Solve a game of Accordion



Accordion is a solitaire card game I recently came across where nearly every layout is solvable, but incredibly hard. You can play it here.


52 face cards are placed face-up in a random order. Each turn, you replace a card with a later card, where the two cards:

  • Share a suit or number and
  • Are at a distance of 1 (adjacent) or 3 (two cards in between).

The game is won when there is only 1 card remaining. You can assume that each input is solvable. The replaced card must always precede the replacing card.


As an example, consider the following layout:

2H,2S,1S,2D  (H: Hearts, S: Spades, D: Diamonds)

There are 3 possible moves here:

  1. Replace the 2H with the adjacent 2S, so we end up with 2S,1S,2D
  2. Replace the 2S with the adjacent 1S, so we end up with 2H,1S,2D
  3. Replace the 2H with the 2D (at a distance of 3), so we end up with 2D,2S,1S

Of those 3 moves, only the last one has the possibility of winning (You win by replacing 2D <- 2S, then 2S <- 1S).


Your job is to write an Accordion solver. You are passed a list of cards, and you need to return a list of moves to solve the game.

You are passed a list of cards as a comma-delimited string, where each card is passed as an integer representing their numeric value, then a character representing their suit.

You must return a list of replacements as a comma-delimited string, where each replacement is in the format Card <- Card (following the card format described above). The first card in each pair is the card being replaced.

Test cases:


While this competition is a , I am particularly interested in time-efficient solutions, and am likely to reward ingenious solutions with bounties. That said, solutions that take astronomical amounts of time are still acceptable (I'd recommend testing with a smaller deck, such as a 16-card, 4 suit deck).

Nathan Merrill

Posted 2015-08-26T04:19:48.290

Reputation: 13 591

Do your rules mention that the moves can only be made in one direction? – feersum – 2015-08-26T05:07:34.980

Yes. "The replaced card must always precede the replacing card" – Nathan Merrill – 2015-08-26T05:11:10.527

6Every card on the table has on average about 0.25 + 0.25 = 0.5 legal moves. Therefore the search space is about 52! * 0.5 = 4E67. The challenge as written (with code golf tag) can only be interpreted as being required to search this entire space and report any solution (or "none" if exhausted), which leaves little room for ingenuity and requires astronomical timescales. I suggest you make this a code challenge, considering success rate and time, and either reduce the influence of code length on the score or eliminate it altogether. – Level River St – 2015-08-26T06:12:39.977

Counting the number of possible game states instead of paths I get a smaller number: around 4^52 = 2E30. Still, this is too large to search exhaustively – Level River St – 2015-08-26T06:24:42.907

@steveverrill I have a golfable Python program that solves the test cases in about 2 seconds. I believe this shouldn't be too bad as a code-golf if the program is required to terminate in a reasonable about of time. – PurkkaKoodari – 2015-08-26T06:28:04.957

@Pietu1998 Can your program be mathematically demonstrated to be capable of solving all possible test cases? If not, then by my interpretation of the current rules it's an invalid (but interesting) entry. They suspected that Rubik's cube could always be solved in 20 moves once they had analysed all symmetrical positions. But it wasn't proved until decades later, when all positions were exhaustively searched. If the requirement is to solve the test cases that should be stated, but it would make the question vulnerable to hardcoding. With that approach, a wider set of test cases would help – Level River St – 2015-08-26T06:39:41.740

An alternative for exhaustive searches (which is what the current rules appear to require) would be to use a reduced deck of 16 cards, giving a search space of 4^16 = 2^32, which can be fully searched in a few minutes. – Level River St – 2015-08-26T06:43:07.270

@steveverrill Well, my program just does a depth-first search through all possibilities. I assume that'd mean a trivial test case might take 1000 years. – PurkkaKoodari – 2015-08-26T06:43:15.337

@steveverrill There are unsolvable accordion games. For example KC QD JH TS 9C 8D 7H 6S 5C 4D 3H 2S AC KD QH JS TC 9D 8H 7S 6C 5D 4H 3S 2C AD KH QS JC TD 9H 8S 7C 6D 5H 4S 3C 2D AH KS QC JD TH 9S 8C 7D 6H 5S 4C 3D 2H AS. But the question assumes a solvable input. – orlp – 2015-08-26T06:44:53.003

@orlp indeed CDHS repeated 13 times is not solvable. The question does not currently state that the input will be solvable, nor is there any bound on how difficult it might be to solve. That's why I think this question as it stands is too broad, unless someone can come up with a decent mathematical analysis. I like the question though. (As an example of the issue I am trying to highlight, consider that there are implementations of quicksort which work great on random input, but run at a snail's pace when fed an already sorted input.) – Level River St – 2015-08-26T06:55:04.207

@steveverrill The question does state that: " You can assume that each input is solvable. " And for fun: .

