

Reputation: 37 779


Charcoal, 24 bytes

⊞θ₂ΣXθ²F =+«←←←ι←G↑←↓⊟θ#

Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Takes input as an array of two elements. Explanation:


Append the hypotenuse to the inputs.

F =+«

Loop over the characters that appear to the right of each square in reverse order.


Print that character leftwards with spacing.


Pop the last number from the array and print a square of #s of that size.


Posted 2015-08-31T21:06:35.373

Reputation: 95 035

1@KevinCruijssen Whoa, what an oversight! Should be fixed now. – Neil – 2019-01-14T16:42:36.090


PowerShell, 139 137 135 bytes

-2 thanks to ASCII-only
-2 thanks to Mazzy

param($a,$b)($c=[math]::sqrt($a*$a+$b*$b))..1|%{(($m=" ","#")[$_-le$a]*$a)," +"[$_-eq1],($m[$_-le$b]*$b)," ="[$_-eq1],("#"*$c)-join" "}

Try it online!

Calculating $c hurt and there's probably a better way to conditionally swap between # and . Builds a list of chunks and joins them together while conditionally adding the signs.


Posted 2015-08-31T21:06:35.373

Reputation: 3 580


there is a redundant brackets in $m=(" ","#"): Try it online!

– mazzy – 2019-01-16T06:17:14.407

@mazzy Ha ha, whoops – Veskah – 2019-01-16T21:01:34.030


CJam, 78 bytes

q~_2f#~+mQ+ee_2=~e>f{\~@1$-S*\'#*+_'#e=\a*_0=,S*@"+= "=1$,(S*\+1$a\a@a+++~}zN*

It first computes the hypotenuse (H), then, for each side (S), it builds an array of S lines made of: H-S spaces + S dashes. Finally, it transposes the matrix.



Posted 2015-08-31T21:06:35.373

Reputation: 1 361


Lua5.2, 257 241 227 222 bytes
for i=1,c do
for j=0,d+c+5 do
w((j>d+5 or(i>c-b and j>a+2 and j<d+3)or(i>c-a and j<a))and"#"or(i==c and(j==a+1 and"+"or(j==d+4 and"="or" "))or" "))end
  • Edit1: Simplified reading
  • Edit2: Removed more whitespaces
  • Edit3: aliases abstraction of io functions inspired by another answer


Posted 2015-08-31T21:06:35.373

Reputation: 468


C# (.NET Core), 221, 194 bytes

This feels way too long. This version just loops to construct the string.

EDIT: Ascii-Only with a nice -27 byte golf using the string constructor for serial char additions! Also, ty for pointing out I was using Math.Sqrt not System.Math.Sqrt. This has been adjusted!

(a,b)=>{int c=(int)System.Math.Sqrt(a*a+b*b),j=c;var s="";while(j>0)s+=new string(j>a?' ':'#',a)+(j>1?"   ":" + ")+new string(j>b?' ':'#',b)+(j-->1?"   ":" = ")+new string('#',c)+"\n";return s;}

Try it online!


Posted 2015-08-31T21:06:35.373

Reputation: 401

1remember the ending semicolon isn't needed, and also System.Math not Math if you're not using interactive – ASCII-only – 2019-01-16T03:08:04.590

211? – ASCII-only – 2019-01-16T03:13:00.490

1187? – ASCII-only – 2019-01-16T03:22:56.323

One thing, I'd remove all using directives to make sure I didn't make a mistake

– ASCII-only – 2019-01-17T00:14:53.673

1Oh and since you no longer have the ternary version I don't think you should mention it anymore – ASCII-only – 2019-01-17T00:21:38.783


Japt, 28 bytes

Takes input as an array of integers.

í"+="¬ûR3)c ·z3

Try it

                    :Implicit input of array U=[a,b]
p                   :Push
 U ²                :  Square each element in U
  x                 :  Reduce by addition
    ¬               :  Square root
     )              :End push
      Ë             :Map each D
       Æ            :  Map the range [0,D)
        Dç'#        :    Repeat "#" D times
í"+="¬ûR3)c ·z3
í                   :Interleave
 "+="¬              :  Split the string "+=" to an array of characters
      û             :  Centre pad each
       R3           :    With newlines to length 3
         )          :End interleave
          c         :Flatten
            ·       :Join with newlines
             z3     :Rotate clockwise 270 degrees


Posted 2015-08-31T21:06:35.373

Reputation: 24 623


05AB1E, 38 bytes

nOtª©Å10ζíε„ #yè®Rׄ= NĀèð.øý}»R„=+`.;

Takes the input as a list of two numbers (i.e. [3,4]).

Try it online or verify all test cases.


n             # Take the square of each value in the (implicit) input-list
              #  i.e. [3,4] → [9,16]
 O            # Take the same of that list
              #  i.e. [9,16] → 25
  t           # Take the square-root of that sum
              #  i.e. 25 → 5.0
   ª          # Append it to the (implicit) input-list
              #  i.e. [3,4] and 5.0 → [3,4,5.0]
    ©         # Store it in the register (without popping)
Å1            # Change each value to an inner list of that amount of 1s
              #  i.e. [3,4,5.0] → [[1,1,1],[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1,1]]
  0ζ          # Zip/transpose; swapping rows/columns, with "0" as filler
              #  i.e. [[1,1,1],[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1,1]]
              #   → [[1,1,1],[1,1,1],[1,1,1],["0",1,1],["0","0",1]]
    í         # Reverse each inner list
              #  i.e. [[1,1,1],[1,1,1],[1,1,1],["0",1,1],["0","0",1]]
              #   → [[1,1,1],[1,1,1],[1,1,1],[1,1,"0"],[1,"0","0"]]
ε         }   # Map the inner lists to:
 „ #          #  Push string " #"
    yè        #  Index each inner list value into this string
              #   i.e. " #" and [1,1,"0"] → ["#","#"," "]
      ®R      #  Push the list from the register
        ×     #  Repeat the character that many times
              #   i.e. ["#","#"," "] and [5.0,4,3] → ["#####","####","   "]
 „=           #  Push string "= "
   NĀ         #  Push the map-index trutified (0 remains 0; everything else becomes 1)
              #   i.e. 0 → 0
              #   i.e. 3 → 1
     è        #  Use it to index into the string
              #   i.e. "= " and 0 → "="
              #   i.e. "= " and 1 → " "
      ð.ø     #  Surround it with spaces
              #   i.e. "=" → " = "
              #   i.e. " " → "   "
         ý    #  Join the map-list together with this string as delimiter
              #   i.e. ["#####","####","   "] and "   " → "#####   ####      "
»             # After the map, join everything by newlines
              #  i.e. ["##### = #### = ###","#####   ####   ###","#####   ####   ###","#####   ####      ","#####             "]
              #   → "##### = #### = ###\n#####   ####   ###\n#####   ####   ###\n#####   ####      \n#####             "
 R            # Reverse the string
              #  i.e. "##### = #### = ###\n#####   ####   ###\n#####   ####   ###\n#####   ####      \n#####             "
              #   → "             #####\n      ####   #####\n###   ####   #####\n###   ####   #####\n### = #### = #####"
  „=+`.;      # And replace the first "=" with "+"
              #  i.e. "             #####\n      ####   #####\n###   ####   #####\n###   ####   #####\n### = #### = #####"
              #   → "             #####\n      ####   #####\n###   ####   #####\n###   ####   #####\n### + #### = #####"
              # (and output the result implicitly)

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2015-08-31T21:06:35.373

Reputation: 67 575

DnOt©)˜ε'#×y.Dðy×®y-.D)R}ø» was my attempt until I noticed the + and =. – Magic Octopus Urn – 2019-01-16T18:48:02.117

@MagicOctopusUrn Yeah, those three spaces and + and = are indeed responsible for the most part of the code. Btw, you can golf 2 bytes in your approach by replacing DnOt©)˜ with nOt©ª, as I did in my current answer. :) I like your use of .D, though. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2019-01-17T09:00:38.030


Perl 6, 99 bytes

{$!=sqrt $^a²+$^b²;flip map({map {[' ','#'][$^d>$_]x$d,' =+ '.comb[!$_*++$ ]},$!,$b,$a},^$!)X"

Try it online!

Anonymous code block that takes two numbers and returns the full string with a leading newline and three leading spaces and one trailing on each line.

If we can use other characters instead of #, then I can save a byte by replacing '#' with \*.

Jo King

Posted 2015-08-31T21:06:35.373

Reputation: 38 234