– orlp – 2015-08-26T06:59:45.020

Orlp: Oops, I missed that. Given that @Pietu1998 says he has found a reasonable average time complexity (which is an important discovery), maybe the question is OK as it is, despite the fact that the worst case time complexity may be astronomical. – Level River St – 2015-08-26T07:12:36.270

@steveverrill Well, my solution is astronomically slow without memoization, but by adding a memoizer it's rather quick. – PurkkaKoodari – 2015-08-26T07:28:18.737

1@Pietu1998 and therein lies the problem. I assume the memorizer is costing you bytes, so you should submit the version without the memorizer as the golfed version, but then it becomes impossible to test on a 52 card deck. Codegolf doesn't work well as a scoring system on problems with large search spaces. – Level River St – 2015-08-26T07:33:35.800

@steveverrill Well, I could submit both versions. The memoizer [sic] does not change the behavior of the program, so I believe I can still claim the byte count of the golfed program while testing with the memoizer. – PurkkaKoodari – 2015-08-26T07:36:34.053

3I'm ok with astronomical runtimes for those wanting to be code-golf competitive. However, people are certainly able (and encouraged) to post answers that aren't competitive, and are about run-time. – Nathan Merrill – 2015-08-26T07:41:33.133

4Furthermore, if you are wanting to test a code-golf solution, a 52-card deck is not needed. A 16-card (4 suit) deck should provide short runtimes, and verify correctness. – Nathan Merrill – 2015-08-26T07:50:30.573

@NathanMerrill With that clarification, I've retracted my close vote, and upvoted the question. I suggest you edit those points into the question. Note that according to my analysis, 16 cards in worst case might still take several minutes. – Level River St – 2015-08-26T07:56:31.967



Python 3, 274 272 271 bytes

2 bytes saved thanks to @orlp.

def g(p):
 q=lambda a:[[i,a]for i in range(len(p)-a)if p[i][:-1]==p[i+a][:-1]or p[i][-1]in p[i+a]]
 for n in q(1)+q(3):
  if g(c):return p[n[0]]+' <- '+p[s]+','+g(c)
 return' 'if len(p)<2else[]

This is extremely slow. However, you can try it with a memoize. This has a few extra list-tuple conversions, but is otherwise equivalent.

import functools
def g(p):
 q=lambda a:[[i,a]for i in range(len(p)-a)if p[i][:-1]==p[i+a][:-1]or p[i][-1]in p[i+a]]
 for n in q(1)+q(3):
  if g(tuple(c)):return p[n[0]]+' <- '+p[s]+','+g(tuple(c))
 return' 'if len(p)<2else[]

Even this one is astronomically slow with certain inputs.

The code uses strings, not numbers, so it also supports notation like KH instead of 13H.


$ python
7S <- 7D,7D <- 12D,3C <- 5C,12H <- 9H,11C <- 2C,3S <- 12S,13D <- 1D,1D <- 9D,9D <- 9S,2S <- 6S,7H <- 1H,6S <- 8S,1H <- 2H,8S <- 11S,2H <- 9H,10D <- 2D,9H <- 4H,4H <- 4C,5C <- 4C,4D <- 4C,4C <- 12C,10S <- 11S,11H <- 11S,6H <- 3H,12D <- 2D,12C <- 2C,2C <- 6C,6C <- 8C,12S <- 13S,5D <- 6D,6D <- 8D,8D <- 3D,4S <- 9S,13S <- 9S,11D <- 3D,7C <- 1C,1S <- 1C,1C <- 13C,8C <- 13C,13C <- 13H,13H <- 10H,2D <- 3D,3D <- 3H,3H <- 8H,8H <- 10H,11S <- 5S,5H <- 10H,5S <- 9S,10H <- 10C,10C <- 9C,9C <- 9S


Posted 2015-08-26T04:19:48.290

Reputation: 16 699

Use functools.lru_cache instead of writing your own. – orlp – 2015-08-26T10:48:37.127

@orlp I would, but as list is unhashable it doesn't work. – PurkkaKoodari – 2015-08-26T11:15:06.677

Then use tuples. – orlp – 2015-08-26T11:16:27.007

@orlp OK, but that would require changes to the code (e.g. str.split returns list). I'd prefer the two programs to be functionally equivalent. – PurkkaKoodari – 2015-08-26T11:17:10.793

You could do h=lambda p:lru_cache(None)(g)(''.join(p)). – orlp – 2015-08-26T11:20:34.650

@orlp That becomes another problem with c[n[0]]=p[s]. I'll just go with these changes and standard lru_cache – PurkkaKoodari – 2015-08-26T11:25:11.523

h=lambda p:lru_cache(None)(lambda q:g(list(q)))(tuple(p)) – orlp – 2015-08-26T11:27:13.870

Let us continue this discussion in chat.

– PurkkaKoodari – 2015-08-26T11:28:57.567

The step 1S <- 11D appears in your example solution, which is invalid. Also, I think your solution more generally has the issue that it always attempts the first possible move, and this sometimes produces no solution when one in fact exists. – isaacg – 2015-08-26T14:26:07.687

@isaacg Thanks, there was an in leftover from some previous golfing + undo-redo. I believe it'll always give a solution, it's a depth-first search that tries all moves. – PurkkaKoodari – 2015-08-26T14:30:44.517

@Pietu1998 Right, I see it now. – isaacg – 2015-08-26T14:56:47.647